Trump explains devastating condition that kept him from Vietnam War

Sure you don't. When was the last time you voted for someone who didn't have an R beside his name?
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....

I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.

There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.

I have no affiliation. I liked the Reagan and Bill Clinton presidencies. A good president is one who knows how to control the radicals in his / her own party. Obama is more radical than most people in his own party, and Hillary is no Bill Clinton.
Reagan and Clinton didn't do anything for us. Look at where we are today.
Where is Hillary Clinton's military records?

What is there besides her heroic dodging of sniper fire in Bosnia and saving the ambassador to Libya's life after all those requests for more security?

She does have this amazing record of accomplishments as secretary of state to run on. LOL
I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.
im embarrassed for both sides,the far left and right should make many people want to cut the cord from their "party".... they are both embarrassing...

But only one has Trump leading their polls.
As he should be. How many other non-professional politicians are running for president?

Considering the list on that clown car.........a lot.
Please name them. Thanks.

Not sure if this is an accurate list. There are so many of them
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....

I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.

There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.

I have no affiliation. I liked the Reagan and Bill Clinton presidencies. A good president is one who knows how to control the radicals in his / her own party. Obama is more radical than most people in his own party, and Hillary is no Bill Clinton.
Reagan and Clinton didn't do anything for us. Look at where we are today.

Reagan turned America around after the disastrous Carter presidency and his peace through strength policy brought down the Soviet Empire. Clinton brought an era of unrivaled peace, prosperity, and security. Both had to deal with the hardliners in their own parties to make things happen. Their presidencies weren't perfect but we'd be lucky to have someone like that get elected to office in 2016.
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....

I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.

There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.
I'm here. I speak for America, and not a party. Party politics is the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's presently in. We need Americans running government, and NOT a party, or parties.

Today's politicians are putting party affiliation ahead of their own country. It isn't their fault, it's the system. If you don't tow the line, your party will whack you out of office. It's like a mafia today.
It's the voters' fault. Politicians do NOT waltz into Washington and take a seat, voters put them there. If you give the keys to the vault, to a thief, and the thief steals the money, is it the thief's fault the bank got robbed? Politicians do what voters allow them to do. Blame the stupid voters for allowing what we're seeing and experiencing to take place.
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....

I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.

There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.
I'm here. I speak for America, and not a party. Party politics is the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's presently in. We need Americans running government, and NOT a party, or parties.

Today's politicians are putting party affiliation ahead of their own country. It isn't their fault, it's the system. If you don't tow the line, your party will whack you out of office. It's like a mafia today.

It's not party affiliation. It's donor affiliation. Citizens united sold our political processes to the highest bidder.
im embarrassed for both sides,the far left and right should make many people want to cut the cord from their "party".... they are both embarrassing...

But only one has Trump leading their polls.
As he should be. How many other non-professional politicians are running for president?

Considering the list on that clown car.........a lot.
Please name them. Thanks.

Not sure if this is an accurate list. There are so many of them
View attachment 44980
You misunderstood me. I said non-professional politicians running for office.
I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.

There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.
I'm here. I speak for America, and not a party. Party politics is the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's presently in. We need Americans running government, and NOT a party, or parties.

Today's politicians are putting party affiliation ahead of their own country. It isn't their fault, it's the system. If you don't tow the line, your party will whack you out of office. It's like a mafia today.

It's not party affiliation. It's donor affiliation. Citizens united sold our political processes to the highest bidder.
But, an honest person can't be bought. Donors buy what can be bought. Every single professional politician seated in Washington is bought and paid for. If you doubt it, ask Lobbyists that control Washington politics.
I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.

There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.
I'm here. I speak for America, and not a party. Party politics is the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's presently in. We need Americans running government, and NOT a party, or parties.

Today's politicians are putting party affiliation ahead of their own country. It isn't their fault, it's the system. If you don't tow the line, your party will whack you out of office. It's like a mafia today.
It's the voters' fault. Politicians do NOT waltz into Washington and take a seat, voters put them there. If you give the keys to the vault, to a thief, and the thief steals the money, is it the thief's fault the bank got robbed? Politicians do what voters allow them to do. Blame the stupid voters for allowing what we're seeing and experiencing to take place.

