Trump Gets Session's Attention

President Trump might be able to get A.G. Sessions to pay attention but can he give him some balls? Only time will tell.
Trump does not have the balls to fire anyone in person. He couldn't even face Comey in person to fire him.

That is why Trump is taking the pussy way out with his passive-aggressive tweets, hoping to get Sessions to quit. Because he does not have the balls to just up and fire the man face to face.
ahhhh you feel bad for sessions how sweet, the same group that didn't want him as AG. again proving the hypocrites are alive and well
President Trump might be able to get A.G. Sessions to pay attention but can he give him some balls? Only time will tell.
Trump does not have the balls to fire anyone in person. He couldn't even face Comey in person to fire him.

That is why Trump is taking the pussy way out with his passive-aggressive tweets, hoping to get Sessions to quit. Because he does not have the balls to just up and fire the man face to face.
ahhhh you feel bad for sessions how sweet, the same group that didn't want him as AG. again proving the hypocrites are alive and well
I don't feel either way about Sessions, retard. You really should have learned by the constant ass kickings to stop making assumptions about me by now.

I am only interested in the facts. And the fact is, Trump is a pussy not man enough to fire Sessions face to face.

Trump is demonstrating the very worst leadership skills.

He is finding out the hard way life is nothing like "reality" TV.
The Plumbers did a lot more break-ins than just the Watergate, idiot. "Watergate" is a catch-all term for everything which was uncovered during the hearings.

After all, everyone says "Watergate" is what brought down Nixon, when in fact the actual break-in was not why he resigned.

"Watergate" encompasses all the filth about Nixon which was uncovered, not just the break-in at the DCHQ.

And you were the one who assumed I was referring just to the break-in, dumbass. I made no mention of it.

Weak had and still have no idea what all that was about.
As long as the Senate is in session (held over for HC legislation), Sessions is safe. The day they adjourn for summer, Trump can fire Sessions and make a recess-appointment good until the end of the year.

Senate democrats intend to keep the senate in session.

They have no power to stay or go into's McConnell's call. That being said, the Turtle is all for Sessions staying and Mueller to keep digging for dirt.....he's a "never-Trumper" and shouldn't be trusted.
My post quite clearly showed I do, idiot.

The Enemies List.

The Plumbers.

The break-ins, PLURAL.

The obstruction of justice.

The Saturday Night Massacre.

What special kind of idiot are you?

Special enough to remind your punk ass this thread is about Sessions and take a fucking hike.
Lots of parallels between Nixon and Trump.

Hacking the DNC/Watergate bugging. While the DNC hack was not directly perpetrated by the Trump team, he benefited from the actions taken by the love of his life, Vlad Putin.

Trump's Enemies List of media outlets and reporters.

Trump's obsession with leakers.

Asking the FBI director to stop looking into the "Russia thing".

Now he's getting ready to purge the Attorney General, and he is pondering firing the Special Prosecutor.

Lots of parallels.

Even his election by the Silent Majority!
My post quite clearly showed I do, idiot.

The Enemies List.

The Plumbers.

The break-ins, PLURAL.

The obstruction of justice.

The Saturday Night Massacre.

What special kind of idiot are you?

Special enough to remind your punk ass this thread is about Sessions and take a fucking hike.
Hey, you brought up frog marching Trump's media enemies to jail and breaking into their offices and searching them, little fuhrer. One can't help but recall a similar time in our past.
As long as the Senate is in session (held over for HC legislation), Sessions is safe. The day they adjourn for summer, Trump can fire Sessions and make a recess-appointment good until the end of the year.

Senate democrats intend to keep the senate in session.

They have no power to stay or go into's McConnell's call. That being said, the Turtle is all for Sessions staying and Mueller to keep digging for dirt.....he's a "never-Trumper" and shouldn't be trusted.
Wrong. The dems do have tools at their disposal to keep it in session.
It takes a special kind of coward to tweet some passive-aggressive shit to the whole world rather than call the AG into his office and ream him a new one.

That's some serious irony when the pussy asks the world why the AG is being such a chicken! :lol:
Sessions wont resign, and Don Cheeto wont fire him, so who's kicking who's ass?
don is still kicking hitlery's ass.

since when

Since November 8th, 2016

and Trump has been kicking your ass since then too.

you NO wall, NO healthcare, NO jobs SUCKERS.

I live in a far northern state, so if the wall isn't already built, no problem.

I have my own healthcare.

I am self-employed.

So if the only thing Trump accomplishes in 4-8 years is putting half the last administration behind bars, well alrighty then. :biggrin:

BTW, do you work for one one those Soros-funded propaganda organizations like Correct The Record? If you do, you sure suck at it. Because nobody is taking you seriously any more.

