Trump Foundation is as much a charitable organization as Trump U. is an institute of higher learning

Nothing has been found that violated the law with the clintons. Trump has violated the law and scammed people out of their life savings. People with law degrees and professor ships are coming forward on this issue saying that Donald Trump broke the law.
Did you give up on begging God for help? lol
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
Source: Washington Post
Donald Trump spent more than a quarter-million dollars from his charitable foundation to settle lawsuits that involved the billionaire’s for-profit businesses, according to interviews and a review of legal documents.

Those cases, which together used $258,000 from Trump’s charity, were among four newly documented expenditures in which Trump may have violated laws against “self-dealing” — which prohibit nonprofit leaders from using charity money to benefit themselves or their businesses.

In one case, from 2007, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club faced $120,000 in unpaid fines from the town of Palm Beach, Fla., resulting from a dispute over the size of a flagpole.

In a settlement, Palm Beach agreed to waive those fines — if Trump’s club made a $100,000 donation to a specific charity for veterans. Instead, Trump sent a check from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a charity funded almost entirely by other people’s money, according to tax records.

Read more: Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

My god Donald Trump is a fucking snake...
"In a settlement, Palm Beach agreed to waive those fines — if Trump’s club made a $100,000 donation to a specific charity for veterans. Instead, Trump sent a check from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a charity funded almost entirely by other people’s money, according to tax records."

So his charitable foundation made charitable donation. That's deplorable.
He was supposed to pay a fine. The offended party made a deal that instead of a fine to them, he should donate that amount to charity...but instead he donated foundation money, not his own..ergo..the charitable foundation paid Trump's fine. Neat trick!
No, the foundation made a charitable donation. By the time this had happened there was no longer any talk of a fine.
Nothing has been found that violated the law with the clintons. Trump has violated the law and scammed people out of their life savings. People with law degrees and professor ships are coming forward on this issue saying that Donald Trump broke the law.
Did you give up on begging God for help? lol
If Trump becomes president, even begging God won't help.
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
Source: Washington Post
Donald Trump spent more than a quarter-million dollars from his charitable foundation to settle lawsuits that involved the billionaire’s for-profit businesses, according to interviews and a review of legal documents.

Those cases, which together used $258,000 from Trump’s charity, were among four newly documented expenditures in which Trump may have violated laws against “self-dealing” — which prohibit nonprofit leaders from using charity money to benefit themselves or their businesses.

In one case, from 2007, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club faced $120,000 in unpaid fines from the town of Palm Beach, Fla., resulting from a dispute over the size of a flagpole.

In a settlement, Palm Beach agreed to waive those fines — if Trump’s club made a $100,000 donation to a specific charity for veterans. Instead, Trump sent a check from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a charity funded almost entirely by other people’s money, according to tax records.

Read more: Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

My god Donald Trump is a fucking snake...
"In a settlement, Palm Beach agreed to waive those fines — if Trump’s club made a $100,000 donation to a specific charity for veterans. Instead, Trump sent a check from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a charity funded almost entirely by other people’s money, according to tax records."

So his charitable foundation made charitable donation. That's deplorable.
He was supposed to pay a fine. The offended party made a deal that instead of a fine to them, he should donate that amount to charity...but instead he donated foundation money, not his own..ergo..the charitable foundation paid Trump's fine. Neat trick!
No, the foundation made a charitable donation. By the time this had happened there was no longer any talk of a fine.
Now you are just making shit up.

Comment on Trump Foundation. Go ahead. Defend it. I dare you.
Why else would a foundation that only used 6% of its earnings on charitable work get an A?

For me to defend the Trump Foundation, you'd have to give me a good reason to defend something that's likely just as corrupt, or almost as corrupt as the Clinton Foundation. You'll have to find a Trump drone for that, so good luck.
Because that's not true.

I notice you don't say a thing about the Trump Foundation. Go ahead. Defend it. I dare you.
Oh, right, CNN didn't report that.

Did you not read my post? I said that it's likely just as corrupt or almost as much so as the Clinton Foundation. You clearly have issues retaining information, because you pretend I'm a Trump supporter every time I reply to your stupid posts, yet I've told you two other times I don't support Trump. You must not know how to handle righties that don't defend the Republican nominee to the grave.
You're a liar or stupid.

