Trump + GOP forcibly taking Americans land .

Just trying to correct the predictable misconceptions on the left about "FORCIBLY" taking property. Or who's river the Rio Grande is.. If you don't know how anything works --- all you got left is that mania about Trump...

I've been consistently fighting eminent domain abuse for decades.. But even I recognize that in certain instances it is necessary... DONE RIGHT -- it's not a "forced taking"... But your tiny brain is bored already aint it?

Lol. I’m just using the same language you cons use when it comes to the *GASP* health insurance madate ! Oh the drama ! Oh the government overeach to have a tax penalty. Soooo unamerican .

Meanwhile . Taking land for a boondoggle wall. Totally cool with that !!

"LOL I'm just trying to compare two competely different things, because I'm too stupid to know better."

And you wonder why everyone treats you like a puddle of dog diarrhea that magically began speaking.

Lol. More insults .

That’s all you cons ever have when you are exposed for your constant hypocrisy.

Yeah, you exposed my hypocrisy and that's why I decided to "insult" you by saying you were comparing completely different things. *eye roll*

Eminent domain is in the Constitution. Healthcare isn't. Ergo, one is government overreach, and the other is . . . government. Do you need a picture, or would you like to continue making an ass-waving fool out of yourself crowing about the "hypocrisy" of opposing government taking action outside of the Constitution while declining to oppose government taing Constitutional action? Just let me know how long you'd like to dance around being laughed at.
Taxing for highways is unconstitutional.

Sorry, what are you talking about?
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

A completely valid use of eminent domain.

I love it how the "OMG OMG OMG The Government is too big" assfucks are for the government taking people
s land since Trump wants to take it.

I love it how binary dimwits like you think "Government is too big" is required to be interpreted as "All government is WRONG!"

We're conservatives, not anarchists, you moron. And hyocrisy is not defined as "not behaving according to Dave's asinine view of the world" . . . and Trump has nothing to do with it, no matter HOW in love with him you are.
Lol. I’m just using the same language you cons use when it comes to the *GASP* health insurance madate ! Oh the drama ! Oh the government overeach to have a tax penalty. Soooo unamerican .

Meanwhile . Taking land for a boondoggle wall. Totally cool with that !!

"LOL I'm just trying to compare two competely different things, because I'm too stupid to know better."

And you wonder why everyone treats you like a puddle of dog diarrhea that magically began speaking.

Lol. More insults .

That’s all you cons ever have when you are exposed for your constant hypocrisy.

Yeah, you exposed my hypocrisy and that's why I decided to "insult" you by saying you were comparing completely different things. *eye roll*

Eminent domain is in the Constitution. Healthcare isn't. Ergo, one is government overreach, and the other is . . . government. Do you need a picture, or would you like to continue making an ass-waving fool out of yourself crowing about the "hypocrisy" of opposing government taking action outside of the Constitution while declining to oppose government taing Constitutional action? Just let me know how long you'd like to dance around being laughed at.
Taxing for highways is unconstitutional.

Sorry, what are you talking about?
Highways are not enumerated
You ever hear of eminent domain? A tavern that was in my family since 1949 was taken by the state to widen a road. Do you think thats unusual?

Trump has made a fortune forcing people out of their homes through eminent domain
"LOL I'm just trying to compare two competely different things, because I'm too stupid to know better."

And you wonder why everyone treats you like a puddle of dog diarrhea that magically began speaking.

Lol. More insults .

That’s all you cons ever have when you are exposed for your constant hypocrisy.

Yeah, you exposed my hypocrisy and that's why I decided to "insult" you by saying you were comparing completely different things. *eye roll*

Eminent domain is in the Constitution. Healthcare isn't. Ergo, one is government overreach, and the other is . . . government. Do you need a picture, or would you like to continue making an ass-waving fool out of yourself crowing about the "hypocrisy" of opposing government taking action outside of the Constitution while declining to oppose government taing Constitutional action? Just let me know how long you'd like to dance around being laughed at.
Taxing for highways is unconstitutional.

Sorry, what are you talking about?
Highways are not enumerated

When did I say they were?
You ever hear of eminent domain? A tavern that was in my family since 1949 was taken by the state to widen a road. Do you think thats unusual?

Trump has made a fortune forcing people out of their homes through eminent domain

All completely legal. You can thank the liberals judges on the supreme court for giving Trump the ability to do so.

Lol. More insults .

That’s all you cons ever have when you are exposed for your constant hypocrisy.

