trump explains why he killed the bipartisan border deal

Gee grifter, you've got dozens of these denigrating nicknames for Biden. Genocide Joe??? Who did Biden kill?????. Poopy Pants Joe - He's a whole lot sharper than YOU are grifter..

Only ONE of these MF's worked against the American people, and he's on trial for his crimes now.

You need a functioning brain, grifter.

So you have nothing to refute ANYTHING I said. You're very weak at refuting the facts.
It’s difficult to refute mere babbling beliefs.

You’re tragically retarded.
Becuase it was gonna take away an issue he wanted to run on.

Should we really put up with this crap? Will republicans in congress ever grow their own balls?

The progs held Biden to the tax credits for people who don't work instead of fixing the border in his first two years when he had both houses. When the dems took the house after trump's first two years the only thing they offered him was his fence for the dreamers, and while Trump initially bit, the RW media shut that deal down.
Becuase it was gonna take away an issue he wanted to run on.

Should we really put up with this crap? Will republicans in congress ever grow their own balls?

If it's that important, pay for it.

What? Was he honest? Did he confess 'Keep Border Crisis Alive!" is a Trump Campaign Slogan?

It's EVERYTHING Republicans have been asking for in border security, since Trump was elected - and MORE.

Trump said it himself - it was going to make things better for the "other side". Party over country.

Did maga Mike want a border deal as a sycophant for an orange fuckup.


True that!
A hat-tip to CT, for his insight.


And even then, Trump and Republicans won’t do anything about immigration, refusing to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

The law as it is now allows anyone seeking asylum to get a court hearing.

That's not true. There are repubs in the house that would vote yes on the bill, along with dems supporting it, the bill would pass.

That is why the Speaker said he would not bring the bill to the floor for a vote by our representatives, because it would pass.
Hahahaha….You don’t need a Bill to do what’s right for America…The governor of Texas is doing it without a Bill….Why can’t the Crypt Keeper and that America hating foreign dude Mayorkas do the same?
Hahahaha….You don’t need a Bill to do what’s right for America…The governor of Texas is doing it without a Bill….Why can’t the Crypt Keeper and that America hating foreign dude Mayorkas do the same?

They can. In fact, by law, they are required to.

They choose to be treasonous, malfeasant criminals, and to refuse to obey the law.
Besides the 5000 emergency cut off given to Myorkas of WHICH there is no cutoff NOW for asylum seekers under the LAW presently....

What are the other parts of the bill you do not agree with?
That's not enough?
What will happen is no matter how many illegals are rejected by biden we can be sure that 5000 per day will be accepted

Change that to zero per day will be accepted, meaning EVERYONE is returned to mexico the same day they arrive and we will talk

But without more border security as in HB2 there is no way to stop illegal human and drug smuggling
That literally is the opposite of what is true
You're repeating what you were told to say about the bill....which is simply NOT TRUE.

TRY, PLEASE TRY reading the bill! It made great headway with provisions that would greatly reduce illegal immigrants...and was supported in a bipartisan way....which is a miracle in and of itself.

Going another year to wait for trump to be in office blah blah blah blah blah just shows how little republicans truly care about the issue, other than a political posturing toy.... they are hypocrites to the nth degree.

There is bipartisan support in the HOUSE as well to pass this bill if it was ever allowed to be brought to the floor and voted on.

Let the people's representatives VOTE on it, for goodness sake!

TRY, PLEASE TRY reading the bill! It made great headway with provisions that would greatly reduce illegal immigrants...

Greatly down to 5000 a day. Maybe?

...and was supported in a bipartisan way

Really? How many Republicans supported it? How do you know?

Let the people's representatives VOTE on it, for goodness sake!

Let the people's representatives use the power they already have to control the border, for goodness sake!
You're repeating what you were told to say about the bill....which is simply NOT TRUE.

TRY, PLEASE TRY reading the bill! It made great headway with provisions that would greatly reduce illegal immigrants...and was supported in a bipartisan way....which is a miracle in and of itself.

Going another year to wait for trump to be in office blah blah blah blah blah just shows how little republicans truly care about the issue, other than a political posturing toy.... they are hypocrites to the nth degree.

There is bipartisan support in the HOUSE as well to pass this bill if it was ever allowed to be brought to the floor and voted on.

Let the people's representatives VOTE on it, for goodness sake!
Maybe you need to comprehend what you read. You happen to ne wrong. Sadly, the failed bill said what it said and that does include no governmental duty to stop the flood at our border Until and Unless the numbers average 5000 per day for a full week.

It was a ridiculous bill caring far more for Ukraine than for our border security. It isn’t what we need or actually want. It is best left dead in the Senate.
Trump couldn't let through even though the Boarder part was tougher than anything he got through when he was President... Biden was robbing his lunch money by doing something that was popular...

Trump can't bitch about something if Biden fixes it... America has to suffer and he will make them suffer and try and blame Biden... Trump said that clearly...

Dems issue is to explain this to Americans, Show Trump holding the gun to the head and tell him to fuck off...

I'm also recalling how Trump did NOTHING to quell the racial unrest throughout 2020 in the wake of the George Floyd muder, for exactly the same reason: he thought the racial unrest would hurt Democrats' chances in November.

Trump openly encouraged the violence by inviting Kyle Rittenhouse to the White House and declaring him a "national hero" BEFORE he went on trial for murder.

Police records show that no BLM members were arrested for ANYTHING, and the nearly all of the arrests for violence, arson and looting were either right wing mitilita members, anarchists and local shoplifting gangs.
Maybe you need to comprehend what you read. You happen to ne wrong. Sadly, the failed bill said what it said and that does include no governmental duty to stop the flood at our border Until and Unless the numbers average 5000 per day for a full week.

It was a ridiculous bill caring far more for Ukraine than for our border security. It isn’t what we need or actually want. It is best left dead in the Senate.

The failed bill "said what it said". In other words, you don't have the first clue about what it said. You can't support anything you've posted, and you're just parroting Donald Trump's lies and bullshit.
Letting unlimited illegals in every day isn’t a border bill, Dumbfuck.

If they're being "let in", then they're not "illegals". They are "documented immigrants" and/or refugee claimants. This bullshit game of calling everyone who enters the country via the Southern Border and an "illegal" is just another Republican mind game to make it seem like the border isn't being "controlled", when it most definite is being controlled.

FuckBoi Nostra. Still parroting the lies of idiots.
The failed bill "said what it said".

In other words, you don't have the first clue about what it said.

Nope. Not in other words and not even remotely true. Weak ass posters such as you seem to rely perpetually on your dishonesty.

Although I don’t feel the need to repeat what I previously posted, but on this very Board is dissected what the bill said. I included links to the bill itself and quotes.

Accordingly, unlike you, I know what I am talking about. It’s clear that you don’t. You, being a lazy libturd, likely didn’t read the bill. You certainly don’t understand any part of it you did read any of it.
You can't support anything you've posted,

So like you, I already have. 👍
and you're just parroting Donald Trump's lies and bullshit.
Nope. But your vapid petty dishonest mind does the parroting of the crap you read in the propaganda liberal media.

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