Trump + GOP forcibly taking Americans land .

OP is garbage....Sam owns a 30' wide strip of land on the actual border line...and has since we had borders for just this reason. Just because we let the ranchers use it doesn't mean it belongs to them and if they built too close to it, they pay for the bulldozer.
60foot but not in Texas. Moreover the question remains, what's the point of a fence dozens of miles from a town or even a road in the middle of the fucking desert? The answer ... none because people can climb it, but Trump looks "foolish" if anyone pays attention.

link The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

What other impediment would slow them down? The Democrats talk about using technology instead of a wall. Here's your chance to explain how technology will work to do the job.

A completely valid use of eminent domain.

I love it how the "OMG OMG OMG The Government is too big" assfucks are for the government taking people
s land since Trump wants to take it.

Your inability to understand the difference between supporting the proper use of a power, and opposing the abuse of a power,

shows what morons liberals are.

Your definition of proper is when it satisfies your political needs or the needs of greedy corporations.

Those greedy corporations were empowered by the liberal judges on the SCOTUS. They were the ones that took the greedy corporations side.


And Trump's side. Don't leave that out.

Only the SCOTUS can rule on eminent domain.The liberals voted for the "greedy" corporations.

OP is garbage....Sam owns a 30' wide strip of land on the actual border line...and has since we had borders for just this reason. Just because we let the ranchers use it doesn't mean it belongs to them and if they built too close to it, they pay for the bulldozer.
60foot but not in Texas. Moreover the question remains, what's the point of a fence dozens of miles from a town or even a road in the middle of the fucking desert? The answer ... none because people can climb it, but Trump looks "foolish" if anyone pays attention.

link The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

What other impediment would slow them down? The Democrats talk about using technology instead of a wall. Here's your chance to explain how technology will work to do the job.

LOL What will slow them down? A wall in the middle of a fucking desert miles from nowhere on private land that the govt would have to TAKE isn't slowing anybody down, that's the point. We increase surveillance and our ability to arrest them before they get too far inland, and then we can ship them back over the border legally without even a court hearing. And for those who still slip in, we make it harder for them to get jobs, evade detection in the work place and get housing.

This isn't about immigration. It's about Trump being caught out for his dumbass promises on his dumbass wall, that he said to gin up fear and get emotional votes.
I love it how the "OMG OMG OMG The Government is too big" assfucks are for the government taking people
s land since Trump wants to take it.

Your inability to understand the difference between supporting the proper use of a power, and opposing the abuse of a power,

shows what morons liberals are.

Your definition of proper is when it satisfies your political needs or the needs of greedy corporations.

Those greedy corporations were empowered by the liberal judges on the SCOTUS. They were the ones that took the greedy corporations side.


And Trump's side. Don't leave that out.

Only the SCOTUS can rule on eminent domain.The liberals voted for the "greedy" corporations.

What? Actually regular courts hear ED cases. And some property owners just take the govt's offer of payment without going to court.

My post was about Trump using those "liberal" ED laws for his personal benefit. He ain't no conservative.
OP is garbage....Sam owns a 30' wide strip of land on the actual border line...and has since we had borders for just this reason. Just because we let the ranchers use it doesn't mean it belongs to them and if they built too close to it, they pay for the bulldozer.
60foot but not in Texas. Moreover the question remains, what's the point of a fence dozens of miles from a town or even a road in the middle of the fucking desert? The answer ... none because people can climb it, but Trump looks "foolish" if anyone pays attention.

link The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

What other impediment would slow them down? The Democrats talk about using technology instead of a wall. Here's your chance to explain how technology will work to do the job.

LOL What will slow them down? A wall in the middle of a fucking desert miles from nowhere on private land that the govt would have to TAKE isn't slowing anybody down, that's the point. We increase surveillance and our ability to arrest them before they get too far inland, and then we can ship them back over the border legally without even a court hearing. And for those who still slip in, we make it harder for them to get jobs, evade detection in the work place and get housing.

This isn't about immigration. It's about Trump being caught out for his dumbass promises on his dumbass wall, that he said to gin up fear and get emotional votes.

