Trump flip flop on wages

Well I'm still trying to get an answer on what is fair wages and Fair Taxation. Anyone here want to give it a try?
Hard to tell.
Words like "fair", "equality" and "racist" got raped by the limp wrists.
I am guessing "free shit" is the answer?
I'm waiting for them to say it. They avoid it like the plague.

It doesn't matter. Trump supporters have shown that they will follow him no matter what he says or does.

Sort of like Obamabots and Hildabeast supporters?

oops. they try to put others down and instead put themselves down.
and as for wages. you take the job with a wage they offer. you can't make more on your own, that's YOU ALLS FAULT. stop whining and get on in the real world. people aren't here to make your life for you.

It's a lot easier when your father gives you a small loan of a million dollars. :thup:
funny, it's what his father had. Did you get a million from your dad? I didn't, my old man worked many jobs to make ends meet. Very little in his accounts when he passed. So you're against the Donald cause his dad gave him a million? Funny stuff. Just demonstrates what jealous jack monkeys you libturds are.

I made my way without a father in my life, let alone a million dollar loan from daddy. Never been bankrupt. Never felt the need to sue for imagined slights. Never blamed the media for things that actually came out of my mouth. See where I'm going with this?
Why is it that when a Liberal does it it's called 'evolving' or 'changing one's mind' but when a Republican does it it's branded 'flip flopping'?


You must have a short memory span. Republicans were the first to use the term flip-flopping during the 2004 elections.
So, let's get this straight. Trump says wages are too low and therefore Trump supporters may revolt? Are all of The Donald's supporters hampered by too much disposable income? Do they agree that if their own wages were only cut, life would be better for them?

Are we through the looking glass here?

Nope. I totally agree with him...and I think most of his supporters do too.

When I walk out of Walmart with four plastic bags of food and spent $100...I wonder how those making minimum wage can possibly be getting by.
unless they are college kids or high school kids, the jobs created for them as starter positions, to learn math and learn to mingle in society. But alas a libturd turned stupid thinks the jobs ought to be paid like living wage jobs to raise a family and yet, they can't explain what will happen to the price of the goods if wages increased. Hey libturds, what do you supposed would happen to the price of milk if minimum wage went to fifteen dollars? Would it stay flat or increase? Please honest libturds answer.
It doesn't matter. Trump supporters have shown that they will follow him no matter what he says or does.

Sort of like Obamabots and Hildabeast supporters?

oops. they try to put others down and instead put themselves down.
and as for wages. you take the job with a wage they offer. you can't make more on your own, that's YOU ALLS FAULT. stop whining and get on in the real world. people aren't here to make your life for you.

It's a lot easier when your father gives you a small loan of a million dollars. :thup:
funny, it's what his father had. Did you get a million from your dad? I didn't, my old man worked many jobs to make ends meet. Very little in his accounts when he passed. So you're against the Donald cause his dad gave him a million? Funny stuff. Just demonstrates what jealous jack monkeys you libturds are.

I made my way without a father in my life, let alone a million dollar loan from daddy. Never been bankrupt. Never felt the need to sue for imagined slights. Never blamed the media for things that actually came out of my mouth. See where I'm going with this?
so it's his fault his dad gave him a million and he turned that into billions. Oh got it.
Why is it that when a Liberal does it it's called 'evolving' or 'changing one's mind' but when a Republican does it it's branded 'flip flopping'?


You must have a short memory span. Republicans were the first to use the term flip-flopping during the 2004 elections.
So it was never used until 2004? Link?

It wasn't used extensively until 2004. The first time it was used in modern politics was by Gerald Ford. A Republican.

OF course this is after he said wages were too high and we can't compete because of it.

Donald Trump doubles down: 'Our wages are too high'

It was last month....

Do his supporters care? I doubt it.

He is 100% correct here too.

In a free trade situation, we (American workers) are competing against workers who are making a dollar an hour...or less. In free trade...wages will tend toward equilibrium. Those workers making the least will be buoyed...those making the most [that's us] must decline.