Not the voter's fault. They only go by what advertising tells them. It's the sale of politicians to the highest bidder that did it. Thanks Citizens United.
I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.

There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.

I have no affiliation. I liked the Reagan and Bill Clinton presidencies. A good president is one who knows how to control the radicals in his / her own party. Obama is more radical than most people in his own party, and Hillary is no Bill Clinton.
Reagan and Clinton didn't do anything for us. Look at where we are today.

Reagan turned America around after the disastrous Carter presidency and his peace through strength policy brought down the Soviet Empire. Clinton brought an era of unrivaled peace, prosperity, and security. Both had to deal with the hardliners in their own parties to make things happen. Their presidencies weren't perfect but we'd be lucky to have someone like that get elected to office in 2016.
Where is the results of their efforts? Where are we today? What positive lasting change are they credited with? Didn't Clinton sell us out via foreign trade deals?
There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.
I'm here. I speak for America, and not a party. Party politics is the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's presently in. We need Americans running government, and NOT a party, or parties.

Today's politicians are putting party affiliation ahead of their own country. It isn't their fault, it's the system. If you don't tow the line, your party will whack you out of office. It's like a mafia today.
It's the voters' fault. Politicians do NOT waltz into Washington and take a seat, voters put them there. If you give the keys to the vault, to a thief, and the thief steals the money, is it the thief's fault the bank got robbed? Politicians do what voters allow them to do. Blame the stupid voters for allowing what we're seeing and experiencing to take place.

Not the voter's fault. They only go by what advertising tells them. It's the sale of politicians to the highest bidder that did it. Thanks Citizens United.
So, who holds a gun to the heads of voters at the polls on election day? Who forces voters to vote for professional politicians? I vote, and no one forces me to vote for them. FYI - Professional politicians do NOT just waltz into Washington and take a seat, the voters elect them. It's no one's fault except stupid dumb ass voters, period. I've never heard of anyone holding a gun to someone's head at the polls on election day. Have you?
Reagan turned America around after the disastrous Carter presidency and his peace through strength policy brought down the Soviet Empire. Clinton brought an era of unrivaled peace, prosperity, and security. Both had to deal with the hardliners in their own parties to make things happen. Their presidencies weren't perfect but we'd be lucky to have someone like that get elected to office in 2016.

Reagan spent us into bankruptcy buying weapons we didn't need to beat an empire that was already collapsing from the inside out.

He gets no kudos for that.
I couldn't care less about the GOP. I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, nor anything other than an American for America, period. Party politics doesn't mean anything to me. I don't play the stupid party BS.

Sure you don't. When was the last time you voted for someone who didn't have an R beside his name?
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....

I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.
im embarrassed for both sides,the far left and right should make many people want to cut the cord from their "party".... they are both embarrassing...

But only one has Trump leading their polls.
and only one has Clinton leading what a choice....
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....

I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.

There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.

I have no affiliation. I liked the Reagan and Bill Clinton presidencies. A good president is one who knows how to control the radicals in his / her own party. Obama is more radical than most people in his own party, and Hillary is no Bill Clinton.
Reagan and Clinton didn't do anything for us. Look at where we are today.
thats debatable Sonny.....under every President some people have gotten wealthier and others have done well, while others took a hit and some take a beating.....and this goes for Obama too....
There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.
I'm here. I speak for America, and not a party. Party politics is the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's presently in. We need Americans running government, and NOT a party, or parties.

Today's politicians are putting party affiliation ahead of their own country. It isn't their fault, it's the system. If you don't tow the line, your party will whack you out of office. It's like a mafia today.
It's the voters' fault. Politicians do NOT waltz into Washington and take a seat, voters put them there. If you give the keys to the vault, to a thief, and the thief steals the money, is it the thief's fault the bank got robbed? Politicians do what voters allow them to do. Blame the stupid voters for allowing what we're seeing and experiencing to take place.

