Trump going off the rails right now outside courthouse.

Time to tell the democrats that this lawfare is not going to stand...
VOTE for TRUMP and send them a message...
How did the whole country get wrapped around one orange shitgibbon and his inability to keep it in his pants.

Come on, you guys impeached Clinton for a blow job, full penetration into a porn star has to be worse.
Oh you mean the one that's totally different to what she stated earlier? Is that the one you're talking about, Joey?
Again, she was PAID to deny it...

By Donald Trump.

"Your honor, I bought the witness fair and square and she isn't staying bought!!!"
He didn't use campaign finances for the NDA but he was legally required to.

The falsification of business records is pretty apparent since they came up with phony invoices for Cohen.
He is not required to use campaign funds plus that delineation and method you all made it up.
How did the whole country get wrapped around one orange shitgibbon and his inability to keep it in his pants.

Come on, you guys impeached Clinton for a blow job, full penetration into a porn star has to be worse.

The above really defines the illness sometimes called leftism.

Clinton abused his authority over a young subordinate to experiment with cigars as sex toys.
Still, I'm hearing crickets. It gets boring after a while.
All these helpless little birds begging to be fed.

More like this.

Crime A is a misdemeanor.

Crime B is unstated.

Combine A plus B and you end up with Crime C. Crime C is the “felony.”

That’s the real equation.

Now let’s get a bit deeper:

Crime A is time-barred and it doesn’t appear to have ever taken place.
But the NY DA doesn’t care and is hoping that scandalous immaterial evidence will mislead the trial jury.

The unnamed and deliberately concealed Crime B seems to be getting more closely ascertained. It now seems that the DA’s bullshit theory is that the “criminal purpose” for the allegedly false entry was to improve the prospects for an election which had already taken place.

Yeah. That makes sense. 🙄

So a non-existent A plus a ridiculously implausible B is required to get C.

Good thing for Bragg that he has a NY City deep blue jury and biased hack judge running interference for the persecution.
Thank you and I can see that it’s even more made up manipulation than even I thought.
Back to my simpler equation again.
Something happens in A which if combined with undefined snd unidentified B then a crime would have occurred. Trump is being charged with B even thought what is B is unspecified

Aka-Witch Hunt
No. You’re wrong. It charges the misdemeanor as a felony by alleging not a word about what that “other” crime is.

Also, you have less than zero evidence to support the claim the grand jury was made up of loyal patriotic folks.
Pay attention. You just may get your answer.
BTW. The crime you’re waiting for does not need to have been charged or meet the reasonable doubt standard either. It only has to be shown to have occurred. ;)
Looking a lot like the witch hunt idea is Trump did A and was thinking about B so he’s charged with the unnamed and unidentified B and has to prove himself innocent
Utter Witch Hunt
The legal argument is that he is required to use campaign funds since he wouldn’t have paid her if not for the campaign.
That is utter bullshit attempt to weave together that which has No Connection save your introduction of false parameters.
That is utter bullshit attempt to weave together that which has No Connection save your introduction of false parameters.
The campaign and the NDA sure are connected. Trump even said that he knew this would have been bad for his campaign if it came out in 2016.
The campaign and the NDA sure are connected. Trump even said that he knew this would have been bad for his campaign if it came out in 2016.
And of course he is completely allowed to pay her to be quiet in general
He is specifically allowed to pay her so his wife does not get hurt and his political efforts don’t get encumbered. You lib loons lie and make up and because it feels good to you then you present it as fact. He has No Legal obligation to just let her talk, he can offer his money for her not to.
And of course he is completely allowed to pay her to be quiet in general
He is specifically allowed to pay her so his wife does not get hurt and his political efforts don’t get encumbered. You lib loons lie and make up and because it feels good to you then you present it as fact. He has No Legal obligation to just let her talk, he can offer his money for her not to.
Why would his wife get hurt from knowing he sleeps with porn stars?

As you stated, it was about his political efforts. That means it’s a campaign expense.
Why would his wife get hurt from knowing he sleeps with porn stars?

As you stated, it was about his political efforts. That means it’s a campaign expense.
No that is your extrapolation of wishfullness
Campaign funds are a segregated account. If it can be proven that checks were given to Stormy out of that account then that’s a problem. You all are trying to construe that “he must have used campaign donations” because he was campaigning. False connection that must be proven by prosecution and he need not prove himself innocent
No that is your extrapolation of wishfullness
Campaign funds are a segregated account. If it can be proven that checks were given to Stormy out of that account then that’s a problem. You all are trying to construe that “he must have used campaign donations” because he was campaigning. False connection that must be proven by prosecution and he need not prove himself innocent
You’re confused. If he had used campaign funds, he wouldn’t have been prosecuted.

He didn’t.

He laundered the money through Michael Cohen.

Therefore, he falsified his business records to cover up his campaign finance crime.
And of course he is completely allowed to pay her to be quiet in general
He is specifically allowed to pay her so his wife does not get hurt and his political efforts don’t get encumbered. You lib loons lie and make up and because it feels good to you then you present it as fact. He has No Legal obligation to just let her talk, he can offer his money for her not to.
Sure he can.

What he can't do is pay hush money and then call it a legal expense, which it wasn't.

That's what makes it a crime.

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