That's just the way it a free trade situation.

But Trump opposes absolute free trade, and favors a more protectionist approach that insulates American wages.
You must have a short memory span. Republicans were the first to use the term flip-flopping during the 2004 elections.

You sure about that? I seem to recall it being used against Bob Dole...

Anyway, in 2004 it was being said about lurch.

There can be no doubt it was an accurate label. Kerry could own the waffle house franchise.

Could some Trump supporter please explain why low wages are something to celebrate? Why on earth would someone think that wages too low could benefit our economy?

Are Trump supporters all independently wealthy? According to polling data, Trump supporters are largely high school educated, low income, young and White. Is this a demographic group that supports low wages? Why?
We cant pay someone 15 bucks an hour to tighten a bolt on an assembly line and expect to compete with slave labor on the world market.
That's why everything you see is made in china, Vietnam, mexico or some other shithole
And so, once American wages drop to Asian levels, we can compete? A race to the bottom! What a great economic policy that is!
I don't support slave labor.
What is good economic policy?

Corporations are in business to make money, if they have a choice to pay $15 an hour in the USA compared to $1.25 an hour overseas they are going to choose the overseas option. Business isn't about feeling warm and fuzzy it's about the bottom line. Tack on excessive regulations and mounting healthcare costs and it's easy for a company to decide to bolt
Corporations were allowed to be formed initially, in our History, to benefit the Community.

I found this to be interesting and something I did not know...

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States

When American colonists declared independence from England in 1776, they also freed themselves from control by English corporations that extracted their wealth and dominated trade. After fighting a revolution to end this exploitation, our country’s founders retained a healthy fear of corporate power and wisely limited corporations exclusively to a business role. Corporations were forbidden from attempting to influence elections, public policy, and other realms of civic society.

Initially, the privilege of incorporation was granted selectively to enable activities that benefited the public, such as construction of roads or canals. Enabling shareholders to profit was seen as a means to that end. The states also imposed conditions (some of which remain on the books, though unused) like these*:

    • Corporate charters (licenses to exist) were granted for a limited time and could be revoked promptly for violating laws.
    • Corporations could engage only in activities necessary to fulfill their chartered purpose.
    • Corporations could not own stock in other corporations nor own any property that was not essential to fulfilling their chartered purpose.
    • Corporations were often terminated if they exceeded their authority or caused public harm.
    • Owners and managers were responsible for criminal acts committed on the job.
    • Corporations could not make any political or charitable contributions nor spend money to influence law-making.
For 100 years after the American Revolution, legislators maintained tight controll of the corporate chartering process. Because of widespread public opposition, early legislators granted very few corporate charters, and only after debate. Citizens governed corporations by detailing operating conditions not just in charters but also in state constitutions and state laws. Incorporated businesses were prohibited from taking any action that legislators did not specifically allow.

States also limited corporate charters to a set number of years. Unless a legislature renewed an expiring charter, the corporation was dissolved and its assets were divided among shareholders. Citizen authority clauses limited capitalization, debts, land holdings, and sometimes, even profits. They required a company’s accounting books to be turned over to a legislature upon request. The power of large shareholders was limited by scaled voting, so that large and small investors had equal voting rights. Interlocking directorates were outlawed. Shareholders had the right to remove directors at will.
Sort of like Obamabots and Hildabeast supporters?

oops. they try to put others down and instead put themselves down.
and as for wages. you take the job with a wage they offer. you can't make more on your own, that's YOU ALLS FAULT. stop whining and get on in the real world. people aren't here to make your life for you.

It's a lot easier when your father gives you a small loan of a million dollars. :thup:
funny, it's what his father had. Did you get a million from your dad? I didn't, my old man worked many jobs to make ends meet. Very little in his accounts when he passed. So you're against the Donald cause his dad gave him a million? Funny stuff. Just demonstrates what jealous jack monkeys you libturds are.

