trump explains why he killed the bipartisan border deal

Sure just make up numbers loon.

It’s what you fuckers do

It is what you have done.
Your Cult low balls the numbers
You know or should reasonably be expected to know.
You just repeat the fraudulent numbers.
You are simply an ideologue who has no relationship with reality.
Because there was almost zero enforcement of businesses hiring illegals
No, the border remained wide open which did nothing to stop illegals from coming across

Including pregnant women who want to have an anchor baby

And drug smugglers

Do you condemn druggies the same way you do employers?
I'm also recalling how Trump did NOTHING to quell the racial unrest throughout 2020 in the wake of the George Floyd muder, for exactly the same reason: he thought the racial unrest would hurt Democrats' chances in November.

Trump openly encouraged the violence by inviting Kyle Rittenhouse to the White House and declaring him a "national hero" BEFORE he went on trial for murder.

Police records show that no BLM members were arrested for ANYTHING, and the nearly all of the arrests for violence, arson and looting were either right wing mitilita members, anarchists and local shoplifting gangs.


No, the border remained wide open which did nothing to stop illegals from coming across

Including pregnant women who want to have an anchor baby

And drug smugglers

Do you condemn druggies the same way you do employers?
Still defending employers that hire illegals I see.

THEY are the cause of all of this.

And drug smuggling has almost nothing to do with illegal immigration.

Drugs come over in vehicles not on people
I want to fix it

You and Biden do not
You do NOT. You have a bill that could pass the House if voted on and has already passed theSenate but you don’t want it.

You just want to whine because that’s Trump’s only issue and you love your Orange God more than anything
You do NOT. You have a bill that could pass the House if voted on and has already passed theSenate but you don’t want it.

You just want to whine because that’s Trump’s only issue and you love your Orange God more than anything

It didn't pass the Senate.
It didn't pass the Senate.
Actually I was wrong. Once the immigration part of the bill was stripped out , the Ukraine /Israel funding bill passed.

Republicans tried to claim that the Ukraine funding was why they were against this.

ThT was obviously false
GOod luck selling that bullshit.
It only takes 50.1% to win any state. Trump gets 60-65% of the vote in the average Republican primary, while Biden racks up 95+% in his! Even if that 35-40% doesn’t vote for Biden, but stays home or votes 3rd party, it’s an uphill battle for Trump with very little of the ‘16 magic left.
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You wanna fix the border crisis or do you want to whine about it?

Pass the Senate Bill and stop whining

The bill does NOTHING to solve or even mitigate the border crisis.

At this point, the only power that Congress has to do anything about the border crisis is the power to impeach and remove the criminal Joe Biden, along with Kamala “The Whore” Harris, and to let the Speaker of the House assume the Presidency. As long as Biden or Harris are in power, and as long as they stubbornly refuse to obey the law, as long as they stubbornly refuse to obey even the Constitution, there will be no improvement in the situation at the border.
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The bill does NOTHING to solve or even mitigate the border crisis.

At this point, the only power that Congress has to do anything about the border crisis is the power to impeach the criminal Joe Biden, along with Kamala “The Whore” Harris, and to let the Speaker of the House assume the Presidency. As long as Biden or Harris are in power, and as long as they stubbornly refuse to obey the law, as long as they stubbornly refuse to obey even the Constitution, there will be no improvement in the situation at the border.
You do NOT. You have a bill that could pass the House if voted on and has already passed theSenate but you don’t want it.
Your newly acquired zeal for border control is unconvincing

Biden has been rubbing MAGA noses in the fact that we were helpless to stop his open border policy

10’s of millions of unwanted illegal aliens have surged across the border on his watch

And up to now libs like you were ok with that

But your little game got out of hand and its no fun anymore

The Big Guy could be booted out of office and that horrifies you enough to pass something that resembles reform

But unlike 1986 we are not willing to settle for bait and switch
You can hope for what you want...believe what you want. But the tide seems to be shifting towards Trump.
The American public seems to be experiencing "buyers remorse " with Biden.
Just saying.
How goes wall street so goes the gubberment.
Biden may not be everyone’s favorite, but when people consider the alternative, it’s a different story. Even in the primaries, Trump is getting %s in the 60s, while Biden’s in the high 90s!

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