Trump gave porn star hush money ($130,000), Wall Street Journal reports

Good for him


So good for him cheating on his wife. Tells me a lot about you.
Well I'm not surprised. How many others have a NDA.
There are probably a lot of other payoffs.
Obama paid off many of his bath house boys to keep their mouths shut
That's just total BS and you know it. You should be ashamed to spread such lies. It's sickening.
If you were as gorgeous as that woman, would you accept $130k from a billionaire to keep quiet?
"My involvement with Donald Trump was limited to a few public appearances and nothing more," she wrote in a statement, dated January 10. "When I met Donald Trump, he was gracious, professional and a complete gentleman to me and EVERYONE in my presence. Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false. If indeed I did have a relationship with Donald Trump, trust me, you wouldn't be reading about in the news, you would be reading about it in my book. But the fact of the matter is, these stories are not true."
After all the lies in the DNCMSM about Trump, do you find it unacceptable that some of us question reports like this one?
They just keep looking for something new. HOPING BEYOND HOPE that SOMETHING will do in his presidency.

Just more shithole reporting
So good for him cheating on his wife. Tells me a lot about you
Democrats sure do love spending a lot of time in other people's bedrooms lately!

But only lately, after we ended up with a total whore in the Oval Office. The "conservatives" have been spending a lot of time in the bedrooms of the American People for a few decades now, even passing laws to get into their private parts with vaginal ultrasounds and the like. Warnings to "put an aspirin between your knees." State laws intended to outlaw abortion, under which an abortion may be permitted if the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest, which obviously require that a person who wants an abortion reveal to the state the circumstances of how they got pregnant. Disgusting posts on the internet, including the USMB, giving graphic descriptions of what these people imagine goes on in the bedrooms of LGBT folks. All of the bible-thumping sexual morality lectures brought to us by people who then proceed to ignore infractions committed by straight white males.

Face it, by the same standards that straight males and male-dominated religions have judged women by for centuries, trump's been a tramp for most of his life.
"Cohen also sent a statement to the news outlet signed by “Stormy Daniels,” Clifford’s stage name, that denied a “sexual and/or romantic affair” with Trump.

“Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false,” the statement said."

Trump lawyer arranged $130,000 payment for porn star's silence about alleged sexual encounter with president: Report
In a non-disclosure agreement, the porn star is obligated to pretend nothing happened.

The source that is accusing is not named, they are “people”. How much stock do we put into unconfirmed allegations? Her denying it happened could be the non-disclosure agreement or that it never happened. We don’t have enough information.

I also don’t see this as a real issue. He was not in office when he had the alleged sexual encounter, when Clinton had the affair, left wingers claimed it was no one else’s business. So, if it happened when he wasn’t in office, why is this a big deal? :dunno:
He cheated on his wife and pay lots of money to cover it up.

So...? Did you want Clinton to resign when he cheated on his wife and tried to cover it up?

Not seeing this as a big deal, it seems that some politicians chose to cheat on their wives. Do we kick them all out of office or just those of a certain party?
Keep it up you LIB morons!
Everytime you attack President Trump with 'anonymous sources' you lose another 10K Independants.
The 'Book' bullshit actually backfired when the author turned out to be a congenital liar.
"Cohen also sent a statement to the news outlet signed by “Stormy Daniels,” Clifford’s stage name, that denied a “sexual and/or romantic affair” with Trump.

“Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false,” the statement said."

Trump lawyer arranged $130,000 payment for porn star's silence about alleged sexual encounter with president: Report
In a non-disclosure agreement, the porn star is obligated to pretend nothing happened.

The source that is accusing is not named, they are “people”. How much stock do we put into unconfirmed allegations? Her denying it happened could be the non-disclosure agreement or that it never happened. We don’t have enough information.

I also don’t see this as a real issue. He was not in office when he had the alleged sexual encounter, when Clinton had the affair, left wingers claimed it was no one else’s business. So, if it happened when he wasn’t in office, why is this a big deal? :dunno:
He cheated on his wife and pay lots of money to cover it up.

So...? Did you want Clinton to resign when he cheated on his wife and tried to cover it up?

Not seeing this as a big deal, it seems that some politicians chose to cheat on their wives. Do we kick them all out of office or just those of a certain party?
No, but I want Congress to launch an investigation, just as it did with Clinton.
Oh my, just what Trump needed.

Trump's lawyer paid $130K to silence adult-film star: report

The Wall Street Journal reports today that Michael Cohen, Trump’s one-time personal lawyer—who has strangely wavered between political parties—allegedly arranged a payment of $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford in October 2016. According to WSJ's unidentified sources, Clifford (whose stage name is Stormy Daniels) alleged privately that the "sexual encounter" happened with Trump after they met at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe. Trump married his current wife, Melania, in January 2005. The alleged encounter with Clifford was reportedly consensual.

According to the Wall Street Journal, a White House official declined to comment on the alleged payout to Clifford, but did deny the alleged affair.
Trump probably has aides. If he is screwing porn stars there is a chance he is the aides infected scum bag

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