Trump Goes on Live Television to Do Exact Thing Whistleblower Said He Did

I have never ever heard of a president going on TV to ask a communist and former communist nation to investigate any US citizen much less a former VP. For his own personal and political benefit.

It's just WOW!

This is unprecedented and so unAmerican.

American presidents just don't do this.

Trump Goes on Live Television to Do Exact Thing Whistleblower Said He Did

For those who don't like my former employer,

Trump asking foreign countries for help against Biden violates law, Elections Commission chair warns
It's just WOW!

This is unprecedented and so unAmerican.

American presidents just don't do this.

Trump Goes on Live Television to Do Exact Thing Whistleblower Said He Did
Your link:

"President Trump publicly called for Ukraine and China to investigate Joe Biden while speaking to reporters before boarding Marine One on Thursday morning, adding fuel to the impeachment inquiry launched last week by House Democrats.

"'[Ukraine] should investigate the Bidens,' Trump yelled over the whir of the nearby presidential helicopter on Thursday, flailing his hands for emphasis. 'Likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens. What happened in China is just about as bad as what happened in Ukraine.'"

Because of an accident of birth, Trump has never been held accountable for his actions; now, he will be. Hopefully, he will live a long, miserable life in prison after his impeachment.

Well, a girl can dream right?
Well, a girl can dream right?
After waking from the Trump Nightmare?

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Latest Updates

"Here’s what you need to know:

And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained
Asking a country with knowledge of a crime is not interfering in an election.
Your link:

"President Trump publicly called for Ukraine and China to investigate Joe Biden while speaking to reporters before boarding Marine One on Thursday morning, adding fuel to the impeachment inquiry launched last week by House Democrats.

"'[Ukraine] should investigate the Bidens,' Trump yelled over the whir of the nearby presidential helicopter on Thursday, flailing his hands for emphasis. 'Likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens. What happened in China is just about as bad as what happened in Ukraine.'"

Because of an accident of birth, Trump has never been held accountable for his actions; now, he will be. Hopefully, he will live a long, miserable life in prison after his impeachment.

Well, a girl can dream right?
Well, a girl can dream right?
After waking from the Trump Nightmare?

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Latest Updates

"Here’s what you need to know:

And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained
Asking a country with knowledge of a crime is not interfering in an election.
In this case, that's exactly what it is, and all you poor actors know it.
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained
Asking a country with knowledge of a crime is not interfering in an election.
In this case, that's exactly what it is, and all you poor actors know it.
Wishful thinking on your part, but no. It is not a crime.
Your link:

"President Trump publicly called for Ukraine and China to investigate Joe Biden while speaking to reporters before boarding Marine One on Thursday morning, adding fuel to the impeachment inquiry launched last week by House Democrats.

"'[Ukraine] should investigate the Bidens,' Trump yelled over the whir of the nearby presidential helicopter on Thursday, flailing his hands for emphasis. 'Likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens. What happened in China is just about as bad as what happened in Ukraine.'"

Because of an accident of birth, Trump has never been held accountable for his actions; now, he will be. Hopefully, he will live a long, miserable life in prison after his impeachment.

Well, a girl can dream right?
Well, a girl can dream right?
After waking from the Trump Nightmare?

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Latest Updates

"Here’s what you need to know:

And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained

I guess that would depend.
Are these foreign governments trying to undermine our elections or are they trying to stop the corrupt undermining?
I guess that would depend.
Are these foreign governments trying to undermine our elections or are they trying to stop the corrupt undermining?
That would be a highly subjective (partisan) decision.
Imho, we would need an objective definition that absolutely prohibits foreign interference in US elections or not.
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained
Asking a country with knowledge of a crime is not interfering in an election.
In this case, that's exactly what it is, and all you poor actors know it.
Wishful thinking on your part, but no. It is not a crime.
Neat, but you cultists are lying and acting when you say that. Everyone knows it.
I have never ever heard of a president going on TV to ask a communist and former communist nation to investigate any US citizen much less a former VP. For his own personal and political benefit.

It's just WOW!

This is unprecedented and so unAmerican.

American presidents just don't do this.

Trump Goes on Live Television to Do Exact Thing Whistleblower Said He Did

For those who don't like my former employer,

Trump asking foreign countries for help against Biden violates law, Elections Commission chair warns
That's part of the responsibility of the Executive Branch.

Well done Mr President. You made the pigs squeal!
And when he shoots someone randomly in broad daylight, you'll squeal all the more, Shirley.
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained
Asking a country with knowledge of a crime is not interfering in an election.
In this case, that's exactly what it is, and all you poor actors know it.
Wishful thinking on your part, but no. It is not a crime.
Neat, but you cultists are lying and acting when you say that. Everyone knows it.

What a strange person you are.

I have a moral and intellectual disagreement with progressivism and those who practice it in my government.

How that translates to a cult is simply to crazy a path for me to travel down.
Why is it wrong? How long has it been since the Obama administration reached out to a foreign agent to obtain fake documentation to obtain a FISA warrant to conduct surveillance on a (civilian) political opponent?
How to Understand the Whistleblower Complaint

"In brief, I think we are presented with a subversion by Trump of many of the traditional instruments of national power, in service not of the national interest but of his own personal and political interest.

"That is, the president used the carrots and sticks of U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy, and at least attempted to use certain counterintelligence and law enforcement tools, to damage a political opponent.

"This represents a profoundly corrupt misuse of the machinery of government for personal gain."

