Trump flip flop on wages

Trump is beyond belief! I honestly think he has a mental disorder.
(1) Historically, U.S. manufacturing wages are "too high" to be competitive in the global marketplace; hence Trump's original observation was correct, but sad.

(2) Currently, there are not enough good-wage jobs to ensure a thriving middle class; hence, Trump's current observation is correct.

The Liberal solutions to low wages are, in order (1) impose import duties and penalties, to deter massive imports (but this has historically been proven to be counterproductive - stupid), (2) modify the laws to promote organized labor (Unions) (but this only makes the "organized" companies less competitive, so it is also counterproductive - stupid), (3) raise the minimum wage (which even Democrats know is stupid, which is why they don't do anything significant in this regard, even when they are in power), and (4) get as many people as possible working for the Government and in non-competitive industries (healthcare, education, utilities).

The Republican/Conservative/Trumpish approach is to (a) get a grip on the immigration situation, so that low-wage, ignorant immigrants don't take the low wage jobs that Americans could be doing, (b) reduce the regulatory burden so that companies can devote more of their resources to productivity, (c) streamline the tax code so that corporations are not wasting resources on tax avoidance, (d) vigorously enforce international trade agreements, especially against countries that massively cheat (e.g., China). The combination of (b), (c), and (d) should jump-start the economy in an organic way (rather than by massive government spending and printing money), which will generate more middle-class jobs.
BTW you goons :
Minimum wage actually hurts the nonskilled. Who is going to pay some dummy 15 bucks an hour to flip a burger when they can hire someone with skills?
Yes, when the minimum wage rises, the economy grows a TAD. The GDP of the nonskilled(mostly black and third worlders) goes wayyy down.
Your policies are inconsistent because you ideologues don't fuckin think.

Tell that to the single mom trying to survive on minimum wage, feeding two children, and trying to take classes at night. She really will feel better!
BTW you goons :
Minimum wage actually hurts the nonskilled. Who is going to pay some dummy 15 bucks an hour to flip a burger when they can hire someone with skills?
Yes, when the minimum wage rises, the economy grows a TAD. The GDP of the nonskilled(mostly black and third worlders) goes wayyy down.
Your policies are inconsistent because you ideologues don't fuckin think.

Tell that to the single mom trying to survive on minimum wage, feeding two children, and trying to take classes at night. She really will feel better!

Mom should have planned her life better
BTW you goons :
Minimum wage actually hurts the nonskilled. Who is going to pay some dummy 15 bucks an hour to flip a burger when they can hire someone with skills?
Yes, when the minimum wage rises, the economy grows a TAD. The GDP of the nonskilled(mostly black and third worlders) goes wayyy down.
Your policies are inconsistent because you ideologues don't fuckin think.

Tell that to the single mom trying to survive on minimum wage, feeding two children, and trying to take classes at night. She really will feel better!

Mom should have planned her life better

You are just another angry, callous, republican who thinks they are the center of earth.
BTW you goons :
Minimum wage actually hurts the nonskilled. Who is going to pay some dummy 15 bucks an hour to flip a burger when they can hire someone with skills?
Yes, when the minimum wage rises, the economy grows a TAD. The GDP of the nonskilled(mostly black and third worlders) goes wayyy down.
Your policies are inconsistent because you ideologues don't fuckin think.

Tell that to the single mom trying to survive on minimum wage, feeding two children, and trying to take classes at night. She really will feel better!
Maybe she should have been better prepared before she opened her legs..
I know shit may sometimes happen, but that's life.
And your hypothetical doesn't change the FACT. At ALL :thup:
Emotion cant run a successful country.
BTW you goons :
Minimum wage actually hurts the nonskilled. Who is going to pay some dummy 15 bucks an hour to flip a burger when they can hire someone with skills?
Yes, when the minimum wage rises, the economy grows a TAD. The GDP of the nonskilled(mostly black and third worlders) goes wayyy down.
Your policies are inconsistent because you ideologues don't fuckin think.

Tell that to the single mom trying to survive on minimum wage, feeding two children, and trying to take classes at night. She really will feel better!

Mom should have planned her life better

You are just another angry, callous, republican who thinks they are the center of earth.

Bleh, I could care less what some broken down old left loon thinks of me. You have no value and are irrelevant

It doesn't matter. Trump supporters have shown that they will follow him no matter what he says or does.

Sort of like Obamabots and Hildabeast supporters?

oops. they try to put others down and instead put themselves down.
and as for wages. you take the job with a wage they offer. you can't make more on your own, that's YOU ALLS FAULT. stop whining and get on in the real world. people aren't here to make your life for you.

It's a lot easier when your father gives you a small loan of a million dollars. :thup:
funny, it's what his father had. Did you get a million from your dad? I didn't, my old man worked many jobs to make ends meet. Very little in his accounts when he passed. So you're against the Donald cause his dad gave him a million? Funny stuff. Just demonstrates what jealous jack monkeys you libturds are.
Well I'm still trying to get an answer on what is fair wages and Fair Taxation. Anyone here want to give it a try?
Why is it that when a Liberal does it it's called 'evolving' or 'changing one's mind' but when a Republican does it it's branded 'flip flopping'?

Well I'm still trying to get an answer on what is fair wages and Fair Taxation. Anyone here want to give it a try?
Hard to tell.
Words like "fair", "equality" and "racist" got raped by the limp wrists.
I am guessing "free shit" is the answer?
Right or wrong, Obama supporters knew what they were getting.

Au contraire...

