Trump: "Fund the wall or the border gets shut completely!"

What possible reason can leftists have for not improving border security? It's almost like they want the nation to collapse like a rotten pumpkin left out in the snow.

You either care about the nation or you don't. And if you don't you don't deserve to live here and should be hunted down and beaten with pool cues and ax handles (Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer first, of course).
Why is it that everything Republicans want to do has to be accomplished through the lens of stupidity?

Try and imagine yourself using the brain God gave you, and you woke up one day and said to yourself, I really want border security from illegals. What is the easiest and most cost effective way to do that? We'll, let me see. Why do illegals come here? For work. Got it. Who hires them? U.S. citizens. Got it again. So, if I arrest these U.S. citizens or enablers, or employers who hire them, then where would the illegals work? Wow, now isn't that a great idea for border security. If they have no work, they would go back home. And without a wall, they won't even have to climb over that wall to get back. See how simple that is? And all it took was for us to use our brain to come up with such an easy strategy for an easy problem.
Great thinking for a 5 year old.

Now tak a few more minutes and try to figure out the flaws in your reasoning.
A five year old needs advise from you. Lol!
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:


With the stock market tanking and economic indicators starting to weaken, it's a great idea to block supply chains that employee millions of Americans.

Good job.

Then they need to pay up...........or is there another Great Turtle tunnel they need to build........or a shrimp running on a treadmill..........or we could give Iraq another 2 billion in vehicles and tanks to hand over to the next invader..........hmm
Yeah BTK, I mean, it's in the bag, no path to 270, recounts will give it to Hillary, faithless electors, collusion....


You fascist scum have been shitting yourselves that you would overthrow our government from the day the President took office.
You got that backwards there Goober. Trump is trying to over throw our government.

Trump is the president, Retard.

You traitor morons simply refused to accept the results of the election.

Trump is our president

That means he is accountable to We the People

Yep, and in 2020 you'll be able to vote on it.

If you Stalinists move on him before that, it's treason and you'll be put down by We the People. That's why we don't let you disarm us.
And until that time, We the People get to use our First Amendment rights

All of us do comrade, despite the attempts of you Marxist pigs to deprive us of the 1st Amendment.
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:


With the stock market tanking and economic indicators starting to weaken, it's a great idea to block supply chains that employee millions of Americans.

Good job.

Then they need to pay up...........or is there another Great Turtle tunnel they need to build........or a shrimp running on a treadmill..........or we could give Iraq another 2 billion in vehicles and tanks to hand over to the next invader..........hmm

Thanks for that completely irrelevant post.
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:


With the stock market tanking and economic indicators starting to weaken, it's a great idea to block supply chains that employee millions of Americans.

Good job.

Then they need to pay up...........or is there another Great Turtle tunnel they need to build........or a shrimp running on a treadmill..........or we could give Iraq another 2 billion in vehicles and tanks to hand over to the next invader..........hmm

Thanks for that completely irrelevant post.
Your quite Welcome.........
What possible reason can leftists have for not improving border security? It's almost like they want the nation to collapse like a rotten pumpkin left out in the snow.

You either care about the nation or you don't. And if you don't you don't deserve to live here and should be hunted down and beaten with pool cues and ax handles (Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer first, of course).

The democrats are at war to end America. The assault on the 1st Amendment by the Marxist democrats over the last few years is just an opening salvo. People Wry Catcher are utterly dedicated to ending this nation and the constitution it's based on. The Stalinist democrats are engaged in civil war against America. Either they win, or America survives.

The collectivist model that the democrats support simply cannot abide individual liberty, hence the evil bastards are at war to crush liberty.

CNN Anchor Says Constitution Doesn’t Protect Hate Speech, Try Reading It. Okay, Let’s Do That.
Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu: 'I Would Love' To Regulate Speech
Dem Calls For End To Free Speech, As The Administrative State Threatens Our Constitutional Republic, And Is Now Going After Trump Vocal And Financial Supporters

Liberty and democrats cannot both exist. One will defeat the other.
Are you comparing terrorist and people at war with asylum seekers

One of the major lies told by you Bolsheviks is that the wall won't stop the hostile invasion of America.

It's a stupid lie, but one that is easily destroyed by looking at the wall in Israel.

The wall was built when the Palistinians and Isreal were at war. The second intifada lasted about 4 years when things settle down. So the reason for the wall was to stop terrorist attacks when a war was going on because Isreal was seizing land and the palistinians fought back.

Hamas and Israel are still at war

A wall is nothing but a symbol

For ET it is a symbol to his supporters

Again, the wall in Israel stops Hamas, a far more motivated attacker than the Drug Cartels that rule Mexico are.

BTW, Israel feeds and supports Hamas. If there is a war, Israel need only stop sending food, water, medicine, and fuel to the Arabs.

You Marxist democrats are now employing Hamas tactics in your war on our border. The attempt to overwhelm San Yisidro is a failure. The slander of using Obama's detention centers and lying that they are Trump is a very Al Qaeda / Hamas type move. The lying fuck press pulled that one off pretty cleanly.

Also, the fact that you Stalinists are so opposed to allowing border protection shows that you are indeed at war against America.
Last edited:
Walls work all over the world..........this is just to give the left an excuse instead of saying we want Open borders........

What possible reason can leftists have for not improving border security? It's almost like they want the nation to collapse like a rotten pumpkin left out in the snow.

You either care about the nation or you don't. And if you don't you don't deserve to live here and should be hunted down and beaten with pool cues and ax handles (Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer first, of course).
Why is it that everything Republicans want to do has to be accomplished through the lens of stupidity?

