trump explains why he killed the bipartisan border deal

When Trump took office, illegal border crossing were at a 50 year low. The policies that Trump instituted starting on Day One, drove up illegal border crossings top the point where Trump was forced to declare a National Emergency in February of 2019. That National Emergency still hasn't been lifted.

It took the Biden Administration 2 years to .estore SOME of the immigrant facilities along the Southern Border so his Administration could BEGIN to process refugee claims and applications and deportations.

The ONLY thing that stopped illegal border crossing under Trump, was covid.

Biden has already deported MORE people than Trump did.

You are literally insane.
Letch, you ignorant twat, you haven’t shown me any such thing.

Also, feel obliged to quote me discussing a 30 million figure. :cuckoo:

You idiot.
Look jerk off. You QUOTED the asshole that falsely claimed 30 million illegals were on this country and I provided a link saying that is false

Fuck off.
I have read summaries of the bill jackass. And I have heard Republicans who helped write it speak about it

The liar is you
You have obviously read “summaries” your Dimtard handlers have fed you because you are colossally clueless.
If they're being "let in", then they're not "illegals". They are "documented immigrants" and/or refugee claimants. This bullshit game of calling everyone who enters the country via the Southern Border and an "illegal" is just another Republican mind game to make it seem like the border isn't being "controlled", when it most definite is being controlled.

FuckBoi Nostra. Still parroting the lies of idiots.
They are illegals, Moron.

STFU and go fix your shithole country, vermin.
Thats how your side sold the 1986 amnesty with promises that it would end the problem forever

It didnt
And why did it not?

Because there was almost zero enforcement of businesses hiring illegals

That has not changed
The fentanyl isn't coming in via the Souther Border fool:
Holy shit! Amazingly, you get dumber with every post.

Since March 2021, the combined efforts of Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers, criminal investigators and intelligence specialists dedicated to border operations have led to the seizures of more than 342 million lethal doses of fentanyl, according to the governor’s office.

There are literally dozens of such links, you lying sack of KKkanadian vermin shit.

Where exactly was that? I'd like to see exactly which aspects of this bill you believe will destroy the country.

5000 refugees a week is only 260,000 people per year, and you have full employment and 8 million jobs going begging at the moment. The Chamber of Commerce is begging for immigrant labour to fill the shortfall.

What exactly are your problems with this Bill - provide quotes please.
You are still lying. There is no limit in the number of illegals.
Holy shit! Amazingly, you get dumber with every post.

Since March 2021, the combined efforts of Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers, criminal investigators and intelligence specialists dedicated to border operations have led to the seizures of more than 342 million lethal doses of fentanyl, according to the governor’s office.

There are literally dozens of such links, you lying sack of KKkanadian vermin shit.

But it’s NOT. Coming in via illegals

American citizens are smuggling it in


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