Trump Foundation is as much a charitable organization as Trump U. is an institute of higher learning

Donald Trump Facing Impeachment IMMEDIATELY If Elected President
Should Donald Trump be elected president in November, and should the charges of fraud and racketeering due to the lawsuit brought against him over Trump University lead to a conviction, Trump could be impeached before he’s even inaugurated, according to law professor, Christopher L. Peterson.

Peterson is a professor at the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law. In an academic paper published on Monday that Peterson wrote titled Trump University and Presidential Impeachment, Peterson stated that the charges Trump faces are quite serious.

‘In the United States, it is illegal for businesses to use false statements to convince consumers to purchase their services. The evidence indicates that Trump University used a systemic pattern of fraudulent representations to trick thousands of families into investing in a program that can be argued was a sham.

‘Fraud and racketeering are serious crimes that legally rise to the level of impeachable acts.’

JUST IN: Donald Trump Facing Impeachment IMMEDIATELY If Elected President
Donald Trump Facing Impeachment IMMEDIATELY If Elected President
Should Donald Trump be elected president in November, and should the charges of fraud and racketeering due to the lawsuit brought against him over Trump University lead to a conviction, Trump could be impeached before he’s even inaugurated, according to law professor, Christopher L. Peterson.

Peterson is a professor at the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law. In an academic paper published on Monday that Peterson wrote titled Trump University and Presidential Impeachment, Peterson stated that the charges Trump faces are quite serious.

‘In the United States, it is illegal for businesses to use false statements to convince consumers to purchase their services. The evidence indicates that Trump University used a systemic pattern of fraudulent representations to trick thousands of families into investing in a program that can be argued was a sham.

‘Fraud and racketeering are serious crimes that legally rise to the level of impeachable acts.’

JUST IN: Donald Trump Facing Impeachment IMMEDIATELY If Elected President
Hillary should be in prison now. The suit with Trump will go no where and unlikely ever go to trial. It's a political hit job, it's what lefties do, try to destroy their enemy in court. If the university was a scam there wouldn't be so many satisfied customers, a few malcontents don't make the case.

Obviously you are being payed to spam the board with this shit. The DNC has thousands on the payroll but the fact that you and they are stupid enough to believe it will be effective is comical. Anyone with half a brain can see right through you.
Nothing has been found that violated the law with the clintons. Trump has violated the law and scammed people out of their life savings. People with law degrees and professor ships are coming forward on this issue saying that Donald Trump broke the law.
So no convictions means Hillary is innocent and Trump is guilty?

You are too stupid to be hired by the private sector, you NEED the public titty to nurse off of.
Donald Trump Facing Impeachment IMMEDIATELY If Elected President
Should Donald Trump be elected president in November, and should the charges of fraud and racketeering due to the lawsuit brought against him over Trump University lead to a conviction, Trump could be impeached before he’s even inaugurated, according to law professor, Christopher L. Peterson.

Peterson is a professor at the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law. In an academic paper published on Monday that Peterson wrote titled Trump University and Presidential Impeachment, Peterson stated that the charges Trump faces are quite serious.

‘In the United States, it is illegal for businesses to use false statements to convince consumers to purchase their services. The evidence indicates that Trump University used a systemic pattern of fraudulent representations to trick thousands of families into investing in a program that can be argued was a sham.

‘Fraud and racketeering are serious crimes that legally rise to the level of impeachable acts.’

JUST IN: Donald Trump Facing Impeachment IMMEDIATELY If Elected President
Hillary should be in prison now. The suit with Trump will go no where and unlikely ever go to trial. It's a political hit job, it's what lefties do, try to destroy their enemy in court. If the university was a scam there wouldn't be so many satisfied customers, a few malcontents don't make the case.

Obviously you are being payed to spam the board with this shit. The DNC has thousands on the payroll but the fact that you and they are stupid enough to believe it will be effective is comical. Anyone with half a brain can see right through you.
Republicans control both the House and the Senate. They have unlimited taxpayer money to go after the Hillary Clinton and the best investigators in the world. And they have been going after her for 30 years. Add all the investigation together and it's been dozens. And what do they have to show for all those hundreds, even thousands of hours of government workers investigating? The millions of dollars spent? The thousands of hours of people examined and cross examined? Thousands of documents?

Nothing. Just taxpayer money spent and time wasted.

The crime here is the waste of resources by the GOP. The taxpayer money wasted. Someone needs to do some explaining.
Donald Trump Facing Impeachment IMMEDIATELY If Elected President
Should Donald Trump be elected president in November, and should the charges of fraud and racketeering due to the lawsuit brought against him over Trump University lead to a conviction, Trump could be impeached before he’s even inaugurated, according to law professor, Christopher L. Peterson.

Peterson is a professor at the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law. In an academic paper published on Monday that Peterson wrote titled Trump University and Presidential Impeachment, Peterson stated that the charges Trump faces are quite serious.

‘In the United States, it is illegal for businesses to use false statements to convince consumers to purchase their services. The evidence indicates that Trump University used a systemic pattern of fraudulent representations to trick thousands of families into investing in a program that can be argued was a sham.

‘Fraud and racketeering are serious crimes that legally rise to the level of impeachable acts.’

