Trump explains devastating condition that kept him from Vietnam War

Bad feet has been a reasonable reason since WW2.

Laughing.....oh, did the GOP find its perfect candidate in Trump.
Bone spurs or flat feet have been a standing reason for a no entry since WW2. That's just a fact. What WAS Bill's Or Obama's Excuse?

Of course. I mean, bone spurs hurt. What is 5 years of torture in a POW camp and permenant disability compared to those? Their so awful that Trump can't even remember what foot they were in. Trump is clearly the true hero here, having to endure that kind of agony.

Its like someone genetically designed this guy to represent the GOP's true values.
What was Clinton's reason for NOT going?
What was Obama's reason for not going?

The reason why President Obama did not go to Vietnam during the war is because he was a kid. You do know President Obama was born in 1961 and when he was of age to join the Military it would have been 1979, so why ask such stupid questions?

As for Bill Clinton the answer is simple and he was a draft dodger just like Trump, Cheney, and even George W. Bush that was sent to the National Guard so he would not be drafted and sent to Vietnam.

Now I know you will write about how George W. Bush wanted to go, and my words are so wrong but the reality is back during Vietnam the National Guard was where you hid your kid if you did not want them sent to Vietnam, Bush was also a coward!

So why do you support the words of Trump against someone like McCain that served his nation during a war that was hated?
Well, first why don't you qualify how Bush was a coward, prove that Trump and Cheney dodged the draft, and if they did why it wasn't okay for them but cool for Clinton to. True, if someone claims that Obama dodged the draft to avoid going to Vietnam that that person is silly, but tell me who Obama would go to war to defend?
Bad feet has been a reasonable reason since WW2.

Laughing.....oh, did the GOP find its perfect candidate in Trump.
Bone spurs or flat feet have been a standing reason for a no entry since WW2. That's just a fact. What WAS Bill's Or Obama's Excuse?

Of course. I mean, bone spurs hurt. What is 5 years of torture in a POW camp and permenant disability compared to those? Their so awful that Trump can't even remember what foot they were in. Trump is clearly the true hero here, having to endure that kind of agony.

Its like someone genetically designed this guy to represent the GOP's true values.
What was Clinton's reason for NOT going?
What was Obama's reason for not going?

The reason why President Obama did not go to Vietnam during the war is because he was a kid. You do know President Obama was born in 1961 and when he was of age to join the Military it would have been 1979, so why ask such stupid questions?

As for Bill Clinton the answer is simple and he was a draft dodger just like Trump, Cheney, and even George W. Bush that was sent to the National Guard so he would not be drafted and sent to Vietnam.

Now I know you will write about how George W. Bush wanted to go, and my words are so wrong but the reality is back during Vietnam the National Guard was where you hid your kid if you did not want them sent to Vietnam, Bush was also a coward!

So why do you support the words of Trump against someone like McCain that served his nation during a war that was hated?
The draft did not end when the war did. The draft ended much later..

Oh Gee whiz! His card is fake!
Of course. I mean, bone spurs hurt. What is 5 years of torture in a POW camp and permenant disability compared to those?
First, there is some authoritative question as to whether McCain was tortured.


Two former POWs, Air Force Colonels Ted Guy and Gordon “Swede” Larson, told the Phoenix New Times in 1999 that they doubted McCain was tortured or harmed while a prisoner. Both Guy and Larson were senior ranking officers in McCain’s POW camp at a time he claims he was in solitary confinement and being tortured.

“Between the two of us, it’s our belief, and to the best of our knowledge, that no prisoner was beaten or harmed physically in (the Plantation),” Larson stated.

“My only contention with the McCain deal is that while he was at the Plantation, he was not physically abused in any way. No one was in that camp.”

McCain the War Hero Has No Clothes


There are many similar contradictions and refutations of McCain's claims about his experience as a POW. The thing to keep in mind is the strongest argument against Trump's comment is his lack of military service.
Of course. I mean, bone spurs hurt. What is 5 years of torture in a POW camp and permenant disability compared to those?
First, there is some authoritative question as to whether McCain was tortured.