According to what I understand, once they step inside the country they cannot be deported without a hearing. The back log is about 3 years,

A wall, in conjunction with technology. will stop them in their tracks. Without a wall, they can cross, and then its too late.

Your inability to understand the difference between supporting the proper use of a power, and opposing the abuse of a power,

shows what morons liberals are.

Your definition of proper is when it satisfies your political needs or the needs of greedy corporations.

Those greedy corporations were empowered by the liberal judges on the SCOTUS. They were the ones that took the greedy corporations side.


And Trump's side. Don't leave that out.

Only the SCOTUS can rule on eminent domain.The liberals voted for the "greedy" corporations.

What? Actually regular courts hear ED cases. And some property owners just take the govt's offer of payment without going to court.

My post was about Trump using those "liberal" ED laws for his personal benefit. He ain't no conservative.

I meant that only the supreme court can rule on how eminent domain is used. The liberal judges on the court decided that people and companies can have a property condemned without it being for public use.

You ever hear of eminent domain? A tavern that was in my family since 1949 was taken by the state to widen a road. Do you think thats unusual?

Not at all, how do you think the euros came by this land mass, well, with the slaughter, be grateful you've escaped that bit.
Your definition of proper is when it satisfies your political needs or the needs of greedy corporations.

Those greedy corporations were empowered by the liberal judges on the SCOTUS. They were the ones that took the greedy corporations side.


And Trump's side. Don't leave that out.

Only the SCOTUS can rule on eminent domain.The liberals voted for the "greedy" corporations.

What? Actually regular courts hear ED cases. And some property owners just take the govt's offer of payment without going to court.

My post was about Trump using those "liberal" ED laws for his personal benefit. He ain't no conservative.

I meant that only the supreme court can rule on how eminent domain is used. The liberal judges on the court decided that people and companies can have a property condemned without it being for public use.


Concentrated corporate wealth and power is your government. What did you explect? All that's happening here is this is "new" to some.
OP is garbage....Sam owns a 30' wide strip of land on the actual border line...and has since we had borders for just this reason. Just because we let the ranchers use it doesn't mean it belongs to them and if they built too close to it, they pay for the bulldozer.
60foot but not in Texas. Moreover the question remains, what's the point of a fence dozens of miles from a town or even a road in the middle of the fucking desert? The answer ... none because people can climb it, but Trump looks "foolish" if anyone pays attention.

link The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

What other impediment would slow them down? The Democrats talk about using technology instead of a wall. Here's your chance to explain how technology will work to do the job.

The last time they built fences so much was to be virtual but it didn't work. And yes Republicans were for it so shove your Democrat comment up your ass. Technology has improved.
OP is garbage....Sam owns a 30' wide strip of land on the actual border line...and has since we had borders for just this reason. Just because we let the ranchers use it doesn't mean it belongs to them and if they built too close to it, they pay for the bulldozer.
60foot but not in Texas. Moreover the question remains, what's the point of a fence dozens of miles from a town or even a road in the middle of the fucking desert? The answer ... none because people can climb it, but Trump looks "foolish" if anyone pays attention.

link The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

What other impediment would slow them down? The Democrats talk about using technology instead of a wall. Here's your chance to explain how technology will work to do the job.

The last time they built fences so much was to be virtual but it didn't work. And yes Republicans were for it so shove your Democrat comment up your ass. Technology has improved.

So tell me, just how does this technology physically stop someone from crossing the border?

They get compensated more than fairly for the "taking" of their desert land. So what?
They are trying to take away ready access to a river in a desert. It's why there is not a barrier there now. It would wreck the local economy but so what?

The needs of the many out weight the needs of the few.

Watching Donald's cultists turn from Republican to Communist would be funny if it weren't so sad.

YOur inability to understand nuance is noted and laughed at.
It seems to me your inability to understand conservatism's view of individual rights, and the required showing of "needs" is sad

The need for the Wall is clear. ONly an enemy of the People could be against it.
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

A completely valid use of eminent domain.

I love it how the "OMG OMG OMG The Government is too big" assfucks are for the government taking people
s land since Trump wants to take it.

