Trump explains devastating condition that kept him from Vietnam War

New York Times (7/18/2015): "Asked about his own military draft status, Mr. Trump, 69, said he had received medical deferments from the Vietnam War because of a bone spur in his foot. Mr. Trump could not recall which foot had been afflicted."
What's Hilary's excuse for not serving in Vietnam?
She didn't want to expose herself to sniper fire in a hot LZ...
While Mc Cain was at the Hanoi Hilton, Obama was lighting up doobies with a communist bomber.

Um. No. When McCain was at the Hanoi Hilton...

Obama was grammar school.

Now do try to keep up.

Barack Obama was born in 1961.
John McCain was capture in 1967
He was released in 1973

Which means Obama was between 6 and 11 when McCain was at the Hanoi Hilton.
And Obama is a Speilberg Feinstein Hollywood creation, a scripted candidate of the anti American, anti capitalistic, socialistic radical left, financed by Soros and co. Welcome to the system.

Yawn. I realize being a Zionist you have no idea what real democracy looks like (Hint, we let the darkies vote) but Obama won because Bush fucked up the country so bad that lifelong republicans had to give it a second thought.
I'm here. I speak for America, and not a party. Party politics is the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's presently in. We need Americans running government, and NOT a party, or parties.

Today's politicians are putting party affiliation ahead of their own country. It isn't their fault, it's the system. If you don't tow the line, your party will whack you out of office. It's like a mafia today.
It's the voters' fault. Politicians do NOT waltz into Washington and take a seat, voters put them there. If you give the keys to the vault, to a thief, and the thief steals the money, is it the thief's fault the bank got robbed? Politicians do what voters allow them to do. Blame the stupid voters for allowing what we're seeing and experiencing to take place.

Not the voter's fault. They only go by what advertising tells them. It's the sale of politicians to the highest bidder that did it. Thanks Citizens United.
only a deaf,dumb and blind "party" person would go by what an ad tells you......if you question those doing the talking this condition usually goes away....

If that were true, then money in politics wouldn't be a problem.
show me what i said that isnt the truth?....
im embarrassed for both sides,the far left and right should make many people want to cut the cord from their "party".... they are both embarrassing...

But only one has Trump leading their polls.
and only one has Clinton leading what a choice....

And you think Clinton and Trump are evenly matched. You poor thing.
I don't think anyone believes that, and I haven't seen anyone say that. I think that you're trying to twist what someone said to mean what you want it to mean.

That's what was implied in the post I responded to.
thats what you read....where did i say or "imply" what your saying?....
And Obama is a Speilberg Feinstein Hollywood creation, a scripted candidate of the anti American, anti capitalistic, socialistic radical left, financed by Soros and co. Welcome to the system.

Yawn. I realize being a Zionist you have no idea what real democracy looks like (Hint, we let the darkies vote) but Obama won because Bush fucked up the country so bad that lifelong republicans had to give it a second thought.

Already said that. Now a republican is going to win because Obama fucked it up even worse than Bush. And on it goes.
While Mc Cain was at the Hanoi Hilton, Obama was lighting up doobies with a communist bomber.

Um. No. When McCain was at the Hanoi Hilton...

Obama was grammar school.

Now do try to keep up.

Barack Obama was born in 1961.
John McCain was capture in 1967
He was released in 1973

Which means Obama was between 6 and 11 when McCain was at the Hanoi Hilton.

Blah blah blah. Read what I wrote before you repeat a gotcha post others have already posted.
Already said that. Now a republican is going to win because Obama fucked it up even worse than Bush. And on it goes.

Uh, no, Zionist. Not gonna happen. Hillary is going to beat whichever passenger drops out of the Clown Car.

We shall see. It will be a repeat of the midterm elections for the Democrats, if not worse. Scott Walker is now surging ahead.
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Reagan spent us into bankruptcy buying weapons we didn't need to beat an empire that was already collapsing from the inside out.

He gets no kudos for that.
Ronald Reagan was the scripted puppet of the Military Industrial Complex and the financial ruling class that controls it. He was an actor who was known for responsive cooperation with directors.

You are among the few who were not deluded by the role he played according to the script he was given. My compliments for that.

It must get boring to sit at the keyboard all day copying from your crib notes to reply to discussions brought to your attention by your search engines.

It certainly cannot be true that such an inane, ignorant post could otherwise be composed.
It must get boring to sit at the keyboard all day copying from your crib notes to reply to discussions brought to your attention by your search engines.

It certainly cannot be true that such an inane, ignorant post could otherwise be composed.
Sorry for the pain my comments on your hero, The Great Pretender, caused you, but the sooner you are able to understand and accept that Ronald Reagan was a puppet of the super-rich who successfully set about to sabotage the mechanics of the system which was responsible for the most economically progressive decades in our history the better able you'll be to comprehend the problem we're having today.

Hopefully you might respond with intelligent arguments rather than slinging shit like a caged monkey.

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