Trump Got Us Kicked Out of Yemen

Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”

Failed? Wrong answer. Go back to playing with your blocks.

Yeah, sure ...

... it was a great success.


Was the bin Laden raid a success just because no SEAL was killed? What about the Stealth Blackhawk that crashed?

A Navy SEAL in training at our facility was killed a few years back when the truck he was in ran off the road because of too much dust kicked up by the convoy, and rolled over on him.

I guess we should have never sent them on a mission after that because he got killed.


In the Bin Laden raid, we got our target (reminder for teatards, he was kinda an important target).

In the Yemen raid, we did not get our target, caused the death of numerous Yemeni women and children, a destroyed village, one dead American sailor and several others wounded, damaged international relations, and ended with the loss of a $72 million aircraft.


In the bin Laden raid, we got our target, caused the death of Osama's family members and body guards, shot one of his wives, no dead sailors, damaged international relations with Pakistan, and lost an aircraft that no one even knew existed before the raid.

There. I corrected your first paragraph.
They're at war the US NOW? Go back to sleep!

With each other moron, no central government.. Did the French ask both the US colony and Great Britain if it could attack?

You guys are dumb..
Didn't understand the OP did you, dummy? You see, the Yemeni government have canceled their authority allowing US forces to enter their country. The article title was;
Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

Do you understand the implications to that decision by Yemen? Do you read Braille?

They still allow drone strikes and US intel that is provided to Saudi Arabia. Big woop! Obama bombed the hell out of Yemen for the last 5 years without their permission.
"Things" cannot be extracted from a drone strike can they; that's the long term damage done. And don't be so sure that the Yemeni government won't do the same with the drone strikes if the Trump & Co cabal start fucking those up like the last ground assault!

So where is your source that the ground assault was "fucked up"?

You are about the only thing I see meeting that requirement.
So where is your source that the ground assault was "fucked up"?

You are about the only thing I see meeting that requirement.

For one, check out that in the OP when you can find someone to read and explain it to you! Based on the reaction by the Yemeni government and their new ban on permission allowing further missions of that type owing to the deaths of civilians and their children, any logical person should be able to independently conclude that the mission was a Charlie Foxtrot! But then, don't let facts get in your way of spreading stupid!

EDIT: My original OP noted above is now at Post #47 after merge!
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With each other moron, no central government.. Did the French ask both the US colony and Great Britain if it could attack?

You guys are dumb..
Didn't understand the OP did you, dummy? You see, the Yemeni government have canceled their authority allowing US forces to enter their country. The article title was;
Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

Do you understand the implications to that decision by Yemen? Do you read Braille?

They still allow drone strikes and US intel that is provided to Saudi Arabia. Big woop! Obama bombed the hell out of Yemen for the last 5 years without their permission.
"Things" cannot be extracted from a drone strike can they; that's the long term damage done. And don't be so sure that the Yemeni government won't do the same with the drone strikes if the Trump & Co cabal start fucking those up like the last ground assault!

So where is your source that the ground assault was "fucked up"?

You are about the only thing I see meeting that requirement.
So where is your source that the ground assault was "fucked up"?

You are about the only thing I see meeting that requirement.

For one, check out that in the OP when you can find someone to read and explain it to you! Based on the reaction by the Yemeni government and their new ban on permission allowing further missions of that type owing to the deaths of civilians and their children, any logical person should be able to independently conclude that the mission was a Charlie Foxtrot! But then, don't let facts get in your way of spreading stupid!

EDIT: My original OP noted above is now at Post #47 after merge!

The Yemeni "government"?


When terrorists use human shields and women pick up weapons and engage the troops in the firefight, the proverbial shit hits the fan.

You trust the Yemeni government. I will trust my brothers in arms who I have seen operate for the past 9 years up close and personal.
Didn't understand the OP did you, dummy? You see, the Yemeni government have canceled their authority allowing US forces to enter their country. The article title was;
Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

Do you understand the implications to that decision by Yemen? Do you read Braille?

They still allow drone strikes and US intel that is provided to Saudi Arabia. Big woop! Obama bombed the hell out of Yemen for the last 5 years without their permission.
"Things" cannot be extracted from a drone strike can they; that's the long term damage done. And don't be so sure that the Yemeni government won't do the same with the drone strikes if the Trump & Co cabal start fucking those up like the last ground assault!

So where is your source that the ground assault was "fucked up"?

You are about the only thing I see meeting that requirement.
So where is your source that the ground assault was "fucked up"?

You are about the only thing I see meeting that requirement.

For one, check out that in the OP when you can find someone to read and explain it to you! Based on the reaction by the Yemeni government and their new ban on permission allowing further missions of that type owing to the deaths of civilians and their children, any logical person should be able to independently conclude that the mission was a Charlie Foxtrot! But then, don't let facts get in your way of spreading stupid!

EDIT: My original OP noted above is now at Post #47 after merge!

The Yemeni "government"?


When terrorists use human shields and women pick up weapons and engage the troops in the firefight, the proverbial shit hits the fan.

You trust the Yemeni government. I will trust my brothers in arms who I have seen operate for the past 9 years up close and personal.
I didn't expect anything other than deflection from you . The John Wayne persona you've adopted is absurd in the extreme by trying to play a tough guy role! And no I don't trust the Yemeni government, and for making such a STUPID and baseless assertion I trust your rational judgment even less! Now have a nice warm shit sundae before lights out Sergeant York!
They still allow drone strikes and US intel that is provided to Saudi Arabia. Big woop! Obama bombed the hell out of Yemen for the last 5 years without their permission.
"Things" cannot be extracted from a drone strike can they; that's the long term damage done. And don't be so sure that the Yemeni government won't do the same with the drone strikes if the Trump & Co cabal start fucking those up like the last ground assault!

So where is your source that the ground assault was "fucked up"?

You are about the only thing I see meeting that requirement.
So where is your source that the ground assault was "fucked up"?

You are about the only thing I see meeting that requirement.

For one, check out that in the OP when you can find someone to read and explain it to you! Based on the reaction by the Yemeni government and their new ban on permission allowing further missions of that type owing to the deaths of civilians and their children, any logical person should be able to independently conclude that the mission was a Charlie Foxtrot! But then, don't let facts get in your way of spreading stupid!

EDIT: My original OP noted above is now at Post #47 after merge!

The Yemeni "government"?


When terrorists use human shields and women pick up weapons and engage the troops in the firefight, the proverbial shit hits the fan.

You trust the Yemeni government. I will trust my brothers in arms who I have seen operate for the past 9 years up close and personal.
I didn't expect anything other than deflection from you . The John Wayne persona you've adopted is absurd in the extreme by trying to play a tough guy role! And no I don't trust the Yemeni government, and for making such a STUPID and baseless assertion I trust your rational judgment even less! Now have a nice warm shit sundae before lights out Sergeant York!

Sergeant York was played by Gary Cooper.

My statement has nothing to do with my persona. I have been a volunteer role-player at a military urban combat training center for 9 years. We do "war games" as you inexperienced dweebs would call it it recreate the urban combat conditions our special operations trops can expect by acting as local villagers, NGOs and OP4.

I literally have been there and done exactly what I am talking about.
This is has already been proven to be Democrat Fake News. I assure you, we're still bombing and killing in Yemen. But i would like to see us leave. In fact, i think it's time begin a disengagement process in the entire Middle East.

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