Trump Gets Session's Attention

I wonder just how submissive Trump's Chumps are. I mean, I know they are okay with being lied to. I know they line up to be lied to over and over again. I know they will drink whatever piss their naked emperor emits.

But a big percentage of Trump's Chumps are Southerners. Are they so submissive that they will allow a New York cut-and-run liberal to shit all over a long serving, steadfast, honorable, good old boy like Jeff Sessions?

Just how deep will these Chumps let Trump up their ass? Is there nothing sacred left for the pseudocons? Are they that THAT far gone?

"Time will tell."
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Having watched Jeff over the years he is not good at taking orders and will have to get use to it. I am sure he will work it out, if he can pass the test of nailing Clintons case and putting the very mean woman in jail, with her buddies.
If the Clinton's, et al, are such obvious and profound targets for investigation and prosecution for their many crimes in the interests of National Security why have over six(6) months gone by without a special council appointed by Sessions, at the behest or suggestion of the Fat Ass-in-Chief, to git 'er done? Is the current administration to inept or too cowardly to challenge the Clinton machine? Sessions hasn't recused himself for anything regarding the Clinton's or their campaign, so why not go after the Clinton's with a special prosecutor suitable to the RWNJ cabal?

All this bullshit talk about all the high crimes and misdemeanors that were committed by the Clinton's and the Democrats, and how they were going to pay dearly in court if the GOP took over in 2016, but so far the only delivery on that promise of action is more bullshit talk and NO ACTION! So why don't you folks call and write Jeff the good-ol'-boy Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor to start all the investigations on all of those "scandals" you've been yammering about for years.

You've been hanging on to many of them and repeating their alleged crimes, ad nauseam, from Whitewater and Vince Foster, to the Benghazi cover up, to the "election tampering", to the email servers, to Fusion GPS, etc, etc, etc. So why don't you rams and ewes either get with the program and get some real investigations started by the Orange Putz's administration with a special prosecutors or just SHUT THE FUCK UP!

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