Trump goes after Flint Pastor who interrupted him. So much for "What do you have to lose".

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!
Drumpf is not the problem all by himself. The problem is racists like you and Drumpf.that work together knowingly or unknowingly to keep Blacks and other people of color from succeeding. Basically your white inferiority complex cant take the competition. Now Drumpf is merely a symbol of that inferiority complex. One that I dont wish to see in the position of POTUS. I will take my chances with Clinton. To be honest anyone that attracts white racists is always the worst candidate. now I'm a "racist" because I point out that Bill Clinton did more to fuck over black people 20 years ago then probably ANY modern American President? Typical, Milkweed...
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.

It's not genetic, it is learned from one generation to the next, passed down from father to son.
With each successive generation the effects are lessening.
Thats due to mixing with other races. Obviously its a genetic trait that predisposes whites to racism depending on the amount of neanderthal DNA. As whites interbreed with other races the manifestations of those neanderthal genes lessens. The proof is that racism is as strong as ever in white enclaves where they inbreed.

I disagree. It is completely a learned behavior.
George W. Bush as the President who signed the order taking us to war in Iraq is more responsible for our being in Iraq than anyone else in Congress just as Bill Clinton signing the bills that sent hundreds of thousands of blacks to prison on pumped up drug charges is more responsible for those bills than anyone in Congress.

Fine,now that I've got you on that little "admission".....Feel free to blame Clinton for "imprisoning" lots of black people.....and feel free to blame Bush for SLAUGHTERING 4500 American lives and more than 1/2 million Iraqis.

So, lets have a trial, conviction AND punishment.....DEAL???

Let me "Nat World" it will only be W. who gets punished? Not the Democrats like Hillary Clinton who voted to go to war?

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.

And finally, on another personal note, I come to this decision from the perspective of a Senator from New York who has seen all too closely the consequences of last year's terrible attacks on our nation. In balancing the risks of action versus inaction, I think New Yorkers who have gone through the fires of hell may be more attuned to the risk of not acting. I know that I am.

So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed.

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

President Bush did not use the power wisely or as a last resort.
So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!

Who in Congress sponsored the Bill? They were targeting Crack Cocaine, otherwise known as Free-base Cocaine. They unfairly punished crack dealers for selling small amounts with long prison sentences when the equivalent amount of powder cocaine was punished with lesser terms. There was nothing in the bill that specifically targeted the black community was there.? It was an unintended consequence of the law when it was carried out. I believe both Clinton have reversed their position on that unfair treatment of Free-base.
I cant prove it but I believe the Clintons unintentionally carried on Regans war on drugs. The same Regan that was involved in the Iran Contra scandal that flooded the Black and Latino communities with drugs. They never dreamed it would leak out into lilly white suburbs though.

the Iran Contra scandal that flooded the Black and Latino communities with drugs

Ummmmm....the scandal was weapons sold to the mullahs helped fund the Contra resistance to the Commies in Nicaragua.
Nothing to do with drugs.

The CIA was also smuggling Drugs (Cocaine) into the US whose profits were going back to the Contra Terrorist.
They think the Clinton's care about black people when the Clinton's history obviously shows that the only thing they care about is getting elected and they will throw ANYONE under the bus in order to make that happen!

Would it be "fair" to conclude then that YOU think that blacks are morons for following Clinton and voting against their own best interests???? YES or No?

Come on, commit yourself.....LOL

I think blacks do themselves a disservice when they vote for liberals who promise them things and then never deliver. For some reason blacks LOVE the Clinton's yet Bill Clinton has done more harm to the black community than probably any President in modern history! He essentially locked up an entire generation of young black men and he did so because he thought it would buy him votes.
George W. Bush as the President who signed the order taking us to war in Iraq is more responsible for our being in Iraq than anyone else in Congress just as Bill Clinton signing the bills that sent hundreds of thousands of blacks to prison on pumped up drug charges is more responsible for those bills than anyone in Congress.

Fine,now that I've got you on that little "admission".....Feel free to blame Clinton for "imprisoning" lots of black people.....and feel free to blame Bush for SLAUGHTERING 4500 American lives and more than 1/2 million Iraqis.

So, lets have a trial, conviction AND punishment.....DEAL???

