Trump Got Us Kicked Out of Yemen

They are at war...

Jesus Christ
They're at war the US NOW? Go back to sleep!

With each other moron, no central government.. Did the French ask both the US colony and Great Britain if it could attack?

You guys are dumb..
Didn't understand the OP did you, dummy? You see, the Yemeni government have canceled their authority allowing US forces to enter their country. The article title was;
Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

Do you understand the implications to that decision by Yemen? Do you read Braille?

They still allow drone strikes and US intel that is provided to Saudi Arabia. Big woop! Obama bombed the hell out of Yemen for the last 5 years without their permission.
"Things" cannot be extracted from a drone strike can they; that's the long term damage done. And don't be so sure that the Yemeni government won't do the same with the drone strikes if the Trump & Co cabal start fucking those up like the last ground assault!

Not to worry, we don't need permission from Yemen to send in a ground assault. I don't believe Obama got permission from Pakistan to go in and get Osama ben Laden.
Not to worry, we don't need permission from Yemen to send in a ground assault.
Now that Yemen has terminated the former agreement, it would be a de facto act of war to send US troops into Yemen territory without proper notice and permission under international law.
I don't believe Obama got permission from Pakistan to go in and get Osama ben Laden.
You're correct! However, the US ALREADY HAD boots on the ground for ~10 bloody years so your point is moot!
Not to worry, we don't need permission from Yemen to send in a ground assault.
Now that Yemen has terminated the former agreement, it would be a de facto act of war to send US troops into Yemen territory without proper notice and permission under international law.
I don't believe Obama got permission from Pakistan to go in and get Osama ben Laden.
You're correct! However, the US ALREADY HAD boots on the ground for ~10 bloody years so your point is moot!

Pakistan didn't consider it 'moot.'

"Pakistan's Abbottabad Commission, set up to probe the raid and previous efforts to capture the Al-Qaeda leader, delivered a trenchant condemnation of the US decision to unilaterally launch the operation inside Pakistani territory without seeking permission from the government in Islamabad. It painted the United States as an "arrogant" military power disdainful of the rights of other nations, over which it would ride roughshod in pursuit of its security goals.

The commission's report - leaked by Al Jazeera on Monday - denounced the US action as the "greatest humiliation" suffered by Pakistan since 1971, when East Pakistan seceded to form Bangladesh."

US raid that killed bin Laden was 'an act of war', says Pakistani report
We don't belong in Yemen...or Syria.

Snowflakes are just trying to pin this on Trump because it was exposed earlier in the week that Obama WITHHELD the REAL data on his Un-Authorized / UN-Constitutional war in Syria, how over 500 innocent men, women, and children were killed in HIS bombing campaign in a country we should never have been in.
Not to worry, we don't need permission from Yemen to send in a ground assault.
Now that Yemen has terminated the former agreement, it would be a de facto act of war to send US troops into Yemen territory without proper notice and permission under international law.
I don't believe Obama got permission from Pakistan to go in and get Osama ben Laden.
You're correct! However, the US ALREADY HAD boots on the ground for ~10 bloody years so your point is moot!

Pakistan didn't consider it 'moot.'

"Pakistan's Abbottabad Commission, set up to probe the raid and previous efforts to capture the Al-Qaeda leader, delivered a trenchant condemnation of the US decision to unilaterally launch the operation inside Pakistani territory without seeking permission from the government in Islamabad. It painted the United States as an "arrogant" military power disdainful of the rights of other nations, over which it would ride roughshod in pursuit of its security goals.

The commission's report - leaked by Al Jazeera on Monday - denounced the US action as the "greatest humiliation" suffered by Pakistan since 1971, when East Pakistan seceded to form Bangladesh."

US raid that killed bin Laden was 'an act of war', says Pakistani report
I don't give a shit if Afghanistan decided after the fact the bin Laden raid was a fucking birthday party! Here is the operative portion from the 2001 AUMF;


(a) IN GENERAL- That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons."

There had been US forces in Afghanistan for 10 years, and the Karzai government were 1.) aware of the AUMF and the presence of US forces in their country and 2.) that bin Laden was fair game. Fuck your little charade! Your point was MOOT!
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
How much did the Democrat spend in Vietnam? How many young Americans did they enslave to use as cannon fodder? IIRC there was ~60,000 dead Americans and then when a Republican is in office the hypocritical jackasses throw a shit fit when one volunteer soldier gets killed fighting AQ.