Try and imagine yourself using the brain God gave you, and you woke up one day and said to yourself, I really want border security from illegals. What is the easiest and most cost effective way to do that? We'll, let me see. Why do illegals come here? For work. Got it. Who hires them? U.S. citizens. Got it again. So, if I arrest these U.S. citizens or enablers, or employers who hire them, then where would the illegals work? Wow, now isn't that a great idea for border security. If they have no work, they would go back home. And without a wall, they won't even have to climb over that wall to get back. See how simple that is? And all it took was for us to use our brain to come up with such an easy strategy for an easy problem.
Great thinking for a 5 year old.

Now tak a few more minutes and try to figure out the flaws in your reasoning.
A five year old needs advise from you. Lol!

Advise versus Advice.......huge difference......learn it.
Walls work all over the world..........this is just to give the left an excuse instead of saying we want Open borders........

there is no express border security or wall building clause in our federal Constitution.
What possible reason can leftists have for not improving border security? It's almost like they want the nation to collapse like a rotten pumpkin left out in the snow.

You either care about the nation or you don't. And if you don't you don't deserve to live here and should be hunted down and beaten with pool cues and ax handles (Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer first, of course).
Why is it that everything Republicans want to do has to be accomplished through the lens of stupidity?

Try and imagine yourself using the brain God gave you, and you woke up one day and said to yourself, I really want border security from illegals. What is the easiest and most cost effective way to do that? We'll, let me see. Why do illegals come here? For work. Got it. Who hires them? U.S. citizens. Got it again. So, if I arrest these U.S. citizens or enablers, or employers who hire them, then where would the illegals work? Wow, now isn't that a great idea for border security. If they have no work, they would go back home. And without a wall, they won't even have to climb over that wall to get back. See how simple that is? And all it took was for us to use our brain to come up with such an easy strategy for an easy problem.
Great thinking for a 5 year old.

Now tak a few more minutes and try to figure out the flaws in your reasoning.
A five year old needs advise from you. Lol!

Advice BTK, not advise.
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it
He's being a deal maker now..Democrats an do what's best for ALL American's or we can keep the government shut down indefinitely which democrats CERTAINLY don't want because democrats think government is needed for EVERY aspect of our lives.
So what DEAL is being offered?

Dems have called him on his Government shutdown
What can he do next?
Can't negotiate when Pelosi is vacationing on the taxpayers dime in Hawaii! Schumer I think was in town or at least talking but that whack job Pelosi doesn't care.Fuck em keep it shut down! Fine with me!
Awwww....such RW propaganda

Pelosi pays her own way and Crooked Donnie has yet to offer a proposal

Is not negotiating. Let Trump simmer
She enriched herself in Gov' the others up there who have been there for decades.......
She married well

Now she is Trumps worst nightmare
What possible reason can leftists have for not improving border security? It's almost like they want the nation to collapse like a rotten pumpkin left out in the snow.

You either care about the nation or you don't. And if you don't you don't deserve to live here and should be hunted down and beaten with pool cues and ax handles (Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer first, of course).
Why is it that everything Republicans want to do has to be accomplished through the lens of stupidity?

Try and imagine yourself using the brain God gave you, and you woke up one day and said to yourself, I really want border security from illegals. What is the easiest and most cost effective way to do that? We'll, let me see. Why do illegals come here? For work. Got it. Who hires them? U.S. citizens. Got it again. So, if I arrest these U.S. citizens or enablers, or employers who hire them, then where would the illegals work? Wow, now isn't that a great idea for border security. If they have no work, they would go back home. And without a wall, they won't even have to climb over that wall to get back. See how simple that is? And all it took was for us to use our brain to come up with such an easy strategy for an easy problem.
Arrest enablers? start with Trump golf courses?
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:

So all international flights to the US will need to be shut down, all shipping too. Does he really expect this is cost effective?

Trump's head is so far up his fat ass his comments are laughable, and those who continue to support him are sadly out of touch with reality.

s0n...Milton Frieman said it best, "You can have a welfare state or you can have open borders. You cant have both." Doy
What's hysterical with all this.....nobody gives a shit about the government being shut down!

:113: :113: :113:
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:

So all international flights to the US will need to be shut down, all shipping too. Does he really expect this is cost effective?

Trump's head is so far up his fat ass his comments are laughable, and those who continue to support him are sadly out of touch with reality.

s0n...Milton Frieman said it best, "You can have a welfare state or you can have open borders. You cant have both." Doy

A Logical Fallacy with no rational basis.
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:

So all international flights to the US will need to be shut down, all shipping too. Does he really expect this is cost effective?

Trump's head is so far up his fat ass his comments are laughable, and those who continue to support him are sadly out of touch with reality.

s0n...Milton Frieman said it best, "You can have a welfare state or you can have open borders. You cant have both." Doy

A Logical Fallacy with no rational basis.

Lol.....whatever you say!

Btw Wry.....this is a top story on DRUDGE right now. First thing I thought when I saw it was, "Holy that Wry Catcher from the board?"

I'm still laughing......

Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:

This is why we love President Donald J. Trump...

PUSSY republicans need not apply...……...

Hey Deno.....think that was maybe Rightwinger in that vid? Maybe daniel?:2up:. I'm still laughing

Skook, I think you are on to something:5_1_12024:
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:

This is why we love President Donald J. Trump...

PUSSY republicans need not apply...……...

Hey Deno.....think that was maybe Rightwinger in that vid? Maybe daniel?:2up:. I'm still laughing

Skook, I think you are on to something:5_1_12024:

Oh for sure my age, without these meds, I'd be a goner which would mean I'd be missing out on all the perpetual laughing I do in here.

Gotta admit deno....that vid....bad optics if one is a progressive. I mean, about the illustration of a girly man. That level of fag....I would think....might give any progressive pause. That's fake man stuff.....ghey.

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