Let me "Nat World" it will only be W. who gets punished? Not the Democrats like Hillary Clinton who voted to go to war?

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.

And finally, on another personal note, I come to this decision from the perspective of a Senator from New York who has seen all too closely the consequences of last year's terrible attacks on our nation. In balancing the risks of action versus inaction, I think New Yorkers who have gone through the fires of hell may be more attuned to the risk of not acting. I know that I am.

So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed.

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

President Bush did not use the power wisely or as a last resort.

So what Hillary basically said was this...'I'm voting for this because it's politically expedient right now but if it goes the future I'm going to blame it on George W. Bush'!"
Trump: Pastor who interrupted me was 'nervous mess'

When he began criticizing his Democratic rival, pastor Faith Green-Timmons came onstage and interrupted, asking him not to launch political attacks in a church.

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us ... not to give a political speech,” Green-Timmons said as she walked up to Trump.

"The audience was fantastic. But she was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess, so I figured something was up."


So Trump attacks the integrity of the Pastor because she reminded him they were in a church.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

I agree that she was rude to interrupt him, after inviting him to speak, but I wouldn't call her a scumbag.

you cannot politicize & 'campaign' in a church. tribblehead should have known that. the establishment clause is why.
George W. Bush as the President who signed the order taking us to war in Iraq is more responsible for our being in Iraq than anyone else in Congress just as Bill Clinton signing the bills that sent hundreds of thousands of blacks to prison on pumped up drug charges is more responsible for those bills than anyone in Congress.

Fine,now that I've got you on that little "admission".....Feel free to blame Clinton for "imprisoning" lots of black people.....and feel free to blame Bush for SLAUGHTERING 4500 American lives and more than 1/2 million Iraqis.

So, lets have a trial, conviction AND punishment.....DEAL???

Let me "Nat World" it will only be W. who gets punished? Not the Democrats like Hillary Clinton who voted to go to war?

"My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of pre-emption, or for uni-lateralism, or for the arrogance of American power or purpose -- all of which carry grave dangers for our nation, for the rule of international law and for the peace and security of people throughout the world.

Over eleven years have passed since the UN called on Saddam Hussein to rid himself of weapons of mass destruction as a condition of returning to the world community. Time and time again he has frustrated and denied these conditions. This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.

And finally, on another personal note, I come to this decision from the perspective of a Senator from New York who has seen all too closely the consequences of last year's terrible attacks on our nation. In balancing the risks of action versus inaction, I think New Yorkers who have gone through the fires of hell may be more attuned to the risk of not acting. I know that I am.

So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed.

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

President Bush did not use the power wisely or as a last resort.

So what Hillary basically said was this...'I'm voting for this because it's politically expedient right now but if it goes the future I'm going to blame it on George W. Bush'!"

Naw, I'm pretty sure she made it crystal clear but, if you must dumb it down to Republican intellect, yeah sure she did.......
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!

Who in Congress sponsored the Bill? They were targeting Crack Cocaine, otherwise known as Free-base Cocaine. They unfairly punished crack dealers for selling small amounts with long prison sentences when the equivalent amount of powder cocaine was punished with lesser terms. There was nothing in the bill that specifically targeted the black community was there.? It was an unintended consequence of the law when it was carried out. I believe both Clinton have reversed their position on that unfair treatment of Free-base.
I cant prove it but I believe the Clintons unintentionally carried on Regans war on drugs. The same Regan that was involved in the Iran Contra scandal that flooded the Black and Latino communities with drugs. They never dreamed it would leak out into lilly white suburbs though.

the Iran Contra scandal that flooded the Black and Latino communities with drugs

Ummmmm....the scandal was weapons sold to the mullahs helped fund the Contra resistance to the Commies in Nicaragua.
Nothing to do with drugs.

The CIA was also smuggling Drugs (Cocaine) into the US whose profits were going back to the Contra Terrorist.

Some individual Nicaraguan Contras may have engaged in activity with drug traffickers, but there is no evidence that leaders of the rebels were involved, the Reagan administration says.

Or it was just the Contras.
Again, that wasn't the scandal.

And I love the claim that without this new supply, there would have been no drug problems in the inner-cities.
or some reason blacks LOVE the Clinton's yet Bill Clinton has done more harm to the black community than probably any President in modern history!

