trump Flips.... Big Tme.

If 'Flip-Flopping' mattered, none of the last 5 or 6 Presidents would have been allowed to serve. It happens. It's Politics. Trump will not be unique in that regard.

trump flips on the most important issue...our countries sovereignty, and you say "it happens"? Wow. He says make America great again then goes down the same road the rest of them did in recent history and you say "it happens"? He is suppossed to be the savior but does the same as the rest and you say "no problem". Wow.
I liked almost all of Trump's notions better than Hillary's proposals. But I didn't consider them anything other than notions. Putting myself in his situation of never holding public office I characterized his thoughts as an inch deep and a mile wide. Thus I didn't vote for him. In my view because of his situation I think flip-flop is sort of harsh. I call it a dose of reality.
Awe nothing like liberal outrage and hypocrisy to make my morning. Got over 4 years left. lol

Script's been flipped. But they don't get it yet. They're no longer calling the shots. Trump's got the pen & phone now. It's his turn to be above the law. They'll probably even have to get jobs an shit. Ha, sucks to be them. :laugh:
Its not who is in office, its what he does that matters. I dont care who is in. I want them to take care of us first and the free market is not taking care of us first.
Awe nothing like liberal outrage and hypocrisy to make my morning. Got over 4 years left. lol
Probably 8, Trump is gonna buttfuck the left over and over. The left n is showing their true colors
1 violence
2 anti constitution
3 soft on crime
4 do not care about inner cities
5 hate whitey
6 jobless losers
7 full of hate
8 wants to contol our lives
9 stupid tin foil hat people
If 'Flip-Flopping' mattered, none of the last 5 or 6 Presidents would have been allowed to serve. It happens. It's Politics. Trump will not be unique in that regard.

trump flips on the most important issue...our countries sovereignty, and you say "it happens"? Wow. He says make America great again then goes down the same road the rest of them did in recent history and you say "it happens"? He is suppossed to be the savior but does the same as the rest and you say "no problem". Wow.

Yes, it happens all the time. 'Flip-Flopping' doesn't matter. If it did, the last several Presidents wouldn't have served. It is what it is.
Yet when you read the actual transcripts of what Trump said in the left wing interviews you find they are lying out of their collective assess to push their agenda and fear-mongering...

The liberal desperation... and Trump hasn't even taken his oath of office yet...
Awe nothing like liberal outrage and hypocrisy to make my morning. Got over 4 years left. lol
Probably 8, Trump is gonna buttfuck the left over and over. The left n is showing their true colors
1 violence
2 anti constitution
3 soft on crime
4 do not care about inner cities
5 hate whitey
6 jobless losers
7 full of hate
8 wants to contol our lives
9 stupid tin foil hat people

Yeah if they keep it up, Trump will win much easier next time.
I picked apart his bull shit months ago. All the info is right there if you just look.
Omg, Alex jones is more.serious. libs are so desperate, they are now a fucking joke.

Trump is President and he'll keep his promises.

He's already indicated that he'll break more than half of his big promises.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
Those are media reports, i dont believe them. After this election if you do, then its on yiu not me.
trump is going to finish the job obama started for the ruling elite. What a bunch of fools.
You and your ilk certainly are. Constant non stop lying. Don't you have anything else to do other then spend all day on the internet lying out your ass about stuff you know nothing about?

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