Trump Gets Session's Attention

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Realizing the President's bite is much worse than his bark, Sessions raced to the microphones yesterday to announce he's FINALLY going to hunt down the leakers. Trump has made it clear he's tired of nothing happening at the DOJ in defense of his presidency. If it were me, I'd have frog-marched the editorial staffs of CNN, WaPo, and the NYTimes out to paddy wagons and searched their offices for evidence of the treason we all know are in them. Failing to UNrecuse himself, laying into the Clinton treachery may well save Session's bacon with the President. He's still the AG today but tomorrow isn't promised to him nor should it be.

Realizing the President's bite is much worse than his bark, Sessions raced to the microphones yesterday to announce he's FINALLY going to hunt down the leakers. Trump has made it clear he's tired of nothing happening at the DOJ in defense of his presidency. If it were me, I'd have frog-marched the editorial staffs of CNN, WaPo, and the NYTimes out to paddy wagons and searched their offices for evidence of the treason we all know are in them. Failing to UNrecuse himself, laying into the Clinton treachery may well save Session's bacon with the President. He's still the AG today but tomorrow isn't promised to him nor should it be.

Having watched Jeff over the years he is not good at taking orders and will have to get use to it. I am sure he will work it out, if he can pass the test of nailing Clintons case and putting the very mean woman in jail, with her buddies.
Sessions wont resign, and Don Cheeto wont fire him, so who's kicking who's ass?
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As long as the Senate is in session (held over for HC legislation), Sessions is safe. The day they adjourn for summer, Trump can fire Sessions and make a recess-appointment good until the end of the year. If I were Sessions, I'd be tying a tin can to the tail of every leaker he can lay his mitts on before the Lords wander off to their palaces.
If it were me, I'd have frog-marched the editorial staffs of CNN, WaPo, and the NYTimes out to paddy wagons and searched their offices for evidence of the treason we all know are in them.

Trump should make an Enemies List of all the people in the media out to get him.

Then he should create a group called The Plumbers. Plumbers stop leaks, get it? Their job will be to stop the leaks, and break into the offices of anyone suspected of being an enemy of Trump.

To be thorough, the Plumbers should bug the Democrats to find out their schemes to take down Trump.

Trump should then order the director of the FBI to stop looking into any crimes he may have committed.

Oh, wait. He's already done that last part. Never mind.

If necessary, Trump should fire the Special Prosecutor. Say, on a Saturday night. And THIS will finally lead lead to the resignations of both Attorney General Sessions and the Deputy AG.

Yes. Yes, indeed. I am sure that is the perfect roadmap to get rid of Sessions.
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Trump should make an Enemies List of all the people in the media out to get him.

Then he should create a group called The Plumbers. Plumbers stop leaks, get it? Their job will be to stop the leaks, and break into the offices of anyone suspected of being an enemy of Trump.

Watergate had nothing to do with the media, shithead. The outfits I mentioned are enemies of the people, not just Trump. The NYTimes in particular has ignored national security warnings time after time to sell newspapers. Their safes would be a treasure trove of sedition and treason. I'd hang them from lamp posts right out in front of their building.
Sessions is at best dishonest. Sessions began the process of recusing himself within hours of being sworn in so he knew this was going to be a big problem for Trump and said nothing. Trump no sooner gets Sessions confirmed and Sessions creates a size 10 distraction and problem for the new president how fucked up is that. I'd have fired his ass on the spot. Hey dumb ass come here, YOU'RE FIRED!

Trump should make an Enemies List of all the people in the media out to get him.

Then he should create a group called The Plumbers. Plumbers stop leaks, get it? Their job will be to stop the leaks, and break into the offices of anyone suspected of being an enemy of Trump.

Watergate had nothing to do with the media, shithead.
Thank you for showing us you know nothing about the Watergate hearings! :lol:
President Trump might be able to get A.G. Sessions to pay attention but can he give him some balls? Only time will tell.

Trump should make an Enemies List of all the people in the media out to get him.

Then he should create a group called The Plumbers. Plumbers stop leaks, get it? Their job will be to stop the leaks, and break into the offices of anyone suspected of being an enemy of Trump.

Watergate had nothing to do with the media, shithead. The outfits I mentioned are enemies of the people, not just Trump. The NYTimes in particular has ignored national security warnings time after time to sell newspapers. Their safes would be a treasure trove of sedition and treason. I'd hang them from lamp posts right out in front of their building.

yeah Trump and his Cartel are such big pussies the chickenshit media whips his ass on a daily basis.

President Snowflake.
President Trump might be able to get A.G. Sessions to pay attention but can he give him some balls? Only time will tell.
Trump does not have the balls to fire anyone in person. He couldn't even face Comey in person to fire him.

That is why Trump is taking the pussy way out with his passive-aggressive tweets, hoping to get Sessions to quit. Because he does not have the balls to just up and fire the man face to face.

Trump should make an Enemies List of all the people in the media out to get him.

Then he should create a group called The Plumbers. Plumbers stop leaks, get it? Their job will be to stop the leaks, and break into the offices of anyone suspected of being an enemy of Trump.

Watergate had nothing to do with the media, shithead. The outfits I mentioned are enemies of the people, not just Trump. The NYTimes in particular has ignored national security warnings time after time to sell newspapers. Their safes would be a treasure trove of sedition and treason. I'd hang them from lamp posts right out in front of their building.

yeah Trump and his Cartel are such big pussies the chickenshit media whips his ass on a daily basis.

President Snowflake.

there there.

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