Yeah, you exposed my hypocrisy and that's why I decided to "insult" you by saying you were comparing completely different things. *eye roll*

Eminent domain is in the Constitution. Healthcare isn't. Ergo, one is government overreach, and the other is . . . government. Do you need a picture, or would you like to continue making an ass-waving fool out of yourself crowing about the "hypocrisy" of opposing government taking action outside of the Constitution while declining to oppose government taing Constitutional action? Just let me know how long you'd like to dance around being laughed at.
Taxing for highways is unconstitutional.

Sorry, what are you talking about?
Highways are not enumerated

When did I say they were?
You said: Eminent domain is in the Constitution. Healthcare isn't. Ergo, one is government overreach, and the other is . . .

But that makes no sense. ED is NOT in the const as an enumerated power. It is in the Fifth Amend as a limitation on federal power to require compensation, but the amendment does NOT confer any power on govt, but rather LIMITS it. One might assume the founders thought ED was a proper fed power, and ED existed in England under the Crown, but was limited by the Magna Carta to require compensation. And one might assume the Fifth Amend was drafted to make sure American landowners did not lose any right they had under British law.

Taxation IS an enumerated power. And the SC finds that the the wisdom or lack thereof in taxing for a specific reason is political and left to congress and the executive.

You asserted ED had some constitutional legitimacy not found in taxing for healthcare. That's just incorrect. Taxing is an enumerated power under the const and ED is not.
Yeah, you exposed my hypocrisy and that's why I decided to "insult" you by saying you were comparing completely different things. *eye roll*

Eminent domain is in the Constitution. Healthcare isn't. Ergo, one is government overreach, and the other is . . . government. Do you need a picture, or would you like to continue making an ass-waving fool out of yourself crowing about the "hypocrisy" of opposing government taking action outside of the Constitution while declining to oppose government taing Constitutional action? Just let me know how long you'd like to dance around being laughed at.
Taxing for highways is unconstitutional.

Sorry, what are you talking about?
Highways are not enumerated

When did I say they were?
You said: Eminent domain is in the Constitution. Healthcare isn't. Ergo, one is government overreach, and the other is . . .

But that makes no sense. ED is NOT in the const as an enumerated power. It is in the Fifth Amend as a limitation on federal power to require compensation, but the amendment does NOT confer any power on govt, but rather LIMITS it. One might assume the founders thought ED was a proper fed power, and ED existed in England under the Crown, but was limited by the Magna Carta to require compensation. And one might assume the Fifth Amend was drafted to make sure American landowners did not lose any right they had under British law.

Taxation IS an enumerated power. And the SC finds that the the wisdom or lack thereof in taxing for a specific reason is political and left to congress and the executive.

You asserted ED had some constitutional legitimacy not found in taxing for healthcare. That's just incorrect. Taxing is an enumerated power under the const and ED is not.

Oh, for crying out loud unprintably. I already cited you the relevant portion of the 5th Amendment, you retard. Just because the Constitution doesn't CALL it "eminent domain" doesn't mean it isn't there. Healthcare, on the other hand, is not there in any way, shape, or form.

One might assume you're a hairsplitting borderline illiterate, attempting to sound clever and failing miserably . . . and one would be correct.
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

An actual use of Eminent Domain...vs. just taking the land to give to your buddies.....
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

The GOP and the right love themselves some big such thing as Private property it seems

Now don't you go all righteously stupid on me here... First off, they are NOT E.domaining peoples farms and houses.. They are acquiring a security "right of way" at the border. Much like the city or country has utility, road, and sidewalk R.of ways built into your deed. IN FACT, it was a stupid move back in 18th, 19th centuries that the Fed Govt didn't RESERVE a "border right of way" at either Canada or Mexico. With the Feds owning and mismanaging nearly 1/2 of the land west of the Rockies, a 150 ft "easement" is NOT destroying anyones life or property in those areas..

Secondly, there is little force required. Because there are rational priorities as to where you really need physical barriers. So if the top 80% of priorities = 600 miles, then as soon as 300 miles of that barrier is up, you will have all the REMAINING land owners BEGGING the Feds to cover THEIR properties with a barrier. Because none of the remaining land owners want the daily deluge of 2800 border crashers crapping in their vegetable gardens or causing their dogs to bark at 2AM...

