Trump goes after Flint Pastor who interrupted him. So much for "What do you have to lose".

Bottom line is this, Kiddies...the Clinton Administration put hundreds of thousands of black people in Federal prisons for extended sentences so that Slick Willie could claim that he was tough on crime! He OWNS that! For his wife to turn around and accuse someone else of racism is about as ironic as it gets.
The Clintons put no one in prison. Circumstances did. Why lie?
Was every black in prison the fault of the Clinton's? The law was about over reaction.
And the law was passed in the GOP House and Senate. And we know what Republicans think about blacks. That's why all the voter suppression. Republicans don't see blacks as having the "right to vote". That's why the Supreme Court said Republicans attack black rights with "surgical precision".
Nope. Her words, her emphasis >>>>>>

Tim Young on Twitter

Sure, cereal .......its always wise to cite a comedian to underscore your point....LOL

That pastor DID educate Trump on how to behave in a church (but, since Trump has almost never set foot in a church, he DID need the education.)

That pastor DID educate Trump on how to behave in a church

I'd be more impressed if she had a history of also educating Democrats who spoke at her church.

It was a stunt. It didn't work. Nobody cares.

So you missed the part where she also shut down someone who was heckling Don the Con...

"He is a guest of my church and you will respect him,"

Donald Trump's visit to a church in Flint was super awkward

So you missed the part where she also shut down someone who was heckling Don the Con...

I missed the part where she educated a Democrat politician.

One has to go to her church and be an ass like Trump did first. Don't hold your breath. Trump has the lock on being an ass.

One has to go to her church and be an ass like Trump did first.

Is he the first politician to ever speak at that church?

Trump has the lock on being an ass.

You see Hillary's outfit today? She's got plenty of ass.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...the Clinton Administration put hundreds of thousands of black people in Federal prisons for extended sentences so that Slick Willie could claim that he was tough on crime! He OWNS that! For his wife to turn around and accuse someone else of racism is about as ironic as it gets.
The Clintons put no one in prison. Circumstances did. Why lie?
Was every black in prison the fault of the Clinton's? The law was about over reaction.
And the law was passed in the GOP House and Senate. And we know what Republicans think about blacks. That's why all the voter suppression. Republicans don't see blacks as having the "right to vote". That's why the Supreme Court said Republicans attack black rights with "surgical precision".

And we know what Republicans think about blacks.

They're children who couldn't possibly acquire voter ID?
What do Trump's taxes have to do with the policies of Bill Clinton that incarcerated hundreds of thousands of black people? That's a pathetic attempt at deflection, Closed...seriously! LOL

Here's another way to "summarize" what you're stating.......

Blacks are a bunch of morons for firmly supporting someone who....according to you.....incarcerated hundreds of thousands of black people....

Are you NOT yet getting the message that blacks will NEVER vote for your party because of your thinly veiled racism???

So Republicans are guilty of "thinly veiled" racism...while the Clinton's are guilty of "lock your ass up in prison" racism? Is that the message I'm not getting?
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...the Clinton Administration put hundreds of thousands of black people in Federal prisons for extended sentences so that Slick Willie could claim that he was tough on crime! He OWNS that! For his wife to turn around and accuse someone else of racism is about as ironic as it gets.
The Clintons put no one in prison. Circumstances did. Why lie?
Was every black in prison the fault of the Clinton's? The law was about over reaction.
And the law was passed in the GOP House and Senate. And we know what Republicans think about blacks. That's why all the voter suppression. Republicans don't see blacks as having the "right to vote". That's why the Supreme Court said Republicans attack black rights with "surgical precision".

Oh, so it wasn't the legislation that Bill Clinton signed into law that put hundreds of thousands of black people into prison on minor drug was "Circumstances" that did that?

You're suffering from political "myopia", of the things that Bill Clinton ran for reelection on was being "tough of crime"...and he proved how tough on crime he was by incarcerating hundreds of thousands of blacks in this country for extended periods of time. That wasn't an overreaction...that was a deliberate political calculation by Bill Clinton. If you had any integrity you'd admit that.
So Republicans are guilty of "thinly veiled" racism...while the Clinton's are guilty of "lock your ass up in prison" racism? Is that the message I'm not getting?

Actually NO !!!

SOME republicans are guilty of thinly veiled racism (got a mirror around your trailer)
while SOME republicans "think" that the Clintons are "guilty".......

You see, blacks don't share (nor will they EVER share) your delusional accusations.
Trump: Pastor who interrupted me was 'nervous mess'

When he began criticizing his Democratic rival, pastor Faith Green-Timmons came onstage and interrupted, asking him not to launch political attacks in a church.

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us ... not to give a political speech,” Green-Timmons said as she walked up to Trump.

"The audience was fantastic. But she was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess, so I figured something was up."


