Trump Foundation, trouble ahead for the candidate

Funny how the same AG had no problems with the Clinton Foundation using non profit funds to help pay for Hilary's election campaign?

Gee, think this MIGHT be a politically motivated attack?

Guess the "Russian collusion" investigations have come up empty! Time to start another bullshit investigation so CNN and MSNBC have something to fill their broadcast day with!
Any day now, any day now.

There is NO "one day" to convince a Trump CULT member (like you) to abandon the cult mentality.......But for others who are still sane and don't have their lips so planted on Trump's fat ass, the smoke is getting thicker.....LOL
Funny how the same AG had no problems with the Clinton Foundation using non profit funds to help pay for Hilary's election campaign?

Gee, think this MIGHT be a politically motivated attack?

Guess the "Russian collusion" investigations have come up empty! Time to start another bullshit investigation so CNN and MSNBC have something to fill their broadcast day with!
NY AG's did investigate Clintons many times.
I think all the Trump people know deep down that he's a slimy businessman. They don't care about all of that shit though. They liked what he said during election season and now they like what he's doing as president.

I agree......that 1/3 of white, hypocritical,evangelical Trump cult members, they will go down over the cliff, regardless.......

Allegations yet to be proven in a court of law.

All that "smoke" and Trump cultists STILL believe that there could possibly be NO "fire"?

Ah yes..."smoke"! Would that be like the Russian collusion "smoke" that you Hillary supporters promised us had to mean Russian collusion "fire"? How's that coming?

Sounds to me like the New York AG is planning to run for higher office! Sue Trump and you lemmings will think she's the best thing since sliced bread!
Ah yes..."smoke"! Would that be like the Russian collusion "smoke" that you Hillary supporters promised us had to mean Russian collusion "fire"? How's that coming?

Actually, rather well.......Cohen is getting ready to "sing" a few arias

But, for you, keep on "marching" behind that buffoon.....LOL

I think all the Trump people know deep down that he's a slimy businessman. They don't care about all of that shit though. They liked what he said during election season and now they like what he's doing as president.

I agree......that 1/3 of white, hypocritical,evangelical Trump cult members, they will go down over the cliff, regardless.......

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That being said I think Hillary is a slimy politician, dedicated to and obsessed with money in a very similar way. There aren't a lot of admirable people in politics.
Yes, this is some excellent news for those who've had it up to here with the criminal cabal that has hijacked our country.

The New York State attorney general’s office filed a scathingly worded lawsuit on Thursday taking aim at the Donald J. Trump Foundation, accusing the charity and the Trump family of sweeping violations of campaign finance laws, self-dealing and illegal coordination with the presidential campaign.

The lawsuit, which seeks to dissolve the foundation and bar President Trump and three of his children from serving on nonprofit organizations, was an extraordinary rebuke of a sitting president. The attorney general also sent referral letters to the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Election Commission for possible further action, adding to Mr. Trump’s extensive legal challenges.

The lawsuit, filed in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, culminated a nearly two-year investigation of Mr. Trump’s charity, which became a subject of scrutiny during and after the 2016 presidential campaign. While such foundations are supposed to be devoted to charitable activities, the complaint asserts that Mr. Trump’s was often used to settle legal claims against his various businesses, even spending $10,000 on a portrait of Mr. Trump that was hung at one of his golf clubs.

The foundation was also used to curry political favor, the lawsuit asserts. During the 2016 race, the foundation became a virtual arm of Mr. Trump’s campaign, email traffic showed, with his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski directing its expenditures, even though such foundations are explicitly prohibited from political activities.​

Funny how the same AG had no problems with the Clinton Foundation using non profit funds to help pay for Hilary's election campaign?

Gee, think this MIGHT be a politically motivated attack?

Guess the "Russian collusion" investigations have come up empty! Time to start another bullshit investigation so CNN and MSNBC have something to fill their broadcast day with!
NY AG's did investigate Clintons many times.

A New York Attorney General has investigated the Clinton Foundation? Really Baz? When did that take place?
Bury an opponent in frivolous lawsuits. It got Sarah Palin to resign.

You might be a dumbass if you start a charitable foundation and then use it's funds to buy a painting of yourself to hang in a hotel that you own that operates for profit.

That single action alone, and it was done, it has been proven, reveals someone that believes they are beyond the reach of the law. The level of hubris it represents is absolutely stunning. And anyone, absolutely anyone, that would attempt to defend such an action is beyond stupid.
A piece of crap dumped to offset the real pile of shit in the Clinton's... This is liberalism 101... deflect and project what you have done or are doing on the opponent....

Funny how the New York Attorney General has no problem with Hillary Clinton running a pay for play scheme through the State Department funneling millions into the Clinton Foundation which then paid for part of the salaries for her election campaign staff but is OUTRAGED that Trump used money for a portrait! No double standard there! Nah..
I'mm going to love it when this bald face lie by leftards is slapped back in their faces with a counter suit in the millions of dollars for damages,..
"The sleazy New York Democrats, and their now disgraced (and run out of town) A.G. Eric Schneiderman, are doing everything they can to sue me on a foundation that took in $18,800,000 and gave out to charity more money than it took in, $19,200,000. I won’t settle this case!

Schneiderman, who ran the Clinton campaign in New York, never had the guts to bring this ridiculous case, which lingered in their office for almost 2 years. Now he resigned his office in disgrace, and his disciples brought it when we would not settle." - President Trump
A piece of crap dumped to offset the real pile of shit in the Clinton's... This is liberalism 101... deflect and project what you have done or are doing on the opponent....

Cumoboy is going to have sploogy all over his face...

And anyone, absolutely anyone, that would attempt to defend such an action is beyond stupid.

And someone with the handle "Billy Bob" chimes in to prove the above. Why am I not surprised.
N.Y. Attorney General Sues Trump Foundation Over Self-Dealing! Many Violations! WOW, Call HRC! LOL!

The New York State attorney general’s office filed a scathingly worded lawsuit on Thursday taking aim at the Donald J. Trump Foundation, accusing the charity and the Trump family of sweeping violations of campaign finance laws, self-dealing and illegal coordination with the presidential campaign.

The lawsuit, which seeks to dissolve the foundation and bar President Trump and three of his children from serving on nonprofit organizations, was an extraordinary rebuke of a sitting president. The attorney general also sent referral letters to the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Election Commission for possible further action, adding to Mr. Trump’s extensive legal challenges.


N.Y. Attorney General Sues Trump Foundation Over Self-Dealing
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The Great Doosh "I'm a Criminal Finger UP"!
The Clinton Foundation is clean. The Great Douche
Foundation in a mob money laundering service center.
And in short time shown as such! Go Cohen, Hurt the Doosh deep!

Well we had no doubt his foundation was a scam.:iyfyus.jpg:

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