Trump gets Navy Hospital ship to NY 12 days early.

the state activates the Army Corp AND the Natl Guard not the POTUS-

trump didnt bother scratching his fat ass --
You are a blithering idiot. The states do not control the Army.

Please link us up to your source, IQ7

youre the biggest dumbass on the board - burying your crazy ass is a sport

Multiple governors have expanded the role of National Guard units in combating the spread of COVID-19 within their states — with one state executive calling from the mobilization of the Army Corps of Engineers.

gfy asshat -
More from YOUR link, Idiot:

In the press conference, Cuomo also called for the federal government to deploy the Army Corps of Engineers to increase the hospital beds available for potential patients in New York state.

“The federal government has tremendous capacity: deploy the Army Corps of Engineers to come work with states to build temporary medical facilities,” Cuomo said. "We don’t have the billions of dollars you would need to implement an immediate, emergency hospital construction program. This state can’t do it; no state can do it.”
Flat-heads are going to find fault with this...
One Dimsocialist moron in another thread was slamming Trump for holding the ship up for 15 minutes to make a few remarks before it left.

It is comical.

I didn't see anything that said the ship arrived 12 days early, though...

It was in dock for maintenance and upgrades. Not due to be done until next month. Trump asked the Navy to speed it up and got it done two weeks early.

then shouldn't the Navy and all those seaman that busted their ass get the credit?

What exactly did Trump do to make it happen?
of course you have something to back up he didnt do anything???

I asked my question first...What exactly did Trump do to make it happen?

and of course the guys that got it ready get credit,,

Who in this thread was doing that? Did the OP mention them at all?
Provided the resources and ordered the Navy to expedite the refurb of the ship, and the Army Corp of Engineers to expedite the required dredging need for docking.

Next stupid question?

wow...he ordered people to do things and he gets all the credit and the ones actually do the work can just go fuck themselves in your world...Trump worship at it finest.
Interesting. Let's see how consistent you are. Did you give Obama credit for killing Osama Bin Laden? Writing Obamadon'tcare (the ACA for the less educated)? Writing Porkulous (the stimulous bill that didn't do a lot of stimulating for the less educated)? Because, using your standard, he did none of those things, and if you did give him credit for doing it, you were engaging in Obama worship. Again, using your standard.
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Flat-heads are going to find fault with this...
One Dimsocialist moron in another thread was slamming Trump for holding the ship up for 15 minutes to make a few remarks before it left.

It is comical.

I didn't see anything that said the ship arrived 12 days early, though...

It was in dock for maintenance and upgrades. Not due to be done until next month. Trump asked the Navy to speed it up and got it done two weeks early.

then shouldn't the Navy and all those seaman that busted their ass get the credit?

What exactly did Trump do to make it happen?
of course you have something to back up he didnt do anything???

I asked my question first...What exactly did Trump do to make it happen?

and of course the guys that got it ready get credit,,

Who in this thread was doing that? Did the OP mention them at all?
Provided the resources and ordered the Navy to expedite the refurb of the ship, and the Army Corp of Engineers to expedite the required dredging need for docking.

Next stupid question?

wow...he ordered people to do things and he gets all the credit and the ones actually do the work can just go fuck themselves in your world...Trump worship at it finest.
Where did I say he should get all the credit?


you only gave credit to one person....thus you gave all the credit to that person
Did Obama get credit for killing Bin Laden? For writing the ACA? Because he didn't actually do either of them. He didn't build it, somebody else built it.
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Interesting. Let's see how consistent you are. Did you give Obama credit for killing Osama Bin Ladin?


Writing Obamadon'tcare (the ACA for the less educated)?

I gave him blame for pushing for something that fucked up our healthcare system even worse than it was.

Writing Porkulous (the stimulous bill that didn't do a lot of stimulating for the less educated)? Because, using your standard, he did none of those things, and if you did give him credit for doing it, you were engaging in Obama worship. Again, using your standard.

I think Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever, the only thing I give him "credit" for is fucking up the healthcare system and slowing our recovery in the process.

If that sounds like worship to you, then you are a fucking moron.
12 days ago Cumo wanted the ship - the ship was being made ready in port

12 days ago Trump was whining about how the virus was no big deal and his drones were slobbering about Cumo being a scumbag and sucking Trump

12 days later the ship is ready - TRUMP GETS CREDIT !!!!!!!!!

