Trump goes after Flint Pastor who interrupted him. So much for "What do you have to lose".

Drumpf is not the problem all by himself. The problem is racists like you and Drumpf.that work together knowingly or unknowingly to keep Blacks and other people of color from succeeding. Basically your white inferiority complex cant take the competition. Now Drumpf is merely a symbol of that inferiority complex. One that I dont wish to see in the position of POTUS. I will take my chances with Clinton. To be honest anyone that attracts white racists is always the worst candidate. now I'm a "racist" because I point out that Bill Clinton did more to fuck over black people 20 years ago then probably ANY modern American President? Typical, Milkweed...
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.

It's genetic? Wow, so my ancestor that fought in the Civil War as a white officer of a black regiment from Massachusetts was a "racist" as well? Do you know how ignorant a statement like that makes you, Milkweed? Fully as stupid as the David Dukes and the skinheads of this world!
Probably so. Obvously you didnt realize the north didnt fight the civil war out of love of Black people. They fought it to keep the Union together. Lincoln made it plain he would have gladly enslaved Blacks for eternity if the south would have just stayed in the union. See the Corwin Amendment to educate yourself. Your ancestor wasnt as noble as you thought he was.
Going to be a fucked up day.
I agree with Asclepias.
I'm just going back home and hiding in bed before I set off a nuclear explosion or something and wipe out the whole east coast.. (wiping out the whole east cost might not be a bad thing though come to think of it.)

People like Milkweed are the problem. They think the Clinton's care about black people when the Clinton's history obviously shows that the only thing they care about is getting elected and they will throw ANYONE under the bus in order to make that happen!
Drumpf is not the problem all by himself. The problem is racists like you and Drumpf.that work together knowingly or unknowingly to keep Blacks and other people of color from succeeding. Basically your white inferiority complex cant take the competition. Now Drumpf is merely a symbol of that inferiority complex. One that I dont wish to see in the position of POTUS. I will take my chances with Clinton. To be honest anyone that attracts white racists is always the worst candidate. now I'm a "racist" because I point out that Bill Clinton did more to fuck over black people 20 years ago then probably ANY modern American President? Typical, Milkweed...
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.

It's genetic? Wow, so my ancestor that fought in the Civil War as a white officer of a black regiment from Massachusetts was a "racist" as well? Do you know how ignorant a statement like that makes you, Milkweed? Fully as stupid as the David Dukes and the skinheads of this world!
Probably so. Obvously you didnt realize the north didnt fight the civil war out of love of Black people. They fought it to keep the Union together. Lincoln made it plain he would have gladly enslaved Blacks for eternity if the south would have just stayed in the union. See the Corwin Amendment to educate yourself. Your ancestor wasnt as noble as you thought he was.
Going to be a fucked up day.
I agree with Asclepias.
I'm just going back home and hiding in bed before I set off a nuclear explosion or something and wipe out the whole east coast.. (wiping out the whole east cost might not be a bad thing though come to think of it.)
I'm reporting your terrorist threat to the FBI. :laugh:
George W. Bush as the President who signed the order taking us to war in Iraq is more responsible for our being in Iraq than anyone else in Congress just as Bill Clinton signing the bills that sent hundreds of thousands of blacks to prison on pumped up drug charges is more responsible for those bills than anyone in Congress.

Fine,now that I've got you on that little "admission".....Feel free to blame Clinton for "imprisoning" lots of black people.....and feel free to blame Bush for SLAUGHTERING 4500 American lives and more than 1/2 million Iraqis.

So, lets have a trial, conviction AND punishment.....DEAL???

Let me "Nat World" it will only be W. who gets punished? Not the Democrats like Hillary Clinton who voted to go to war?
I didnt read between the lines dummy. I saw Drumpf capitulate like a good dog and agree with her statement and he got his ass back on topic.

.....and quickly got out of that venue (btw, he was there for just about 5 minutes in total).....and as one pundit stated, "Trump goes from his penthouse, to a limousine, to a private jet.....his wanting to be amid the scrutiny of a poor black church is as far- fetched and phoney as his understanding of what it would be like to drink poisoned water in Flint for years." now I'm a "racist" because I point out that Bill Clinton did more to fuck over black people 20 years ago then probably ANY modern American President? Typical, Milkweed...
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.