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

Considering all of the organizations affiliated with the Clinton Foundation, he said, CharityWatch concluded about 89 percent of its budget is spent on programs. That’s the amount it spent on charity in 2013, he said.

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

We can’t vouch for the effectiveness of the programming expenses listed in the report, but it is clear that the claim that the Clinton Foundation only steers 6 percent of its donations to charity is wrong, and amounts to a misunderstanding of how public charities work.


Like I said, if your claim were true, Republicans would be all over it. They have unlimited tax payer money to spend. They have been doing it for 30 years going after the Clintons.

And you don't need to lie about your support for Trump. Your lack of actually looking anything up and taking him at his word PROVES you are a supporter and a liar.
It's irony at its best that you'd say that about anyone, given your record here. is Liberal controlled, so linking me there doesn't accomplish anything.

As for the report itself, I wonder how much of the information in it is actually factual or sneakily misrepresented, considering it's a Clinton-related foundation~

I also wonder what falls under each category.
Regardless, I'll be reading this, I just didn't want to, you know, not reply.

As for the "Witch Hunts", you only call them because you buy into all of Hillary's and CNN's obvious lies. We don't expect much from you, so don't worry about that.
Fact check liberal controlled.

That's because to your kind, all facts are liberal controlled. You never met a fact you believed.
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
Source: Washington Post
Donald Trump spent more than a quarter-million dollars from his charitable foundation to settle lawsuits that involved the billionaire’s for-profit businesses, according to interviews and a review of legal documents.

Those cases, which together used $258,000 from Trump’s charity, were among four newly documented expenditures in which Trump may have violated laws against “self-dealing” — which prohibit nonprofit leaders from using charity money to benefit themselves or their businesses.

In one case, from 2007, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club faced $120,000 in unpaid fines from the town of Palm Beach, Fla., resulting from a dispute over the size of a flagpole.

In a settlement, Palm Beach agreed to waive those fines — if Trump’s club made a $100,000 donation to a specific charity for veterans. Instead, Trump sent a check from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a charity funded almost entirely by other people’s money, according to tax records.

Read more: Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

My god Donald Trump is a fucking snake...

Yeah, I just knew they were holding out on this until the end. They love those October surprises. Anyone with half a brain should have known that Trump had so much dirt under his fingernails it was going to take months to dig out. They found it and here it comes. This was reported on ABC world nightly news tonight and it's all downhill from here to election night.

Trump University is now going to be reported on, and is due in court shortly--and another 3.500 law suits over whatever.

I imagine this woman will the 1st witness for the plaintiff.

Last edited:
Report: Trump used foundation money to settle lawsuits

I was wondering where all the Trump Foundation money was going.

All that money coming in?

It couldn't ALL be going to bribes and $20,000.00 six foot paintings of Donald Trump.

Turns out it was going to paying off lawsuits.

Clearly, Donald Trump is a firm believer of "Charity begins at home".

Man, would I love to see those tax returns. Aren't you right wingers just a little bit curious? After all, you are always crowing about how much Republicans give to charity. Don't you want to know how much Trump gave to his favorite charity, Donald J. Trump? I do.

Of course Trump is a crook. History has shown this, but nothing will open the eyes of his idiot supporters.
Why else would a foundation that only used 6% of its earnings on charitable work get an A?

For me to defend the Trump Foundation, you'd have to give me a good reason to defend something that's likely just as corrupt, or almost as corrupt as the Clinton Foundation. You'll have to find a Trump drone for that, so good luck.
Because that's not true.

I notice you don't say a thing about the Trump Foundation. Go ahead. Defend it. I dare you.
Oh, right, CNN didn't report that.

Did you not read my post? I said that it's likely just as corrupt or almost as much so as the Clinton Foundation. You clearly have issues retaining information, because you pretend I'm a Trump supporter every time I reply to your stupid posts, yet I've told you two other times I don't support Trump. You must not know how to handle righties that don't defend the Republican nominee to the grave.
You're a liar or stupid.

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

Considering all of the organizations affiliated with the Clinton Foundation, he said, CharityWatch concluded about 89 percent of its budget is spent on programs. That’s the amount it spent on charity in 2013, he said.

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

We can’t vouch for the effectiveness of the programming expenses listed in the report, but it is clear that the claim that the Clinton Foundation only steers 6 percent of its donations to charity is wrong, and amounts to a misunderstanding of how public charities work.