I'm fairly certain that the OP and most of the resistance leftists haven't spent 10 minutes in independent thinking or analysis of ANY of this. It's all opportunistic ranting about stuff they've never spent the time to ponder...
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

The GOP and the right love themselves some big such thing as Private property it seems

Now don't you go all righteously stupid on me here... First off, they are NOT E.domaining peoples farms and houses.. They are acquiring a security "right of way" at the border. Much like the city or country has utility, road, and sidewalk R.of ways built into your deed. IN FACT, it was a stupid move back in 18th, 19th centuries that the Fed Govt didn't RESERVE a "border right of way" at either Canada or Mexico. With the Feds owning and mismanaging nearly 1/2 of the land west of the Rockies, a 150 ft "easement" is NOT destroying anyones life or property in those areas..

Secondly, there is little force required. Because there are rational priorities as to where you really need physical barriers. So if the top 80% of priorities = 600 miles, then as soon as 300 miles of that barrier is up, you will have all the REMAINING land owners BEGGING the Feds to cover THEIR properties with a barrier. Because none of the remaining land owners want the daily deluge of 2800 border crashers crapping in their vegetable gardens or causing their dogs to bark at 2AM...

I'm fairly certain that the OP and most of the resistance leftists haven't spent 10 minutes in independent thinking or analysis of ANY of this. It's all opportunistic ranting about stuff they've never spent the time to ponder...

It seems that if people were begging the government to take their land, we would not have people in court suing the government for taking their land
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

The GOP and the right love themselves some big such thing as Private property it seems

Now don't you go all righteously stupid on me here... First off, they are NOT E.domaining peoples farms and houses.. They are acquiring a security "right of way" at the border. Much like the city or country has utility, road, and sidewalk R.of ways built into your deed. IN FACT, it was a stupid move back in 18th, 19th centuries that the Fed Govt didn't RESERVE a "border right of way" at either Canada or Mexico. With the Feds owning and mismanaging nearly 1/2 of the land west of the Rockies, a 150 ft "easement" is NOT destroying anyones life or property in those areas..

Secondly, there is little force required. Because there are rational priorities as to where you really need physical barriers. So if the top 80% of priorities = 600 miles, then as soon as 300 miles of that barrier is up, you will have all the REMAINING land owners BEGGING the Feds to cover THEIR properties with a barrier. Because none of the remaining land owners want the daily deluge of 2800 border crashers crapping in their vegetable gardens or causing their dogs to bark at 2AM...

I'm fairly certain that the OP and most of the resistance leftists haven't spent 10 minutes in independent thinking or analysis of ANY of this. It's all opportunistic ranting about stuff they've never spent the time to ponder...

It seems that if people were begging the government to take their land, we would not have people in court suing the government for taking their land

You saw all that "blue creep" at the Texas border.. Look at the 2018 election map again. Only takes a handful of demented Trump haters to make that noise..

Their tune will change when the gap in the border barrier at THEIR property is like a beacon to the border crashers.. No matter how fatal their TDS disease is...

It's a NIMBY problem only until THEY are the only remaining victims..
It seems that if people were begging the government to take their land, we would not have people in court suing the government for taking their land

You saw all that "blue creep" at the Texas border.. Look at the 2018 election map again. Only takes a handful of demented Trump haters to make that noise..

Their tune will change when the gap in the border barrier at THEIR property is like a beacon to the border crashers.. No matter how fatal their TDS disease is...[/QUOTE]

TDS has two forms...

There is the Derangement that many suffer from and then there is the Trump Defense Syndrome that you and your fellow Trumpians on this board suffer from.

As much as the former can never give Trump credit, you and your fellows can never say an ill word about Trump.

As is almost always the case, there is very little difference between the wing nuts, matters not what wing they are a part of
OP is garbage....Sam owns a 30' wide strip of land on the actual border line...and has since we had borders for just this reason. Just because we let the ranchers use it doesn't mean it belongs to them and if they built too close to it, they pay for the bulldozer.
In a democrat administration it's eminent domain but in a republican administration it's "forcibly taken". I doubt if a single rancher or land owner along the border objects to the wall'
You saw all that "blue creep" at the Texas border.. Look at the 2018 election map again. Only takes a handful of demented Trump haters to make that noise..

Their tune will change when the gap in the border barrier at THEIR property is like a beacon to the border crashers.. No matter how fatal their TDS disease is...

TDS has two forms...

There is the Derangement that many suffer from and then there is the Trump Defense Syndrome that you and your fellow Trumpians on this board suffer from.

As much as the former can never give Trump credit, you and your fellows can never say an ill word about Trump.

