Trump gave porn star hush money ($130,000), Wall Street Journal reports

Has anyone posted a decent picture of this woman yet? Trump definitely has good taste in women..

Holy cow!!!! I'd give her my life savings for one night.....way to go Donald!!!!!
WOW....I learn something new about our amazing President everyday....and today I find out he bangs Liberal whores with daddy issues.....what a fuckin badass!

"Liberal whores"?

Did I miss something? And why do you have no pants?

Trump and I have a lot of shit in common...I always targeted Liberal whores withe no self esteem and daddy issues. A $4 Taco Bell meal, a $2.50 bottle of Boone’s Farm and I was wrecking their A@@.

Where do you see any "Liberal whores"? What are you even stammering about?

Are you pretending porn stars are normally Republicans from good homes?

Are you pretending everybody is either a "Democrat" or a "Republican" -- just because you can't think YOUR way out of that trap?

How many times were you dropped on your head exactly?

Trump seems to have something for hookers and XXX stars you have Stormy Daniels , you have Jessica Drake and of course Melania Trump


What's wrong with hookers and XXX stars? Tell you what: You can have all the trannies you want as long as you leave the hookers and XXX stars to the real men. We know what to do with them. :biggrin:
Oh Oh Bad Hombre :booze:

Not bad, just being truthful. I've been around more than my share of hookers, topless dancers, naked female social justice warriors, and crackhead bitches, but haven't known any XXX film stars yet. The thing they share in common is that they're all liberals. You won't find a single conservative or Republican-voter among them. They're fun to party with and fun in the sack, but I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with any of them.


Yeah didn't think so.

Again Bubbles --- most people, in the general world, are neither "Democrats" nor "Republicans". Again, just because y'all can't think yourself out of that simplistic dichotomy doesn't mean most people aren't way smarter.

People in general, whether or not political have personality traits and or belief systems that tend to lineup with either Republican or Democratic ideologies. You knew were just playing stupid....right?
Going to call Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal fake news now???


Trump paid off porn star for silence ONE MONTH before the election:

Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence
Michael Rothfeld and

Joe Palazzolo
Updated Jan. 12, 2018 3:13 p.m. ET

A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

Michael Cohen, who spent nearly a decade as a top attorney at the Trump Organization, arranged payment to the woman, Stephanie Clifford, in October 2016 after her lawyer negotiated the nondisclosure agreement with Mr. Cohen, these people said.



I’d like to know who “people” familiar with the matter and these “people” are.

You are basically taking a reporters word for something that he wrote, that another person told him was true. The article doesn’t even use the phrase “reliable sources”.

Not sure how much wait one would put into a story. Many, many times when the crapping on Obama started it was mostly “hearsay” thus I didn’t put a lot of weight into the story until would actually hear eyewitnesses that we’re willing to put their name out there.

I’m not saying if it is true or not true but I have learned that getting into print doesn’t make a story true.
What does she have to say about it?

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She says the whole thing is not true and that if she had been in a romantic or sexual relationship with Trump you would be reading about it in her book not the press but that is not the case. Fascinating world we now live in a woman makes a claim about sexual misconduct and hush money and it’s believed without question a woman denies such a claim and we doubt her.
It's what left wing partisans do. They want to believe it, so anything that bolsters the idea is believed while anything that doesn't is discounted. It's truly delusional.
So scandals mean something now when they didn't during the previous administration ?
Benghazi LOL
Fast and Furious, you know scandals were people died. The most terrifying is the IRS being used as a political weapon.
that is another thread ...this thread is about how much Trump loves whores and trollops and Evangelicals LOL but I repeat myself
If you want to make scandals you must be prepared to acknowledge other ones if not your just a hypocrite.
stay on subject Biff...start a current event thread or something on "Bill" LOL
I am on subject you trying to call the President out for his supposed actions and I'm calling you out on your hypocrisy.
So what? Should I be bothered by this?

So she says it didn't happen, you just want to "believe" that it did.
or vice-versa

We have a signed, sworn document. Sorry.
You claim that the fact that a party in a non-disclosure agreement is doing what she's legally obligated to do (not disclose anything). If the woman admits to the sexual encounter, she has to return the $130,000. FAIL!
Libs are so desperate for a new Fake News story they have to regurgitate an old fake news story from years back that has long since been debunked.

I guess #Shithole-gate didn’t quite work out like you hoped.
Nobody ever debunked this story, and the payment was not in the news, ever before today. Stop making shit up.
"Cohen also sent a statement to the news outlet signed by “Stormy Daniels,” Clifford’s stage name, that denied a “sexual and/or romantic affair” with Trump.

“Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false,” the statement said."

Trump lawyer arranged $130,000 payment for porn star's silence about alleged sexual encounter with president: Report
In a non-disclosure agreement, the porn star is obligated to pretend nothing happened.

The source that is accusing is not named, they are “people”. How much stock do we put into unconfirmed allegations? Her denying it happened could be the non-disclosure agreement or that it never happened. We don’t have enough information.

I also don’t see this as a real issue. He was not in office when he had the alleged sexual encounter, when Clinton had the affair, left wingers claimed it was no one else’s business. So, if it happened when he wasn’t in office, why is this a big deal? :dunno:
He cheated on his wife and pay lots of money to cover it up.
"Cohen also sent a statement to the news outlet signed by “Stormy Daniels,” Clifford’s stage name, that denied a “sexual and/or romantic affair” with Trump.

“Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false,” the statement said."

Trump lawyer arranged $130,000 payment for porn star's silence about alleged sexual encounter with president: Report

Someone paid money to deny something happened, denies that something happened.

Moral of the story is that hush money works.
So what? Should I be bothered by this?

So she says it didn't happen, you just want to "believe" that it did.
or vice-versa

We have a signed, sworn document. Sorry.
You claim that the fact that a party in a non-disclosure agreement is doing what she's legally obligated to do (not disclose anything). If the woman admits to the sexual encounter, she has to return the $130,000. FAIL!
If she doesn't do that, then you got nothing, douchebag.
Oh my, just what Trump needed.

Trump's lawyer paid $130K to silence adult-film star: report

The Wall Street Journal reports today that Michael Cohen, Trump’s one-time personal lawyer—who has strangely wavered between political parties—allegedly arranged a payment of $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford in October 2016. According to WSJ's unidentified sources, Clifford (whose stage name is Stormy Daniels) alleged privately that the "sexual encounter" happened with Trump after they met at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe. Trump married his current wife, Melania, in January 2005. The alleged encounter with Clifford was reportedly consensual.

According to the Wall Street Journal, a White House official declined to comment on the alleged payout to Clifford, but did deny the alleged affair.
Oh my, just what Trump needed.

Trump's lawyer paid $130K to silence adult-film star: report

The Wall Street Journal reports today that Michael Cohen, Trump’s one-time personal lawyer—who has strangely wavered between political parties—allegedly arranged a payment of $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford in October 2016. According to WSJ's unidentified sources, Clifford (whose stage name is Stormy Daniels) alleged privately that the "sexual encounter" happened with Trump after they met at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe. Trump married his current wife, Melania, in January 2005. The alleged encounter with Clifford was reportedly consensual.

According to the Wall Street Journal, a White House official declined to comment on the alleged payout to Clifford, but did deny the alleged affair.
Seems awfully cheap. Only $130k from a billionaire, to keep quiet.
That qualifies him to head the dnc. If he becomes bisexual he is president material. If he is black, he is a shoe in.
The OP's short article uses the word "alleged" or "allegedly" 5 times.

Fake news at its finest...... :thup:

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