Dear Asshat Trumpdrones - GO FK YOURSELVES.
who cares WTF Cuomo "wanted"? He is out of the loop on this beyond begging us to bail him out.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday said President Trump was authorizing the deployment of a hospital ship, the USNS Comfort, to New York harbor to try to expand capacity as the state grapples with the coronavirus outbreak.

nothing EARLY about your f'n thread .

Yep. Ship arrived 12 days early, and Cuomo had ZERO to do with it.

Well it is a federal Ship, if Cuomo did then that would be one feet...

So what did Trump actually do to release a ship 3 weeks early for a domestic deployment beside a city?

Do you seriously think Trump actually knew about this ship or someone in the Pentagon got it ready and Trump just put his brand on it...


ANYTHING HALF ASS DECENT HE GETS CREDIT FOR - he does anything half ass crapy he blames everyone else - regardless what he does stupid mf'rs kiss his fat, senile ASS.

He's a politician. It's what they do.
Interesting. Let's see how consistent you are. Did you give Obama credit for killing Osama Bin Ladin?


Writing Obamadon'tcare (the ACA for the less educated)?

I gave him blame for pushing for something that fucked up our healthcare system even worse than it was.

Writing Porkulous (the stimulous bill that didn't do a lot of stimulating for the less educated)? Because, using your standard, he did none of those things, and if you did give him credit for doing it, you were engaging in Obama worship. Again, using your standard.

I think Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever, the only thing I give him "credit" for is fucking up the healthcare system and slowing our recovery in the process.

If that sounds like worship to you, then you are a fucking moron.
You're missing the point. What did Obama PERSONALLY do to mess up healthcare? You know he didn't dictate obamadon'tcare. You know he didn't write any of it. You know he didn't write any of the spending and tax bills that prolonged the recovery beyond normal. Yet you blame him for doing all of those. Do I have to spell out the point or do you get it now?
the ship was due next month - 2 days from now.

way to speed it up shitstain - HOW GREAT THOU ARE .

The ship was next to me during war. It has peculiar needs. Sure felt good knowing she was out there. Navy medical is the best. This former combat Marine thinks so.

Navy medical sucks!

Now I have to question your story.

Their answer for everything was Motrin.

I knew Marines that needed knee surgery that used their wife's insurance instead of letting a Navy doctor touch them, even though it cost them more.

How did your brain transplant work out?
Didn't take.

why did you lie about the 12 days early? Where did you get that number from?
The OP is a raging idiot. He got the number from Fox News. Only being a raging idiot, the dumbfuck failed to comprehend their report, which included...

Harris Faulkner: Brian Llenas is live at pier 90 in New York City where the vessel docked a short time ago and they were early because some crews here in New York worked so hard along with Army Corps of Engineers to bring that area up to speed dredging it and they are 12 days early, Brian.
Brian Llenas: Really a herculean effort, Harris, to make sure the USNS Comfort, seventy thousand ton, it was an old oil tanker that was converted into a Navy ship back in 1987 and they had to dredge 4 more feet in New York Harbor over eight days to make sure that this ship could dock here at pier 90 on the west side of Manhattan.

Corroborated by local NYC news...

Amid the dire warnings, the hospital ship’s early arrival constituted one encouraging piece of news. Originally, leaders of the Federal Emergency Management Agency estimated that the ship could not dock in New York until mid-April, due in part to muck along the floor of the Hudson River, which made the city’s west side piers too shallow.

So now the truth emerges ... it wasn't the Navy saying they couldn't get the USNS Comfort to New York until April 10th; they said they could. It was FEMA's estimate based on how long they anticipated it would take to dredge the harbor for the ship to dock there.

Congrats to the fine folks who worked hard to get that harbor ready for the USNS Comfort. :clap:

Thanks for proving my OP to be correct.

Oh, dumbfuck? Your OP claimed, "another example of the stellar job President Trump is doing."

Let's see your evidence Impeached Trump played a role in the dredging of New York's dredging of their harbor, which is what enabled the early arrival of the USNS Comfort...
Done by ARMY Corp of Engineers. You know who is in charge of the ARMY?