Two former POWs, Air Force Colonels Ted Guy and Gordon “Swede” Larson, told the Phoenix New Times in 1999 that they doubted McCain was tortured or harmed while a prisoner. Both Guy and Larson were senior ranking officers in McCain’s POW camp at a time he claims he was in solitary confinement and being tortured.

“Between the two of us, it’s our belief, and to the best of our knowledge, that no prisoner was beaten or harmed physically in (the Plantation),” Larson stated.

“My only contention with the McCain deal is that while he was at the Plantation, he was not physically abused in any way. No one was in that camp.”

McCain the War Hero Has No Clothes


There are many similar contradictions and refutations of McCain's claims about his experience as a POW. The thing to keep in mind is the strongest argument against Trump's comment is his lack of military service.
Which is no argument when someone's motive is to expose fraud.
Laughing.....oh, did the GOP find its perfect candidate in Trump.
Bone spurs or flat feet have been a standing reason for a no entry since WW2. That's just a fact. What WAS Bill's Or Obama's Excuse?

Of course. I mean, bone spurs hurt. What is 5 years of torture in a POW camp and permenant disability compared to those? Their so awful that Trump can't even remember what foot they were in. Trump is clearly the true hero here, having to endure that kind of agony.

Its like someone genetically designed this guy to represent the GOP's true values.
What was Clinton's reason for NOT going?
What was Obama's reason for not going?

The reason why President Obama did not go to Vietnam during the war is because he was a kid. You do know President Obama was born in 1961 and when he was of age to join the Military it would have been 1979, so why ask such stupid questions?

As for Bill Clinton the answer is simple and he was a draft dodger just like Trump, Cheney, and even George W. Bush that was sent to the National Guard so he would not be drafted and sent to Vietnam.

Now I know you will write about how George W. Bush wanted to go, and my words are so wrong but the reality is back during Vietnam the National Guard was where you hid your kid if you did not want them sent to Vietnam, Bush was also a coward!

So why do you support the words of Trump against someone like McCain that served his nation during a war that was hated?
Well, first why don't you qualify how Bush was a coward, prove that Trump and Cheney dodged the draft, and if they did why it wasn't okay for them but cool for Clinton to. True, if someone claims that Obama dodged the draft to avoid going to Vietnam that that person is silly, but tell me who Obama would go to war to defend?

I swear to God you Tea party fuckers can not read because I also wrote Clinton was a fucking Coward and a draft dodger too!!!

Also the stupid mother fucker that wrote about why Obama did not go did not do the fucking math seeing Obama was too young to serve during Vietnam and now you want to ask what war would he have fought in, and here is my mother fucking answer and he would have not fought in any fucking war!

I am sick with the stupid shit and the fact is Trump is a fucking coward just like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton, but please just focus on the first three and ignore my comment about Clinton, alright!

Also why not Google, Bing or Yahoo the fact the National Guard during Vietnam was a hiding place for rich punk bitches like George W. Bush. Also Trump could not remember which foot he had those so call bone spurs in which meant he used a fake medical condition to dodge the draft, but you will claim that is alright because Clinton was a draft dodger too, so why not support the retarded asshole name Trump?

Any other fucking questions or should I explain your question was just typical Tea Panty bullshit as usual?
Laughing.....oh, did the GOP find its perfect candidate in Trump.
Bone spurs or flat feet have been a standing reason for a no entry since WW2. That's just a fact. What WAS Bill's Or Obama's Excuse?

Of course. I mean, bone spurs hurt. What is 5 years of torture in a POW camp and permenant disability compared to those? Their so awful that Trump can't even remember what foot they were in. Trump is clearly the true hero here, having to endure that kind of agony.

Its like someone genetically designed this guy to represent the GOP's true values.
What was Clinton's reason for NOT going?
What was Obama's reason for not going?

The reason why President Obama did not go to Vietnam during the war is because he was a kid. You do know President Obama was born in 1961 and when he was of age to join the Military it would have been 1979, so why ask such stupid questions?

As for Bill Clinton the answer is simple and he was a draft dodger just like Trump, Cheney, and even George W. Bush that was sent to the National Guard so he would not be drafted and sent to Vietnam.