JUST IN: Donald Trump Facing Impeachment IMMEDIATELY If Elected President
Hillary should be in prison now. The suit with Trump will go no where and unlikely ever go to trial. It's a political hit job, it's what lefties do, try to destroy their enemy in court. If the university was a scam there wouldn't be so many satisfied customers, a few malcontents don't make the case.

Obviously you are being payed to spam the board with this shit. The DNC has thousands on the payroll but the fact that you and they are stupid enough to believe it will be effective is comical. Anyone with half a brain can see right through you.
Republicans control both the House and the Senate. They have unlimited taxpayer money to go after the Hillary Clinton and the best investigators in the world. And they have been going after her for 30 years. Add all the investigation together and it's been dozens. And what do they have to show for all those hundreds, even thousands of hours of government workers investigating? The millions of dollars spent? The thousands of hours of people examined and cross examined? Thousands of documents?

Nothing. Just taxpayer money spent and time wasted.

The crime here is the waste of resources by the GOP. The taxpayer money wasted. Someone needs to do some explaining.
It's a waste to you because of your depraved personality. You enjoy corrumption if it works out for your agenda. You lied repeatedly in this response alone. Congress doesn't have unlimited funds, they do not control the executive branch so they can't control what the DOJ does or doesn't do. Hillary can't be prosecuted if the DOJ won't prosecute her, which they obviously won't. They won't even go after her server guy when he clearly violated law and ignored subpoenas by congress.

What you and your fellow leftists prove here every day is just how corrupt, immature and spiteful so called liberals are. They even lie about what to call themselves, you aren't liberals at all, you are leftists.
Nothing has been found that violated the law with the clintons. Trump has violated the law and scammed people out of their life savings. People with law degrees and professor ships are coming forward on this issue saying that Donald Trump broke the law.
So no convictions means Hillary is innocent and Trump is guilty?

You are too stupid to be hired by the private sector, you NEED the public titty to nurse off of.
I suspect after 30 years of investigations, using unlimited tax payer money and the best investigative offices in the world, Hillary is probably innocent.
Report: Trump used foundation money to settle lawsuits

I was wondering where all the Trump Foundation money was going.

All that money coming in?

It couldn't ALL be going to bribes and $20,000.00 six foot paintings of Donald Trump.

Turns out it was going to paying off lawsuits.

Clearly, Donald Trump is a firm believer of "Charity begins at home".

Man, would I love to see those tax returns. Aren't you right wingers just a little bit curious? After all, you are always crowing about how much Republicans give to charity. Don't you want to know how much Trump gave to his favorite charity, Donald J. Trump? I do.
Nothing can stand up to the corruption that the Clinton foundation has. Dip shit
Report: Trump used foundation money to settle lawsuits

I was wondering where all the Trump Foundation money was going.

All that money coming in?

It couldn't ALL be going to bribes and $20,000.00 six foot paintings of Donald Trump.

Turns out it was going to paying off lawsuits.

Clearly, Donald Trump is a firm believer of "Charity begins at home".

Man, would I love to see those tax returns. Aren't you right wingers just a little bit curious? After all, you are always crowing about how much Republicans give to charity. Don't you want to know how much Trump gave to his favorite charity, Donald J. Trump? I do.
Nothing can stand up to the corruption that the Clinton foundation has. Dip shit
It stood up to years of investigation.

The Trump Foundation on the other hand? Wow, Trumps got problems.
Report: Trump used foundation money to settle lawsuits

I was wondering where all the Trump Foundation money was going.

All that money coming in?

It couldn't ALL be going to bribes and $20,000.00 six foot paintings of Donald Trump.

Turns out it was going to paying off lawsuits.

Clearly, Donald Trump is a firm believer of "Charity begins at home".

Man, would I love to see those tax returns. Aren't you right wingers just a little bit curious? After all, you are always crowing about how much Republicans give to charity. Don't you want to know how much Trump gave to his favorite charity, Donald J. Trump? I do.

That has got to piss off someone. Perhaps it's why the foundation doesn't have that much in resources considering its namesake is a billionaire (supposedly).

I know one thing, some 15 people at the social gatherings I've attended in the past couple months have all said they knew better than to donate to the Trump foundation. I truly feel for folks who did not know better.
Like you care.

He broke the fucking law. Of course I care! The law is important part of civilization...That is something that I respect unlike the loserterians that want to abolish everything.

You don't give a fuck.

If Hillary ate a baby, you would still vote for her.

If Trump gave up both his kidneys to save underprivileged babies, you would still hate him with a burning passion.
If Trump gave up both his kidneys to save underprivileged babies

What is the likelihood of anything even remotely like that ever happening.

Donald Trump Once Revoked Medical Care for a Sick Baby To Get Back at His Family

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's sick baby | Daily Mail Online

That's the kind of person Republicans want as president. Who is a bigger sick fuck? Trump? Or his minions?
Report: Trump used foundation money to settle lawsuits

I was wondering where all the Trump Foundation money was going.

All that money coming in?

It couldn't ALL be going to bribes and $20,000.00 six foot paintings of Donald Trump.

Turns out it was going to paying off lawsuits.

Clearly, Donald Trump is a firm believer of "Charity begins at home".

Man, would I love to see those tax returns. Aren't you right wingers just a little bit curious? After all, you are always crowing about how much Republicans give to charity. Don't you want to know how much Trump gave to his favorite charity, Donald J. Trump? I do.
Talk about inconsistency. Clinton is raising money to fight AIDS in Africa, while spreading stds around the world.

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