Trump Got Us Kicked Out of Yemen

Not to be antagonistic, but I believe Trump was the one who did the Yemen raid, has told Mexico that he'll send the military down to deal with "Bad Hombres", and has been butting heads with Iran recently.

Isn't he the military adventurist in this case?

Yeah and?

Well you made it sound like Yemen pulling the US out was a good thing because it'll stop the Military Adventurists. But if President Trump is pushing us towards an adventurist agenda (Again, there's 3 countries we might be putting boots on the ground in), doesn't that make this debacle a setback to said agenda and to America as a whole?

There's also the point that we may have lost an ally in Yemen. While they're not really politically or economically strong, it's still never a good thing to have a country against you, be it a superpower or a third world country
Not to be antagonistic, but I believe Trump was the one who did the Yemen raid, has told Mexico that he'll send the military down to deal with "Bad Hombres", and has been butting heads with Iran recently.

Isn't he the military adventurist in this case?

Yeah and?

Well you made it sound like Yemen pulling the US out was a good thing because it'll stop the Military Adventurists.
It is a "good thing" and who said anything about STOPPING Military Adventurists? I said it's one less Foreign Nation on their list of playgrounds not that it's the last one on the list.

But if President Trump is pushing us towards an adventurist agenda (Again, there's 3 countries we might be putting boots on the ground in), doesn't that make this debacle a setback to said agenda and to America as a whole?
What makes you think I'm interested in advancing President Trumps "adventurist agenda"? Military adventurism is the principle culprit in getting us into the foreign policy and financial mess that we're in, we need less of it not more.

"Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. ... In the execution of such a plan nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations and passionate attachments for others should be excluded, and that in place of them just and amicable feelings toward all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur." -- George Washington, Farewell Address
I thought they got what they were after.. intel.. Guess the military lied?

They did get what they were after and those oh so poor civilian women picked up guns and started shooting at our boys and got blow away.

They blew up the chopper when it was damaged so it wouldn't fall into enemy hands.

Haven't heard any of these lefty idiots say one thing about the dead Navy SEAL and don't suppose I will.

All they care about are the civilian dead and demonizing Trump though the mission was planned by douchebag's administration.

No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.

It was true in Moltke's day and it will be true in every battle ever fought be it secret or out there for all to see.

Oh and who gives a shit about Yemen?? Another ME shithole.
Not to be antagonistic, but I believe Trump was the one who did the Yemen raid, has told Mexico that he'll send the military down to deal with "Bad Hombres", and has been butting heads with Iran recently.

Isn't he the military adventurist in this case?
The raid had been planned for months by the Obama administration.
President Trump was CLEARLY joking about sending troops to Mexico. Even the Mexican President took what President Trump said as a joke.
At least President Trump doesn't have his tongue shoved up the Ayatollah's assholes like Obama did.
You're an idiot!
Not to be antagonistic, but I believe Trump was the one who did the Yemen raid, has told Mexico that he'll send the military down to deal with "Bad Hombres", and has been butting heads with Iran recently.

Isn't he the military adventurist in this case?

Yeah and?

Well you made it sound like Yemen pulling the US out was a good thing because it'll stop the Military Adventurists.
It is a "good thing" and who said anything about STOPPING Military Adventurists? I said it's one less Foreign Nation on their list of playgrounds not that it's the last one on the list.

But if President Trump is pushing us towards an adventurist agenda (Again, there's 3 countries we might be putting boots on the ground in), doesn't that make this debacle a setback to said agenda and to America as a whole?
What makes you think I'm interested in advancing President Trumps "adventurist agenda"? Military adventurism is the principle culprit in getting us into the foreign policy and financial mess that we're in, we need less of it not more.

"Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. ... In the execution of such a plan nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations and passionate attachments for others should be excluded, and that in place of them just and amicable feelings toward all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur." -- George Washington, Farewell Address

I can agree with that. My apologies. I was trying to get some clarification.
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”
So, you think Trump needs yamen's permission to attack them....fascinating....
Not to be antagonistic, but I believe Trump was the one who did the Yemen raid, has told Mexico that he'll send the military down to deal with "Bad Hombres", and has been butting heads with Iran recently.

