Trump explains devastating condition that kept him from Vietnam War

While McCain was living a life of luxury in the Hanoi Hilton, Trump was back in the states keeping the world safe for capitalists
Please explain how Trump is any worse than what we have now, or have had since 1963. And which candidate running for president is any better than trump, and why? Thanks.

Trump is by far the best that the GOP has to offer. You should definitely make that man the GOP presidential candidate.
He certainly can't be any worse that what we have now, or have had since 1963. And, it makes no difference to me which party he represents. I couldn't care less about party politics. The party is not important, it's he leadership that counts. Voters play into party politics way too much.

Trump: He can't be any Worse!

If that's not a ringing endorsement, I don't know what is. You guys run with that. As it is truly the best the GOP can offer.
I couldn't care less about the GOP. I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, nor anything other than an American for America, period. Party politics doesn't mean anything to me. I don't play the stupid party BS.

Sure you don't. When was the last time you voted for someone who didn't have an R beside his name?
FYI - I've always voted by "write-in". I have never ever voted for a professional politician in my life, and I'm 67 years young. Yes, I do vote. No, I do NOT play the stupid party politics game. The ONLY label for me is an American for America, period.
As of today, he's the best that either party has to offer.

Honestly, I think he's the best the party can offer.

Thanks to Oblahblah, America will vote for the worst the GOP has to offer than the Democratic best.

And now the GOP all about Obama.

There's really nothing to you but this one trick, is there?

Remember, the only reason Obama got in was because of Bush. The next election will be all about American public's disgust with Obama on all levels. And this time, as we saw in the midterms, the media won't be able effect the results.

I want to quote this post so when Trump doesn't win I'll look forward to you blaming o e of 3 things. Either Obama, liberals or the media.

While McCain was living a life of luxury in the Hanoi Hilton, Trump was back in the states keeping the world safe for capitalists

And Obama was starting campaigns at the homes of America hating radicals and terrorist bombers. Guest of honor, reverent Wright.
Thanks for the advice. Good night, you did what were compelled to do.

I'm compelled to suggest you vote for Trump in the GOP primaries because he's the best candidate the GOP can offer?

Really? Compelled by who?

(cue spooky music)......or what?
The pressure came from inside you thus you were compelled. You are just looking out for us simple folks. Thank you again. You did what you could, now have a good night.

Bizzare babble about 'internal pressure' I'll leave to you. Advocating Trump as the best and brightest the GOP can offer, I'll leave to me.

I mean, who is better than Trump in the GOP field? What's executive or military experience when you've managed to run your company into the ground 4 times? Clearly to be a GOP darling, you don't need any experience at all.

You should look in a mirror you want to see Bizzare partisan DNC babble. You really believe you know everything about everything and everyone. that's freaking Bizzare and boring too

You don't agree with me that Trump is the best that the GOP has to offer and should definitely be the GOP nominee for President of the United States?

Say it ain't so.

Somebody should do a poll to see if Trump currently has more tea party support, or democratic support. Not long term, but just for now.
Most politicians don't have the balls to tell like it is the way Trump does.

Normal people call that "being an asshole", and regard it as a negative quality.

No it's a quality Americans are looking for. Anything but a bullshit artist con man like the one we have in office now. The next election will be all about who is the polar opposite of Oblahblah.
I'm compelled to suggest you vote for Trump in the GOP primaries because he's the best candidate the GOP can offer?

Really? Compelled by who?

(cue spooky music)......or what?
The pressure came from inside you thus you were compelled. You are just looking out for us simple folks. Thank you again. You did what you could, now have a good night.

Bizzare babble about 'internal pressure' I'll leave to you. Advocating Trump as the best and brightest the GOP can offer, I'll leave to me.

I mean, who is better than Trump in the GOP field? What's executive or military experience when you've managed to run your company into the ground 4 times? Clearly to be a GOP darling, you don't need any experience at all.

You should look in a mirror you want to see Bizzare partisan DNC babble. You really believe you know everything about everything and everyone. that's freaking Bizzare and boring too

You don't agree with me that Trump is the best that the GOP has to offer and should definitely be the GOP nominee for President of the United States?

Say it ain't so.

Somebody should do a poll to see if Trump currently has more tea party support, or democratic support. Not long term, but just for now.
What matters is the fact that he's the only non-professional politician running. That carries a lot of weight. Folks are tired of the lies and anti-America BS in Washington politics.
Most politicians don't have the balls to tell like it is the way Trump does.

Normal people call that "being an asshole", and regard it as a negative quality.