Democrats are fucking pathetic.
ohnson (Democrat) got us into Vietnam and Nixon (Republican) got us out. truman (Democrat) got us into the Korean war and Eisenhower (Republican) got us out. Roosevelt (Democrat) got us into WWII. Wilson (Democrat) got us into WWI and Harding (Republican) got us out.

What all of these wars have in common is that the US had no national security interests involved whatsoever and the Democrats enslaved Americans to use them as nothing but cannon fodder. Yhe US Democratic party is just plain fucking evil.

Truman and the Allies gave French-Indonesia back to the French after WWII. That was the beginning of the war for their independence. Korea is still not resolved.

"Though the basic story of Nixon’s involvement in stalling the Vietnam peace talks has been around before, the new tapes, says the Atlantic Wire, describe how President Johnson knew all about the on-goings but chose not to bring them to the public’s attention: he thought that his intended successor, Hubert Humphrey, was going to beat Nixon in the upcoming election anyway. And, by revealing that he knew about Nixon’s dealings, he’d also have to admit to having spied on the South Vietnamese ambassador.

Eventually, Nixon won by just 1 percent of the popular vote. “Once in office he escalated the war into Laos and Cambodia, with the loss of an additional 22,000 American lives, before finally settling for a peace agreement in 1973 that was within grasp in 1968,” says the BBC."

Read more: Nixon Prolonged Vietnam War for Political Gain—And Johnson Knew About It, Newly Unclassified Tapes Suggest | Smart News | Smithsonian
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that's nothing but a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Crude defamatory anti-USA propaganda.

Nixon had to bomb them to the bargaining table so that the US could get a cease fire agreement in order for US troops get out of Vietnam without half of them being slaughtered in a hasty retreat.

Yeah it's only backed up with actual tape recordings. Nixon prolonged the war for political reasons at the cost of another 22,000 American soldiers.
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”

Right, dogshit, because experienced "vets" like you know every mission they engaged (from their armchair in their mother's basement playing videogames) went perfectly to spec....

There might have been operational decisions to not fully inform the Yemenis for reasons such as concerns about leaks, so when the leftist turds like you grow up and learn how the real world operates, THEN complain about such missions, you fucking bottom-feeding rat filth.
How much did the Democrat spend in Vietnam? How many young Americans did they enslave to use as cannon fodder? IIRC there was ~60,000 dead Americans and then when a Republican is in office the hypocritical jackasses throw a shit fit when one volunteer soldier gets killed fighting AQ.

Democrats are fucking pathetic.
ohnson (Democrat) got us into Vietnam and Nixon (Republican) got us out. truman (Democrat) got us into the Korean war and Eisenhower (Republican) got us out. Roosevelt (Democrat) got us into WWII. Wilson (Democrat) got us into WWI and Harding (Republican) got us out.

What all of these wars have in common is that the US had no national security interests involved whatsoever and the Democrats enslaved Americans to use them as nothing but cannon fodder. Yhe US Democratic party is just plain fucking evil.

Truman and the Allies gave French-Indonesia back to the French after WWII. That was the beginning of the war for their independence. Korea is still not resolved.

"Though the basic story of Nixon’s involvement in stalling the Vietnam peace talks has been around before, the new tapes, says the Atlantic Wire, describe how President Johnson knew all about the on-goings but chose not to bring them to the public’s attention: he thought that his intended successor, Hubert Humphrey, was going to beat Nixon in the upcoming election anyway. And, by revealing that he knew about Nixon’s dealings, he’d also have to admit to having spied on the South Vietnamese ambassador.

Eventually, Nixon won by just 1 percent of the popular vote. “Once in office he escalated the war into Laos and Cambodia, with the loss of an additional 22,000 American lives, before finally settling for a peace agreement in 1973 that was within grasp in 1968,” says the BBC."

Read more: Nixon Prolonged Vietnam War for Political Gain—And Johnson Knew About It, Newly Unclassified Tapes Suggest | Smart News | Smithsonian
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that's nothing but a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Crude defamatory anti-USA propaganda.

Nixon had to bomb them to the bargaining table so that the US could get a cease fire agreement in order for US troops get out of Vietnam without half of them being slaughtered in a hasty retreat.