So Trump attacks the integrity of the Pastor because she reminded him they were in a church.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

She was nervous? You call that going after her? What a fruit loop you are. Tissue?
Trump: Pastor who interrupted me was 'nervous mess'

When he began criticizing his Democratic rival, pastor Faith Green-Timmons came onstage and interrupted, asking him not to launch political attacks in a church.

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us ... not to give a political speech,” Green-Timmons said as she walked up to Trump.

"The audience was fantastic. But she was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess, so I figured something was up."


So Trump attacks the integrity of the Pastor because she reminded him they were in a church.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

I agree that she was rude to interrupt him, after inviting him to speak, but I wouldn't call her a scumbag.

Trump is a basket full of deplorable. :lol:

Both candidates are so hard to watch. It's hard to believe that this country maintains a system of primary voting that produces people this awful. Trump actually believes that because he has managed to game the tax system, the bankruptcy system and take advantage of the downturn of the economy that he is qualified to be president. Oh! and the fact that everybody close to him kisses his fat ass.

Clinton believes the presidency is somehow owed to her no matter how deceptive and secretive she has been. I truly think that she believes because she didn't rock the boat when slick Willy was cheating on her that we all should just give her a pass all the way to the Oval Office.

Trump's reaction to being scolded about misrepresenting his intentions and assuming the nigga's wouldn't be smart or bold enough to call him on what to him was just another opportunity to get his own way no matter what the circumstances. He should have read his own words "What the hell do they have to lose?". I think he thought he was actually making headway with the Africonners. Maybe he was as much as he could have but sassing the old black gal head of that church just reversed any trend he thought he had.
Yeah for that terrible "Crack Epidemic" we got another typical government over-reaction. Did the GOP opposed those measures?

Where did all that crack come from anyway?

So now you want to blame the GOP for not stopping Clinton? Seriously?

Do you listen to the voices in your head?

I blame both parties for the draconian drug war on Americans.

I do blame Republicans for watering down the anti-terrorist measures Clinton lobbied for but that's a different story.

So you admit that Clinton DID pass "draconian" penalties on black Americans?

Yes he signed the Bill congress sent him.

Under his administration more Americans were arrested for Marijuana than any president before him too.

So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.
So now you want to blame the GOP for not stopping Clinton? Seriously?

Do you listen to the voices in your head?

I blame both parties for the draconian drug war on Americans.

I do blame Republicans for watering down the anti-terrorist measures Clinton lobbied for but that's a different story.

So you admit that Clinton DID pass "draconian" penalties on black Americans?

Yes he signed the Bill congress sent him.

Under his administration more Americans were arrested for Marijuana than any president before him too.

So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!
Do you listen to the voices in your head?

I blame both parties for the draconian drug war on Americans.

I do blame Republicans for watering down the anti-terrorist measures Clinton lobbied for but that's a different story.

So you admit that Clinton DID pass "draconian" penalties on black Americans?

Yes he signed the Bill congress sent him.

Under his administration more Americans were arrested for Marijuana than any president before him too.

So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!
Drumpf is not the problem all by himself. The problem is racists like you and Drumpf.that work together knowingly or unknowingly to keep Blacks and other people of color from succeeding. Basically your white inferiority complex cant take the competition. Now Drumpf is merely a symbol of that inferiority complex. One that I dont wish to see in the position of POTUS. I will take my chances with Clinton. To be honest anyone that attracts white racists is always the worst candidate.
Do you listen to the voices in your head?

I blame both parties for the draconian drug war on Americans.

I do blame Republicans for watering down the anti-terrorist measures Clinton lobbied for but that's a different story.

So you admit that Clinton DID pass "draconian" penalties on black Americans?

Yes he signed the Bill congress sent him.

Under his administration more Americans were arrested for Marijuana than any president before him too.

So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!

Who in Congress sponsored the Bill? They were targeting Crack Cocaine, otherwise known as Free-base Cocaine. They unfairly punished crack dealers for selling small amounts with long prison sentences when the equivalent amount of powder cocaine was punished with lesser terms. There was nothing in the bill that specifically targeted the black community was there.? It was an unintended consequence of the law when it was carried out. I believe both Clinton have reversed their position on that unfair treatment of Free-base.
So you admit that Clinton DID pass "draconian" penalties on black Americans?

Yes he signed the Bill congress sent him.

Under his administration more Americans were arrested for Marijuana than any president before him too.

So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!
Drumpf is not the problem all by himself. The problem is racists like you and Drumpf.that work together knowingly or unknowingly to keep Blacks and other people of color from succeeding. Basically your white inferiority complex cant take the competition. Now Drumpf is merely a symbol of that inferiority complex. One that I dont wish to see in the position of POTUS. I will take my chances with Clinton. To be honest anyone that attracts white racists is always the worst candidate. now I'm a "racist" because I point out that Bill Clinton did more to fuck over black people 20 years ago then probably ANY modern American President? Typical, Milkweed...
Yes he signed the Bill congress sent him.

