Trump Got Us Kicked Out of Yemen

What crisis are we preparing for the future to confront like we prepared, in 1953, the one we confront today? Will there be a child in that future time to ask a similar question?
Is this a bad time to mention the plan was made under the Obama Administration? Carried out with equipment and personnel from before the Trump Administration?
Thats all bullshyte, how many years of trump failure will you be blaming on Obama?

The raid, according to multiple military and intelligence officials and a post-battle briefing paper shared with NBC News, had been planned and prepared for months, and was part of a long multinational campaign to weaken the foothold of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), long considered one of the most dangerous arms of the terrorist organization.

What went wrong? Inside Sunday's raid in Yemen by Navy SEALs

There you go moron.
According to sources within the white house, the ONLY reason Trump approved this action was because he was told Obama wouldn't have done it
You need to be in the military to know that a dead S.E.A.L is not a good thing?

Do you think SEALs are bullet-proof? They are SEALs because they are tremendous athletes and patriots, not robots you point at the enemy. Funny, I don't recall you mentioning our KIA for the last eight years.

So since you wont answer your own question that shows that you know how stupid it was to require someone to go through basic training to understand that a life loss isnt good.
Well consider an aggressive force from one country entering another country without permission to carry out a mission against inhabitants of the invaded country. That is known around the world as an ACT OF WAR! Got it?

They are at war...

Jesus Christ
They're at war the US NOW? Go back to sleep!

With each other moron, no central government.. Did the French ask both the US colony and Great Britain if it could attack?

You guys are dumb..
Didn't understand the OP did you, dummy? You see, the Yemeni government have canceled their authority allowing US forces to enter their country. The article title was;
Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

Do you understand the implications to that decision by Yemen? Do you read Braille?

They still allow drone strikes and US intel that is provided to Saudi Arabia. Big woop! Obama bombed the hell out of Yemen for the last 5 years without their permission.
I am still waiting for a single quote, a single bit of proof that Obama blamed Bush for anything. Are you really that pathetically stupid.
Is this a bad time to mention the plan was made under the Obama Administration? Carried out with equipment and personnel from before the Trump Administration?
Thats all bullshyte, how many years of trump failure will you be blaming on Obama?

The raid, according to multiple military and intelligence officials and a post-battle briefing paper shared with NBC News, had been planned and prepared for months, and was part of a long multinational campaign to weaken the foothold of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), long considered one of the most dangerous arms of the terrorist organization.

What went wrong? Inside Sunday's raid in Yemen by Navy SEALs

There you go moron.
According to sources within the white house, the ONLY reason Trump approved this action was because he was told Obama wouldn't have done it

Thanks for admitting Obama holds the blame for making the plan. That you lied earlier. Now you have moved unto other heresay, how nice.
Is this a bad time to mention the plan was made under the Obama Administration? Carried out with equipment and personnel from before the Trump Administration?
Thats all bullshyte, how many years of trump failure will you be blaming on Obama?

Perhaps the same number of years Obama blamed everything on Bush.
Never once did Obama blame anything on Bush, and if you think I am wrong prove it. All you got are the usual right wing lies.

Say that again so everyone that reads it on USMB will know you are the dumbest POS on the planet.
You left wing loons. The Obama approved mission was only botched because someone leaked the mission and AQ was alerted.

But worse than that is despite knowing their cover was blown, someone ordered the men into a firefight with a well prepared AQ.
Provide a VALID SOURCE that the previous administration had 1.) APPROVED that mission and 2.) Trump was BOUND BY THAT APPROVAL. You'll only find that bullshit in Brietbart and other rags of its ilk!

Well of course the same way Obama was bound by Bush to remove troops

Fucking morons


Um no. Bush was forced by the UN to sign a SOFA with Iraq before the end of 2008. There was no such international agreement forcing Trump to launch this assault.
Conservatives have been pretending for 9 years, that Bush never did that

Awe, give them a break. They were distracted by someone throwing shoes.

Iraqi Journalist Hurls Shoes at Bush and Denounces Him on TV as a ‘Dog’
Is this a bad time to mention the plan was made under the Obama Administration? Carried out with equipment and personnel from before the Trump Administration?
Thats all bullshyte, how many years of trump failure will you be blaming on Obama?

The raid, according to multiple military and intelligence officials and a post-battle briefing paper shared with NBC News, had been planned and prepared for months, and was part of a long multinational campaign to weaken the foothold of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), long considered one of the most dangerous arms of the terrorist organization.

What went wrong? Inside Sunday's raid in Yemen by Navy SEALs

There you go moron.
According to sources within the white house, the ONLY reason Trump approved this action was because he was told Obama wouldn't have done it

Thanks for admitting Obama holds the blame for making the plan. That you lied earlier. Now you have moved unto other heresay, how nice.
I dont lie, Einstein. Who said Obama made the plan, I sure didn't
Is this a bad time to mention the plan was made under the Obama Administration? Carried out with equipment and personnel from before the Trump Administration?
Thats all bullshyte, how many years of trump failure will you be blaming on Obama?

Perhaps the same number of years Obama blamed everything on Bush.
Never once did Obama blame anything on Bush, and if you think I am wrong prove it. All you got are the usual right wing lies.

Say that again so everyone that reads it on USMB will know you are the dumbest POS on the planet.
Still can't come up with a single Obama quote that he blamed Bush for anything? Man you are a pathetic liar
What is it with the left? Barry Hussein is out of office a month and they forgot about his eight years? Yemen was Barry's favorite target for drone strikes. They chalked up forty civilians in one strike and the tally of drone strikes by Obama is well over a hundred civilians.
This isn't about Obama, but a president who has no idea what he is doing, but wants to play tough guy with other peoples lives

The point being he is using the tools, and the MISSIONS that obummer left him. You fail on both points.

The point is he didn't use those tools to bring him up to date.

Ummmm, what tools would those be? SOCOM is who runs these deals. The POTUS has no clue what is being done, not until he is asked for his OK does he know what has been planned. obummer put the head of SOCOm in place, so once again, you have an obummer appointee running things. Seems you can't catch a break.
The only reason Trump approved this operation was because he was told that Obama wouldn't have don it. Now thats a great reason to kill people
So now you think you are clairvoyant. :lol:
Well consider an aggressive force from one country entering another country without permission to carry out a mission against inhabitants of the invaded country. That is known around the world as an ACT OF WAR! Got it?

They are at war...

Jesus Christ
They're at war the US NOW? Go back to sleep!

With each other moron, no central government.. Did the French ask both the US colony and Great Britain if it could attack?

You guys are dumb..
Didn't understand the OP did you, dummy? You see, the Yemeni government have canceled their authority allowing US forces to enter their country. The article title was;
Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

Do you understand the implications to that decision by Yemen? Do you read Braille?

They still allow drone strikes and US intel that is provided to Saudi Arabia. Big woop! Obama bombed the hell out of Yemen for the last 5 years without their permission.
"Things" cannot be extracted from a drone strike can they; that's the long term damage done. And don't be so sure that the Yemeni government won't do the same with the drone strikes if the Trump & Co cabal start fucking those up like the last ground assault!
So since you wont answer your own question that shows that you know how stupid it was to require someone to go through basic training to understand that a life loss isnt good.

No, in Basic you learn the loss of enemy life is a good AIT you learn how to get it done. I don't ask myself questions since I'm not a schizophrenic.
You guys do realize Presidents don't plan military missions right? The military does and submits them to the CIC for him to either approve or not and believe it or not sometimes the missions don't go as planned.

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