Like I said, if your claim were true, Republicans would be all over it. They have unlimited tax payer money to spend. They have been doing it for 30 years going after the Clintons.

And you don't need to lie about your support for Trump. Your lack of actually looking anything up and taking him at his word PROVES you are a supporter and a liar.
It's irony at its best that you'd say that about anyone, given your record here. is Liberal controlled, so linking me there doesn't accomplish anything.

As for the report itself, I wonder how much of the information in it is actually factual or sneakily misrepresented, considering it's a Clinton-related foundation~

I also wonder what falls under each category.
Regardless, I'll be reading this, I just didn't want to, you know, not reply.

As for the "Witch Hunts", you only call them because you buy into all of Hillary's and CNN's obvious lies. We don't expect much from you, so don't worry about that.
Fact check liberal controlled.

That's because to your kind, all facts are liberal controlled. You never met a fact you believed.

Loserterianism is based on stupidity. Same mindset as the effin isis in many ways.
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
Source: Washington Post
Donald Trump spent more than a quarter-million dollars from his charitable foundation to settle lawsuits that involved the billionaire’s for-profit businesses, according to interviews and a review of legal documents.

Those cases, which together used $258,000 from Trump’s charity, were among four newly documented expenditures in which Trump may have violated laws against “self-dealing” — which prohibit nonprofit leaders from using charity money to benefit themselves or their businesses.

In one case, from 2007, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club faced $120,000 in unpaid fines from the town of Palm Beach, Fla., resulting from a dispute over the size of a flagpole.

In a settlement, Palm Beach agreed to waive those fines — if Trump’s club made a $100,000 donation to a specific charity for veterans. Instead, Trump sent a check from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a charity funded almost entirely by other people’s money, according to tax records.

Read more: Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

My god Donald Trump is a fucking snake...
"In a settlement, Palm Beach agreed to waive those fines — if Trump’s club made a $100,000 donation to a specific charity for veterans. Instead, Trump sent a check from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a charity funded almost entirely by other people’s money, according to tax records."

So his charitable foundation made charitable donation. That's deplorable.
He was supposed to pay a fine. The offended party made a deal that instead of a fine to them, he should donate that amount to charity...but instead he donated foundation money, not his own..ergo..the charitable foundation paid Trump's fine. Neat trick!
No, the foundation made a charitable donation. By the time this had happened there was no longer any talk of a fine.
An agreement was reached that the fine would be dismissed and Trump would make a donation to a local charity. The Trump Foundation made that donation to a local charity.
Report: Trump used foundation money to settle lawsuits

I was wondering where all the Trump Foundation money was going.

All that money coming in?

It couldn't ALL be going to bribes and $20,000.00 six foot paintings of Donald Trump.

Turns out it was going to paying off lawsuits.

Clearly, Donald Trump is a firm believer of "Charity begins at home".

Man, would I love to see those tax returns. Aren't you right wingers just a little bit curious? After all, you are always crowing about how much Republicans give to charity. Don't you want to know how much Trump gave to his favorite charity, Donald J. Trump? I do.

Of course Trump is a crook. History has shown this, but nothing will open the eyes of his idiot supporters.

On Republican social media boards, they're in full panic melt down mode right now. The Trump supporter is in total denial--LOL. You see all along their campaign has been based around framing Hillary Clinton as a CROOK--even Donald Trump calls her that--and the "criminal" needle is now pointing toward him, and they are literally flipping out over it--LOL
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Again they were warned when they heard about Trump University months ago before the first ballot was cast--they ignored that, and now the Kraken has been let loose by the media.

Why else would a foundation that only used 6% of its earnings on charitable work get an A?

For me to defend the Trump Foundation, you'd have to give me a good reason to defend something that's likely just as corrupt, or almost as corrupt as the Clinton Foundation. You'll have to find a Trump drone for that, so good luck.
Because that's not true.

I notice you don't say a thing about the Trump Foundation. Go ahead. Defend it. I dare you.
Oh, right, CNN didn't report that.

Did you not read my post? I said that it's likely just as corrupt or almost as much so as the Clinton Foundation. You clearly have issues retaining information, because you pretend I'm a Trump supporter every time I reply to your stupid posts, yet I've told you two other times I don't support Trump. You must not know how to handle righties that don't defend the Republican nominee to the grave.
You're a liar or stupid.

