Trump fires Defense Sec Esper; Replaces with Avid Anti Terrorist Chris Miller.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Because he's preparing to fight domestic terrorists that will resist the Rule of Law after the courts settle the election dispute.


We should have purged several thousand leftists 50 years ago, not even like Stalin did. Rather we could have just expatriated them to the USSR where they belonged. Pieces of shit like Bill Ayers should have been killed on sight though because they actually committed violent crimes. Now we have thousands of bed wetters who actually need to be killed because they're violent sociopaths and millions of turds that need to be shipped to countries that accommodate their asinine political objectives.

We should have purged several thousand leftists 50 years ago, not even like Stalin did. Rather we could have just expatriated them to the USSR where they belonged. Pieces of shit like Bill Ayers should have been killed on sight though because they actually committed violent crimes. Now we have thousands of bed wetters who actually need to be killed because they're violent sociopaths and millions of turds that need to be shipped to countries that accommodate their asinine political objectives.

I doubt you can even grasp the irony of this statement.
Esper was fired because he was secretly assisting Joe Biden’s transition team, despite votes still being counted and litigation underway in virtually every battleground state...

BREAKING: Trump Fires Defense Secretary Who Allegedly Assisted Biden Transition

There's also the high probability that Esper was leaking classified information to Biden's team, none of whom even has a security clearance.
Esper was fired because he was secretly assisting Joe Biden’s transition team, despite votes still being counted and litigation underway in virtually every battleground state...

BREAKING: Trump Fires Defense Secretary Who Allegedly Assisted Biden Transition

There's also the high probability that Esper was leaking classified information to Biden's team, none of whom even has a security clearance.
It ain't over till it's over. The Demmies have been very bad for America the day they decided the founders had to go so a few jaded communists could pull a fast one on the backs of 350 million they plan to turn into state slaves or die deaths as evil as the Devil is purported to be.
Esper was fired because he was secretly assisting Joe Biden’s transition team, despite votes still being counted and litigation underway in virtually every battleground state...

BREAKING: Trump Fires Defense Secretary Who Allegedly Assisted Biden Transition

There's also the high probability that Esper was leaking classified information to Biden's team, none of whom even has a security clearance.

You do know Candidates get security and intelligence briefing don’t you?
Esper was fired because he was secretly assisting Joe Biden’s transition team, despite votes still being counted and litigation underway in virtually every battleground state...

BREAKING: Trump Fires Defense Secretary Who Allegedly Assisted Biden Transition

There's also the high probability that Esper was leaking classified information to Biden's team, none of whom even has a security clearance.

You do know Candidates get security and intelligence briefing don’t you?
You do know that Biden will not get to be prexy if demmies get caught doncha.
Esper was fired because he was secretly assisting Joe Biden’s transition team, despite votes still being counted and litigation underway in virtually every battleground state...

BREAKING: Trump Fires Defense Secretary Who Allegedly Assisted Biden Transition

There's also the high probability that Esper was leaking classified information to Biden's team, none of whom even has a security clearance.

You do know Candidates get security and intelligence briefing don’t you?
You do know that Biden will not get to be prexy if demmies get caught doncha.

I did not vote so whoever ends up in the office is irrelevant to me. I am talking about common and normal procedure for every election.
You do know that Biden will not get to be prexy if demmies get caught doncha.
Mark Esper was fired, and Mark Anderson resigned. They have assembled a team of Confederates to purge the government and military of all conservatives and Republicans in preparation for the Democratic Party coup d'état following an illicit and rigged election held in the face of riots and disease.

>>>In public, Biden and his senior advisers profess full confidence in the electoral system to work as it always has. Every vote will be counted, they say, and the winner will be sworn in on January 20—end of story.

>>>Behind the scenes, they are preparing for the worst. A special working group of high-powered lawyers led by three former solicitors general—Walter Dellinger; Donald B. Verrilli Jr.; and a recent addition, Seth Waxman—has overseen a massive planning exercise for rapid responses to dozens of scenarios in which Trump tries to interfere with the normal functioning of the election. <<<
Esper was fired because he was secretly assisting Joe Biden’s transition team, despite votes still being counted and litigation underway in virtually every battleground state...

BREAKING: Trump Fires Defense Secretary Who Allegedly Assisted Biden Transition

There's also the high probability that Esper was leaking classified information to Biden's team, none of whom even has a security clearance.

You do know Candidates get security and intelligence briefing don’t you?
You do know that Biden will not get to be prexy if demmies get caught doncha.

I did not vote so whoever ends up in the office is irrelevant to me. I am talking about common and normal procedure for every election.
Thank you. I regret if I offended since you are simply a good Samaritan of legal knowledge about procedures when we are faced of massive vindictive power grabs against a president who made conscientious analyses of working taxpayers and decided to even the playing field for minorities so that all men and women could have a shot at attaining the American dream. I am so proud of President Trump who went to bat for the average man and/or woman for what their hard work, intellect, or patent would bring them. Bless you for your patience.
Because he's preparing to fight domestic terrorists that will resist the Rule of Law after the courts settle the election dispute.

Did you see who was just appointed ?
Mark Anderson
James Anderson? Other Andersons? There's a football player, a dairy farm from Battle Ground, Washington. › audrey-brooke-anderson-13885890
Audrey Brooke Anderson. Special Assistant at The United States Department of Defense. United States Department of DefenseUniversity of North Florida.
Jacksonville, Florida · ‎Special Assistant · ‎United States Department of Defense
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Wait. If Esper was so bad. How did he get the job in the first place? I mean. Who appointed him? How long has he been Secretary of Defense?
Actually, he (Esper) was not allowed to give out classified information to people not on the list for receipt of classified info on unfriendly countries and of all people, this election has not yet given former Vice President Biden keys to the White House.

Biden is on viral video bragging about his personnel influences on getting an intelligence officer fired over asking why his son's qualifications as inexperienced as he was. Biden threatened Ukrainian government higher ups that they would can his sons' unfriendly boss to be or he would cancel the taxpayer gift of 3.5 billion dollars, and oh, by the way he would get one billion dollars for his role in bringing them all that money Congress was about to give them. IOW he did a pay to play extortion number not only against the Ukraine's windfall, he ripped off the taxpayers at home with his take home of 30 per cent. That is a criminal and traitorous thing to do to a country of over three hundred million human beings.

It was a horror to me that the deep state is so powerful and so willing to put an amoral man in the White House. Even worse the Democrats also funded massive fraudulent assaults on polling precincts any which way you can think of on, before, and after Nov. 3, 2020. And justice cannot be served at warped speed with multiple assaults on the very polls we vote on.

I think Joe Biden is a disgrace to the United States of America. I support a 50- State cleanse of using the polls to spread calumny in elections and letting criminally vindictive tyrants hold public office who engage in one party private decision making meetings that disallow committee persons of their opposition to participate while they brew up Saul Alinski step known as chaos to institute a nonconstitutional takeover of all power in a non-communist country.
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Because he's preparing to fight domestic terrorists that will resist the Rule of Law after the courts settle the election dispute.

In other words, you’re hoping Trump is preparing for a coup d’etat. What friggin trash.
Because he's preparing to fight domestic terrorists that will resist the Rule of Law after the courts settle the election dispute.

In other words, you’re hoping Trump is preparing for a coup d’etat. What friggin trash.
Not hardly. Why are you worshipping Saul Alinski's steps on creating a communist country where a great nation stands in liberty and justice for all? I do not see communism as anything but injustice on the masses.
For a notorious authoritarian, Trump sure gets pushed around and stabbed in the back even by his own hirelings a lot

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