Not the voter's fault. They only go by what advertising tells them. It's the sale of politicians to the highest bidder that did it. Thanks Citizens United.
only a deaf,dumb and blind "party" person would go by what an ad tells you......if you question those doing the talking this condition usually goes away....
I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.

There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.

I have no affiliation. I liked the Reagan and Bill Clinton presidencies. A good president is one who knows how to control the radicals in his / her own party. Obama is more radical than most people in his own party, and Hillary is no Bill Clinton.
Reagan and Clinton didn't do anything for us. Look at where we are today.
thats debatable Sonny.....under every President some people have gotten wealthier and others have done well, while others took a hit and some take a beating.....and this goes for Obama too....
Take a look at the big picture, across the board. EXAMPLES: poverty, dependency on government assistance programs, the cost of living, opportunities to be self-supporting, lost industries, our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, the injustices in our judicial system, senseless deadly costly wars, government corruption, the astronomical and rising national debt, illegal immigration, loss of privacy, foreign aid, no-bid government contracts, the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, our growing prison population, unaffordable health care, the cost of higher education, our rundown infrastructure, the mistreatment of our Vets, pork spending, taxation without fair, equal, and just representation, our deteriorating relationships with our allies, wasteful spending, and not enough spend on the development of alternative energy sources.
There are many that have no true party affiliation.

I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.
I'm here. I speak for America, and not a party. Party politics is the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's presently in. We need Americans running government, and NOT a party, or parties.

Today's politicians are putting party affiliation ahead of their own country. It isn't their fault, it's the system. If you don't tow the line, your party will whack you out of office. It's like a mafia today.
It's the voters' fault. Politicians do NOT waltz into Washington and take a seat, voters put them there. If you give the keys to the vault, to a thief, and the thief steals the money, is it the thief's fault the bank got robbed? Politicians do what voters allow them to do. Blame the stupid voters for allowing what we're seeing and experiencing to take place.

Not the voter's fault. They only go by what advertising tells them. It's the sale of politicians to the highest bidder that did it. Thanks Citizens United.
Does Citizens United hold a gun to voters heads? Sure, crooks can be bought, and they are bought. And, stupid dumb ass voters vote for them.
Sure you don't. When was the last time you voted for someone who didn't have an R beside his name?
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....

I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.
im embarrassed for both sides,the far left and right should make many people want to cut the cord from their "party".... they are both embarrassing...

But only one has Trump leading their polls.
and only one has Clinton leading what a choice....

And you think Clinton and Trump are evenly matched. You poor thing.
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....

I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.
im embarrassed for both sides,the far left and right should make many people want to cut the cord from their "party".... they are both embarrassing...

But only one has Trump leading their polls.
and only one has Clinton leading what a choice....

And you think Clinton and Trump are evenly matched. You poor thing.
I don't think anyone believes that, and I haven't seen anyone say that. I think that you're trying to twist what someone said to mean what you want it to mean.
I suppose, but they don't come around here very often.
I'm here. I speak for America, and not a party. Party politics is the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's presently in. We need Americans running government, and NOT a party, or parties.

Today's politicians are putting party affiliation ahead of their own country. It isn't their fault, it's the system. If you don't tow the line, your party will whack you out of office. It's like a mafia today.
It's the voters' fault. Politicians do NOT waltz into Washington and take a seat, voters put them there. If you give the keys to the vault, to a thief, and the thief steals the money, is it the thief's fault the bank got robbed? Politicians do what voters allow them to do. Blame the stupid voters for allowing what we're seeing and experiencing to take place.

Not the voter's fault. They only go by what advertising tells them. It's the sale of politicians to the highest bidder that did it. Thanks Citizens United.
only a deaf,dumb and blind "party" person would go by what an ad tells you......if you question those doing the talking this condition usually goes away....

If that were true, then money in politics wouldn't be a problem.

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