trump Flips.... Big Tme.


VIP Member
May 27, 2014
So, trump ran on reinstating the tarrif to protect the American worker but now they say that he ran on a free market agenda? How do tariffs fit into that? Didnt he say he was going to reinstate the tariff? You dont see it do you?

Flips so far...

The wall
Repealing Obamacare
Prosecuting Hillary
This is a major, major flip. he is a corporatist. he IS the 1%. Why would you expect anything different?
trump is going to finish the job obama started for the ruling elite. What a bunch of fools.
He said he would impose tarrifs if we can't get a fair trade policies with other countrys.
Right now its all in the red.

Thats right. You go ahead and make excuses s for him like the left does for obama.
Didnt he say he was going to reinstate the tariff? You dont see it do you?

You think we have no tariffs now? The International Trade Commission lists over 12,000 specific tariffs on imports to America.

Reinstate? No, that's not what he said.

Your ignorance is showing.
He is not in the office yet, so how the hell do you know what he is going to do. Oh yeah I forgot intellectual superiority,, in your dreams.
Trump is doing BJTing (Before Job Training). He is learning the really, really big picture that none of us really have.

Free Trade is only free to those that take advantage of it. Those countries that operate "Free Trade" are being screwed by the others.

Fair Trade is only fair when it's enforced.
If 'Flip-Flopping' mattered, none of the last 5 or 6 Presidents would have been allowed to serve. It happens. It's Politics. Trump won't be unique in that regard.
Tariffs are all but gone. You are the ignorant one fool. I guess you havent heard of the trade imbalance or offshoring. The only reason companys leave is because of the removal of tariffs, it is more profitable for the company to go offshore. The removal of tariffs make it profitable. Read my signature.
Omg, Alex jones is more.serious. libs are so desperate, they are now a fucking joke.

Trump is President and he'll keep his promises.

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