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

Considering all of the organizations affiliated with the Clinton Foundation, he said, CharityWatch concluded about 89 percent of its budget is spent on programs. That’s the amount it spent on charity in 2013, he said.

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

We can’t vouch for the effectiveness of the programming expenses listed in the report, but it is clear that the claim that the Clinton Foundation only steers 6 percent of its donations to charity is wrong, and amounts to a misunderstanding of how public charities work.


Like I said, if your claim were true, Republicans would be all over it. They have unlimited tax payer money to spend. They have been doing it for 30 years going after the Clintons.

And you don't need to lie about your support for Trump. Your lack of actually looking anything up and taking him at his word PROVES you are a supporter and a liar.
It's irony at its best that you'd say that about anyone, given your record here. is Liberal controlled, so linking me there doesn't accomplish anything.

As for the report itself, I wonder how much of the information in it is actually factual or sneakily misrepresented, considering it's a Clinton-related foundation~

I also wonder what falls under each category.
Regardless, I'll be reading this, I just didn't want to, you know, not reply.

As for the "Witch Hunts", you only call them because you buy into all of Hillary's and CNN's obvious lies. We don't expect much from you, so don't worry about that.
Fact check liberal controlled.

That's because to your kind, all facts are liberal controlled. You never met a fact you believed.
Says every human with their head stuck up their rectum. If that were the case, Liberals wouldn't be voting for the queen of liars~

Of course, because of your aversion to logic and facts, nobody takes you seriously anyway.
Because that's not true.

I notice you don't say a thing about the Trump Foundation. Go ahead. Defend it. I dare you.
Oh, right, CNN didn't report that.

Did you not read my post? I said that it's likely just as corrupt or almost as much so as the Clinton Foundation. You clearly have issues retaining information, because you pretend I'm a Trump supporter every time I reply to your stupid posts, yet I've told you two other times I don't support Trump. You must not know how to handle righties that don't defend the Republican nominee to the grave.
You're a liar or stupid.

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

Considering all of the organizations affiliated with the Clinton Foundation, he said, CharityWatch concluded about 89 percent of its budget is spent on programs. That’s the amount it spent on charity in 2013, he said.

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

We can’t vouch for the effectiveness of the programming expenses listed in the report, but it is clear that the claim that the Clinton Foundation only steers 6 percent of its donations to charity is wrong, and amounts to a misunderstanding of how public charities work.


Like I said, if your claim were true, Republicans would be all over it. They have unlimited tax payer money to spend. They have been doing it for 30 years going after the Clintons.

And you don't need to lie about your support for Trump. Your lack of actually looking anything up and taking him at his word PROVES you are a supporter and a liar.
It's irony at its best that you'd say that about anyone, given your record here. is Liberal controlled, so linking me there doesn't accomplish anything.

As for the report itself, I wonder how much of the information in it is actually factual or sneakily misrepresented, considering it's a Clinton-related foundation~

I also wonder what falls under each category.
Regardless, I'll be reading this, I just didn't want to, you know, not reply.

As for the "Witch Hunts", you only call them because you buy into all of Hillary's and CNN's obvious lies. We don't expect much from you, so don't worry about that.
Fact check liberal controlled.

That's because to your kind, all facts are liberal controlled. You never met a fact you believed.

Loserterianism is based on stupidity. Same mindset as the effin isis in many ways.
Says the guy who complains about Conservatives pushing for small government... then subsequently claimed they want an authoritarian government. You are in no position to call other people stupid.
Report: Trump used foundation money to settle lawsuits

I was wondering where all the Trump Foundation money was going.

All that money coming in?

It couldn't ALL be going to bribes and $20,000.00 six foot paintings of Donald Trump.

Turns out it was going to paying off lawsuits.

Clearly, Donald Trump is a firm believer of "Charity begins at home".

Man, would I love to see those tax returns. Aren't you right wingers just a little bit curious? After all, you are always crowing about how much Republicans give to charity. Don't you want to know how much Trump gave to his favorite charity, Donald J. Trump? I do.

Of course Trump is a crook. History has shown this, but nothing will open the eyes of his idiot supporters.