I would suggest that you look for a real job instead.
It takes a special kind of coward to tweet some passive-aggressive shit to the whole world rather than call the AG into his office and ream him a new one.

That's some serious irony when the pussy asks the world why the AG is being such a chicken! :lol:
ah boo hoo for sessions. so fking what. the president takes this shit everyday from every left wing libturd. everyday. never bothers the hypocrites on tv right now bad mouthing the president. funny how when fingers are pointed three come back on the person with the finger. LOL
Schumer already announced they plan to fight if McConnell tries to pull that shit.

“Before this scheme gains wings, Democrats will never go along with the recess appointment if that situation arises. We have some tools in our toolbox to stymie such action. We’ll be ready to use every single one of them, any time, day or night,” Schumer continued.

Adjournment resolutions have a privileged status on the floor, but attempting to move one could further jam up other business as Democrats seek to retaliate. Senate Democrats could also try to filibuster an adjournment resolution by continuously offering amendments. Absent an agreement, the practice has been to hold pro-forma sessions with no business conducted once every three days."

Schumer Warns Trump Against Trying to Replace Sessions With Recess Appointment
There is one minor glitch that could muck that up -- but it would require a majority of House republicans to basically grab their knees and agree to take it up the ass for Trump -- and would enable a pretty serious constitutional crisis.
And another:

No, Trump can't use Congress' recess to squash the Russia scandal

"A determined minority can thus effectively void the recess appointment power until the official end of the congressional term in January, by holding pro-forma sessions that keep the Senate technically in business. To fully recess, Democrats would have to agree to an adjournment resolution.

If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wanted to do Trump’s bidding, he could introduce such a resolution (to adjourn until, say, the day after Labor Day) but Democrats could filibuster that resolution, which would give way to a messy floor fight, and test of wills, that Democrats would probably win.

I doubt McConnell wants that fight. But there’s no other legal path to a recess appointment. Which is why there have been pro-forma sessions during every recess of this term. McConnell knows how this works; he perfected the strategy back when he was minority leader. And my sense is that that the current minority leader, Chuck Schumer, will make clear this afternoon that Democrats haven’t forgotten."
Wrong. The dems do have tools at their disposal to keep it in session.

Such as?
I posted this yesterday

First, it would take an adjournment resolution to pass in order for Trump to get a chance to recess appoint and the Democrats could and would filibuster that. Doubtful McConnell wants that messy floor fight.

You're kidding right? Schumer and his fellow-travelers would like nothing more than Trump firing Sessions. That would give them additional weeks to screech about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice". And seeing as how they're the laziest people on earth, they have no desire to stay in the stifling heat of DC in August...they'd rocket out of there first chance they get.
Realizing the President's bite is much worse than his bark, Sessions raced to the microphones yesterday to announce he's FINALLY going to hunt down the leakers. Trump has made it clear he's tired of nothing happening at the DOJ in defense of his presidency. If it were me, I'd have frog-marched the editorial staffs of CNN, WaPo, and the NYTimes out to paddy wagons and searched their offices for evidence of the treason we all know are in them. Failing to UNrecuse himself, laying into the Clinton treachery may well save Session's bacon with the President. He's still the AG today but tomorrow isn't promised to him nor should it be.


LOL What Trump and company still have no clue about is that they were being watched since 2015 and not by U.S. intelligence agencies.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

And so many seem to forget that Obama ordered this investigation done before he left office, and it is reported by several sources he preserved that intelligence. MEANING--he wasn't going to turn it over to anyone with an R behind their names or FBI director James Comey who is also under investigation for his interference into this election.

In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates
Analysis | The Justice Department’s case against James B. Comey, annotated

Just a reminder they never did find out who was "deep throat" an FBI agent that was leaking information to the Washington Post (until long after Richard Nixon) resigned from office.

So GOOD LUCK with that--:laugh:
Wrong. The dems do have tools at their disposal to keep it in session.

Such as?
I posted this yesterday

First, it would take an adjournment resolution to pass in order for Trump to get a chance to recess appoint and the Democrats could and would filibuster that. Doubtful McConnell wants that messy floor fight.

You're kidding right? Schumer and his fellow-travelers would like nothing more than Trump firing Sessions. That would give them additional weeks to screech about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice". And seeing as how they're the laziest people on earth, they have no desire to stay in the stifling heat of DC in August...they'd rocket out of there first chance they get.
Oh yeah, I remember now you are one of the nutjobbers here.


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