Trump explains devastating condition that kept him from Vietnam War

go to your basement hideaway. your obsessions over trump are becoming quite boring

NONE of you had a hardon over Billy Clinton and Obama NEVER serving THEIR COUNTRY in the Military

Clinton and Obama didn't diss the guy who did.

Trump just did that, which SHOULD be teh end of his campaign in a sane world.

The GOP Passed sane a long time ago.
Trump isn't immune to foot in mouth disease.

Do you think this was a slip of the tongue? Or do you think Trump told us what he really thinks?

Its pretty clearly the latter.

I think Trump has a big ego and he was trying to win and argument in public, and in the process managed to put his foot squarely in his mouth. He isn't that insane to think like that. Unfortunately this is what happens when you speak spontaneously and never listen to what your advisors have to say.
Trump has advisors????
Of course he does

Yes Sir
You are right Sir
Trump was a true Vietnam war hero

Unlike McCain...he avoided capture by the enemy by dodging the draft
Once again YOU are showing how truly stupid YOU are.
McCain was not drafted.
No, he graduated near the bottom of his class at Annapolis. Such a disappointment, as his father and grandfather were admirals.
His father and grandfather were admirals
John McCain was a Senator for over twenty years and Presidential candidate
I wonder what condition kept the chicken hawk, rubio, from joining up since he seems so happy to send the military in harms way.
New York Times (7/18/2015): "Asked about his own military draft status, Mr. Trump, 69, said he had received medical deferments from the Vietnam War because of a bone spur in his foot. Mr. Trump could not recall which foot had been afflicted."

LBJ and the rest of the Progs tried to kill him off by sending him to Vietnam.

Maybe the Mexican drug lord can finish the job for them.
Please explain how Trump is any worse than what we have now, or have had since 1963. And which candidate running for president is any better than trump, and why? Thanks.

Trump is a moronic douchebag.

I hope that clears things up.
Nope. That doesn't clear anything up. To me, it's just an opinion, nothing more. Anyone could say the exact same thing about any of the candidates. Just curious, what makes you think that he's a moronic douchebag? Care to go into detail?
Unlike McCain, Trump knew how to evade the Vietnamese forces.
Dumbass McCain hid in the jungle after he ejected. Trump hid in Manhattan where Charlie couldn't find him

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When is Donald Trump going to stop embarrassing other people?! Seriously. I'm not in love with McCain, but I'm sick of Trump's dirty words. He'd better keep his mouth closed.
When McCain was running for president libs said the same thing. In fact, libs said McCain was a traitor who sold out.

This is funny.
hey Katz why dont you tell us how Trump wasnt old enough for Vietnam like you did in the other thread ......

Meh who cares. Assuming he avoided serving, so what? Everybody was trying to do that back then.

The best the GOP has to offer indeed. I think Sonny summed him up best: Trump: He can't be worse!

So much for all that babble about how a president needs executive experience or military experience. I guess all the criticism the GOP levied at Obama on that front was just complete horseshit.
Trump has TEN BILLION dollars MORE executive experience then Hillary OR Obama OR Bill.
yea he can make a buck....but can he be the leader this country needs right now?...i dont think he can....his whole adult life has been about making a buck and probably not caring about all those he may have fucked over to get it.......i guess that describes todays politicians,but its not the kinda leader we need right now.....we need someone who can get this Country moving again,uniting people to the same cause,bring industry back to this Country.....
You don't agree with me that Trump is the best that the GOP has to offer and should definitely be the GOP nominee for President of the United States?

Say it ain't so.
As of today, he's the best that either party has to offer.

Honestly, I think he's the best the party can offer.

Thanks to Oblahblah, America will vote for the worst the GOP has to offer than the Democratic best.
In my opinion, and I'll bet the farm on it, voters will once again elect a professional politician to run this country. Voters never learn.
Hate unites a people faster then anything. And right now people HATE Illegals AND Islamic terrorists AND America getting screwed. And ALL three of those things point DIRECTLY at democrats.
half the country has "hated" the other side for some time now for various reasons over the whats changed?....
Please explain how Trump is any worse than what we have now, or have had since 1963. And which candidate running for president is any better than trump, and why? Thanks.

Trump is by far the best that the GOP has to offer. You should definitely make that man the GOP presidential candidate.
He certainly can't be any worse that what we have now, or have had since 1963. And, it makes no difference to me which party he represents. I couldn't care less about party politics. The party is not important, it's he leadership that counts. Voters play into party politics way too much.

Trump: He can't be any Worse!

If that's not a ringing endorsement, I don't know what is. You guys run with that. As it is truly the best the GOP can offer.
I couldn't care less about the GOP. I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, nor anything other than an American for America, period. Party politics doesn't mean anything to me. I don't play the stupid party BS.

Sure you don't. When was the last time you voted for someone who didn't have an R beside his name?
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....
Trump was a true Vietnam war hero

Unlike McCain...he avoided capture by the enemy by dodging the draft
Once again YOU are showing how truly stupid YOU are.
McCain was not drafted.
Too funny
The funny thing is McCain is YOUR boy. He's a well known Rino in the party. And Rino's are on their way out.
and if the farther right are digging in deeper.....then many moderate Republicans may find themselves following those RINOS....
Trump is by far the best that the GOP has to offer. You should definitely make that man the GOP presidential candidate.
He certainly can't be any worse that what we have now, or have had since 1963. And, it makes no difference to me which party he represents. I couldn't care less about party politics. The party is not important, it's he leadership that counts. Voters play into party politics way too much.

Trump: He can't be any Worse!

If that's not a ringing endorsement, I don't know what is. You guys run with that. As it is truly the best the GOP can offer.
I couldn't care less about the GOP. I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, nor anything other than an American for America, period. Party politics doesn't mean anything to me. I don't play the stupid party BS.

Sure you don't. When was the last time you voted for someone who didn't have an R beside his name?
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....

I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.
While McCain was waiting out the war in the hot tub at the Hanoi Hilton, Trump was fighting the battle of Manhattan, evicting poor people from their homes, purging minorities and fighting off bankruptcy
He certainly can't be any worse that what we have now, or have had since 1963. And, it makes no difference to me which party he represents. I couldn't care less about party politics. The party is not important, it's he leadership that counts. Voters play into party politics way too much.

Trump: He can't be any Worse!

If that's not a ringing endorsement, I don't know what is. You guys run with that. As it is truly the best the GOP can offer.
I couldn't care less about the GOP. I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, nor anything other than an American for America, period. Party politics doesn't mean anything to me. I don't play the stupid party BS.

Sure you don't. When was the last time you voted for someone who didn't have an R beside his name?
some of us vote for who we want to vote for,not just because its my "party".....

I keep hearing that from a lot of right wingers. It's almost like they are embarrassed to admit where their loyalties are. That's OK. I would be embarrassed to admit I was a right winger too.

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