On Republican social media boards, they're in full panic melt down mode right now. The Trump supporter is in total denial--LOL. You see all along their campaign has been based around framing Hillary Clinton as a CROOK--even Donald Trump calls her that--and the "criminal" needle is now pointing toward him, and they are literally flipping out over it--LOL
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Again they were warned when they heard about Trump University months ago before the first ballot was cast--they ignored that, and now the Kraken has been let loose by the media.

Democrats are supporting a walking corpse that loses support with every live appearance, and you think Republicans are panicking? Cute.
Report: Trump used foundation money to settle lawsuits

I was wondering where all the Trump Foundation money was going.

All that money coming in?

It couldn't ALL be going to bribes and $20,000.00 six foot paintings of Donald Trump.

Turns out it was going to paying off lawsuits.

Clearly, Donald Trump is a firm believer of "Charity begins at home".

Man, would I love to see those tax returns. Aren't you right wingers just a little bit curious? After all, you are always crowing about how much Republicans give to charity. Don't you want to know how much Trump gave to his favorite charity, Donald J. Trump? I do.

Of course Trump is a crook. History has shown this, but nothing will open the eyes of his idiot supporters.

On Republican social media boards, they're in full panic melt down mode right now. The Trump supporter is in total denial--LOL. You see all along their campaign has been based around framing Hillary Clinton as a CROOK--even Donald Trump calls her that--and the "criminal" needle is now pointing toward him, and they are literally flipping out over it--LOL
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Again they were warned when they heard about Trump University months ago before the first ballot was cast--they ignored that, and now the Kraken has been let loose by the media.

Democrats are supporting a walking corpse that loses support with every live appearance, and you think Republicans are panicking? Cute.

I don't think--- I know they're in full blown panic. Hillary Clinton has already pulled out of several battleground states as her internal polling data is showing her with double digit leads. Those adds are now moving into RED states that are in play, and Trump is losing 10 states that Romney won.
Confident Clinton Pulling Ads, as the Trump Train Goes Off the Rails | RedState
Trump is losing all 10 of the states with the closest results in 2012

They're ENTIRE campaign was based on Hillary Clinton being a criminal--LOL That was it,. And it turns out that Trump was using donations to pay off business legal fees, and obtaining portraits of himself. There went the entire campaign against Hillary Clinton. He's really fucked now. And be assured they have much more than this, that they have been patiently waiting to release. Welcome to OCTOBER. If Republicans aren't going to vet their candidates, be assured Democrats will.

You wanted Trump, now you own it and what comes with it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


Last edited:
Report: Trump used foundation money to settle lawsuits

I was wondering where all the Trump Foundation money was going.

All that money coming in?

It couldn't ALL be going to bribes and $20,000.00 six foot paintings of Donald Trump.

Turns out it was going to paying off lawsuits.

Clearly, Donald Trump is a firm believer of "Charity begins at home".

Man, would I love to see those tax returns. Aren't you right wingers just a little bit curious? After all, you are always crowing about how much Republicans give to charity. Don't you want to know how much Trump gave to his favorite charity, Donald J. Trump? I do.

Of course Trump is a crook. History has shown this, but nothing will open the eyes of his idiot supporters.

On Republican social media boards, they're in full panic melt down mode right now. The Trump supporter is in total denial--LOL. You see all along their campaign has been based around framing Hillary Clinton as a CROOK--even Donald Trump calls her that--and the "criminal" needle is now pointing toward him, and they are literally flipping out over it--LOL
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Again they were warned when they heard about Trump University months ago before the first ballot was cast--they ignored that, and now the Kraken has been let loose by the media.

Democrats are supporting a walking corpse that loses support with every live appearance, and you think Republicans are panicking? Cute.

I don't think--- I know they're in full blown panic. Hillary Clinton has already pulled out of several battleground states as her internal polling data is showing her with double digit leads. Those adds are now moving into RED states that are in play, and Trump is losing 10 states that Romney won.
Confident Clinton Pulling Ads, as the Trump Train Goes Off the Rails | RedState
Trump is losing all 10 of the states with the closest results in 2012

They're ENTIRE campaign was based on Hillary Clinton being a criminal--LOL That was it,. And it turns out that Trump was using donations to pay off business legal fees, and obtaining portraits of himself. There went the entire campaign against Hillary Clinton. He's really fucked now. And be assured they have much more than this, that they have been patiently waiting to release. Welcome to OCTOBER. If Republicans aren't going to vet their candidates, be assured Democrats will.

