Trump + GOP forcibly taking Americans land .

They get compensated more than fairly for the "taking" of their desert land. So what?

Yup and I'd bet they would be more than happy to give up the land for a wall that would keep illegals off their property.

I sure as hell would.

Sure, everyone wants to be cutoff form their only water supply for 500 miles.

Who says they will be cut off?? If it is pipes can be laid so he gets his water.

No big deal.

Sort of funny how the people who are not giving up their land thinks it is no big deal.

It seems you have never been down there, have you? Unless the wall is going to be on Mexican land they will be cut off.

The river tends to sit in a small valley, or depression. You may not know this, but water does not flow uphill very well without assistance from a pump.
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

Most of it is Federal Land anyway
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

Most of it is Federal Land anyway

If that were true then the Feds would not be taking people's land.
They get compensated more than fairly for the "taking" of their desert land. So what?
They are trying to take away ready access to a river in a desert. It's why there is not a barrier there now. It would wreck the local economy but so what?
Since the local economy is importing humans, cocaine, and heroin, among other things, yeah, so what?

Yea sort of like this?

Special Forces soldier arrested in botched cocaine smuggling plot

More drugs come into this country from other sources than you quote.
They get compensated more than fairly for the "taking" of their desert land. So what?
They are trying to take away ready access to a river in a desert. It's why there is not a barrier there now. It would wreck the local economy but so what?
Since the local economy is importing humans, cocaine, and heroin, among other things, yeah, so what?

Yea sort of like this?

Special Forces soldier arrested in botched cocaine smuggling plot

More drugs come into this country from other sources than you quote.

My brother was an AF radar operator near the southern border. The AF could easily flag the planes carrying drugs into the US from Central America, but were not allowed to.
I hope the Trump admin changed that policy to help the DEA enforce existing drug laws, and stop the flow of drugs into the US.
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

They get compensated more than fairly for the "taking" of their desert land. So what?
They are trying to take away ready access to a river in a desert. It's why there is not a barrier there now. It would wreck the local economy but so what?

Wow. The list of pseudocon value-flipping gets longer every day!

They might as well start registering as Democrats at this point.

We’re totally unreasonable assholes....we’re willing to fuck over a few to benefit hundreds of twisted dumbmothafuckers wouldn’t are all about fucking over millions to benefit a few.
They get compensated more than fairly for the "taking" of their desert land. So what?

Yup and I'd bet they would be more than happy to give up the land for a wall that would keep illegals off their property.

I sure as hell would.

Sure, everyone wants to be cutoff form their only water supply for 500 miles.
To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs.

that is very easy to say when they are not your eggs that are being taken


1. the needs of the many vastly outweigh the needs of the one, in this case

2. the owners will be fairly compensated

That's as complicated as this needs to get.

Had Democrats acted more effectively to curtail Illegal Immigration while it was still on their radar, this would not be unfolding.

Unfortunately, you exhausted the patience of the American People, as evidenced on November 8, 2016, and you're out of time.

They get compensated more than fairly for the "taking" of their desert land. So what?
They are trying to take away ready access to a river in a desert. It's why there is not a barrier there now. It would wreck the local economy but so what?

Another dumbass dem thats never heard of a pump and stock ponds.
Besides,allowing cattle access to the river is very damaging to the environment.
It causes massive erosion and they shit and piss in the river further damaging the ecosystem.
They get compensated more than fairly for the "taking" of their desert land. So what?

Yup and I'd bet they would be more than happy to give up the land for a wall that would keep illegals off their property.

I sure as hell would.

Sure, everyone wants to be cutoff form their only water supply for 500 miles.
To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs.

that is very easy to say when they are not your eggs that are being taken


1. the needs of the many vastly outweigh the needs of the one, in this case

2. the owners will be fairly compensated

That's as complicated as this needs to get.

1. That is a very socialist point of view, thanks for sharing it.

2. How do you know this? We have 100 threads a week on here talking about how the government is not to be trusted and then you blindly accept they will do the right thing in this case.
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

". . . nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." - Fifth Amendment, US Constitution

That ringing a bell in that big, empty melon you call a head?

While we're on the subject, where was your outrage on this subject when the then-left leaning Supreme Court handed down the Kelo vs. New London decision? 'Cause if you pitched a hissy about THAT, I must've missed it.