Hint: Not Fredo's brother.
The president does not direct every activity in which they engage. I'll take this as you have no evidence Impeached Trump directed them to help NY crews.
Where did I say the President directs "every" activity?

You lose again, loser.
When you gave Impeached Trump credit for the Army Corps of Engineers helping NY crews dredge their harbor without providing any actual evidence he directed them. :eusa_doh:

How did you become this retarded, dumbfuck?
Excuse me if I LMFAO at a moron who has no clue who would issue orders to the Army NG to conduct an emergency project during a national emergency. :abgg2q.jpg:

Dumbfuck, you already admitted the president doesn't direct them on every project they work and you failed to provide even a smidgen of evidence Impeached Trump ordered them to work on, no less expedite, dredging the harbor.

And the quick turnaround on the dredging was credited to expediting "permits and authorizations." Maybe Impeached Trump was directly involved with that. But you haven't provided any evidence he was. You just saying he did doesn't prove shit.

Since March 21, crews have worked to dredge the area around the pier to add another four feet of depth to fit the Comfort. The job was originally slated to be finished by April 3.

But as the number of coronavirus cases quickly climbed in New York, Gov. Cuomo and Trump announced a March 30 arrival date for the ship so it could provide relief for the state’s reeling hospital system.

That required the city’s Economic Development Corporation, which helped lead the dredging project, to cut through piles of red tape.

“We needed expedited permits and authorizations from the federal government, state of New York, and the city in order to place dredge material in certain locations," said Thomas Witte, an executive vice president at Donjon Marine, which worked with the Army Corps of Engineers on the job. “We were able to receive them in less than 12 hours from being requested to issuance." Witte said he had never seen such a quick turnaround on permits for a project, not even after 9/11.
You're missing the point. What did Obama PERSONALLY do to mess up healthcare? You know he didn't dictate obamadon'tcare. You know he didn't write any of it. You know he didn't write any of the spending and tax bills that prolonged the recovery beyond normal. Yet you blame him for doing all of those. Do I have to spell out the point or do you get it now?

The word "credit" was used as a joke you simpleton. That is why I put it in quotes. I give him the blame because he pushed for ObamaCare and even when it was not going to be the bill he wanted he kept pushing for it.

Blame is very different than credit.
more from my link -

In a Tuesday afternoon press conference, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said over 1,500 Guardsmen are now activated in 18 states across the country.

The secretary did not commit to federalizing the National Guard components.

trump did nothing

Interesting. Let's see how consistent you are. Did you give Obama credit for killing Osama Bin Ladin?


Writing Obamadon'tcare (the ACA for the less educated)?

I gave him blame for pushing for something that fucked up our healthcare system even worse than it was.

Writing Porkulous (the stimulous bill that didn't do a lot of stimulating for the less educated)? Because, using your standard, he did none of those things, and if you did give him credit for doing it, you were engaging in Obama worship. Again, using your standard.

I think Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever, the only thing I give him "credit" for is fucking up the healthcare system and slowing our recovery in the process.

If that sounds like worship to you, then you are a fucking moron.
You're missing the point. What did Obama PERSONALLY do to mess up healthcare? You know he didn't dictate obamadon'tcare. You know he didn't write any of it. You know he didn't write any of the spending and tax bills that prolonged the recovery beyond normal. Yet you blame him for doing all of those. Do I have to spell out the point or do you get it now?

Let me see if this helps....the CO of my first flying squadron told me once that anything good that happens is because of us and our hard work and anything bad that happens is his fault, and he also told me that as the NCOIC of the section, the same fell upon me...such is the mantle of leadership.
Another example of the stellar job President Trump is doing.

Can't find the part in your link indicating either that it was 12 days early OR that Dear Leader had a damn thing to do with it.
Another example of the stellar job President Trump is doing.

Can't find the part in your link indicating either that it was 12 days early OR that Dear Leader had a damn thing to do with it.

trump cant get paper products in walmart - stellar job!
You're missing the point. What did Obama PERSONALLY do to mess up healthcare? You know he didn't dictate obamadon'tcare. You know he didn't write any of it. You know he didn't write any of the spending and tax bills that prolonged the recovery beyond normal. Yet you blame him for doing all of those. Do I have to spell out the point or do you get it now?