Now I know you will write about how George W. Bush wanted to go, and my words are so wrong but the reality is back during Vietnam the National Guard was where you hid your kid if you did not want them sent to Vietnam, Bush was also a coward!

So why do you support the words of Trump against someone like McCain that served his nation during a war that was hated?
The draft did not end when the war did. The draft ended much later..

Oh Gee whiz! His card is fake!

Are you fucking kidding me?

Conscription ( The fucking DRAFT ) was ended before President Obama was eligible to be drafted and you want to stay stuck on stupid as usual?

On February 2, 1972, a drawing was held to determine draft priority numbers for men born in 1953, but in early 1973 it was announced by Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird that no further draft orders would be issued.[65][66] In March 1973, 1974, and 1975, the Selective Service assigned draft priority numbers for all men born in 1954, 1955, and 1956, in case the draft was extended, but it never was.[67]

Command Sergeant Major Jeff Mellinger, the last drafted enlisted ranked soldier still on active duty, retired in 2011.[68]

Chief Warrant Officer 5 Ralph E. Rigby,[69] the last Vietnam-era drafted soldier of Warrant Officer rank, retired from the army in November 10, 2014 after a 42-year career. "

Conscription in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

At least try not to be so dishonest, oh wait stupid fucking Tea Pantiers can't help it!
Trump isn't immune to foot in mouth disease.

Do you think this was a slip of the tongue? Or do you think Trump told us what he really thinks?

Its pretty clearly the latter.

I think Trump has a big ego and he was trying to win and argument in public, and in the process managed to put his foot squarely in his mouth. He isn't that insane to think like that. Unfortunately this is what happens when you speak spontaneously and never listen to what your advisors have to say.
Trump has advisors????
Well Trump said he doesn't like people that were captured. Trump found the best way to avoid that fate: not to fight to defend your country.
That implicit argument would be totally valid if the issue were based on WWII, but it isn't. It's based on the Vietnam debacle which was not a war but an entirely unnecessary military interference in the affairs of another nation. Like the Iraq invasion, our adventure in Vietnam was totally and unjustifiably aggressive and it represented absolutely no threat to the security of the U.S.

For that reason I have never felt or expressed criticism for anyone who admitted deliberately evading being conscripted to fight in Vietnam. In fact, Trump would improve his image by admitting he did that and saying why.

Personally, I wish my nineteen year-old cousin, who was drafted, sent to Vietnam and died five weeks after arriving there had done something to avoid or evade it -- even going to Canada if necessary. He died for no good reason and it was a terrible loss to us.
Neither Clinton nor Obama came out and talked sh*t about some guy who suffered a lot in the Vietnam War though.
That is quite true and valid. But the relevant fact remains that one who "suffered a lot" in the Vietnam debacle is unfortunate, not "heroic."
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Trump was a true Vietnam war hero

Unlike McCain...he avoided capture by the enemy by dodging the draft
Once again YOU are showing how truly stupid YOU are.
McCain was not drafted.
Too funny
The funny thing is McCain is YOUR boy. He's a well known Rino in the party. And Rino's are on their way out.

I have always thought John McCain and John Kerry are American heroes who risked their lives for their country

obviously Republicans do not
Oh but how YOU forget the VERY things YOU and OTHER liberals have said in the past. I just happened to find the thread on THIS board by liberal members on THIS board saying the SAME thing. Questioning McCain.
Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You almost gotta laugh when the ignorant prog left starts an argument about the Vietnam draft. Were they born yesterday or to they assume the rest of us are as ignorant as they are? What devastating condition kept Hillary's husband from being drafted? Slick Willie lied to his draft board about joining the reserves and then he lied to the reserves. To add insult to injury the left wing radicals parlayed Slick Willie's draft dodger status into a winning issue when they called a genuine Military hero a "wimp" and won the election.
New York Times (7/18/2015): "Asked about his own military draft status, Mr. Trump, 69, said he had received medical deferments from the Vietnam War because of a bone spur in his foot. Mr. Trump could not recall which foot had been afflicted."
At least he can actually prove he is a US citizen and produce a birth certificate in a timely manner, unlike bozo.