It's genetic? Wow, so my ancestor that fought in the Civil War as a white officer of a black regiment from Massachusetts was a "racist" as well? Do you know how ignorant a statement like that makes you, Milkweed? Fully as stupid as the David Dukes and the skinheads of this world!
Probably so. Obvously you didnt realize the north didnt fight the civil war out of love of Black people. They fought it to keep the Union together. Lincoln made it plain he would have gladly enslaved Blacks for eternity if the south would have just stayed in the union. See the Corwin Amendment to educate yourself. Your ancestor wasnt as noble as you thought he was.
Going to be a fucked up day.
I agree with Asclepias.
I'm just going back home and hiding in bed before I set off a nuclear explosion or something and wipe out the whole east coast.. (wiping out the whole east cost might not be a bad thing though come to think of it.)

People like Milkweed are the problem. They think the Clinton's care about black people when the Clinton's history obviously shows that the only thing they care about is getting elected and they will throw ANYONE under the bus in order to make that happen!
You sound like an idiot. I dont think the Clintons care about Black people. Trying to convince me that the Clintons are horrible doesnt make me lose sight of the fact that Drumpf is a racist. I would vote for a high school dropout before I voted for Drumpf. Sorry but your little campaign wont get me to vote for Drumpf. now I'm a "racist" because I point out that Bill Clinton did more to fuck over black people 20 years ago then probably ANY modern American President? Typical, Milkweed...
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.

It's genetic? Wow, so my ancestor that fought in the Civil War as a white officer of a black regiment from Massachusetts was a "racist" as well? Do you know how ignorant a statement like that makes you, Milkweed? Fully as stupid as the David Dukes and the skinheads of this world!
Probably so. Obvously you didnt realize the north didnt fight the civil war out of love of Black people. They fought it to keep the Union together. Lincoln made it plain he would have gladly enslaved Blacks for eternity if the south would have just stayed in the union. See the Corwin Amendment to educate yourself. Your ancestor wasnt as noble as you thought he was.
Going to be a fucked up day.
I agree with Asclepias.
I'm just going back home and hiding in bed before I set off a nuclear explosion or something and wipe out the whole east coast.. (wiping out the whole east cost might not be a bad thing though come to think of it.)
I'm reporting your terrorist threat to the FBI. :laugh:
Go for it.
You instigated it by posting something I was unable to argue with.
Trump: Pastor who interrupted me was 'nervous mess'

When he began criticizing his Democratic rival, pastor Faith Green-Timmons came onstage and interrupted, asking him not to launch political attacks in a church.

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us ... not to give a political speech,” Green-Timmons said as she walked up to Trump.

"The audience was fantastic. But she was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess, so I figured something was up."


So Trump attacks the integrity of the Pastor because she reminded him they were in a church.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

I agree that she was rude to interrupt him, after inviting him to speak, but I wouldn't call her a scumbag.

I would...
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.

It's genetic? Wow, so my ancestor that fought in the Civil War as a white officer of a black regiment from Massachusetts was a "racist" as well? Do you know how ignorant a statement like that makes you, Milkweed? Fully as stupid as the David Dukes and the skinheads of this world!
Probably so. Obvously you didnt realize the north didnt fight the civil war out of love of Black people. They fought it to keep the Union together. Lincoln made it plain he would have gladly enslaved Blacks for eternity if the south would have just stayed in the union. See the Corwin Amendment to educate yourself. Your ancestor wasnt as noble as you thought he was.
Going to be a fucked up day.
I agree with Asclepias.
I'm just going back home and hiding in bed before I set off a nuclear explosion or something and wipe out the whole east coast.. (wiping out the whole east cost might not be a bad thing though come to think of it.)
I'm reporting your terrorist threat to the FBI. :laugh:
Go for it.
You instigated it by posting something I was unable to argue with.
blame it on the Black guy.
Let me "Nat World" it will only be W. who gets punished? Not the Democrats like Hillary Clinton who voted to go to war?

Well, YOU want to "forgive" Clinton's congress for his sending "hundreds of thousands blacks to prison"....but you do NOT want to "forgive" GWB's congress fro following his lies???
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.

It's genetic? Wow, so my ancestor that fought in the Civil War as a white officer of a black regiment from Massachusetts was a "racist" as well? Do you know how ignorant a statement like that makes you, Milkweed? Fully as stupid as the David Dukes and the skinheads of this world!
Probably so. Obvously you didnt realize the north didnt fight the civil war out of love of Black people. They fought it to keep the Union together. Lincoln made it plain he would have gladly enslaved Blacks for eternity if the south would have just stayed in the union. See the Corwin Amendment to educate yourself. Your ancestor wasnt as noble as you thought he was.
Going to be a fucked up day.
I agree with Asclepias.
I'm just going back home and hiding in bed before I set off a nuclear explosion or something and wipe out the whole east coast.. (wiping out the whole east cost might not be a bad thing though come to think of it.)