You wanted Trump, now you own it and what comes with it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

"Liberal media says it's so, so it must be! DELUSIONAL SHILL POWERS ACTIVATE!"
No wonder most people just ignore you, you brown nose so hard that you're stuck in your own world, no trace of reality in sight.
He does things that would make Al Capone blush. I am serious, that is how big of a snake this man is.

You would vote for Al Capone if he had a D next to his name.

So that gives you cover to vote for Trump no matter what crimes are ACTUALLY committed by Trump?
Where are the trials and why are Hillary's federal violations not a crime?
Well, umm, I'm going to take a chance and say..there are no trials because there is no crime. There's allegations coming out Trump's yin-yang, but no actionable crime. Good God! After all the impotent investigations you still cling to the crap thrown against the wall.

It is called self dealing and it is a crime and the IRS has said so... Now there is also other crimes that can be spun from this initial one... Since he paid Bondi and she did him a big favour 4 days later and he admitted to bribing politicians on TV. He could be done for bribery and corruption which would mean jail time...

It also means he can't become a CEO in America either.
Let us know when the verdict is in. Until then it's just wishful thinking on your part.
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
Source: Washington Post
Donald Trump spent more than a quarter-million dollars from his charitable foundation to settle lawsuits that involved the billionaire’s for-profit businesses, according to interviews and a review of legal documents.

Those cases, which together used $258,000 from Trump’s charity, were among four newly documented expenditures in which Trump may have violated laws against “self-dealing” — which prohibit nonprofit leaders from using charity money to benefit themselves or their businesses.

In one case, from 2007, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club faced $120,000 in unpaid fines from the town of Palm Beach, Fla., resulting from a dispute over the size of a flagpole.

In a settlement, Palm Beach agreed to waive those fines — if Trump’s club made a $100,000 donation to a specific charity for veterans. Instead, Trump sent a check from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a charity funded almost entirely by other people’s money, according to tax records.

Read more: Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

My god Donald Trump is a fucking snake...

LOL.. A Trump Charity is using funds to protect itself from legal challenges...

Trump hasn't got anything on the Clinton's who wrote 1 million dollars in checks from their foundation in salaries, paid to themselves, after giving it to the foundation...

Out of one pocket and right back in the other pocket and they escape taxes to boot..

Left wing retard hypocrisy at its finest..

The legal challenges were against his for profit businesses, he paid fines using Foundation money... Thats pain self dealing....

Clinton never took a cent from the foundation and actually gave more money to their foundation than Trump gave to his...

Now Mathew... Look at the stages... Then have gone from denial to anger...
The Clintons traveled everywhere on the foundation's dime. You are a liar. Let us know when Trump has a conviction, otherwise it looks stupid to convict him on a forum board while ignoring all of Hillary's issues. Your hatred can't mask the gross hypocrisy.
The Clinton 'Charity', worth MILLIONS, only gave 5.7% of money to actual charity. It is a tax exempt slush fund.

'Nuff Said.
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
Source: Washington Post
Donald Trump spent more than a quarter-million dollars from his charitable foundation to settle lawsuits that involved the billionaire’s for-profit businesses, according to interviews and a review of legal documents.

Those cases, which together used $258,000 from Trump’s charity, were among four newly documented expenditures in which Trump may have violated laws against “self-dealing” — which prohibit nonprofit leaders from using charity money to benefit themselves or their businesses.

In one case, from 2007, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club faced $120,000 in unpaid fines from the town of Palm Beach, Fla., resulting from a dispute over the size of a flagpole.

In a settlement, Palm Beach agreed to waive those fines — if Trump’s club made a $100,000 donation to a specific charity for veterans. Instead, Trump sent a check from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a charity funded almost entirely by other people’s money, according to tax records.

Read more: Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

My god Donald Trump is a fucking snake...

LOL.. A Trump Charity is using funds to protect itself from legal challenges...

Trump hasn't got anything on the Clinton's who wrote 1 million dollars in checks from their foundation in salaries, paid to themselves, after giving it to the foundation...

Out of one pocket and right back in the other pocket and they escape taxes to boot..

Left wing retard hypocrisy at its finest..
Billy Bob, is there a record of Clintons writing millions in checks from their Foundation paid to themselves. I ask because I have heard they get absolutely NO foundations salaries. Can you clarify?

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