Trump Got Us Kicked Out of Yemen

Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”
Who cares about those fucking people over there they're all a bunch of terrorists, Islam is a cult of hate
A Chinook flew over today. Can't imagine sneaking up on someone in that. I have heard people walk in front of the house before. It only takes the slightest thing and the surprise is over.
There is that word "botched" again. How was the raid botched? The civilian tally in Yemen for U.S. drone strikes is well over a hundred. Does that translate to "botched"? When Bill Clinton attacked Yugoslavia when he was literally caught with his pants down they used old WW2 maps and accidentally bombed a freaking embassy but yet nobody called it "botched" because you just didn't use that word for a democrat administration.
I also remembering Clinton bombing an aspirin factory. I guess liberals thought that was also a success.
Stay on topic, this was trumps first military operation and it failed
Did the do what they went in to do? If they did then it wasn't a failure. It's called collateral damage. All presidents experience it.
Seems like all the deaths were either US or civilian. I don't think thats the way its supposed to be

So the 14 dead AQ were "civilians"?

they are a bunch of 9/11 truther nutcases. They cannot comprehend that the USA is currently at war against AQ.

At least our new president understands who the enemy is. Obama illegally went to war against Libya without congressional approval. When AQ captured Benghazi the Libyan government sent their armed forces to go wipe out AQ but Obama illegally bombed the fuck out of them. Obama used the USA's air power to serve as AQ's air power in Libya.
I see this as good news. We shouldn't be in Yemen. In fact, we should begin a disengagement process in the Middle East. I'm so sick of the endless wars over there. But that being said, i doubt rescinding an 'invitation' is gonna stop the US Military Industrial Complex from continuing to bomb and kill in Yemen. Our 'Good Friends' the Saudis, aren't doing too well in the war there. They're demanding more American involvement. And i see that happening.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
How much did the Democrat spend in Vietnam? How many young Americans did they enslave to use as cannon fodder? IIRC there was ~60,000 dead Americans and then when a Republican is in office the hypocritical jackasses throw a shit fit when one volunteer soldier gets killed fighting AQ.

Democrats are fucking pathetic.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
How much did the Democrat spend in Vietnam? How many young Americans did they enslave to use as cannon fodder? IIRC there was ~60,000 dead Americans and then when a Republican is in office the hypocritical jackasses throw a shit fit when one volunteer soldier gets killed fighting AQ.

Democrats are fucking pathetic.

If you want to talk about punk ass hypocritical jackasses the you need to recall how Nixon sold out the Paris peace treaty and kept us at war for an additional 7 years. How many died during that time? Talk about pathetic.
Get out of the Middle East. All this endless war does, is divide Americans further. Disengage and come home. Period, end of story.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
How much did the Democrat spend in Vietnam? How many young Americans did they enslave to use as cannon fodder? IIRC there was ~60,000 dead Americans and then when a Republican is in office the hypocritical jackasses throw a shit fit when one volunteer soldier gets killed fighting AQ.

Democrats are fucking pathetic.

If you want to talk about punk ass hypocritical jackasses the you need to recall how Nixon sold out the Paris peace treaty and kept us at war for an additional 7 years. How many died during that time? Talk about pathetic.
Wrong. Nixon signed the Paris peace accords.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
How much did the Democrat spend in Vietnam? How many young Americans did they enslave to use as cannon fodder? IIRC there was ~60,000 dead Americans and then when a Republican is in office the hypocritical jackasses throw a shit fit when one volunteer soldier gets killed fighting AQ.

Democrats are fucking pathetic.

If you want to talk about punk ass hypocritical jackasses the you need to recall how Nixon sold out the Paris peace treaty and kept us at war for an additional 7 years. How many died during that time? Talk about pathetic.
Wrong. Nixon signed the Paris peace accords.

Five years later.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
How much did the Democrat spend in Vietnam? How many young Americans did they enslave to use as cannon fodder? IIRC there was ~60,000 dead Americans and then when a Republican is in office the hypocritical jackasses throw a shit fit when one volunteer soldier gets killed fighting AQ.

Democrats are fucking pathetic.

The point being he is using the tools, and the MISSIONS that obummer left him. You fail on both points.

The point is he didn't use those tools to bring him up to date.

Ummmm, what tools would those be? SOCOM is who runs these deals. The POTUS has no clue what is being done, not until he is asked for his OK does he know what has been planned. obummer put the head of SOCOm in place, so once again, you have an obummer appointee running things. Seems you can't catch a break.

"The POTUS has no clue what is being done" The understatement of the year. I'm sorry if you're having difficulty with this, but who is the Commander in Chief of the Armed services? Where does the buck stop?

Neither did obummer silly boy. The problem is you are one of those stupid people who watches TV and thinks that the real world is like that. No dear child, you can't get DNA results back in a day, and no Spec War is a dirty business with real bullets flying and sadly real people dying. The level of your ignorance is ASTOUNDING.

Puhleeze, I'm not the one watching TV here. Did you pick up your ideas reading romance novels? DNA results can be returned in as little as five hours depending on who is doing the testing. Consider who is making the decisions here it should tell you everything you need to know "I know more than the Generals know about ISIS"

Five hours! :lmao::rofl: Sure thing junior. Here is a breakdown for those who are knowledge challenged. Which would be you. And regarless, it has nothing to do with the OP which is an epic fail on the part of you progressive silly people.

"Total Time Spent On Case At This Point: 50 hours 45 minutes

Technical/Administrative Reviews

Once the analyst is finished with the case file, it is handed to another qualified forensic DNA analyst who completes a thorough technical review of the case from start to finish. The reviewing analyst evaluates the case to make sure correct procedures were followed and that the conclusions are based on proper scientific analysis. After the technical review is complete, another individual performs an administrative review, which ensures that the report meets laboratory guidelines, is grammatically correct and is free from typographical errors and transpositions .

Technical review: 3 hours
Administrative review: 30 minutes

Total Time Spent on Case: 54 hours 15 minutes


Obviously, this time-line is a rough estimate of how long it would take to analyze a relatively straightforward case based on my experience in the laboratory. The total time adds up to approximately 54 hours and 15 minutes. Along with the other tasks mentioned earlier—cleaning, documentation, and quality control—it is probably closer to 60 hours. As can be seen, the forensic DNA analyst has many responsibilities, from quality control to actual technical work in the laboratory to technical reviews. There are other responsibilities such as testifying in court, training other laboratory personnel, etc. The analyst usually has to juggle multiple cases as well. There is no short-cut to speed up DNA testing. With lives and liberty at stake, the forensic DNA analyst has an obligation to produce the highest quality of work and with this commitment comes the cost of time."

PATC Articles- DNA Testing Timeline
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
The Osprey that was destroyed costs $72 million per unit.

So, there's that.
How much did the Democrat spend in Vietnam? How many young Americans did they enslave to use as cannon fodder? IIRC there was ~60,000 dead Americans and then when a Republican is in office the hypocritical jackasses throw a shit fit when one volunteer soldier gets killed fighting AQ.

Democrats are fucking pathetic.
ohnson (Democrat) got us into Vietnam and Nixon (Republican) got us out. truman (Democrat) got us into the Korean war and Eisenhower (Republican) got us out. Roosevelt (Democrat) got us into WWII. Wilson (Democrat) got us into WWI and Harding (Republican) got us out.

What all of these wars have in common is that the US had no national security interests involved whatsoever and the Democrats enslaved Americans to use them as nothing but cannon fodder. Yhe US Democratic party is just plain fucking evil.

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