Your inability to understand the difference between supporting the proper use of a power, and opposing the abuse of a power,

shows what morons liberals are.

Your definition of proper is when it satisfies your political needs or the needs of greedy corporations.

Trump's wall is stupid A 40' concrete wall is stupid. And you think it is OK to take American's land & homes to satisfy a stupid campaign promise.

Just like here where they want to build a electric transmission line through famland that has been in families for generations so the utility an save a few bucks. To you, that is proper?

Not only stealing land for the Trump Wall of Shame but also there will be American families stuck on the wrong side.

Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of Good Governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against it.

Your spin in noted and dismissed.
OP is garbage....Sam owns a 30' wide strip of land on the actual border line...and has since we had borders for just this reason. Just because we let the ranchers use it doesn't mean it belongs to them and if they built too close to it, they pay for the bulldozer.
60foot but not in Texas. Moreover the question remains, what's the point of a fence dozens of miles from a town or even a road in the middle of the fucking desert? The answer ... none because people can climb it, but Trump looks "foolish" if anyone pays attention.

link The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

What other impediment would slow them down? The Democrats talk about using technology instead of a wall. Here's your chance to explain how technology will work to do the job.

LOL What will slow them down? A wall in the middle of a fucking desert miles from nowhere on private land that the govt would have to TAKE isn't slowing anybody down, that's the point. We increase surveillance and our ability to arrest them before they get too far inland, and then we can ship them back over the border legally without even a court hearing. And for those who still slip in, we make it harder for them to get jobs, evade detection in the work place and get housing.

This isn't about immigration. It's about Trump being caught out for his dumbass promises on his dumbass wall, that he said to gin up fear and get emotional votes.

Your pretense of being for border security is laughed at.

From Fox

“Let’s talk about the wall,” Wallace said. “The president talks about terrorists potentially coming across the border.”

He then showed a clip of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen stating Friday that “over 3,000 special interest aliens” trying to enter the U.S. from the southern border had been stopped by Border Patrol agents.

“But special interest aliens are just people who have come from countries that have ever produced a terrorist, they’re not terrorists themselves,” Wallace said. He also cited State Department reports that found “no credible evidence of any terrorist coming across the border from Mexico.
From Fox

“Let’s talk about the wall,” Wallace said. “The president talks about terrorists potentially coming across the border.”

He then showed a clip of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen stating Friday that “over 3,000 special interest aliens” trying to enter the U.S. from the southern border had been stopped by Border Patrol agents.

“But special interest aliens are just people who have come from countries that have ever produced a terrorist, they’re not terrorists themselves,” Wallace said. He also cited State Department reports that found “no credible evidence of any terrorist coming across the border from Mexico.

Wow. You are attacking the President for trying to stop a threat BEFORE it kills people.

You are attacking him for that.

60foot but not in Texas. Moreover the question remains, what's the point of a fence dozens of miles from a town or even a road in the middle of the fucking desert? The answer ... none because people can climb it, but Trump looks "foolish" if anyone pays attention.

link The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

Try to keep up....we've already made clear that TR couldn't get Texas to agree to his Reservation. Ever heard of ATVs? They can cover ground fast in our "fucking deserts".....hard to believe you're this naive. As to climbing the fence, take a look at these fat fuckers and tell me they can scale 30' steel slates....especially when it's soaked in oi.
From Fox

“Let’s talk about the wall,” Wallace said. “The president talks about terrorists potentially coming across the border.”

He then showed a clip of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen stating Friday that “over 3,000 special interest aliens” trying to enter the U.S. from the southern border had been stopped by Border Patrol agents.

“But special interest aliens are just people who have come from countries that have ever produced a terrorist, they’re not terrorists themselves,” Wallace said. He also cited State Department reports that found “no credible evidence of any terrorist coming across the border from Mexico.

Yeah, it figures you'd get a little stiffy over the hook-nose rug merchant, Wallace. Ivanka SS detail took his parking places by moving in down the street so he's joined the "resistance"....His old man would slap the shit outta him for being a shill for the Rats..

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