People like Milkweed are the problem. They think the Clinton's care about black people when the Clinton's history obviously shows that the only thing they care about is getting elected and they will throw ANYONE under the bus in order to make that happen!
You sound like an idiot. I dont think the Clintons care about Black people. Trying to convince me that the Clintons are horrible doesnt make me lose sight of the fact that Drumpf is a racist. I would vote for a high school dropout before I voted for Drump. Sorry but your little campaign wont get me to vote for Drumpf.

So you admit that the Clinton's don't care about black people? My work here is done!
It's genetic? Wow, so my ancestor that fought in the Civil War as a white officer of a black regiment from Massachusetts was a "racist" as well? Do you know how ignorant a statement like that makes you, Milkweed? Fully as stupid as the David Dukes and the skinheads of this world!
Probably so. Obvously you didnt realize the north didnt fight the civil war out of love of Black people. They fought it to keep the Union together. Lincoln made it plain he would have gladly enslaved Blacks for eternity if the south would have just stayed in the union. See the Corwin Amendment to educate yourself. Your ancestor wasnt as noble as you thought he was.
Going to be a fucked up day.
I agree with Asclepias.
I'm just going back home and hiding in bed before I set off a nuclear explosion or something and wipe out the whole east coast.. (wiping out the whole east cost might not be a bad thing though come to think of it.)
I'm reporting your terrorist threat to the FBI. :laugh:
Go for it.
You instigated it by posting something I was unable to argue with.
blame it on the Black guy.
White privilege
It's genetic? Wow, so my ancestor that fought in the Civil War as a white officer of a black regiment from Massachusetts was a "racist" as well? Do you know how ignorant a statement like that makes you, Milkweed? Fully as stupid as the David Dukes and the skinheads of this world!
Probably so. Obvously you didnt realize the north didnt fight the civil war out of love of Black people. They fought it to keep the Union together. Lincoln made it plain he would have gladly enslaved Blacks for eternity if the south would have just stayed in the union. See the Corwin Amendment to educate yourself. Your ancestor wasnt as noble as you thought he was.
Going to be a fucked up day.
I agree with Asclepias.
I'm just going back home and hiding in bed before I set off a nuclear explosion or something and wipe out the whole east coast.. (wiping out the whole east cost might not be a bad thing though come to think of it.)

People like Milkweed are the problem. They think the Clinton's care about black people when the Clinton's history obviously shows that the only thing they care about is getting elected and they will throw ANYONE under the bus in order to make that happen!
You sound like an idiot. I dont think the Clintons care about Black people. Trying to convince me that the Clintons are horrible doesnt make me lose sight of the fact that Drumpf is a racist. I would vote for a high school dropout before I voted for Drump. Sorry but your little campaign wont get me to vote for Drumpf.

So you admit that the Clinton's don't care about black people? My work here is done!
I admit Drumpf is a racist and the Clintons dont care about Black people. Your work is a failure. I'm still voting for Clinton so Drumpf wont be the POTUS.
Trump: Pastor who interrupted me was 'nervous mess'

When he began criticizing his Democratic rival, pastor Faith Green-Timmons came onstage and interrupted, asking him not to launch political attacks in a church.

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us ... not to give a political speech,” Green-Timmons said as she walked up to Trump.

"The audience was fantastic. But she was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess, so I figured something was up."


So Trump attacks the integrity of the Pastor because she reminded him they were in a church.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

Again, denie is full of shit.

Saying she was a nervous mess isn't an attack. It's an observation.

I suppose he should have just ignored it all.

Oh.....I started a thread on this yesterday. Took that long for the mental midgets here to latch onto it.
Last edited:
And what were the democrats doing to black people during this time frame?

What were they doing?....Well, mostly being pissed off at the cost of lives and treasury over the war and scared shit-less that Lee was advancing on Wash. D.C..
It's genetic? Wow, so my ancestor that fought in the Civil War as a white officer of a black regiment from Massachusetts was a "racist" as well? Do you know how ignorant a statement like that makes you, Milkweed? Fully as stupid as the David Dukes and the skinheads of this world!
Probably so. Obvously you didnt realize the north didnt fight the civil war out of love of Black people. They fought it to keep the Union together. Lincoln made it plain he would have gladly enslaved Blacks for eternity if the south would have just stayed in the union. See the Corwin Amendment to educate yourself. Your ancestor wasnt as noble as you thought he was.
Going to be a fucked up day.
I agree with Asclepias.
I'm just going back home and hiding in bed before I set off a nuclear explosion or something and wipe out the whole east coast.. (wiping out the whole east cost might not be a bad thing though come to think of it.)

