Trump goes to Louisiana....whilst obama chills

Has anyone seen Hillary down there? Yeah, me neither.
She's too sickly......she needs at least 2 pillows and 96 hour break after every campaign event.

We can always get her one of those wheeled scooters fat people use to navigate Walmart.
One of the 5 best Presidents in our history needed a wheelchair. Maybe you're onto something.

Was he brain-damaged as well?
No you're thinking of Reagan.
Has anyone seen Hillary down there? Yeah, me neither.
She's too sickly......she needs at least 2 pillows and 96 hour break after every campaign event.

We can always get her one of those wheeled scooters fat people use to navigate Walmart.
One of the 5 best Presidents in our history needed a wheelchair. Maybe you're onto something.
Because he had polio. Not because he was a tub o lard.
Has anyone seen Hillary down there? Yeah, me neither.
She's too sickly......she needs at least 2 pillows and 96 hour break after every campaign event.

We can always get her one of those wheeled scooters fat people use to navigate Walmart.
One of the 5 best Presidents in our history needed a wheelchair. Maybe you're onto something.

Was he brain-damaged as well?
No you're thinking of Reagan.

No, I'm thinking of your candidate, who does not have a wheelchair.
I'm sure you'll spent lots of time bitching about it
What's disturbing is how you hypocritical fucks take his apathy in stride after criticizing Bush for flying over Katrina razed ruins in the same, exact state. So fuck off.
Katrina was infinitely worse, was handled incredibly incompetently, and a major U.S. city was in ruins for months and even years. It's really not appropriate to compare the 2 like you keep attempting to. Disasters where a handful of people die usually happen multiple times a year. Catastrophe's like Katrina are much more rare.
Some reports characterize this as worse than Katrina and we don't know how long the damage will last, so you can stop lying now. It isn't the scope of the disaster, it's the response of the president. My president responded, yours played golf. And whatever response contingencies are in play now were put there by my president so that a botched response would never occur again. So no, the Magic Negro can't even take credit for that.
Oh really it's worse? 2,000 people died in Katrina. We must have very different definitions of what "worse" means.
No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina

Stop lying, Leftists!
1,000 deaths are completely confirmed, and researchers say the number was likely much much higher. I think your disaster here is up to 13 so far.

No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina
They've just announced a new National Monument to honor Obama and his "leading from his behind" strategy!!It will be located right next to Mount Rushmore!!

Ain't it awesome!!?

She's too sickly......she needs at least 2 pillows and 96 hour break after every campaign event.

We can always get her one of those wheeled scooters fat people use to navigate Walmart.
One of the 5 best Presidents in our history needed a wheelchair. Maybe you're onto something.

Was he brain-damaged as well?
No you're thinking of Reagan.

No, I'm thinking of your candidate, who does not have a wheelchair.
Oh so not Reagan and his crippling alzheimer's. You're thinking of Hillary and the conspiracy you've invented. Gotcha.
What's disturbing is how you hypocritical fucks take his apathy in stride after criticizing Bush for flying over Katrina razed ruins in the same, exact state. So fuck off.
Katrina was infinitely worse, was handled incredibly incompetently, and a major U.S. city was in ruins for months and even years. It's really not appropriate to compare the 2 like you keep attempting to. Disasters where a handful of people die usually happen multiple times a year. Catastrophe's like Katrina are much more rare.
Some reports characterize this as worse than Katrina and we don't know how long the damage will last, so you can stop lying now. It isn't the scope of the disaster, it's the response of the president. My president responded, yours played golf. And whatever response contingencies are in play now were put there by my president so that a botched response would never occur again. So no, the Magic Negro can't even take credit for that.
Oh really it's worse? 2,000 people died in Katrina. We must have very different definitions of what "worse" means.
No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina

Stop lying, Leftists!
1,000 deaths are completely confirmed, and researchers say the number was likely much much higher. I think your disaster here is up to 13 so far.

No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina
You aren't that bright, are you? I'm glad more lives were saved this time around because of reforms PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH put in place, but the issue isn't the scope of the disaster but the response. Stay focused now, even though Leftists have a 10 second attention span. Bush's response versus Obama's response. That's the topic of conversation.
Katrina was infinitely worse, was handled incredibly incompetently, and a major U.S. city was in ruins for months and even years. It's really not appropriate to compare the 2 like you keep attempting to. Disasters where a handful of people die usually happen multiple times a year. Catastrophe's like Katrina are much more rare.
Some reports characterize this as worse than Katrina and we don't know how long the damage will last, so you can stop lying now. It isn't the scope of the disaster, it's the response of the president. My president responded, yours played golf. And whatever response contingencies are in play now were put there by my president so that a botched response would never occur again. So no, the Magic Negro can't even take credit for that.
Oh really it's worse? 2,000 people died in Katrina. We must have very different definitions of what "worse" means.
No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina

Stop lying, Leftists!
1,000 deaths are completely confirmed, and researchers say the number was likely much much higher. I think your disaster here is up to 13 so far.