Yeah it's only backed up with actual tape recordings. Nixon prolonged the war for political reasons at the cost of another 22,000 American soldiers.
Wrong. Post the tape recordings. You can't because they only exist in lefto fantasyland.
ohnson (Democrat) got us into Vietnam and Nixon (Republican) got us out. truman (Democrat) got us into the Korean war and Eisenhower (Republican) got us out. Roosevelt (Democrat) got us into WWII. Wilson (Democrat) got us into WWI and Harding (Republican) got us out.

What all of these wars have in common is that the US had no national security interests involved whatsoever and the Democrats enslaved Americans to use them as nothing but cannon fodder. Yhe US Democratic party is just plain fucking evil.

Truman and the Allies gave French-Indonesia back to the French after WWII. That was the beginning of the war for their independence. Korea is still not resolved.

"Though the basic story of Nixon’s involvement in stalling the Vietnam peace talks has been around before, the new tapes, says the Atlantic Wire, describe how President Johnson knew all about the on-goings but chose not to bring them to the public’s attention: he thought that his intended successor, Hubert Humphrey, was going to beat Nixon in the upcoming election anyway. And, by revealing that he knew about Nixon’s dealings, he’d also have to admit to having spied on the South Vietnamese ambassador.

Eventually, Nixon won by just 1 percent of the popular vote. “Once in office he escalated the war into Laos and Cambodia, with the loss of an additional 22,000 American lives, before finally settling for a peace agreement in 1973 that was within grasp in 1968,” says the BBC."

Read more: Nixon Prolonged Vietnam War for Political Gain—And Johnson Knew About It, Newly Unclassified Tapes Suggest | Smart News | Smithsonian
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that's nothing but a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Crude defamatory anti-USA propaganda.

Nixon had to bomb them to the bargaining table so that the US could get a cease fire agreement in order for US troops get out of Vietnam without half of them being slaughtered in a hasty retreat.

Yeah it's only backed up with actual tape recordings. Nixon prolonged the war for political reasons at the cost of another 22,000 American soldiers.
Wrong. Post the tape recordings. You can't because they only exist in lefto fantasyland.

Nixon. The law and order candidate. A crook! Hmmm I wonder if history will repeat itself, again.

The Lyndon Johnson tapes: Richard Nixon's 'treason' - BBC News

Did NASA fake the moon landings too?

You think Sandy Hook was a false flag operation?
Not to worry, we don't need permission from Yemen to send in a ground assault.
Now that Yemen has terminated the former agreement, it would be a de facto act of war to send US troops into Yemen territory without proper notice and permission under international law.
I don't believe Obama got permission from Pakistan to go in and get Osama ben Laden.
You're correct! However, the US ALREADY HAD boots on the ground for ~10 bloody years so your point is moot!

Pakistan didn't consider it 'moot.'

"Pakistan's Abbottabad Commission, set up to probe the raid and previous efforts to capture the Al-Qaeda leader, delivered a trenchant condemnation of the US decision to unilaterally launch the operation inside Pakistani territory without seeking permission from the government in Islamabad. It painted the United States as an "arrogant" military power disdainful of the rights of other nations, over which it would ride roughshod in pursuit of its security goals.

The commission's report - leaked by Al Jazeera on Monday - denounced the US action as the "greatest humiliation" suffered by Pakistan since 1971, when East Pakistan seceded to form Bangladesh."

US raid that killed bin Laden was 'an act of war', says Pakistani report

I don't give a shit if Afghanistan decided after the fact the bin Laden raid was a fucking birthday party! Here is the operative portion from the 2001 AUMF;


(a) IN GENERAL- That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons."

There had been US forces in Afghanistan for 10 years, and the Karzai government were 1.) aware of the AUMF and the presence of US forces in their country and 2.) that bin Laden was fair game. Fuck your little charade! Your point was MOOT!

"I don't give a shit if Afghanistan decided after the fact the bin Laden raid was a fucking birthday party!"

Afghanistan was not where OBL was killed dipshit. Can you say Pakistan? I didn't have a problem with going into Pakistan to get OBL. The only point I made was it was, to use your words, a "de facto act of war to send US troops into Pakistan territory without proper notice and permission under international law."