Again, you "accuse" blacks of being stupid and naive......tsk, tsk......LOL
Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!
Drumpf is not the problem all by himself. The problem is racists like you and Drumpf.that work together knowingly or unknowingly to keep Blacks and other people of color from succeeding. Basically your white inferiority complex cant take the competition. Now Drumpf is merely a symbol of that inferiority complex. One that I dont wish to see in the position of POTUS. I will take my chances with Clinton. To be honest anyone that attracts white racists is always the worst candidate. now I'm a "racist" because I point out that Bill Clinton did more to fuck over black people 20 years ago then probably ANY modern American President? Typical, Milkweed...
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.

It's not genetic, it is learned from one generation to the next, passed down from father to son.
With each successive generation the effects are lessening.
Thats due to mixing with other races. Obviously its a genetic trait that predisposes whites to racism depending on the amount of neanderthal DNA. As whites interbreed with other races the manifestations of those neanderthal genes lessens. The proof is that racism is as strong as ever in white enclaves where they inbreed.
Have to admit you hit my funny bone on this one.
Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!

Who in Congress sponsored the Bill? They were targeting Crack Cocaine, otherwise known as Free-base Cocaine. They unfairly punished crack dealers for selling small amounts with long prison sentences when the equivalent amount of powder cocaine was punished with lesser terms. There was nothing in the bill that specifically targeted the black community was there.? It was an unintended consequence of the law when it was carried out. I believe both Clinton have reversed their position on that unfair treatment of Free-base.
I cant prove it but I believe the Clintons unintentionally carried on Regans war on drugs. The same Regan that was involved in the Iran Contra scandal that flooded the Black and Latino communities with drugs. They never dreamed it would leak out into lilly white suburbs though.

the Iran Contra scandal that flooded the Black and Latino communities with drugs

Ummmmm....the scandal was weapons sold to the mullahs helped fund the Contra resistance to the Commies in Nicaragua.
Nothing to do with drugs.

The CIA was also smuggling Drugs (Cocaine) into the US whose profits were going back to the Contra Terrorist.

Some individual Nicaraguan Contras may have engaged in activity with drug traffickers, but there is no evidence that leaders of the rebels were involved, the Reagan administration says.

Or it was just the Contras.
Again, that wasn't the scandal.

And I love the claim that without this new supply, there would have been no drug problems in the inner-cities.

They were widely involved and flooded the market. I guess I picked the wrong year to quit smoking crack cocaine! I mean Free Base!

They were armed mercenaries paid to terrorize the citizens who elected the dreaded Sandinista's

It was a separate funding for the Contras scandal.
Who in Congress sponsored the Bill? They were targeting Crack Cocaine, otherwise known as Free-base Cocaine. They unfairly punished crack dealers for selling small amounts with long prison sentences when the equivalent amount of powder cocaine was punished with lesser terms. There was nothing in the bill that specifically targeted the black community was there.? It was an unintended consequence of the law when it was carried out. I believe both Clinton have reversed their position on that unfair treatment of Free-base.
I cant prove it but I believe the Clintons unintentionally carried on Regans war on drugs. The same Regan that was involved in the Iran Contra scandal that flooded the Black and Latino communities with drugs. They never dreamed it would leak out into lilly white suburbs though.

the Iran Contra scandal that flooded the Black and Latino communities with drugs

Ummmmm....the scandal was weapons sold to the mullahs helped fund the Contra resistance to the Commies in Nicaragua.
Nothing to do with drugs.

The CIA was also smuggling Drugs (Cocaine) into the US whose profits were going back to the Contra Terrorist.

Some individual Nicaraguan Contras may have engaged in activity with drug traffickers, but there is no evidence that leaders of the rebels were involved, the Reagan administration says.

Or it was just the Contras.
Again, that wasn't the scandal.

And I love the claim that without this new supply, there would have been no drug problems in the inner-cities.

They were widely involved and flooded the market. I guess I picked the wrong year to quit smoking crack cocaine! I mean Free Base!

They were armed mercenaries paid to terrorize the citizens who elected the dreaded Sandinista's

It was a separate funding for the Contras scandal.

mercenaries paid to terrorize the citizens who elected the dreaded Sandinista's

The Sandinistas weren't elected (They were Commies).
Oh know, it was an attack. In fact, a vicious attack. Questioning her integrity. Saying she was part of a plot to embarrass him. He's cuckoo. And a liar.

