Trump: Global Warmning is a hoax...........

This looks fun also. :thup:

Sea level rise is happening now, and the rate at which it is rising is increasing every year, according to a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Now what will the stupid, anti-science orange POS say now? What will his supporters say?

A). There is no such thing as Global Warmning.

B). The Sea goes UP. The Sea goes DOWN. That's how early man got to the Americas.

But just remember, nothing warms that hasn't first cooled off.
Climate model projections? A dozen different so called computer models can't even predict which way a hurricane is heading within two days. Maybe the world climate is being monitored by instruments that weren't available in the 90's but it doesn't prove whatever is happening is influenced by anything but that good old nuclear reactor in the sky. Winters feel just as severe as they always did and sometimes summers feel cool. You couldn't tell that anything is happening except for claims by "scientists" who make a living by extorting money from good old Uncle. . Think about WW2 for a second.There were tons of oil and other contaminants dumped in the ocean every freaking day with tankers sunk and gigantic ships going under. Factories were churning and spitting crap into the sky and the groundwater and the prediction back in the 60's and 70's by the "climate scientists" was another Ice Age. Al Gore, the climate guru, had no scientific training. He plucked the theory out of his hat as a way to punish the Country that didn't elect him president and make a buck selling non-existent "carbon credits". Socialist leaning academic elitists jumped on the bandwagon when tons of federal grants became available and hypocrite anti-Americans could make a buck by claiming that the U.S. decadence is the cause of droughts in freaking Africa. Sure it's a scam and thank God we have a President with the balls to say so.
Trump: Global Warmning is a hoax...........

And President Trump is absolutely correct.
I started to believe in Global warming.

But then I just received my almost double heating bill in the mail for last month.

That quickly brought me back to reality. ..... :cool:
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Didn't Gore make the claim in his book/movie that NYC would be under 20' of water by 2015?

Gore is a politician and charlatan, to base your view of climate change on him is like basing your view of Christianity on David Koresh or Jim Jones. Why not base it on the science and the actual data?

Once again for the million times James Hansen is gores science advisor, what you think gore makes up his stupid predictions by himself? He needs the ex head of of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space do it for him
Didn't Gore make the claim in his book/movie that NYC would be under 20' of water by 2015?

Gore is a politician and charlatan, to base your view of climate change on him is like basing your view of Christianity on David Koresh or Jim Jones. Why not base it on the science and the actual data?
Gore is a politician and charlatan

I agree

and the father of Global Warming, as far as the news is concerned.

And this is the biggest problem, 99% of the people base their views of climate change on what the news and their party overlords have told them. Almost nobody has looked at the science, and even fewer people have done any analysis of the data.

99% My ass...

Some of us have been reading about it since the early 1970s, quit thinking your ignorance about news and politics apply's to everyone
Didn't Gore make the claim in his book/movie that NYC would be under 20' of water by 2015?

Gore is a politician and charlatan, to base your view of climate change on him is like basing your view of Christianity on David Koresh or Jim Jones. Why not base it on the science and the actual data?
Gore is a politician and charlatan

I agree

and the father of Global Warming, as far as the news is concerned.

And this is the biggest problem, 99% of the people base their views of climate change on what the news and their party overlords have told them. Almost nobody has looked at the science, and even fewer people have done any analysis of the data.

99% My ass...

Some of us have been reading about it since the early 1970s, quit thinking your ignorance about news and politics apply's to everyone

Reading about it in what? The Podunk Times? Newsweek? USAToday?

How many different scientific journals have you read since the 1970s?
''who the F cares''?? is what we will say
I'll still get to watch re-runs of MASH---so who cares??
the people on the islands that will be awash will be saved in time--relax
I have no sympathy for people who state how a 2 foot rise in the sea level over a century will affect flooding and other coastal damages just as I have no sympathy for those who live at the foot of volcanoes crying about losing their homes. It's as if these people have lived in a bottle all their lives and any community that builds along the ocean and arrogantly thinks the sea is a static thing never going to suddenly stop rising and falling as it has for 4 billion years has a hard lesson to learn.
Sea level rise is happening now, and the rate at which it is rising is increasing every year, according to a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Now what will the stupid, anti-science orange POS say now? What will his supporters say?

What have you done personally to stop the seas from rising?
Personally I stopped pissing in the streams.........

That is what we should all do to save our planet, it seems to be more than what most liberals are willing to do. They want to jump on private jets and fly all over the world to claim they care.

Flying to a conference that results in lowering emissions is a viable method.

The effort put forth by the Paris saccord will save much more in emissions than those expended to get to that conference.

You people are such a pack of fucking dicks that you actually are dumb enough to present this an an argument against fighting global warming.

This is how fucking stupid Trump has made you.
Sea level rise is happening now, and the rate at which it is rising is increasing every year, according to a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Now what will the stupid, anti-science orange POS say now? What will his supporters say?

I thought Obama lowered the seas?

The sea level is rising faster that predicted.

But hey, you & your fuck buddy Trump call GW a hoax. Still.
Reading these posts from the ignorant Trumpettes i alarming. It is alarming that there are people that are actually that fucking stupid. There are enough of these dumbfucks that they actually elected one of their own as President.

MMGW is science. Science tells us that spewing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere heightens the greenhouse effect which causes average global temperatures to rise.

A rise of just 3 degrees C can create havoc for those living on this planet. Once the concentrations get to that point, it takes decades & decades for the planeyt to reduce those concentrations of CO2. It is not like we can wait until h=we hit that 3 degree increase & say OK lets lower emissions because the effects of GW will not just stop

We see the effects now. We have military bases adversely affected by sea level rise. We have crops that no longer flourish in some areas because the climate has changed.

So, who will suffer the worse? Not us. Our children & grandchildren. You ignorant fucks are condemning your children to this uncertain future.

Why? Do you hate your kids? Must be it.

For ceretainly if I saw the slightest of possibilities that something I was doing would harm my kids & grandchildren, I would stop it. But not you people. Nooooooooooooooooo.

Some fat assed orange POS says it is a hoax & you asswipes believe it. The Republican party used to believe in MMGW 20 years ago.

What changed? Not the science. The science has increased its warnings.

What changed was that political leaders decided to use GW as a political tool & convinced their feeble minded base that it was not true. Why? Fossil fuels. They fund Republicans.
Dumbass Trump will roll back everything that is green & go bsck to pushing fossil fuels./ As the rest of the world takes over the "green" energy market,. Trump & the Republicans will be building gasoline cars & diesel trucks & try to sell them to a world running electric or hydrogen vehicles.

So, to you Trumpettes, is putting your children's future at risk a worthy reason to support Trump & Republicans?
Man caused global warming is in fact a hoax.
The only hoax is you pretending you have a fucking brain.

GW is tied to increased emissions.

Trumpettes: Dumb people who are also assholes.

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