Trump gets 10,000 in Bethpage, NY, Cruz gets 100 in the Bronx

Trump gets 10,000 in Bethpage, NY, Cruz gets 100 in the Bronx

Trump held a rally in a big arena. Cruz's event was simply a conference he had with some religious priests, not a rally. 70 were invited. Nonetheless, a dozen or so "protesters" showed up anyway. (The article refers to them as "voters", not protesters or rabble-rousers). They got rowdy and abusive, and some were thrown out.

Unsurprisingly, the media didn't report the truth about what happened. They tried to pretend they were identical "rallies" that were trying to draw thousands.

Cruz's conference was held inside a restaurant in the Bronx. The media hasn't explained how they expected him to get "thousands" inside a place that's only zoned for a few hundred.

Here's the link, which finally explains the truth (despite a headline that claims Cruz got "only 100" while Trump got 10,000) reluctantly, near the end of the article. A link that the OP was careful to omit.

TRUMP Gets 10,000 in Bethpage - Cruz Gets 100 in the Bronx - The Gateway Pundit

It seems obvious by the fact that the meeting was in a restaurant that it wasn't a rally. I mean how many people can even get into a bronx restaurant?
Bethpage Black:



I could bring this golf course to its knees. snicker snicker
It's not over till it's over. I genuinely do understand the enthusiasm supporters have for Cruz's win last night.

But by the time I read the 10th article on "its all over for Trump now" I wanted to bazooka barf and had "The End" by the Doors going thru my head.


Well this will be what Trump does to Cruz in the primary:


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