Trump, from court fool to legend.


Gold Member
Sep 10, 2015
Vancouver, British Columbia
It baffles a majority of us why so many people support Trump. Some of his proposals expose him for someone who has no regard for the U.S. Constitution and some of them are downright stupid - "I'm going to bomb the shit out of ISIS and then I'm going to take Iraq's oil." He'll have to "bomb the shit out of Iraq" and put boots on the ground for that fool's errand.

But then I watched a L.R. Hubbard documentary and it doesn't baffle me as much now. Hubbard was a crackpot and his religion Scientology had some insane shit in it's theology such as;

They believe the evil alien ruler Xenu killed millions of aliens (Thetans) from around the universe by kidnapping them, bringing them to earth in golden DC-8 “space-planes” & blowing them up inside volcanoes with hydrogen bombs.
They believe the souls of these aliens (these souls are “Body Thetans”) were captured, brainwashed & released; they then attached themselves to our ancestors (who passed them all the way down to us) & cause many of our mental & physical ills to this day.

Thousands, maybe millions of people swallowed this nonsense, many of them very smart people. Just no telling what certain individuals will absorb into their believe system. They must skip analysing the narrative and go right to believing the "legend". Yeah, they construct a legend that represents the man, it gets fixed in their brains and nothing can pry it lose, not even the most insulting rants or idiotic childish sound bites. All we can do is hope there's not enough people watching the movie about the legend and not the real man to elect the fool.
Trump is--------THE ONE EYED MAN IN THE LAND OF THE BLIND--------not much but better than the nothing we have
It's really not that difficult. He's viewed as non-establishment when conservatives are sick of the establishment Republicans siding with the Democrats on every issue. He also says what everyone else is thinking. The spin by the media doesn't affect those who actually listen to what people say in context.

I do love how he upsets the Democrats though.
It's really not that difficult. He's viewed as non-establishment when conservatives are sick of the establishment Republicans siding with the Democrats on every issue. He also says what everyone else is thinking. The spin by the media doesn't affect those who actually listen to what people say in context.

I do love how he upsets the Democrats though.

he is a "CHARACTER" at a time that we need a ----"character" -----the old stuff got so damned ----OLD
When the republican House passed the omnibus Bill that was cheered by Democrats and especially Reid and Obama, it became clear to me the GOP is afraid of being hated and losing their campaigns. We installed them to oppose and block anything Obama wanted. He got everything!

We need politicians who do the right thing and don't give a shit if progressives hate them. .Trump is that guy. He will secure the border, destroy ISIS and won't care if he gets reelected.
I realize that hardcore conservatives are angry at the more moderate Republicans for not being pure enough, although maybe I underestimate the amount of their anger.

But just because a guy is loud and anti-establishment, holy crap, that's enough to put him in the White House?

I realize that hardcore conservatives are angry at the more moderate Republicans for not being pure enough, although maybe I underestimate the amount of their anger.

But just because a guy is loud and anti-establishment, holy crap, that's enough to put him in the White House?

Look who the negro base block voted for and put in the White house.
There aren't words to describe how stupid they were.

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