Trump forcing the RINOS out!

Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich
Paul Ryan is the GOP's strongest candidate for POTUS in 2020.
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich
Paul Ryan is the GOP's strongest candidate for POTUS in 2020.

And Trump refused to endorse him in his primary run. In the GOP, its party before the interests of the nation. And your own personal power before the interests of the party.
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich
Walker isn't a cuckservative. Neither is Cruz, but he's a dirtbag nevertheless.
Eh Cruz and walker are not ppl I would want to be my elected officials piece of shit I guess can describe them if RINO doesn't fit
Cruz and Rubio and Rand Paul were all wacko's, but at least they are smart enough NOT to vote for Trump.

Never Trump.
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich
Paul Ryan is the GOP's strongest candidate for POTUS in 2020.

And Trump refused to endorse him in his primary run. In the GOP, its party before the interests of the nation. And your own personal power before the interests of the party.
In 2020 Paul Ryan does not want to be labelled by Hillary as having voted for Trump.

Ya' gots ta' think ahead !!
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich

So your solution for an election that you *lost* is to purge your ranks and reduce the number of people voting for your cause.

Tell me how that works out.

We haven't lost anything, but yeah purging the fake republicans who trash other republicans not just trump......they can go get rich with off the treasury as a democrat and not sully the republican party

Purges don't work in a democracy. They only work when a small minority can hold power by some means other than the democratic process.
FDR purged the Japanese in America pretty good and it was a democratic republic even back then.
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich
Paul Ryan is the GOP's strongest candidate for POTUS in 2020.

First he might need to worry about reelection now and in 2018.

Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich
Walker isn't a cuckservative. Neither is Cruz, but he's a dirtbag nevertheless.
Eh Cruz and walker are not ppl I would want to be my elected officials piece of shit I guess can describe them if RINO doesn't fit
Cruz and Rubio and Rand Paul were all wacko's, but at least they are smart enough NOT to vote for Trump.

Never Trump.

Lol both Paul and Rubio are supporting trump
What do you disagree with Obama on?

Great question !!

I disagreed with BHO on his gun control -- but then again they were only is views -- he never did any gun control.

I disagreed with BHO on staying in A-stan -- he promised to get the hell out and we should have. Now we are stuck there like in Germany for 50 years.

I disagreed with BHO on trying to topple Syria -- the USA should not interfere in the Middle East.

I disagreed with BHO on the South China Sea -- the US Pacific Fleet should all be recalled to the US West Coast. Right now the Fleet is a sitting duck for a Chinese air raid ... again !!!
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich

So your solution for an election that you *lost* is to purge your ranks and reduce the number of people voting for your cause.

Tell me how that works out.

We haven't lost anything, but yeah purging the fake republicans who trash other republicans not just trump......they can go get rich with off the treasury as a democrat and not sully the republican party

Purges don't work in a democracy. They only work when a small minority can hold power by some means other than the democratic process.
FDR purged the Japanese in America pretty good and it was a democratic republic even back then.

Since eventually reparations were paid, you
are dead wrong.
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich

So your solution for an election that you *lost* is to purge your ranks and reduce the number of people voting for your cause.

Tell me how that works out.

We haven't lost anything, but yeah purging the fake republicans who trash other republicans not just trump......they can go get rich with off the treasury as a democrat and not sully the republican party

Purges don't work in a democracy. They only work when a small minority can hold power by some means other than the democratic process.
FDR purged the Japanese in America pretty good and it was a democratic republic even back then.

Since eventually reparations were paid, you
are dead wrong.

Reperations...fuck that...people alive now didn't suffer in this shit....Get over it!
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan--so there went about 75% of the party, if that's who you're referring to as "rino's". In fact, I guess I am a rino in your opinion, because I was a life long Republican until Trump, I have changed my party status to Independent because of Trump. And for the first time in 60 YEARS Republicans are losing the White Educated voters, so I guess they were all Rino's too.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

I along with millions more of those "rino's" will be following the advise of long time friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan and will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

So after the election night slaughter, YES--I guess you'll be able to count the rino's within the party, but I doubt it will take both hands to do.--LOL

You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich
The extermination of establishment career politicians on both sides is a good thing, RINO be gone
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan--so there went about 75% of the party, if that's who you're referring to as "rino's". In fact, I guess I am a rino in your opinion, because I was a life long Republican until Trump, I have changed my party status to Independent because of Trump. And for the first time in 60 YEARS Republicans are losing the White Educated voters, so I guess they were all Rino's too.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

I along with millions more of those "rino's" will be following the advise of long time friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan and will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

So after the election night slaughter, YES--I guess you'll be able to count the rino's within the party, but I doubt it will take both hands to do.--LOL

You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator



You're a fuck up
For me, when deciding between a douche and a turd, I think about which one will have a longer negative effect. The Supreme Court pushes it to Trump. He released his short list list early. Love to hear Clinton elaborate on, or release a list of people she is considering.
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan--so there went about 75% of the party, if that's who you're referring to as "rino's". In fact, I guess I am a rino in your opinion, because I was a life long Republican until Trump, I have changed my party status to Independent because of Trump. And for the first time in 60 YEARS Republicans are losing the White Educated voters, so I guess they were all Rino's too.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

I along with millions more of those "rino's" will be following the advise of long time friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan and will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

So after the election night slaughter, YES--I guess you'll be able to count the rino's within the party, but I doubt it will take both hands to do.--LOL

You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator



WHAT?? White college grads vote republican? From the libtards you'd think we were all backwards hicks that don't believe in science....thanks for posting we get even more proof you guys are completely full of shit.
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich
The extermination of establishment career politicians on both sides is a good thing, RINO be gone

You've already exterminated the Republican party, it is now the Trump Party.

Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan--so there went about 75% of the party, if that's who you're referring to as "rino's". In fact, I guess I am a rino in your opinion, because I was a life long Republican until Trump, I have changed my party status to Independent because of Trump. And for the first time in 60 YEARS Republicans are losing the White Educated voters, so I guess they were all Rino's too.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

I along with millions more of those "rino's" will be following the advise of long time friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan and will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

So after the election night slaughter, YES--guess you'll be able to count the rino's within the party, but I doubt it will take both hands to do.--LOL

You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator



If you can with a straight face and clear concious vote for Hillary Clinton you were never a true republican. I can understand not liking trumps tone or attacking enemies and voting 3rd party bc I did so with McCain and Romney but i NEVER considered voting for Obama
Even if Trump loses ya gotta give him one thing he is showing the country there is a large contingent of cuckservatives/RINO'S infecting the Republican Party from Lindsey Graham to Ben Sass to Paul Ryan to John McCain to that cuck in New York that is retiring and also voting for the bitch. Even if Trump loses he has already left his mark on the GOP and will make sure to finance the cuckservative and RINO candidates opponents,which is a beautiful site. It might lead to a split in the GOP or the cucks can go join the dumbocrat party where they belong. Oh I forgot to add damn near every candidate he ran against as RINO'S especially Bush,Paul,Walker,Cruz and Kasich
The extermination of establishment career politicians on both sides is a good thing, RINO be gone

You've already exterminated the Republican party, it is now the Trump Party.

They were the same thing as the other side, they are showing their true colors

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