Trump goes after Flint Pastor who interrupted him. So much for "What do you have to lose".

Yes because he wouldnt rent to Blacks. I've never compared the two since they are not the same thing so you may have to find your own answer to that question. Yes I care about my people. I cant help nor am I really concerned with what you see or do not see.

.....and please do NOT EVER forget what Trump called (basically a modern day lynching mob) for the Central park 5 who were later found to be innocent.
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Yes because he wouldnt rent to Blacks. I've never compared the two since they are not the same thing so you may have to find your own answer to that question. Yes I care about my people. I cant help nor am I really concerned with what you see or do not see.

.....and please do NOT EVER forget what Trump called for (basically a modern day lynching mob) for the Central park 5 who were later found to be innocent.
He would have been a great leader during the times of whites orchestrating Black ethnic cleansing here in the US. Today not so much.
"Leftist pretend that he personally caused it while accepting no blame further down the line"

You are unaware that the Dems running the city took zero responsibility and Democrats have tried to pin it all on the governor? If so then you are too ignorant for that discussion, I'll wait for you to back up your claim that the Constitution prohibits churches from speaking about political matters.

snyder turned the whole damn mess over to a city manager. he owns the fact he poisoned his own citizens..

& the whole thing about political speech in a house of worship is based on the separation of church & state. if you can't understand that- or unwilling to, then you are far stupider than i thought weasel dude. that's why it's unlawful to do so. our laws are based on the constitution. & the constitution it is the law of the land.

"Leftist pretend that he personally caused it while accepting no blame further down the line"

You are unaware that the Dems running the city took zero responsibility and Democrats have tried to pin it all on the governor? If so then you are too ignorant for that discussion, I'll wait for you to back up your claim that the Constitution prohibits churches from speaking about political matters.

snyder turned the whole damn mess over to a city manager. he owns the fact he poisoned his own citizens..

& the whole thing about political speech in a house of worship is based on the separation of church & state. if you can't understand that- or unwilling to, then you are far stupider than i thought weasel dude. that's why it's unlawful to do so. our laws are based on the constitution. & the constitution it is the law of the land.

First you ask for a source then you repeat the meme I was talking about. Leftists are never at fault for anything. The nearest Republican didit.

You can't show me where the Constitution prohibits churches from speaking out and you can't explain why the Johnson Amendment was necessary. Three strikes, you're out.
"Leftist pretend that he personally caused it while accepting no blame further down the line"

You are unaware that the Dems running the city took zero responsibility and Democrats have tried to pin it all on the governor? If so then you are too ignorant for that discussion, I'll wait for you to back up your claim that the Constitution prohibits churches from speaking about political matters.

snyder turned the whole damn mess over to a city manager. he owns the fact he poisoned his own citizens..

& the whole thing about political speech in a house of worship is based on the separation of church & state. if you can't understand that- or unwilling to, then you are far stupider than i thought weasel dude. that's why it's unlawful to do so. our laws are based on the constitution. & the constitution it is the law of the land.


& the whole thing about political speech in a house of worship is based on the separation of church & state.

I guess that's one way to admit your earlier error about the Constitution.

that's why it's unlawful to do so.

And there's your error....again.
What is the law against it?
Can you post one?
that's why it's unlawful to do so.

And there's your error....again.
What is the law against it?
Can you post one?

Resources — NCLP :: National Center for Law & Policy

For complete legal analysis and reports on what churches and pastors can and cannot do and their rights under the law, go to, a project of the Alliance Defense Fund on behalf of churches.

Thanks for the links.
Is one of them supposed to show that it's unlawful to talk politics in a Church?
Trump: Pastor who interrupted me was 'nervous mess'

When he began criticizing his Democratic rival, pastor Faith Green-Timmons came onstage and interrupted, asking him not to launch political attacks in a church.

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us ... not to give a political speech,” Green-Timmons said as she walked up to Trump.

"The audience was fantastic. But she was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess, so I figured something was up."


So Trump attacks the integrity of the Pastor because she reminded him they were in a church.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

I would ask the pastor to articulate what is so different about his content and that of Clinton, Biden, Kerry, and Obama when they find themselves in Church; and when Obama is not mandating that the Crucifix be covered.
Where are the leftists and their objection to politics in the church when some rabid reverend is railing against the right? They never complained about Rev. Wright.

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