If Trump used "the traditional instruments of national power" for personal gain, does he deserve impeachment (and more)?
Why is it wrong? How long has it been since the Obama administration reached out to a foreign agent to obtain fake documentation to obtain a FISA warrant to conduct surveillance on a (civilian) political opponent?
May 2016: George Papadopoulos tells Australian diplomat about Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton - The Moscow Project

"According to The New York Times, while drinking in a bar with the Australian ambassador to the United Kingdom, Trump’s foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos intoxicatedly reveals that the Russian government has dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of hacked emails.

"The information so alarms the Australian diplomat that he immediately brings it to the Australian government, which in turn tells the FBI, prompting the agency to begin investigating the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia."
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained

I guess that would depend.
Are these foreign governments trying to undermine our elections or are they trying to stop the corrupt undermining?
I guess that would depend.
Are these foreign governments trying to undermine our elections or are they trying to stop the corrupt undermining?
That would be a highly subjective (partisan) decision.
Imho, we would need an objective definition that absolutely prohibits foreign interference in US elections or not.

No it's not.
They either took part in undermining our elections or they didnt.
It's one thing to solicit the help of a foreign gov to undermine an election vs helping our gov in exposing corruption.
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained

That's absolutely true, however, that isn't what Trump was asking of other nations...
That's absolutely true, however, that isn't what Trump was asking of other nations...
That is exactly what he was asking of Zelensky the day after Mueller testified before congress.

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well."

You do realize that we have a joint prosecution treaty with Ukraine right? The President wasn't doing anything other than his job...You libs don't like it because it is uncovering the corruption of the Obama administration in its investigation. Too bad...

Plus we have the transcript. Relying on lying Schiff and his made up BS about this in the form of the WB's complaint based on hearsay, is a fools game in the face of the transcript, but hey, you people seem to love how egg feels on your face....
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained
Asking a country with knowledge of a crime is not interfering in an election.
In this case, that's exactly what it is, and all you poor actors know it.
Wishful thinking on your part, but no. It is not a crime.
Neat, but you cultists are lying and acting when you say that. Everyone knows it.

What exactly is the lie? Just because you say something like that doesn't mean shit unless you can make your case...So here's your chance....Make it.
I have never ever heard of a president going on TV to ask a communist and former communist nation to investigate any US citizen much less a former VP. For his own personal and political benefit.

It's just WOW!

This is unprecedented and so unAmerican.

American presidents just don't do this.

Trump Goes on Live Television to Do Exact Thing Whistleblower Said He Did

For those who don't like my former employer,

Trump asking foreign countries for help against Biden violates law, Elections Commission chair warns

Oh Brother....calm down it'll be ok...

Are you sure? We have a reality TV whack job as President.
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained

I guess that would depend.
Are these foreign governments trying to undermine our elections or are they trying to stop the corrupt undermining?
I guess that would depend.
Are these foreign governments trying to undermine our elections or are they trying to stop the corrupt undermining?
That would be a highly subjective (partisan) decision.
Imho, we would need an objective definition that absolutely prohibits foreign interference in US elections or not.

No it's not.
They either took part in undermining our elections or they didnt.
It's one thing to solicit the help of a foreign gov to undermine an election vs helping our gov in exposing corruption.
No it's not.
They either took part in undermining our elections or they didnt.
It's one thing to solicit the help of a foreign gov to undermine an election vs helping our gov in exposing corruption.
Are we talking about past, present, or future elections?
If we mean past elections, are we offering incentives to acquire favorable (partisan) information?
How to Understand the Whistleblower Complaint

"In brief, I think we are presented with a subversion by Trump of many of the traditional instruments of national power, in service not of the national interest but of his own personal and political interest.

"That is, the president used the carrots and sticks of U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy, and at least attempted to use certain counterintelligence and law enforcement tools, to damage a political opponent.

"This represents a profoundly corrupt misuse of the machinery of government for personal gain."

If Trump used "the traditional instruments of national power" for personal gain, does he deserve impeachment (and more)?

Hyperbolic much? "(and more)?" what the hell is that? You think that is Journalism? Or is it political advocasy masking as journalism?

Look, have you forgotten what happened in the 2016 election? You could easily change the name in this article to Obama, or the DNC, and it would be just as relevant concerning this story...The psychiatric community calls what you liberals are doing now as "projection"....
And? Other than Schiff outing himself as a liar by saying that he never spoke with the WB before the complaint, all I see is standard Trump defending himself against these Jakals....
Foreign governments can NOT interfere in US elections, True or False?

Why Trump Wants Adam Schiff Arrested for Treason, Explained

That's absolutely true, however, that isn't what Trump was asking of other nations...
That's absolutely true, however, that isn't what Trump was asking of other nations...
That is exactly what he was asking of Zelensky the day after Mueller testified before congress.

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well."

You do realize that we have a joint prosecution treaty with Ukraine right? The President wasn't doing anything other than his job...You libs don't like it because it is uncovering the corruption of the Obama administration in its investigation. Too bad...

Plus we have the transcript. Relying on lying Schiff and his made up BS about this in the form of the WB's complaint based on hearsay, is a fools game in the face of the transcript, but hey, you people seem to love how egg feels on your face....
Thank you. This FACT needs to be pushed in their faces every day. This is the job of the Executive Branch. They wouldnt be acting like this if they had nothing to hide.

They've been doing this to their president for 3 years. Now Trump is simply exposing their corruption

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