It appears to me that you considered it OK when Obama did it, but it was not OK when Trump did it.
Not to worry, we don't need permission from Yemen to send in a ground assault.
Now that Yemen has terminated the former agreement, it would be a de facto act of war to send US troops into Yemen territory without proper notice and permission under international law.
I don't believe Obama got permission from Pakistan to go in and get Osama ben Laden.
You're correct! However, the US ALREADY HAD boots on the ground for ~10 bloody years so your point is moot!

Pakistan didn't consider it 'moot.'

"Pakistan's Abbottabad Commission, set up to probe the raid and previous efforts to capture the Al-Qaeda leader, delivered a trenchant condemnation of the US decision to unilaterally launch the operation inside Pakistani territory without seeking permission from the government in Islamabad. It painted the United States as an "arrogant" military power disdainful of the rights of other nations, over which it would ride roughshod in pursuit of its security goals.

The commission's report - leaked by Al Jazeera on Monday - denounced the US action as the "greatest humiliation" suffered by Pakistan since 1971, when East Pakistan seceded to form Bangladesh."

US raid that killed bin Laden was 'an act of war', says Pakistani report

I don't give a shit if Afghanistan decided after the fact the bin Laden raid was a fucking birthday party! Here is the operative portion from the 2001 AUMF;


(a) IN GENERAL- That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons."

There had been US forces in Afghanistan for 10 years, and the Karzai government were 1.) aware of the AUMF and the presence of US forces in their country and 2.) that bin Laden was fair game. Fuck your little charade! Your point was MOOT!

"I don't give a shit if Afghanistan decided after the fact the bin Laden raid was a fucking birthday party!"

Afghanistan was not where OBL was killed dipshit. Can you say Pakistan? I didn't have a problem with going into Pakistan to get OBL. The only point I made was it was, to use your words, a "de facto act of war to send US troops into Pakistan territory without proper notice and permission under international law."

It appears to me that you considered it OK when Obama did it, but it was not OK when Trump did it.
Yes it was Pakistan, my error. However, the hole fucking world was put on notice in 2011 that our, "...President is [was, sic] authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001." ~~ 2001 AUMF ~~ The WORLD was on notice that the BY GOD United States would do that to any Nation harboring bin Laden, and your point is still moot! Would you defend their "right" to give safe haven to the mass murder who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon? Would you? If so, how about sanctuary cities...ever think of that relationship? But I digress!

I'd have thought it was fine if the Devil himself had rooted out bin Laden or Putin or the high Imam of Iran as long as the bastard wound up dead. I do consider it OK that Obama got bin Laden...FUCK YES! Since bin Laden's been dead for going on to 6 years, after 2006 Bush wasn't interested in finding bin Laden anymore, if ever and it's not likely at all that Trump is going to get a shot at it, don't you think it was right and proper that bin Laden was taken out when he was located? Circumstances matter utmost when trying to construct an argument of equivalence between two or more 'things'.

Damn, this is the second time this week I've gotten a name or location swapped in my memory! My apologies for the error!
Not to worry, we don't need permission from Yemen to send in a ground assault.
Now that Yemen has terminated the former agreement, it would be a de facto act of war to send US troops into Yemen territory without proper notice and permission under international law.
I don't believe Obama got permission from Pakistan to go in and get Osama ben Laden.
You're correct! However, the US ALREADY HAD boots on the ground for ~10 bloody years so your point is moot!

Pakistan didn't consider it 'moot.'

"Pakistan's Abbottabad Commission, set up to probe the raid and previous efforts to capture the Al-Qaeda leader, delivered a trenchant condemnation of the US decision to unilaterally launch the operation inside Pakistani territory without seeking permission from the government in Islamabad. It painted the United States as an "arrogant" military power disdainful of the rights of other nations, over which it would ride roughshod in pursuit of its security goals.

The commission's report - leaked by Al Jazeera on Monday - denounced the US action as the "greatest humiliation" suffered by Pakistan since 1971, when East Pakistan seceded to form Bangladesh."

US raid that killed bin Laden was 'an act of war', says Pakistani report

I don't give a shit if Afghanistan decided after the fact the bin Laden raid was a fucking birthday party! Here is the operative portion from the 2001 AUMF;


(a) IN GENERAL- That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons."