What about the COLB that Obama in 2008 released wasn't 'timely'?
The one from Hawaii with no state seal that wasn't produced until months after he was elected and with a lot of pressure? Nope.
go to your basement hideaway. your obsessions over trump are becoming quite boring

NONE of you had a hardon over Billy Clinton and Obama NEVER serving THEIR COUNTRY in the Military

go vote for your THREE choices for the Democrats. two old WHITE corrupted fogies and another WHITE somebody called, O'Malley.

don't worry your wee head off over the Republicans. shoo
Double down on Trump, two deserve each other.
Trump isn't immune to foot in mouth disease.

Do you think this was a slip of the tongue? Or do you think Trump told us what he really thinks?

Its pretty clearly the latter.

I think Trump has a big ego and he was trying to win and argument in public, and in the process managed to put his foot squarely in his mouth. He isn't that insane to think like that. Unfortunately this is what happens when you speak spontaneously and never listen to what your advisors have to say.
Trump has advisors????

Supposedly, but he decides whether to listen to them or not.

Organization of Donald J. Trump for President Inc. - Staff Advisors and Supporters

Donald Trump Hires Three Key Advisors in Iowa
You almost gotta laugh when the ignorant prog left starts an argument about the Vietnam draft. Were they born yesterday or to they assume the rest of us are as ignorant as they are? What devastating condition kept Hillary's husband from being drafted? Slick Willie lied to his draft board about joining the reserves and then he lied to the reserves. To add insult to injury the left wing radicals parlayed Slick Willie's draft dodger status into a winning issue when they called a genuine Military hero a "wimp" and won the election.

Yeah, the left had a whole procession of protestors waiting to call the returning soldiers who were coming back from the war, mass murderers. LOL
Neither Clinton nor Obama came out and talked sh*t about some guy who suffered a lot in the Vietnam War though.
That is quite true and valid. But the relevant fact remains that one who "suffered a lot" in the Vietnam debacle is unfortunate, not a "hero."

What is a hero? A hero is basically a label you put on people.

hero definition of hero in Oxford dictionary American English US

"A person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities:a war hero"

American Heritage Dictionary Entry Hero

"2. A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life:soldiers and nurses who were heroes in an unpopular war."

Definition of hero Collins English Dictionary


  1. a man distinguished by exceptional courage, nobility, fortitude, etc"

    So there are different definitions for the term anyway.

    The Oxford dictionary might suggest that McCain has a lot of courage, or had an outstanding achievement in the he suffered in a PoW camp for a long time and survived and managed to pick up his life and get on with things.

    The American Heritage dictionary says someone who has risked or sacrificed his or her life, I mean, that sums up McCain, how much of his life did he sacrifice for a war that was really a waste of time?

    The collins dictionary says courage, I'd say that what happened to him took courage to pick himself up after all of that, and survive it in the name of the country.

    So, I'd say he meets dictionary definitions of being a hero.

I have always thought John McCain and John Kerry are American heroes who risked their lives for their country.

But the reality is our actions in Vietnam were totally counterproductive. So nothing McCain and Kerry did was in any way beneficial to their country. Their efforts were beneficial to only the Military Industrial Complex and to the corrupt and/or incompetent politicians and officials who expanded and prolonged the debacle even after it was seen to be a major mistake.

Vietnam was not a war. It was something other.
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I have always thought John McCain and John Kerry are American heroes who risked their lives for their country.

But the reality is our actions in Vietnam were totally counterproductive. So nothing McCain and Kerry did was in any way beneficial to their country. Their efforts were beneficial to only the Military Industrial Complex and to the corrupt and/or incompetent politicians and officials who expanded and prolonged the debacle once it was seen to be a major mistake.

Vietnam was not a war. It was something other.
Yes, I agree that Vietnam was a special case. I do believe that anyone enlisting is exceptionally courageous even in a non-wartime time. I don't fault those who avoided the draft in the Vietnam days because that war was being conducted so suicidally. I used to like McCain but he's too bipartisan, which renders him untrustworthy to me. I much prefer someone who talks and thinks like Trump; in fact, there are no other politicians or ex-politicians or candidates, except for Sarah Palin, who I agree with more than Trump.

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