No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina
You aren't that bright, are you? I'm glad more lives were saved this time around because of reforms PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH put in place, but the issue isn't the scope of the disaster but the response. Stay focused now, even though Leftists have a 10 second attention span. Bush's response versus Obama's response. That's the topic of conversation.
Yes to you a disastrous hurricane that killed at minimum 1,000 people and did over $100 billion in property damage is the same as a thunderstorm that's killed 13 people.

Lucky for your preferred disaster, our current administration is competent and will handle the recovery effort responsibly.
Hillary phoned in all her compassion while she nibbled on bon bons.

Is her weight gain because she stuffs her face, the meds she's on or is her thyroid failing?
Has anyone seen Hillary down there? Yeah, me neither.

Nope. Just Donald grand standing and tying up resources. He really didn't look at the big picture.... again.
And yet you hypocritical fucks blamed Bush for NOT landing to AVOID taking up critical resources.

You assholes have ZERO integrity.

I didn't blame bush. He was getting guitar lessons aboard AF1 on his way to San Diego to attend some Navy base thingy. At least he stayed the fk out of the way. Besides Brownie had the whole thing under control...right?
Some reports characterize this as worse than Katrina and we don't know how long the damage will last, so you can stop lying now. It isn't the scope of the disaster, it's the response of the president. My president responded, yours played golf. And whatever response contingencies are in play now were put there by my president so that a botched response would never occur again. So no, the Magic Negro can't even take credit for that.
Oh really it's worse? 2,000 people died in Katrina. We must have very different definitions of what "worse" means.
No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina

Stop lying, Leftists!
1,000 deaths are completely confirmed, and researchers say the number was likely much much higher. I think your disaster here is up to 13 so far.

No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina
You aren't that bright, are you? I'm glad more lives were saved this time around because of reforms PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH put in place, but the issue isn't the scope of the disaster but the response. Stay focused now, even though Leftists have a 10 second attention span. Bush's response versus Obama's response. That's the topic of conversation.
Yes to you a disastrous hurricane that killed at minimum 1,000 people and did over $100 billion in property damage is the same as a thunderstorm that's killed 13 people.

Lucky for your preferred disaster, our current administration is competent and will handle the recovery effort responsibly.
Why would this disaster be handled any differently that any other disaster obammy handled irresponsibly?
Some reports characterize this as worse than Katrina and we don't know how long the damage will last, so you can stop lying now. It isn't the scope of the disaster, it's the response of the president. My president responded, yours played golf. And whatever response contingencies are in play now were put there by my president so that a botched response would never occur again. So no, the Magic Negro can't even take credit for that.
Oh really it's worse? 2,000 people died in Katrina. We must have very different definitions of what "worse" means.
No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina

Stop lying, Leftists!
1,000 deaths are completely confirmed, and researchers say the number was likely much much higher. I think your disaster here is up to 13 so far.

No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina
You aren't that bright, are you? I'm glad more lives were saved this time around because of reforms PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH put in place, but the issue isn't the scope of the disaster but the response. Stay focused now, even though Leftists have a 10 second attention span. Bush's response versus Obama's response. That's the topic of conversation.
Yes to you a disastrous hurricane that killed at minimum 1,000 people and did over $100 billion in property damage is the same as a thunderstorm that's killed 13 people.

Lucky for your preferred disaster, our current administration is competent and will handle the recovery effort responsibly.

Hell YA! The cops on that bridge shot that many blacks trying to find high ground.
Oh really it's worse? 2,000 people died in Katrina. We must have very different definitions of what "worse" means.
No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina

Stop lying, Leftists!
1,000 deaths are completely confirmed, and researchers say the number was likely much much higher. I think your disaster here is up to 13 so far.

No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina
You aren't that bright, are you? I'm glad more lives were saved this time around because of reforms PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH put in place, but the issue isn't the scope of the disaster but the response. Stay focused now, even though Leftists have a 10 second attention span. Bush's response versus Obama's response. That's the topic of conversation.
Yes to you a disastrous hurricane that killed at minimum 1,000 people and did over $100 billion in property damage is the same as a thunderstorm that's killed 13 people.

