Trump Foundation, trouble ahead for the candidate

Bury an opponent in frivolous lawsuits. It got Sarah Palin to resign.

You might be a dumbass if you start a charitable foundation and then use it's funds to buy a painting of yourself to hang in a hotel that you own that operates for profit.

That single action alone, and it was done, it has been proven, reveals someone that believes they are beyond the reach of the law. The level of hubris it represents is absolutely stunning. And anyone, absolutely anyone, that would attempt to defend such an action is beyond stupid.
Until its proven this is nothing more than an opinion.

Oh come on now, you know better.
Trumpies have been waiting for SIX YEARS for Hillary to be locked up.

As we speak, they are cumming in their shorts over today's pending IG report.

Any day now...any day now...

She will never be locked up, numbnut.
I'm glad you finally realized it.

Tell it to the rest of the Trumpies.

I always realized it. The Clintons are a protected class.. unlike Trump. They could have footage of HRC stabbing someone to death and nothing would come of it.
Remember, Trump cultists, your donations are "warmly" accepted......
Those witches are worth hunting.............LOL

New York attorney general sues Trump Foundation
Thu, 14 Jun 2018 09:56:24 -0500

NEW YORK (AP) — New York's attorney general says President Donald Trump's foundation served as a personal piggy bank for his businesses, legal bills and presidential campaign.

Democratic Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the foundation and its directors, Trump and his children Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump. The suit seeks $2.8 million in restitution and the dissolution of the foundation.

Underwood says the foundation illegally helped support the Republican's campaign by raising money at a nationally televised fundraiser in January 2016, then allowing campaign staffers to dictate how the money was spent in grants.

Bbbbbbbut Hillary,:cul2::woohoo::whip:
In January 2016, Trump skipped a debate among Republican candidates because he was feuding with Fox News, the debate’s host. Instead, Trump held a televised fundraiser for veterans — drawing millions from wealthy friends and small-dollar donors, and giving much of it to the Trump Foundation--------------------
New York files suit against Trump, alleging his charity engaged in ‘illegal conduct’

just a crook which most of us knew already. It goes on and on, he has been sued a lot over it, he just thinks he is above the law.
keep hearing how someone from the Clinton campaign is going to "sing", Nat! When do you estimate that's going to happen? It's been a year and a half now and Mueller and his team have gone back more than a decade looking for something to nail anyone remotely associated with the Trump campaign with and to be quite honest...I'm shocked they've found as little as they have!

Listen you senile Trump cult member......

Where did I state that a "Clinton campaign" staff was going to sing?

I'm talking about Cohen and Manafort.....

Mueller has gotten MORE guilty pleas and indictment in 13 months than ANY other special
Alleged smoke...…..but you stay ready with that squirt gun little fire fighter. The flames haven't appeared for two years, but I'm sure they're coming. The media, democrats and late night comedians says so daily. They can't be wrong.

Are you the second or third from the left?

Alleged smoke...…..but you stay ready with that squirt gun little fire fighter. The flames haven't appeared for two years, but I'm sure they're coming. The media, democrats and late night comedians says so daily. They can't be wrong.

Are you the second or third from the left?

View attachment 198531
I'd ask you to put up your evidence and provide your proof, but you can't. It's all speculation, wishful thinking and innuendo. Pull your head out of your ass and get a breath of fresh air.
Well NY has to prove the fire exists...... I mean it couldn't be politically motivated....naaaaaaaaah

Of course its BOTH politically motivated AND........the legal process and legal consequences finally catching up to a sleazy, corrupt and self-serving Trump cadre......Its going to be even more
Well NY has to prove the fire exists...... I mean it couldn't be politically motivated....naaaaaaaaah

Of course its BOTH politically motivated AND........the legal process and legal consequences finally catching up to a sleazy, corrupt and self-serving Trump cadre......Its going to be even more

you guys keep trying.....he's need to go through the steps for grief.
keep hearing how someone from the Clinton campaign is going to "sing", Nat! When do you estimate that's going to happen? It's been a year and a half now and Mueller and his team have gone back more than a decade looking for something to nail anyone remotely associated with the Trump campaign with and to be quite honest...I'm shocked they've found as little as they have!

Listen you senile Trump cult member......

Where did I state that a "Clinton campaign" staff was going to sing?

I'm talking about Cohen and Manafort.....

Mueller has gotten MORE guilty pleas and indictment in 13 months than ANY other special

Sorry, I meant the Trump campaign.

So let's look at those ballyhooed guilty pleas and indictments...shall we? Has a single charge been proven against a member of the Trump campaign for "collusion" with Russians to affect the election? That's what the Mueller investigation was supposed to be looking tell us all what they've found, Nat!

It's telling that nobody in the Trump campaign has been charged by Mueller with collusion.
Expected nonsense from democrats. It's become part of the political process. There is the 30 and 40 year old sexual misconduct claims, then the lawsuits. Republicans should do the same thing. Gay Gavin Newsome is hiding something. It's on him like democrat stink.
Well NY has to prove the fire exists...... I mean it couldn't be politically motivated....naaaaaaaaah

Of course its BOTH politically motivated AND........the legal process and legal consequences finally catching up to a sleazy, corrupt and self-serving Trump cadre......Its going to be even more

you guys keep trying.....he's need to go through the steps for grief.

They've painted themselves into a corner, Buckeye! They were so convinced that Mueller was going to get the "goods" on Trump and they could use that against him in the up coming elections but other than some financial irregularities from years ago by people who were involved in the Trump campaign Mueller has come up empty.

So what do they do now?

The economy is doing so well the Fed is stating they'll increase interest rates four times this year. That will be eight rate increases since Trump was elected and yet a 4% growth rate is forecast for this quarter!

So if the only person that "colluded" with foreign agents to affect our election turns out to be Hillary...and Trump's economic policies have the economy growing robustly...what do progressives run on? The alleged "war on women" narrative they trotted out the last two election cycles? Good luck on that! It turns out that dozens of prominent liberals have been sexually abusing women for decades. Oops!
Well NY has to prove the fire exists...... I mean it couldn't be politically motivated....naaaaaaaaah

Of course its BOTH politically motivated AND........the legal process and legal consequences finally catching up to a sleazy, corrupt and self-serving Trump cadre......Its going to be even more

you guys keep trying.....he's need to go through the steps for grief.

They've painted themselves into a corner, Buckeye! They were so convinced that Mueller was going to get the "goods" on Trump and they could use that against him in the up coming elections but other than some financial irregularities from years ago by people who were involved in the Trump campaign Mueller has come up empty.

So what do they do now?

The economy is doing so well the Fed is stating they'll increase interest rates four times this year. That will be eight rate increases since Trump was elected and yet a 4% growth rate is forecast for this quarter!

So if the only person that "colluded" with foreign agents to affect our election turns out to be Hillary...and Trump's economic policies have the economy growing robustly...what do progressives run on? The alleged "war on women" narrative they trotted out the last two election cycles? Good luck on that! It turns out that dozens of prominent liberals have been sexually abusing women for decades. Oops!
couldn't agree more.
Expected nonsense from democrats. It's become part of the political process. There is the 30 and 40 year old sexual misconduct claims, then the lawsuits. Republicans should do the same thing. Gay Gavin Newsome is hiding something. It's on him like democrat stink.
He was already outed. He had an affair with a married woman a couple of years ago. But it was a consensual affair. He didn't grab pu$$y and assault the woman without her consent.
But I'm trying to figure out how it went from Trump's criminal organization to someone running for office in California? Anyone? How are those two connected?
i'm shocked that trump and his spawn used a charitable foundation for their own selfish purposes

said no one with an iq over 6

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