I did . In fact it’s tge left who was against that decision. While the right loved it as it benefits big biz .

Y’all talk a lot of shit about “big government “ when it suits you .

Yeah, no. I'm sure that's how you want to remember it, because who would want to remember being as big a pack of dumbasses as you leftists were?
Land seizures are illegal. Eminent domain CAN be abusive but is pretty well defined now. Especially in the states that CLARIFIED the law following that awful Keloh decision in the Sup. Ct. And Texas was one of the first states to act on that clarification..

A river that US Cities almost tap out before it gets to El Paso. COULD build a canal to divert some on the American side if that bothers you...
Most of those dummies probably voted for Trump so I feel little sympathy but I am wondering if there is a limb on the fascism tree the so-called conservatives will not follow Trump out on.

Do you know that Trump owns most of vacant desert in your head? That's why that last post made no sense whatsoever...
I will put it in third-grade English, It looks like Trump can talk his base into supporting anything.

Just trying to correct the predictable misconceptions on the left about "FORCIBLY" taking property. Or who's river the Rio Grande is.. If you don't know how anything works --- all you got left is that mania about Trump...

I've been consistently fighting eminent domain abuse for decades.. But even I recognize that in certain instances it is necessary... DONE RIGHT -- it's not a "forced taking"... But your tiny brain is bored already aint it?

Lol. I’m just using the same language you cons use when it comes to the *GASP* health insurance madate ! Oh the drama ! Oh the government overeach to have a tax penalty. Soooo unamerican .

Meanwhile . Taking land for a boondoggle wall. Totally cool with that !!

"LOL I'm just trying to compare two competely different things, because I'm too stupid to know better."

And you wonder why everyone treats you like a puddle of dog diarrhea that magically began speaking.
Yup and I'd bet they would be more than happy to give up the land for a wall that would keep illegals off their property.

I sure as hell would.

Sure, everyone wants to be cutoff form their only water supply for 500 miles.
To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs.

that is very easy to say when they are not your eggs that are being taken


1. the needs of the many vastly outweigh the needs of the one, in this case

2. the owners will be fairly compensated

That's as complicated as this needs to get.

1. That is a very socialist point of view, thanks for sharing it.

2. How do you know this? We have 100 threads a week on here talking about how the government is not to be trusted and then you blindly accept they will do the right thing in this case.
1. Happens all the time, in the context of Left, Right and Center; it's not a particularly 'socialist' perspective... whatever works in the moment

2. Because the law requires it; if the owners do not get fair market value, then you can complain; but eminent domain will continue to be used.
While we're on the subject, where was your outrage on this subject when the then-left leaning Supreme Court handed down the Kelo vs. New London decision? 'Cause if you pitched a hissy about THAT, I must've missed it.

Did this board even exist in 2005?

Dunno about that, but I do know Kelo vs. New London has been discussed many times on this board.
Sure, everyone wants to be cutoff form their only water supply for 500 miles.
To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs.

that is very easy to say when they are not your eggs that are being taken


1. the needs of the many vastly outweigh the needs of the one, in this case

2. the owners will be fairly compensated

That's as complicated as this needs to get.

1. That is a very socialist point of view, thanks for sharing it.

2. How do you know this? We have 100 threads a week on here talking about how the government is not to be trusted and then you blindly accept they will do the right thing in this case.
1. Happens all the time, in the context of Left, Right and Center; it's not a particularly 'socialist' perspective... whatever works in the moment

2. Because the law requires it; if the owners do not get fair market value, then you can complain; but eminent domain will continue to be used.

In Tucson, where I used to live, it was routine for very valuable residential and commercial properties in the center of the city to have eminent domain invoked on them to allow endless expansions of the University of Arizona.

I find a border wall to be much less upsetting than that.
Most of those dummies probably voted for Trump so I feel little sympathy but I am wondering if there is a limb on the fascism tree the so-called conservatives will not follow Trump out on.

Do you know that Trump owns most of vacant desert in your head? That's why that last post made no sense whatsoever...
I will put it in third-grade English, It looks like Trump can talk his base into supporting anything.

Just trying to correct the predictable misconceptions on the left about "FORCIBLY" taking property. Or who's river the Rio Grande is.. If you don't know how anything works --- all you got left is that mania about Trump...