Lucky for your preferred disaster, our current administration is competent and will handle the recovery effort responsibly.
Why would this disaster be handled any differently that any other disaster obammy handled irresponsibly?
Nobody is complaining about the recovery effort. Now go gulp down some more vodka and bother someone else.
Some reports characterize this as worse than Katrina and we don't know how long the damage will last, so you can stop lying now. It isn't the scope of the disaster, it's the response of the president. My president responded, yours played golf. And whatever response contingencies are in play now were put there by my president so that a botched response would never occur again. So no, the Magic Negro can't even take credit for that.
Oh really it's worse? 2,000 people died in Katrina. We must have very different definitions of what "worse" means.
No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina

Stop lying, Leftists!
1,000 deaths are completely confirmed, and researchers say the number was likely much much higher. I think your disaster here is up to 13 so far.

No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina
You aren't that bright, are you? I'm glad more lives were saved this time around because of reforms PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH put in place, but the issue isn't the scope of the disaster but the response. Stay focused now, even though Leftists have a 10 second attention span. Bush's response versus Obama's response. That's the topic of conversation.
Yes to you a disastrous hurricane that killed at minimum 1,000 people and did over $100 billion in property damage is the same as a thunderstorm that's killed 13 people.

Lucky for your preferred disaster, our current administration is competent and will handle the recovery effort responsibly.
No he's not competent. FEMA is more competent thanks to PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH. Even a monkey could approve a successful response and in fact a monkey did.

You just can't get around that.
the governor of Louisiana has already stated that he has spoken with Obama, and FEMA and another agency has already began making plans. The governor said if he had his way, Obama would wait a week or two before visiting because him visiting now would require police escorts and security that can be used for more pressing issues right now
You're pretty good at dancing on the head of a pin asshole.
Over the last tragic years of BONOBO's president the one thing that sticks out is his lack of understanding what the word 'optics' means.
But then he's a negro so we all have to give him a pass.
Oh really it's worse? 2,000 people died in Katrina. We must have very different definitions of what "worse" means.
No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina

Stop lying, Leftists!
1,000 deaths are completely confirmed, and researchers say the number was likely much much higher. I think your disaster here is up to 13 so far.

No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina
You aren't that bright, are you? I'm glad more lives were saved this time around because of reforms PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH put in place, but the issue isn't the scope of the disaster but the response. Stay focused now, even though Leftists have a 10 second attention span. Bush's response versus Obama's response. That's the topic of conversation.
Yes to you a disastrous hurricane that killed at minimum 1,000 people and did over $100 billion in property damage is the same as a thunderstorm that's killed 13 people.

Lucky for your preferred disaster, our current administration is competent and will handle the recovery effort responsibly.
No he's not competent. FEMA is more competent thanks to PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH. Even a monkey could approve a successful response and in fact a monkey did.

You just can't get around that.
Maybe. They also have a much easier problem this time around, since it was a thunderstorm and not a massive hurricane. And since the areas affected are sparsely populated.
1,000 deaths are completely confirmed, and researchers say the number was likely much much higher. I think your disaster here is up to 13 so far.

No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina
You aren't that bright, are you? I'm glad more lives were saved this time around because of reforms PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH put in place, but the issue isn't the scope of the disaster but the response. Stay focused now, even though Leftists have a 10 second attention span. Bush's response versus Obama's response. That's the topic of conversation.
Yes to you a disastrous hurricane that killed at minimum 1,000 people and did over $100 billion in property damage is the same as a thunderstorm that's killed 13 people.

Lucky for your preferred disaster, our current administration is competent and will handle the recovery effort responsibly.
No he's not competent. FEMA is more competent thanks to PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH. Even a monkey could approve a successful response and in fact a monkey did.

You just can't get around that.
Maybe. They also have a much easier problem this time around, since it was a thunderstorm and not a massive hurricane. And since the areas affected are sparsely populated.
And so we're left with the response of the president at the time. Your president's response sucks.

And HE is black.
1,000 deaths are completely confirmed, and researchers say the number was likely much much higher. I think your disaster here is up to 13 so far.

No One Knows How Many People Died in Katrina
You aren't that bright, are you? I'm glad more lives were saved this time around because of reforms PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH put in place, but the issue isn't the scope of the disaster but the response. Stay focused now, even though Leftists have a 10 second attention span. Bush's response versus Obama's response. That's the topic of conversation.
Yes to you a disastrous hurricane that killed at minimum 1,000 people and did over $100 billion in property damage is the same as a thunderstorm that's killed 13 people.

Lucky for your preferred disaster, our current administration is competent and will handle the recovery effort responsibly.
No he's not competent. FEMA is more competent thanks to PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH. Even a monkey could approve a successful response and in fact a monkey did.

You just can't get around that.
Maybe. They also have a much easier problem this time around, since it was a thunderstorm and not a massive hurricane. And since the areas affected are sparsely populated.
And so we're left with the response of the president at the time. Your president's response sucks.

And HE is black.
I disagree I think his response is fine.

And you're such a weirdo for saying he's black for no reason :cuckoo:

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