trump explains why he killed the bipartisan border deal

Who did Biden kill?

No Border Joe has let enough fentanyl in to kill over 70,000 Americans each year.

Once again you expose your colossal ignorance.

The fentanyl isn't coming in via the Souther Border fool:

Keep on parroting the lies.
I watched Turn about Intruder on Star Trek the other night.
The only problem was when Kirk became a woman they forgot to take half his brain out.

I don't get my information or my political leaders from TV or the movies. I prefer to look at what's happening in real world. In the real world, Donald Trump worst business failure in the history of the USA, a fraud artist and a life-long grifter. On TV, he played a successful businesss man and billionaire.

This is why, we don't believe everything we see on a screen.

Nope. Not in other words and not even remotely true. Weak ass posters such as you seem to rely perpetually on your dishonesty.

Although I don’t feel the need to repeat what I previously posted, but on this very Board is dissected what the bill said. I included links to the bill itself and quotes.

Accordingly, unlike you, I know what I am talking about. It’s clear that you don’t. You, being a lazy libturd, likely didn’t read the bill. You certainly don’t understand any part of it you did read any of it.

So like you, I already have. 👍

Nope. But your vapid petty dishonest mind does the parroting of the crap you read in the propaganda liberal media.
Where exactly was that? I'd like to see exactly which aspects of this bill you believe will destroy the country.

5000 refugees a week is only 260,000 people per year, and you have full employment and 8 million jobs going begging at the moment. The Chamber of Commerce is begging for immigrant labour to fill the shortfall.

What exactly are your problems with this Bill - provide quotes please.
Maybe you need to comprehend what you read. You happen to ne wrong. Sadly, the failed bill said what it said and that does include no governmental duty to stop the flood at our border Until and Unless the numbers average 5000 per day for a full week.

It was a ridiculous bill caring far more for Ukraine than for our border security. It isn’t what we need or actually want. It is best left dead in the Senate.
False yet again. Of those 5,000 allowed to present themselves and ask for asylum , very few would even get a hearing per the new regs set forth in this bill.
We definitely need comprehensive immigration reform.
After we seal the border and deport 30 million illegal aliens.
A. There are only 13 million illegals here. Are you planning on deporting legal immigrants now?

B. There will undoubtedly be some deportations (there are now) but no one is going to deport millions.

Aside from the humanitarian issues, businesses would not allow it
Seems the Republicans investigating Biden are repeatedly listening to liars and getting egg on their faces! Why should we trust anything coming out of the MAGA camp?
One reason is because they are not in power and do not have to lie to cover their asses. Illegitimate government is a lie to begin with.
The failed bill "said what it said". In other words, you don't have the first clue about what it said. You can't support anything you've posted, and you're just parroting Donald Trump's lies and bullshit.

You're not even an American. You're a subject/slave of Canaduh, a degenerate shithole of a nation founded in shame and cowardice, in cowering and groveling before the same tyrant against whom we violently rebelled in order to found our nation.

What standing do you delusionally imagine yourself to have, to tell us Americans anything about how we run our government?
A. There are only 13 million illegals here. Are you planning on deporting legal immigrants now?

B. There will undoubtedly be some deportations (there are now) but no one is going to deport millions.

Aside from the humanitarian issues, businesses would not allow it

There are only 13 million illegals here.

Where exactly was that? I'd like to see exactly which aspects of this bill you believe will destroy the country.

Since I said nothing about “destroying the country,” I will have to assume that you’re in some halllucinogenically induced fog.

Use your search function. Even an imbecile like you can probably find it.
5000 refugees a week is only 260,000 people per year,

Retard, do the math properly. It’s an average per DAY over any given period of a week. 365 * 5000 = one MILLION eight hundred twenty five THOUSAND.

Get one of your attendants to help you out, you imbecile.

If the average daily number in any given week falls short of 5000, rhe new law imposes ZERO duty on our president or the director or any secretary to lift a goddamned finger.

1,825,000 - 365 (ie, one fewer per average day) is 1,824,635. That’s an assload of illegals. The number really should be much closer to zero. And not one fucking new law is required.

What we could use is some legitimate spending on US instead of just on Ukraine. WE could complete the fucking WALL and do need repairs along its path. We could hire more immigration “judges” and provide them with appropriate “court” rooms. We could build detention facilities for any illegal aliens while they await deportation (“removal procedures”) hearings. We could hire more border security agents, too (and save some money by not hiring all the damn IRS agents and auditors, etc.).
I showed you that as of January 2022 there were 11.3 million.

Show us how you get from there to 30 million in two years
Letch, you ignorant twat, you haven’t shown me any such thing.

Also, feel obliged to quote me discussing a 30 million figure. :cuckoo:

You idiot.
As of January 2022 there 11.3 million

I showed you that as of January 2022 there were 11.3 million.

Show us how you get from there to 30 million in two years
Hahahaha…there are 11 million in the filthy brown shithole of Southern Mexifornia alone.
You Humberto’s have been stuck on 11 million for decades.
Has anyone EVER seen a Mexican climbing the wall back into Mexico?

Facts are:

As conservatives balked, U.S. Border Patrol union endorsed Senate immigration deal. The National Border Patrol Council, which endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2020, said the new bipartisan bill "will drop illegal border crossings nationwide."

It would not.

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