Obozo supporters believed they were getting an intelligent and competent executive who would cut the deficit in half, he doubled it. Renew American prestige, he squandered it. A guy who opposed queer weddings, it looks more like he's a butt pirate in his own closet. A guy who would usher in a new era of peace, the world has never been so chaotic.
The meat muppet faggot is nothing like the "middle of the road" man of accomplishment we were sold.

Trump supporters think this long time Democrat is the only non-RINO in the race. They turned on Fox News because Megyn Kelly questioned things Trump actually said. Almost half of them support bombing a city from a cartoon. These people are brain dead.

You're pretty much right about that, his die hard fans aren't the sharpest bunch. That being said I'd support him over Bush or hitlary. I'm a hard right guy, so I'm all in for Cruz but if somehow we ended up with Trump and he managed to at the very least secure the border (I know a wall will not be built, but securing it doesn't require one) and fix the budget we'd be miles ahead of where we would be with anyone else.
Could some Trump supporter please explain why low wages are something to celebrate? Why on earth would someone think that wages too low could benefit our economy?

Are Trump supporters all independently wealthy? According to polling data, Trump supporters are largely high school educated, low income, young and White. Is this a demographic group that supports low wages? Why?
We cant pay someone 15 bucks an hour to tighten a bolt on an assembly line and expect to compete with slave labor on the world market.
That's why everything you see is made in china, Vietnam, mexico or some other shithole
And so, once American wages drop to Asian levels, we can compete? A race to the bottom! What a great economic policy that is!
I don't support slave labor.
What is good economic policy?
Good economic policy is supporting a vibrant middle class. Consumer spending drives better than 70% of the economy. Without a strong consumer base, we are doomed.
Minimum wage earners aren't the middle class, first of all..
we need to combat inflation, fix the immigration problems and focus on fair trade. Higher wages and free trade would follow. You cant just shit a good economy, nosmo.
Wages wont raise when we import savages that will work for 3 dollars an hour cash money.
The lefty utopia is a fallacy.
I never claimed that minimum wage workers were in the middle class, did I? But eroding the wages of the middle class by attrition has doomed our middle class to wage stagnation. And what inflation? We haven't approached inflation as a danger to our economy in decades.

If we invest in infrastructure, our economy will grow as a result. We need a strong and stable system of roads, sewers and water distribution. Without those things, we cannot maintain any semblance of an economy. And the ancillary effects of infrastructure development is everyone from the engineer designing the system to the flag man directing traffic will have a job.

As for the minimum wage, far too many Conservatives are locked into thinking that the minimum wage applies only to high school kids pouring sodas at McDonald's when in fact, a worker putting in greater than 30 hours a week is in a group unfortunately called the Working Poor. No American willing to work greater than 30 hours a week deserves to live in poverty.
Poverty is a hole that is insurmountable. It is far easier to move from the middle class to the wealthy class. But it is damn near impossible to move from poverty to the middle class, anecdotal examples excepted.
Funny how some people think making a career out of a child's starter job as a cashier, burger flipper or stockboy is a wise choice.
then we get responses like "well she is struggling". Yea, no shit!
well flippin burgers was always and is a starter job and the majority who work them outside the illigals, are high schoolers and college students under mom and daddies benefits. Why is that so difficult for the left libturds to understand? I don't know about the knowledge of libturds, they are quite the stupid bunch.
Libtards are "enlightened"?

This is as close as libturds get to being "enlightened".


This is the same blank stare they give you when told the truth about things.

We cant pay someone 15 bucks an hour to tighten a bolt on an assembly line and expect to compete with slave labor on the world market.
That's why everything you see is made in china, Vietnam, mexico or some other shithole
And so, once American wages drop to Asian levels, we can compete? A race to the bottom! What a great economic policy that is!
I don't support slave labor.
What is good economic policy?
Good economic policy is supporting a vibrant middle class. Consumer spending drives better than 70% of the economy. Without a strong consumer base, we are doomed.
Minimum wage earners aren't the middle class, first of all..
we need to combat inflation, fix the immigration problems and focus on fair trade. Higher wages and free trade would follow. You cant just shit a good economy, nosmo.
Wages wont raise when we import savages that will work for 3 dollars an hour cash money.
The lefty utopia is a fallacy.
I never claimed that minimum wage workers were in the middle class, did I? But eroding the wages of the middle class by attrition has doomed our middle class to wage stagnation. And what inflation? We haven't approached inflation as a danger to our economy in decades.

If we invest in infrastructure, our economy will grow as a result. We need a strong and stable system of roads, sewers and water distribution. Without those things, we cannot maintain any semblance of an economy. And the ancillary effects of infrastructure development is everyone from the engineer designing the system to the flag man directing traffic will have a job.

As for the minimum wage, far too many Conservatives are locked into thinking that the minimum wage applies only to high school kids pouring sodas at McDonald's when in fact, a worker putting in greater than 30 hours a week is in a group unfortunately called the Working Poor. No American willing to work greater than 30 hours a week deserves to live in poverty.
Poverty is a hole that is insurmountable. It is far easier to move from the middle class to the wealthy class. But it is damn near impossible to move from poverty to the middle class, anecdotal examples excepted.
so what do you think were middle class jobs and where do you think they went?

BTW, can you say manufacturing and can you say China?

Edit: BTW, Trump is still the only one talking about bringing them back to the US. The only one.
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So, let's get this straight. Trump says wages are too low and therefore Trump supporters may revolt? Are all of The Donald's supporters hampered by too much disposable income? Do they agree that if their own wages were only cut, life would be better for them?

Are we through the looking glass here?

Nope. I totally agree with him...and I think most of his supporters do too.

When I walk out of Walmart with four plastic bags of food and spent $100...I wonder how those making minimum wage can possibly be getting by.

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