There had been US forces in Afghanistan for 10 years, and the Karzai government were 1.) aware of the AUMF and the presence of US forces in their country and 2.) that bin Laden was fair game. Fuck your little charade! Your point was MOOT!

"I don't give a shit if Afghanistan decided after the fact the bin Laden raid was a fucking birthday party!"

Afghanistan was not where OBL was killed dipshit. Can you say Pakistan? I didn't have a problem with going into Pakistan to get OBL. The only point I made was it was, to use your words, a "de facto act of war to send US troops into Pakistan territory without proper notice and permission under international law."

It appears to me that you considered it OK when Obama did it, but it was not OK when Trump did it.
Yes it was Pakistan, my error. However, the hole fucking world was put on notice in 2011 that our, "...President is [was, sic] authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001." ~~ 2001 AUMF ~~ The WORLD was on notice that the BY GOD United States would do that to any Nation harboring bin Laden, and your point is still moot! Would you defend their "right" to give safe haven to the mass murder who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon? Would you? If so, how about sanctuary cities...ever think of that relationship? But I digress!

I'd have thought it was fine if the Devil himself had rooted out bin Laden or Putin or the high Imam of Iran as long as the bastard wound up dead. I do consider it OK that Obama got bin Laden...FUCK YES! Since bin Laden's been dead for going on to 6 years, after 2006 Bush wasn't interested in finding bin Laden anymore, if ever and it's not likely at all that Trump is going to get a shot at it, don't you think it was right and proper that bin Laden was taken out when he was located? Circumstances matter utmost when trying to construct an argument of equivalence between two or more 'things'.

Damn, this is the second time this week I've gotten a name or location swapped in my memory! My apologies for the error!

No need to apologize to me. I do the same thing more than I care to admit. I already said I had no problem with Obama using the Special Ops team that Bush created going in and killing the bastard OBL. Had Bush known where he was, he would have done the same thing.
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”

Failed? Wrong answer. Go back to playing with your blocks.
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”

Failed? Wrong answer. Go back to playing with your blocks.

Yeah, sure ...

... it was a great success.

Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”

Failed? Wrong answer. Go back to playing with your blocks.

Yeah, sure ...

... it was a great success.


Was the bin Laden raid a success just because no SEAL was killed? What about the Stealth Blackhawk that crashed?

A Navy SEAL in training at our facility was killed a few years back when the truck he was in ran off the road because of too much dust kicked up by the convoy, and rolled over on him.

I guess we should have never sent them on a mission after that because he got killed.

i'm wondering WHY the President Trump needs Permission from 'yemenis' , eh ??
Well consider an aggressive force from one country entering another country without permission to carry out a mission against inhabitants of the invaded country. That is known around the world as an ACT OF WAR! Got it?

So? It sucks to be them if they can't handle it.
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”

Failed? Wrong answer. Go back to playing with your blocks.

Yeah, sure ...

... it was a great success.


Was the bin Laden raid a success just because no SEAL was killed? What about the Stealth Blackhawk that crashed?

A Navy SEAL in training at our facility was killed a few years back when the truck he was in ran off the road because of too much dust kicked up by the convoy, and rolled over on him.

I guess we should have never sent them on a mission after that because he got killed.


In the Bin Laden raid, we got our target (reminder for teatards, he was kinda an important target).

In the Yemen raid, we did not get our target, caused the death of numerous Yemeni women and children, a destroyed village, one dead American sailor and several others wounded, damaged international relations, and ended with the loss of a $72 million aircraft.

They are at war...

Jesus Christ
They're at war the US NOW? Go back to sleep!

With each other moron, no central government.. Did the French ask both the US colony and Great Britain if it could attack?

You guys are dumb..
Didn't understand the OP did you, dummy? You see, the Yemeni government have canceled their authority allowing US forces to enter their country. The article title was;
Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

Do you understand the implications to that decision by Yemen? Do you read Braille?

They still allow drone strikes and US intel that is provided to Saudi Arabia. Big woop! Obama bombed the hell out of Yemen for the last 5 years without their permission.
"Things" cannot be extracted from a drone strike can they; that's the long term damage done. And don't be so sure that the Yemeni government won't do the same with the drone strikes if the Trump & Co cabal start fucking those up like the last ground assault!

So where is your source that the ground assault was "fucked up"?

You are about the only thing I see meeting that requirement.

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