Trump Got Us Kicked Out of Yemen

Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”

Wrong we can still drone and collect intelligence there.

Oh and this mission was started and planned by obama. And if the troops failed, he had 8 years to train them. You cant blame a.guy 2 weeks in, but maybe you can still blame bush....lololol
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”
Trump ends one of Obamas wars and the left go even more insane.
Oh and this mission was started and planned by obama. And if the troops failed, he had 8 years to train them. You cant blame a.guy 2 weeks in,
What difference does it make who it was "started and planned" by? the current Chief Executive doesn't get to pass the buck since he's the one that gave the go ahead.

but maybe you can still blame bush....lololol
LOL, you just did the same thing the Democrats have been doing for the last 8 years, namely blaming the fuck ups of the current Chief Executive on the previous Chief Executive.
Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

"WASHINGTON — Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials."

Read more here; - Early Bird Brief&_r=0

Owing to Trump's piss poor planning and rush to "strut his CoC stuff", US forces are now banned from entering Yemeni territory for the purpose seeking out al Qaeda and ISIS terrorist groups wishing to do harm to the US! Great fucking job, Donald!!!!
Oh and this mission was started and planned by obama. And if the troops failed, he had 8 years to train them. You cant blame a.guy 2 weeks in,
What difference does it make who it was "started and planned" by? the current Chief Executive doesn't get to pass the buck since he's the one that gave the go ahead.

but maybe you can still blame bush....lololol
LOL, you just did the same thing the Democrats have been doing for the last 8 years, namely blaming the fuck ups of the current Chief Executive on the previous Chief Executive.

Yes i did and i love it. But not blaming a huy whos been there for a year, 5 years, 8 years is different than a guy whos been in office for 2 weeks and still doesnt have his cabinet to implement his policies. Many of these departmemts are still run by obama people.
I thought they got what they were after.. intel.. Guess the military lied?

They didn't get what they were after, the intel was 9 years old. The number one objective was the leader of al Qaeda in the Saudi Arabian peninsula and he got away and later made a recording taunting Trump. Doniboi is making America less safe from day one.
Oh and this mission was started and planned by obama. And if the troops failed, he had 8 years to train them. You cant blame a.guy 2 weeks in,
What difference does it make who it was "started and planned" by? the current Chief Executive doesn't get to pass the buck since he's the one that gave the go ahead.

but maybe you can still blame bush....lololol
LOL, you just did the same thing the Democrats have been doing for the last 8 years, namely blaming the fuck ups of the current Chief Executive on the previous Chief Executive.

Yes i did and i love it. But not blaming a huy whos been there for a year, 5 years, 8 years is different than a guy whos been in office for 2 weeks and still doesnt have his cabinet to implement his policies. Many of these departmemts are still run by obama people.

Doniboi insisted that all Department heads hit the road on January 20th. This is his JV team and they blew it big time.
Oh and this mission was started and planned by obama. And if the troops failed, he had 8 years to train them. You cant blame a.guy 2 weeks in,
What difference does it make who it was "started and planned" by? the current Chief Executive doesn't get to pass the buck since he's the one that gave the go ahead.

but maybe you can still blame bush....lololol
LOL, you just did the same thing the Democrats have been doing for the last 8 years, namely blaming the fuck ups of the current Chief Executive on the previous Chief Executive.

Yes i did and i love it. But not blaming a huy whos been there for a year, 5 years, 8 years is different than a guy whos been in office for 2 weeks and still doesnt have his cabinet to implement his policies. Many of these departmemts are still run by obama people.

Doniboi insisted that all Department heads hit the road on January 20th. This is his JV team and they blew it big time.

Wrong dipshit...the acting AG was an obama appointee and after she came out against.him he fired her.

So maybe you can watch some news, even CNN reported that.
Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

"WASHINGTON — Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials."

Read more here; 02.08.2017&utm_term=Editorial - Early Bird Brief&_r=0

Owing to Trump's piss poor planning and rush to "strut his CoC stuff", US forces are now banned from entering Yemeni territory for the purpose seeking out al Qaeda and ISIS terrorist groups wishing to do harm to the US! Great fucking job, Donald!!!!
Not to worry. There are and will be Special Ops people in Yemen and every country that harbors terrorists.
What is it with the left? Barry Hussein is out of office a month and they forgot about his eight years? Yemen was Barry's favorite target for drone strikes. They chalked up forty civilians in one strike and the tally of drone strikes by Obama is well over a hundred civilians.
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”
Well he promised ISOLATIONISM. Mission accomplished!
Oh and this mission was started and planned by obama. And if the troops failed, he had 8 years to train them. You cant blame a.guy 2 weeks in,
What difference does it make who it was "started and planned" by? the current Chief Executive doesn't get to pass the buck since he's the one that gave the go ahead.

but maybe you can still blame bush....lololol
LOL, you just did the same thing the Democrats have been doing for the last 8 years, namely blaming the fuck ups of the current Chief Executive on the previous Chief Executive.

Yes i did and i love it. But not blaming a huy whos been there for a year, 5 years, 8 years is different than a guy whos been in office for 2 weeks and still doesnt have his cabinet to implement his policies. Many of these departmemts are still run by obama people.

Doniboi insisted that all Department heads hit the road on January 20th. This is his JV team and they blew it big time.

Wrong dipshit...the acting AG was an obama appointee and after she came out against.him he fired her.

So maybe you can watch some news, even CNN reported that.

Sorry, he kicked all Ambassadors to the curb.
Trumps first Military op. #Sad

No, what's sad is you are still sporting a avi from someone who hasn't been around in over a decade. You need to catch up, clown face. That being said, Yemen is a failed State. The Saudi's have been fighting the iranian backed rebels there for years, and it was during the obummer era that Yemen collapsed, no doubt due to his support of the mullahs. So, if you silly people want to blame a POTUS, blame obummer. He's arguably the most responsible for the collapse of the Yemeni government.
i'm wondering WHY the President Trump needs Permission from 'yemenis' , eh ??
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”

Still at it eh, dumbass. I ripped you a new one on this yesterday and yet here you are again.....grow a new asshole did ya?

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