Isn't he the military adventurist in this case?
The raid had been planned for months by the Obama administration.
President Trump was CLEARLY joking about sending troops to Mexico. Even the Mexican President took what President Trump said as a joke.
At least President Trump doesn't have his tongue shoved up the Ayatollah's assholes like Obama did.
You're an idiot!

Slow down there, man, I'm not trying to step on any toes here.

I'm stating the facts as I understand them here. So sorry if I offended, but it just look like trump is pushing for military involvement.

I'm not sure how lighthearted the Mexico ordeal could be. Maybe if we were closer allies, but we're not exactly on good terms with Mexico, what with all the wall threats and immigrants and what not. It could be a joke but I'm not sure
Not to be antagonistic, but I believe Trump was the one who did the Yemen raid, has told Mexico that he'll send the military down to deal with "Bad Hombres", and has been butting heads with Iran recently.

Isn't he the military adventurist in this case?
"The casualties were the military's first under Trump, who approved the special operations raid after planning began in November under his predecessor, Barack Obama."
Yemen Aftermath: Trump's First Military Raid Continues To Raise Questions
Mattis is hoping to make decision making on these type of missions faster. Who knows what kind of things can change on the ground over the course of three months?
Not to be antagonistic, but I believe Trump was the one who did the Yemen raid, has told Mexico that he'll send the military down to deal with "Bad Hombres", and has been butting heads with Iran recently.

Isn't he the military adventurist in this case?

Yeah and?

Well you made it sound like Yemen pulling the US out was a good thing because it'll stop the Military Adventurists. But if President Trump is pushing us towards an adventurist agenda (Again, there's 3 countries we might be putting boots on the ground in), doesn't that make this debacle a setback to said agenda and to America as a whole?

There's also the point that we may have lost an ally in Yemen. While they're not really politically or economically strong, it's still never a good thing to have a country against you, be it a superpower or a third world country

Again they are at civil war..

What is this stupid day or something?
Not to be antagonistic, but I believe Trump was the one who did the Yemen raid, has told Mexico that he'll send the military down to deal with "Bad Hombres", and has been butting heads with Iran recently.

Isn't he the military adventurist in this case?
Your news source is twisted. He said he's help in Mexico, not that we will invade them. You think Obama handled Iran well?
Jesus no wonder why you stupid liberals think it's OK not to have a ban on Yemen

You don't have a clue..

Not to be antagonistic, but I believe Trump was the one who did the Yemen raid, has told Mexico that he'll send the military down to deal with "Bad Hombres", and has been butting heads with Iran recently.

Isn't he the military adventurist in this case?
Your news source is twisted. He said he's help in Mexico, not that we will invade them. You think Obama handled Iran well?

I didn't say invade, I made sure to keep that word out. I said send them down, whether as a helping hand or an irate mother figure trying to "clean up the mess", I'm not sure.

And on that unrelated note, no, I don't think we've handled the Middle East well at all. I don't think we've done a lick of good there in history.
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”
Not to be antagonistic, but I believe Trump was the one who did the Yemen raid, has told Mexico that he'll send the military down to deal with "Bad Hombres", and has been butting heads with Iran recently.

Isn't he the military adventurist in this case?
Your news source is twisted. He said he's help in Mexico, not that we will invade them. You think Obama handled Iran well?

I didn't say invade, I made sure to keep that word out. I said send them down, whether as a helping hand or an irate mother figure trying to "clean up the mess", I'm not sure.

And on that unrelated note, no, I don't think we've handled the Middle East well at all. I don't think we've done a lick of good there in history.
An Irate mother? You aren't aware of the massive problems making it across the border? It's where most of the drugs are coming from. If that's irate we should have been irate long ago but it's all been talk.
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”
Oh noes! This will have the Israel firsters and chicken hawks up in arms! They can't kill more poor Arab civilians they are crushed and probably preparing a propaganda campaign about how Yemen has nuclear weapons or some stupid shit now

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