No it's a quality Americans are looking for. Anything but a bullshit artist con man like the one we have in office now. The next election will be all about who is the polar opposite of Oblahblah.
While McCain was living a life of luxury in the Hanoi Hilton, Trump was back in the states keeping the world safe for capitalists

And Obama was starting campaigns at the homes of America hating radicals and terrorist bombers. Guest of honor, reverent Wright.

Unlike Trump, President Obama never dodged the draft and would never condemn those who gave up their freedom in defense of their country

The fact that you would defend scum like Trump shows the depths of disgust your party has fallen into

The leading candidate for the Republican Party doubts POWs are heroes?
New York Times (7/18/2015): "Asked about his own military draft status, Mr. Trump, 69, said he had received medical deferments from the Vietnam War because of a bone spur in his foot. Mr. Trump could not recall which foot had been afflicted."
Those things happen all the time. What's so strange or unusual about his reason? Was he the only one given a medical exemption?

Getting out on a bone spur medical deferment....and then talking shit about those who actually fought?

"He is not a war hero," Trump told pollster Frank Luntz, who was hosting the session.

"He is a war hero," Luntz interjected.

"He is a war hero because he was captured," Trump said, cutting him off. "I like people that weren't captured, OK? I hate to tell you. He is a war hero because he was captured. OK, you can have -- I believe perhaps he is a war hero."

Donald Trump questions John McCain s bravery -

McCain suffered permanent debilitating injuries while being tortured in a prison camp and can now no longer life his arms above shoulder level. Trump can't remember which foot he got his deferment over.

Sounds legit to me. Trump is definitely the candidate the GOP deserves. Trump so perfectly embodies the actual values of the GOP its spooky.
Spoken like a true Rino-loving commie. Meanwhile, I've been hearing what some are saying McCain did and didn't do in the military. I haven't investigated whether or not these claims are true so won't repeat them yet.
Trump was a true Vietnam war hero

Unlike McCain...he avoided capture by the enemy by dodging the draft
Once again YOU are showing how truly stupid YOU are.
McCain was not drafted.
Too funny
The funny thing is McCain is YOUR boy. He's a well known Rino in the party. And Rino's are on their way out.

I have always thought John McCain and John Kerry are American heroes who risked their lives for their country

obviously Republicans do not
While McCain was living a life of luxury in the Hanoi Hilton, Trump was back in the states keeping the world safe for capitalists

And Obama was starting campaigns at the homes of America hating radicals and terrorist bombers. Guest of honor, reverent Wright.

Unlike Trump, President Obama never dodged the draft and would never condemn those who gave up their freedom in defense of their country

The fact that you would defend scum like Trump shows the depths of disgust your party has fallen into

The leading candidate for the Republican Party doubts POWs are heroes?
Trump didn't dodge the draft. (Kerry however did betray his comrades.) The fact that you refer to Trump as "scum" makes untrustworthy anything you say about him.
Trump was a true Vietnam war hero

Unlike McCain...he avoided capture by the enemy by dodging the draft
Once again YOU are showing how truly stupid YOU are.
McCain was not drafted.
Too funny
The funny thing is McCain is YOUR boy. He's a well known Rino in the party. And Rino's are on their way out.

I have always thought John McCain and John Kerry are American heroes who risked their lives for their country

obviously Republicans do not
It may be true. But, being war heroes does NOT qualify them to hold public office, as we've seen and experienced. Serving in the military does NOT qualify one to sit in the oval office.
The pressure came from inside you thus you were compelled. You are just looking out for us simple folks. Thank you again. You did what you could, now have a good night.

Bizzare babble about 'internal pressure' I'll leave to you. Advocating Trump as the best and brightest the GOP can offer, I'll leave to me.

I mean, who is better than Trump in the GOP field? What's executive or military experience when you've managed to run your company into the ground 4 times? Clearly to be a GOP darling, you don't need any experience at all.

You should look in a mirror you want to see Bizzare partisan DNC babble. You really believe you know everything about everything and everyone. that's freaking Bizzare and boring too

You don't agree with me that Trump is the best that the GOP has to offer and should definitely be the GOP nominee for President of the United States?

Say it ain't so.

Somebody should do a poll to see if Trump currently has more tea party support, or democratic support. Not long term, but just for now.
What matters is the fact that he's the only non-professional politician running. That carries a lot of weight. Folks are tired of the lies and anti-America BS in Washington politics.

Of course it does. He has no relevant experience, doesn't know a thing about any issue he's talking about, and believes himself an expert in every topic he discusses.

Sounds like the perfect GOP candidate to me.
Bizzare babble about 'internal pressure' I'll leave to you. Advocating Trump as the best and brightest the GOP can offer, I'll leave to me.

I mean, who is better than Trump in the GOP field? What's executive or military experience when you've managed to run your company into the ground 4 times? Clearly to be a GOP darling, you don't need any experience at all.