Under his administration more Americans were arrested for Marijuana than any president before him too.

So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!
Drumpf is not the problem all by himself. The problem is racists like you and Drumpf.that work together knowingly or unknowingly to keep Blacks and other people of color from succeeding. Basically your white inferiority complex cant take the competition. Now Drumpf is merely a symbol of that inferiority complex. One that I dont wish to see in the position of POTUS. I will take my chances with Clinton. To be honest anyone that attracts white racists is always the worst candidate. now I'm a "racist" because I point out that Bill Clinton did more to fuck over black people 20 years ago then probably ANY modern American President? Typical, Milkweed...
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.
So you admit that Clinton DID pass "draconian" penalties on black Americans?

Yes he signed the Bill congress sent him.

Under his administration more Americans were arrested for Marijuana than any president before him too.

So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!

Who in Congress sponsored the Bill? They were targeting Crack Cocaine, otherwise known as Free-base Cocaine. They unfairly punished crack dealers for selling small amounts with long prison sentences when the equivalent amount of powder cocaine was punished with lesser terms. There was nothing in the bill that specifically targeted the black community was there.? It was an unintended consequence of the law when it was carried out. I believe both Clinton have reversed their position on that unfair treatment of Free-base.
I cant prove it but I believe the Clintons unintentionally carried on Regans war on drugs. The same Regan that was involved in the Iran Contra scandal that flooded the Black and Latino communities with drugs. They never dreamed it would leak out into lilly white suburbs though.
So you admit that Clinton DID pass "draconian" penalties on black Americans?

Yes he signed the Bill congress sent him.

Under his administration more Americans were arrested for Marijuana than any president before him too.

So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!

Who in Congress sponsored the Bill? They were targeting Crack Cocaine, otherwise known as Free-base Cocaine. They unfairly punished crack dealers for selling small amounts with long prison sentences when the equivalent amount of powder cocaine was punished with lesser terms. There was nothing in the bill that specifically targeted the black community was there.? It was an unintended consequence of the law when it was carried out. I believe both Clinton have reversed their position on that unfair treatment of Free-base.

Who in the Oval Office signed the bill into law and then used that to run for reelection on...touting his strong stance on crime? That would be one William Jefferson Clinton.

You can try to spin it anyway you want, Boo but it doesn't change the fact that Bill Clinton signed that bill because he thought doing so would get him reelected. Reversing your position after hundreds of thousands of black people were sent to prison for decades because now you need blacks to vote for your wife doesn't do much for those that went to jail all those years...does it?
So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!
Drumpf is not the problem all by himself. The problem is racists like you and Drumpf.that work together knowingly or unknowingly to keep Blacks and other people of color from succeeding. Basically your white inferiority complex cant take the competition. Now Drumpf is merely a symbol of that inferiority complex. One that I dont wish to see in the position of POTUS. I will take my chances with Clinton. To be honest anyone that attracts white racists is always the worst candidate. now I'm a "racist" because I point out that Bill Clinton did more to fuck over black people 20 years ago then probably ANY modern American President? Typical, Milkweed...
No. Youre a racist because you are a racist. Has nothing to do with Clinton. Dont take it personal. You cant help it. Its genetic.

It's genetic? Wow, so my ancestor that fought in the Civil War as a white officer of a black regiment from Massachusetts was a "racist" as well? Do you know how ignorant a statement like that makes you, Milkweed? Fully as stupid as the David Dukes and the skinheads of this world!
Yes he signed the Bill congress sent him.

Under his administration more Americans were arrested for Marijuana than any president before him too.

So Bill Clinton signed legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other President in history...yet you want to claim that it's Donald Trump that's a threat to the well being of blacks? Interesting concept...
It gets more interesting when you find out Drumpf has been sued for racial discrimination multiple times. If you repeat a mistake more than once its no longer a mistake. Its a decision.

Wow, you've got one person who signed legislation that sent several hundred thousand blacks to prison twenty years ago and another person who was sued 40 years ago for not renting to blacks when that was pretty much the norm...but you think the problem is Trump? That's a rather adroit bit of moral gymnastics, Milkweed! When you send hundreds of thousands of people to jail isn't that just a bit worse than not renting them an apartment? Get a clue...would you!

Who in Congress sponsored the Bill? They were targeting Crack Cocaine, otherwise known as Free-base Cocaine. They unfairly punished crack dealers for selling small amounts with long prison sentences when the equivalent amount of powder cocaine was punished with lesser terms. There was nothing in the bill that specifically targeted the black community was there.? It was an unintended consequence of the law when it was carried out. I believe both Clinton have reversed their position on that unfair treatment of Free-base.
I cant prove it but I believe the Clintons unintentionally carried on Regans war on drugs. The same Regan that was involved in the Iran Contra scandal that flooded the Black and Latino communities with drugs. They never dreamed it would leak out into lilly white suburbs though.

It's Reagan...not Regan!

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