People like Milkweed are the problem. They think the Clinton's care about black people when the Clinton's history obviously shows that the only thing they care about is getting elected and they will throw ANYONE under the bus in order to make that happen!
You sound like an idiot. I dont think the Clintons care about Black people. Trying to convince me that the Clintons are horrible doesnt make me lose sight of the fact that Drumpf is a racist. I would vote for a high school dropout before I voted for Drump. Sorry but your little campaign wont get me to vote for Drumpf.

So you admit that the Clinton's don't care about black people? My work here is done!
I think the wording is part of the problem,
Do they not care about black people, or do they not care about black people more than they care about any other race of people.
It does make a difference.
Who in the Oval Office signed the bill into law and then used that to run for reelection on...touting his strong stance on crime? That would be one William Jefferson Clinton.

hey, moron, following YOUR fucked up "logic", then you'd also have to admit that GWB is the SOLE RESPONSIBLE PRICK for going to war in Iraq.
Oh, that's over. Republicans these days believe it was Hillary Clinton's vote that took us into Iraq.
Probably so. Obvously you didnt realize the north didnt fight the civil war out of love of Black people. They fought it to keep the Union together. Lincoln made it plain he would have gladly enslaved Blacks for eternity if the south would have just stayed in the union. See the Corwin Amendment to educate yourself. Your ancestor wasnt as noble as you thought he was.
Going to be a fucked up day.
I agree with Asclepias.
I'm just going back home and hiding in bed before I set off a nuclear explosion or something and wipe out the whole east coast.. (wiping out the whole east cost might not be a bad thing though come to think of it.)

People like Milkweed are the problem. They think the Clinton's care about black people when the Clinton's history obviously shows that the only thing they care about is getting elected and they will throw ANYONE under the bus in order to make that happen!
You sound like an idiot. I dont think the Clintons care about Black people. Trying to convince me that the Clintons are horrible doesnt make me lose sight of the fact that Drumpf is a racist. I would vote for a high school dropout before I voted for Drump. Sorry but your little campaign wont get me to vote for Drumpf.

So you admit that the Clinton's don't care about black people? My work here is done!
I think the wording is part of the problem,
Do they not care about black people, or do they not care about black people more than they care about any other race of people.
It does make a difference.
Looks like I need to do the west coast after your signal in the east. See how I worded that so the suits dont come and get me?
"I invited you hear specifically to...."

Yeah, like that's going to work with either Hillary or Trump. They are both politicians. Good luck controlling them. I fault the pastor / church as much as I fault Trump, maybe more.

The problem is the pastor / church made the mistake of asking a politician to come speak in their church to begin with. Politics don't belong in a church, and they had to know that a politician is going to take every opportunity to talk politics if given the chance.

Jesus chased the money changers out of the Temple. The church is God's House and a House of worship. You want a 'thank you' from a politician, hold something outside the church, agree to go to one of his events, but don't bring politics into the church.
I fault Drumpf. Doesnt matter if he is a politician. When you are given directives you either follow them or dont accept the speaking engagement.
well, I doubt you can come up with the original request from that fake paster for Trump to come and speak.
Doesnt matter what you doubt. I dont have to come up with the original request. Drumpf agreed with her and got his ass back to what he was supposed to be doing. If what she was saying to him was not the truth he would have corrected her.
Oh the irony.
Falsely accusing others of reading between the the lines and then making the same mistake of saying Trump got his ### handed to him
I didn't see anyone having their ### handed to em.
I didnt read between the lines dummy. I saw Drumpf capitulate like a good dog and agree with her statement and he got his ass back on topic.
Oh, so we're back to the original video of a politician that was polite and cordial and you're redefining what was rather obvious.
Trump: Pastor who interrupted me was 'nervous mess'

When he began criticizing his Democratic rival, pastor Faith Green-Timmons came onstage and interrupted, asking him not to launch political attacks in a church.

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us ... not to give a political speech,” Green-Timmons said as she walked up to Trump.

"The audience was fantastic. But she was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess, so I figured something was up."


So Trump attacks the integrity of the Pastor because she reminded him they were in a church.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

Again, denie is full of shit.

Saying she was a nervous mess isn't an attack. It's an observation.

I suppose he should have just ignored it all.

Or he could have focused on how quickly she got him back on task like a well trained dog. Drumpf is full of bluster but she punked him.

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