I made my way without a father in my life, let alone a million dollar loan from daddy. Never been bankrupt. Never felt the need to sue for imagined slights. Never blamed the media for things that actually came out of my mouth. See where I'm going with this?
so it's his fault his dad gave him a million and he turned that into billions. Oh got it.

I started with nothing and made something. Most people do. A lot can be said about starting your life with a "small loan" of a million dollars. I don't slight him for accepting the loan, but you insult burger flippers who didn't have the extremely fortunate leg-up Trump did? These people do honest work to provide for their families while there are bank CEOs still making millions after being bailed out by the burger flipper's taxes.
The railroad is what started the "corporations are people" meme so they could limit liability.
oops. they try to put others down and instead put themselves down.
and as for wages. you take the job with a wage they offer. you can't make more on your own, that's YOU ALLS FAULT. stop whining and get on in the real world. people aren't here to make your life for you.

It's a lot easier when your father gives you a small loan of a million dollars. :thup:
funny, it's what his father had. Did you get a million from your dad? I didn't, my old man worked many jobs to make ends meet. Very little in his accounts when he passed. So you're against the Donald cause his dad gave him a million? Funny stuff. Just demonstrates what jealous jack monkeys you libturds are.

I made my way without a father in my life, let alone a million dollar loan from daddy. Never been bankrupt. Never felt the need to sue for imagined slights. Never blamed the media for things that actually came out of my mouth. See where I'm going with this?
so it's his fault his dad gave him a million and he turned that into billions. Oh got it.

I started with nothing and made something. Most people do. A lot can be said about starting your life with a "small loan" of a million dollars. I don't slight him for accepting the loan, but you insult burger flippers who didn't have the extremely fortunate leg-up Trump did? These people do honest work to provide for their families while there are bank CEOs still making millions after being bailed out by the burger flipper's taxes.
dude, really, who flips burgers? Can you honestly answer that question?
It's a lot easier when your father gives you a small loan of a million dollars. :thup:
funny, it's what his father had. Did you get a million from your dad? I didn't, my old man worked many jobs to make ends meet. Very little in his accounts when he passed. So you're against the Donald cause his dad gave him a million? Funny stuff. Just demonstrates what jealous jack monkeys you libturds are.

I made my way without a father in my life, let alone a million dollar loan from daddy. Never been bankrupt. Never felt the need to sue for imagined slights. Never blamed the media for things that actually came out of my mouth. See where I'm going with this?
so it's his fault his dad gave him a million and he turned that into billions. Oh got it.

I started with nothing and made something. Most people do. A lot can be said about starting your life with a "small loan" of a million dollars. I don't slight him for accepting the loan, but you insult burger flippers who didn't have the extremely fortunate leg-up Trump did? These people do honest work to provide for their families while there are bank CEOs still making millions after being bailed out by the burger flipper's taxes.
dude, really, who flips burgers? Can you honestly answer that question?

The ones I usually see are middle-aged women.
funny, it's what his father had. Did you get a million from your dad? I didn't, my old man worked many jobs to make ends meet. Very little in his accounts when he passed. So you're against the Donald cause his dad gave him a million? Funny stuff. Just demonstrates what jealous jack monkeys you libturds are.

I made my way without a father in my life, let alone a million dollar loan from daddy. Never been bankrupt. Never felt the need to sue for imagined slights. Never blamed the media for things that actually came out of my mouth. See where I'm going with this?
so it's his fault his dad gave him a million and he turned that into billions. Oh got it.

I started with nothing and made something. Most people do. A lot can be said about starting your life with a "small loan" of a million dollars. I don't slight him for accepting the loan, but you insult burger flippers who didn't have the extremely fortunate leg-up Trump did? These people do honest work to provide for their families while there are bank CEOs still making millions after being bailed out by the burger flipper's taxes.
dude, really, who flips burgers? Can you honestly answer that question?

The ones I usually see are middle-aged women.
which burger places do you go to? LOL. middle aged women. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I said honestly and you lost.

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