You should look in a mirror you want to see Bizzare partisan DNC babble. You really believe you know everything about everything and everyone. that's freaking Bizzare and boring too

You don't agree with me that Trump is the best that the GOP has to offer and should definitely be the GOP nominee for President of the United States?

Say it ain't so.

Somebody should do a poll to see if Trump currently has more tea party support, or democratic support. Not long term, but just for now.
What matters is the fact that he's the only non-professional politician running. That carries a lot of weight. Folks are tired of the lies and anti-America BS in Washington politics.

Of course it does. He has no relevant experience, doesn't know a thing about any issue he's talking about, and believes himself an expert in every topic he discusses.

Sounds like the perfect GOP candidate to me.
Obama had "relevant experience"?! OMG, you did not just say that. And as for the perfect GOP candidate why don't we all let The New York Times and The Washington Post choose the candidate for us like we did when they endorsed McCain, a Rino who they knew would lose. The GOP candidate Americans deserve, not the GOP, is one who can finance his own campaign so he's not beholden to special interests, who speaks what the majority of Americans are thinking and concerned about, and who's as sick and tried of being lied to and ripped off by cowardly, corrupt, socialist Democrats who are determined to hand out country over to our enemies for free.
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Bizzare babble about 'internal pressure' I'll leave to you. Advocating Trump as the best and brightest the GOP can offer, I'll leave to me.

I mean, who is better than Trump in the GOP field? What's executive or military experience when you've managed to run your company into the ground 4 times? Clearly to be a GOP darling, you don't need any experience at all.

You should look in a mirror you want to see Bizzare partisan DNC babble. You really believe you know everything about everything and everyone. that's freaking Bizzare and boring too

You don't agree with me that Trump is the best that the GOP has to offer and should definitely be the GOP nominee for President of the United States?

Say it ain't so.

Somebody should do a poll to see if Trump currently has more tea party support, or democratic support. Not long term, but just for now.
What matters is the fact that he's the only non-professional politician running. That carries a lot of weight. Folks are tired of the lies and anti-America BS in Washington politics.

Of course it does. He has no relevant experience, doesn't know a thing about any issue he's talking about, and believes himself an expert in every topic he discusses.

Sounds like the perfect GOP candidate to me.
So, tell me what all of those so-called experienced politicians have done that's sat in the oval office over the past half century? Before you answer, take a good long look at the sad shameful state that this country is in right now. Obviously, experience doesn't mean jack sh*t.
While McCain was living a life of luxury in the Hanoi Hilton, Trump was back in the states keeping the world safe for capitalists

And Obama was starting campaigns at the homes of America hating radicals and terrorist bombers. Guest of honor, reverent Wright.

Unlike Trump, President Obama never dodged the draft and would never condemn those who gave up their freedom in defense of their country

The fact that you would defend scum like Trump shows the depths of disgust your party has fallen into

The leading candidate for the Republican Party doubts POWs are heroes?
Trump didn't dodge the draft. (Kerry however did betray his comrades.) The fact that you refer to Trump as "scum" makes untrustworthy anything you say about him.

Trump dodged the draft. Kerry could have used the same connections Trump used but instead volunteered for combat

Any man who claims POWs are not heroes is scum
Trump was a true Vietnam war hero

Unlike McCain...he avoided capture by the enemy by dodging the draft
Once again YOU are showing how truly stupid YOU are.
McCain was not drafted.
Too funny
The funny thing is McCain is YOUR boy. He's a well known Rino in the party. And Rino's are on their way out.

I have always thought John McCain and John Kerry are American heroes who risked their lives for their country

obviously Republicans do not
It may be true. But, being war heroes does NOT qualify them to hold public office, as we've seen and experienced. Serving in the military does NOT qualify one to sit in the oval office.
Maybe, maybe not

But they do qualify for respect
Something Republicans like Trump do not have
While McCain was living a life of luxury in the Hanoi Hilton, Trump was back in the states keeping the world safe for capitalists

And Obama was starting campaigns at the homes of America hating radicals and terrorist bombers. Guest of honor, reverent Wright.

Unlike Trump, President Obama never dodged the draft and would never condemn those who gave up their freedom in defense of their country

The fact that you would defend scum like Trump shows the depths of disgust your party has fallen into

The leading candidate for the Republican Party doubts POWs are heroes?
Trump didn't dodge the draft. (Kerry however did betray his comrades.) The fact that you refer to Trump as "scum" makes untrustworthy anything you say about him.

Trump dodged the draft. Kerry could have used the same connections Trump used but instead volunteered for combat

Any man who claims POWs are not heroes is scum
Any POW Rino politician who votes against vets and for Obama's policies in order to line his pockets is worse than scum.

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