As is almost always the case, there is very little difference between the wing nuts, matters not what wing they are a part of

Thanks for the diagnosis doc, but I don't a "trump" to get diseased. Think I explained back in this thread, that if my Fed Govt was competent and conscientious about their primary Constitutional duties in borders and immigration, I'd be out-liberaling most anyone on immigration issues. I'm a pragmatic Libertarian. When the govt ceases to act rationally, you need to resort to simple basics --- like a border barrier. Something not too 21st century to get order and sanity.. Only SMART governments can afford to debate nuances..

Playing Marco Polo in the cactuses with coyotes and smugglers at 2AM, is a piss poor use of Fed resources. And pragmatic libertarians recognize that Immigration/Naturalization IS one the ONLY priorities that Wash DC should prioritize...
You saw all that "blue creep" at the Texas border.. Look at the 2018 election map again. Only takes a handful of demented Trump haters to make that noise..

Their tune will change when the gap in the border barrier at THEIR property is like a beacon to the border crashers.. No matter how fatal their TDS disease is...

TDS has two forms...

There is the Derangement that many suffer from and then there is the Trump Defense Syndrome that you and your fellow Trumpians on this board suffer from.

As much as the former can never give Trump credit, you and your fellows can never say an ill word about Trump.

As is almost always the case, there is very little difference between the wing nuts, matters not what wing they are a part of

Thanks for the diagnosis doc, but I don't a "trump" to get diseased. Think I explained back in this thread, that if my Fed Govt was competent and conscientious about their primary Constitutional duties in borders and immigration, I'd be out-liberaling most anyone on immigration issues. I'm a pragmatic Libertarian. When the govt ceases to act rationally, you need to resort to simple basics --- like a border barrier. Something not too 21st century to get order and sanity.. Only SMART governments can afford to debate nuances..

Playing Marco Polo in the cactuses with coyotes and smugglers at 2AM, is a piss poor use of Fed resources. And pragmatic libertarians recognize that Immigration/Naturalization IS one the ONLY priorities that Wash DC should prioritize...

Not sure I have ever seen you say a negative thing about Trump....maybe I just missed it
The land was taken, bought, already owned before Trump was ever a thought in anyone's minds for election.......

TDS acting out again..........and nothing more..........This op is a joke.
You saw all that "blue creep" at the Texas border.. Look at the 2018 election map again. Only takes a handful of demented Trump haters to make that noise..

Their tune will change when the gap in the border barrier at THEIR property is like a beacon to the border crashers.. No matter how fatal their TDS disease is...

TDS has two forms...

There is the Derangement that many suffer from and then there is the Trump Defense Syndrome that you and your fellow Trumpians on this board suffer from.

As much as the former can never give Trump credit, you and your fellows can never say an ill word about Trump.

As is almost always the case, there is very little difference between the wing nuts, matters not what wing they are a part of

Thanks for the diagnosis doc, but I don't a "trump" to get diseased. Think I explained back in this thread, that if my Fed Govt was competent and conscientious about their primary Constitutional duties in borders and immigration, I'd be out-liberaling most anyone on immigration issues. I'm a pragmatic Libertarian. When the govt ceases to act rationally, you need to resort to simple basics --- like a border barrier. Something not too 21st century to get order and sanity.. Only SMART governments can afford to debate nuances..

Playing Marco Polo in the cactuses with coyotes and smugglers at 2AM, is a piss poor use of Fed resources. And pragmatic libertarians recognize that Immigration/Naturalization IS one the ONLY priorities that Wash DC should prioritize...

Not sure I have ever seen you say a negative thing about Trump....maybe I just missed it

Go read the Gary Johnson forum from 2016... I believe the words were "megalomaniacal power whore"... A guy who bragged several times the US Govt would be healthier with more debt? It's here. Just not into arguments over wall-fences or fake outrages about "lies" that really are not..

I only react to solutions and accomplishments really.. The rest is just partisan zealot noise..
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OP is garbage....Sam owns a 30' wide strip of land on the actual border line...and has since we had borders for just this reason. Just because we let the ranchers use it doesn't mean it belongs to them and if they built too close to it, they pay for the bulldozer.

THANKS for that tip.. Didn't know that. Actually it's 60ft.. Not quite enough for all access and installations, but that certainly clarifies owner's rights to property on a Border. So we all learn something here.

There's a lot of faux outrage over "forcibly taking" stuff, when it turns out that MOST of the land needed ALREADY BELONGS to Unk Sam....

Roosevelt Reservation - Wikipedia

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