I've been consistently fighting eminent domain abuse for decades.. But even I recognize that in certain instances it is necessary... DONE RIGHT -- it's not a "forced taking"... But your tiny brain is bored already aint it?

Lol. I’m just using the same language you cons use when it comes to the *GASP* health insurance madate ! Oh the drama ! Oh the government overeach to have a tax penalty. Soooo unamerican .

Meanwhile . Taking land for a boondoggle wall. Totally cool with that !!

"LOL I'm just trying to compare two competely different things, because I'm too stupid to know better."

And you wonder why everyone treats you like a puddle of dog diarrhea that magically began speaking.

Lol. More insults .

That’s all you cons ever have when you are exposed for your constant hypocrisy.
Do you know that Trump owns most of vacant desert in your head? That's why that last post made no sense whatsoever...
I will put it in third-grade English, It looks like Trump can talk his base into supporting anything.

Just trying to correct the predictable misconceptions on the left about "FORCIBLY" taking property. Or who's river the Rio Grande is.. If you don't know how anything works --- all you got left is that mania about Trump...

I've been consistently fighting eminent domain abuse for decades.. But even I recognize that in certain instances it is necessary... DONE RIGHT -- it's not a "forced taking"... But your tiny brain is bored already aint it?

Lol. I’m just using the same language you cons use when it comes to the *GASP* health insurance madate ! Oh the drama ! Oh the government overeach to have a tax penalty. Soooo unamerican .

Meanwhile . Taking land for a boondoggle wall. Totally cool with that !!

"LOL I'm just trying to compare two competely different things, because I'm too stupid to know better."

And you wonder why everyone treats you like a puddle of dog diarrhea that magically began speaking.

Lol. More insults .

That’s all you cons ever have when you are exposed for your constant hypocrisy.

Yeah, you exposed my hypocrisy and that's why I decided to "insult" you by saying you were comparing completely different things. *eye roll*

Eminent domain is in the Constitution. Healthcare isn't. Ergo, one is government overreach, and the other is . . . government. Do you need a picture, or would you like to continue making an ass-waving fool out of yourself crowing about the "hypocrisy" of opposing government taking action outside of the Constitution while declining to oppose government taing Constitutional action? Just let me know how long you'd like to dance around being laughed at.
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.
Conservatives are for eminent domain. Really. I'm sure. Probably.
I will put it in third-grade English, It looks like Trump can talk his base into supporting anything.

Just trying to correct the predictable misconceptions on the left about "FORCIBLY" taking property. Or who's river the Rio Grande is.. If you don't know how anything works --- all you got left is that mania about Trump...

I've been consistently fighting eminent domain abuse for decades.. But even I recognize that in certain instances it is necessary... DONE RIGHT -- it's not a "forced taking"... But your tiny brain is bored already aint it?

Lol. I’m just using the same language you cons use when it comes to the *GASP* health insurance madate ! Oh the drama ! Oh the government overeach to have a tax penalty. Soooo unamerican .

Meanwhile . Taking land for a boondoggle wall. Totally cool with that !!

"LOL I'm just trying to compare two competely different things, because I'm too stupid to know better."

And you wonder why everyone treats you like a puddle of dog diarrhea that magically began speaking.

Lol. More insults .

That’s all you cons ever have when you are exposed for your constant hypocrisy.

Yeah, you exposed my hypocrisy and that's why I decided to "insult" you by saying you were comparing completely different things. *eye roll*

Eminent domain is in the Constitution. Healthcare isn't. Ergo, one is government overreach, and the other is . . . government. Do you need a picture, or would you like to continue making an ass-waving fool out of yourself crowing about the "hypocrisy" of opposing government taking action outside of the Constitution while declining to oppose government taing Constitutional action? Just let me know how long you'd like to dance around being laughed at.
Taxing for highways is unconstitutional.
How else do you build a 2000 mile wall? Use the barrel of a gun to takenthe land from American citizens .

This from the party that complained about the health insurance mandate ! Guess the GOP Is just fine with big oppressive government.

Amid immigration debate, feds moving ahead with land seizures for South Texas border wall

As a national debate raged about family separations at the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a group of South Texas officials earlier this week that the federal government plans to move forward with private land seizures in the Rio Grande Valley to build sections of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

A completely valid use of eminent domain.

I love it how the "OMG OMG OMG The Government is too big" assfucks are for the government taking people
s land since Trump wants to take it.

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