And there are no pastors who are "nervous wrecks" in their own church. That's ridiculous.

I don't understand how you can defend such an odious man. Unless you are odious yourself.

It was a setup - she said it herself you fucking moron.

You're just pouting because it backfired.
I'll ask again because it seems like the rubes have poor reading comprehension. Where did she state she set him up and how stupid is Drumpf to allow himself to be setup by a non politician if true?

She made him look like an obedient dog but it backfired? :cuckoo:
really??? Trump promises to listen to black community. And when he does you slam him.
'I am here to listen to you': Trump tries to woo black voters with Detroit church visit
or some reason blacks LOVE the Clinton's yet Bill Clinton has done more harm to the black community than probably any President in modern history!

Again, you "accuse" blacks of being stupid and naive......tsk, tsk......LOL

Where in that did I accuse blacks of being stupid? What I DID do was call into question their belief that the Clinton's care about blacks in this country other than as a voting block to get elected because Bill Clinton's actions belie that!
Drumpf is not the problem all by himself. The problem is racists like you and Drumpf.that work together knowingly or unknowingly to keep Blacks and other people of color from succeeding. Basically your white inferiority complex cant take the competition. Now Drumpf is merely a symbol of that inferiority complex. One that I dont wish to see in the position of POTUS. I will take my chances with Clinton. To be honest anyone that attracts white racists is always the worst candidate. now I'm a "racist" because I point out that Bill Clinton did more to fuck over black people 20 years ago then probably ANY modern American President? Typical, Milkweed...
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.

It's not genetic, it is learned from one generation to the next, passed down from father to son.
With each successive generation the effects are lessening.
Thats due to mixing with other races. Obviously its a genetic trait that predisposes whites to racism depending on the amount of neanderthal DNA. As whites interbreed with other races the manifestations of those neanderthal genes lessens. The proof is that racism is as strong as ever in white enclaves where they inbreed.
Have to admit you hit my funny bone on this one.
I'm sorry I hit you in the head.
Oh know, it was an attack. In fact, a vicious attack. Questioning her integrity. Saying she was part of a plot to embarrass him. He's cuckoo. And a liar.

And there are no pastors who are "nervous wrecks" in their own church. That's ridiculous.

I don't understand how you can defend such an odious man. Unless you are odious yourself.

It was a setup - she said it herself you fucking moron.

You're just pouting because it backfired.
I'll ask again because it seems like the rubes have poor reading comprehension. Where did she state she set him up and how stupid is Drumpf to allow himself to be setup by a non politician if true?

She made him look like an obedient dog but it backfired? :cuckoo:
really??? Trump promises to listen to black community. And when he does you slam him.
'I am here to listen to you': Trump tries to woo black voters with Detroit church visit
Yes. Youre supposed to slam cave gibbons with a history of racism.
or some reason blacks LOVE the Clinton's yet Bill Clinton has done more harm to the black community than probably any President in modern history!

Again, you "accuse" blacks of being stupid and naive......tsk, tsk......LOL

Where in that did I accuse blacks of being stupid? What I DID do was call into question their belief that the Clinton's care about blacks in this country other than as a voting block to get elected because Bill Clinton's actions belie that!
How did you make such an asinine assumption after i told you I doubted Clinton gave a shit about Blacks any more than any other demographic? Most Blacks know the deal. They understand voting for Clinton is a necessary thing to keep the racist Drumpf from the presidency.
Who in the Oval Office signed the bill into law and then used that to run for reelection on...touting his strong stance on crime? That would be one William Jefferson Clinton.

hey, moron, following YOUR fucked up "logic", then you'd also have to admit that GWB is the SOLE RESPONSIBLE PRICK for going to war in Iraq.

George W. Bush as the President who signed the order taking us to war in Iraq is more responsible for our being in Iraq than anyone else in Congress just as Bill Clinton signing the bills that sent hundreds of thousands of blacks to prison on pumped up drug charges is more responsible for those bills than anyone in Congress. He's the President. If he doesn't like a bill he has veto power. If he doesn't exercise that power then he is fully responsible for the result.
You have a toggle switch for a brain.

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