The word "credit" was used as a joke you simpleton. That is why I put it in quotes. I give him the blame because he pushed for ObamaCare and even when it was not going to be the bill he wanted he kept pushing for it.

Blame is very different than credit.
They both reflect responsibility. If you're going to criticize people for giving Trump credit for being responsible to direct the Navy to do stuff (that's his call to make), you should not blame Obama for directing his staff and his sycophants in the Congress to write legislation. Bottom line, the president gets blame and responsibility for what happens when he's president, despite having no direct involvement.
Another example of the stellar job President Trump is doing.

Can't find the part in your link indicating either that it was 12 days early OR that Dear Leader had a damn thing to do with it.

trump cant get paper products in walmart - stellar job!
Was he trying to?
You're missing the point. What did Obama PERSONALLY do to mess up healthcare? You know he didn't dictate obamadon'tcare. You know he didn't write any of it. You know he didn't write any of the spending and tax bills that prolonged the recovery beyond normal. Yet you blame him for doing all of those. Do I have to spell out the point or do you get it now?

The word "credit" was used as a joke you simpleton. That is why I put it in quotes. I give him the blame because he pushed for ObamaCare and even when it was not going to be the bill he wanted he kept pushing for it.

Blame is very different than credit.
They both reflect responsibility. If you're going to criticize people for giving Trump credit for being responsible to direct the Navy to do stuff (that's his call to make), you should not blame Obama for directing his staff and his sycophants in the Congress to write legislation. Bottom line, the president gets blame and responsibility for what happens when he's president, despite having no direct involvement.

protocol rules our gvnmt - FIRST


They both reflect responsibility. If you're going to criticize people for giving Trump credit for being responsible to direct the Navy to do stuff (that's his call to make), you should not blame Obama for directing his staff and his sycophants in the Congress to write legislation. Bottom line, the president gets blame and responsibility for what happens when he's president, despite having no direct involvement.

In the case of ObamaCare, Obama was an active participant in the process. It was his idea, he worked with those in congress to get it passed and even used his political capital to make it happen. He did not just sign it, he was not an inactive bystander in the process.

In the case of Trump ordering a ship to go somewhere, that is where his involvement ends. He is not involved in the process or any of the work to make it happen.

Huge difference between the two.

In our society today, what blame or credit someone gets is based solely upon the party of the person assigning each. I try very hard to do it equally to both sides.
Another example of the stellar job President Trump is doing.

Can't find the part in your link indicating either that it was 12 days early OR that Dear Leader had a damn thing to do with it.

trump cant get paper products in walmart - stellar job!
Was he trying to?

Another example of the stellar job President Trump is doing.

That ship should have been here in FEBRUARY, you stupid idiot.
But cockroaches like you and Trump don't listen to the scientists.

Experts Warn of Possible Sustained Global Spread of New Coronavirus
If the virus cannot be contained, it could start regularly circulating in the population like other common respiratory viruses

Some infectious disease experts are warning that it may no longer be feasible to contain the new coronavirus circulating in China. Failure to stop it there could see the virus spread in a sustained way around the world and even perhaps join the ranks of respiratory viruses that regularly infect people.

“The more we learn about it, the greater the possibility is that transmission will not be able to be controlled with public health measures,” said Dr. Allison McGeer, a Toronto-based infectious disease specialist who contracted SARS in 2003 and who helped Saudi Arabia control several hospital-based outbreaks of MERS.""""

They both reflect responsibility. If you're going to criticize people for giving Trump credit for being responsible to direct the Navy to do stuff (that's his call to make), you should not blame Obama for directing his staff and his sycophants in the Congress to write legislation. Bottom line, the president gets blame and responsibility for what happens when he's president, despite having no direct involvement.

In the case of ObamaCare, Obama was an active participant in the process. It was his idea, he worked with those in congress to get it passed and even used his political capital to make it happen. He did not just sign it, he was not an inactive bystander in the process.

In the case of Trump ordering a ship to go somewhere, that is where his involvement ends. He is not involved in the process or any of the work to make it happen.

Huge difference between the two.

In our society today, what blame or credit someone gets is based solely upon the party of the person assigning each. I try very hard to do it equally to both sides.
How much actual knowledge do you have of the president's involvement with this decision?

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