Trump Had Dinner With Kanya And Fuentes...Biden Had Dinner With Xi Jinping Last Wk...Who Is Murdering His Own People As We Speak

If Trump had shown leadership during COVID, he would have been easily re-elected. Just look at Bush after 9-11

Instead, he made it clear that his main concern was his re-election. He lied, downplayed the threat, promised quick recovery with no sacrifice and spent most of his time trying to not be blamed
  • More people have died under Biden than under Trump....and Biden has had the vaccine his entire term of office.
  • The same people that ran the COVID response under Trump are running it under Biden.
  • Mike Pence was put in charge of COVID....if he dropped the ball...why aren't you blaming him?
  • Trump was taking the advice of the same exact experts that are giving advice under Biden.
  • Trump downplayed the threat because he didn't want a panic.
  • Turns out the threat was strung out even longer because of lockdowns which prevented herd immunity.
More people have died under Biden than under Trump....and Biden has had the vaccine his entire term of office.
Anyone who was offered a free COVID vaccine and refused and subsequently died was a suicide
  • More people have died under Biden than under Trump....and Biden has had the vaccine his entire term of office.
  • The same people that ran the COVID response under Trump are running it under Biden.
  • Mike Pence was put in charge of COVID....if he dropped the ball...why aren't you blaming him?
  • Trump was taking the advice of the same exact experts that are giving advice under Biden.
  • Trump downplayed the threat because he didn't want a panic.
  • Turns out the threat was strung out even longer because of lockdowns which prevented herd immunity.
Trumps only concern with COVID was that it not affect his re-election

His main concern was that he was not blamed regardless of how little he did

Secondly, that his great economy was not affected

The health and safety of the American people was not part of the equation
Trumps only concern with COVID was that it not affect his re-election

His main concern was that he was not blamed regardless of how little he did

Secondly, that his great economy was not affected

The health and safety of the American people was not part of the equation that's why he pushed through the vaccines in record time.

Jesus.....we're still waiting on Biden closing the border and he refuses to do so. 300/day die from Fentanyl overdoses. Most of the Fentanyl comes through our porous borders. Do you think Biden gives a darn?

Biden cut off much of our oil production causing the price of gas and Diesel to skyrocket which led to massive inflation.
Do you think Biden gives a darn for you have to pay twice as much for just about everything because of it?

Biden is sending billions to Ukraine every few months at the same time people are losing their homes and having to decide between eating or buying their meds.
Do you think Biden gives a flying-fuck?
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Well, it's either that, or that Trump is a naive bumpkin. Which one you want to pick?
No....what we have here is just another example of wokish assholes making a big deal about something that really doesn't matter.

You see you folks seem to think you can have these very same types of people representing you in Washington.....and support the same exact types of people....but you don't feel any pangs of guilt when you show selective outrage screaming about it when that same type shows up uninvited to a dinner in Mara-lago. Sounds like opportunism to me.
Trump should have never had that dinner.
Because he should have people around him to protect him from something like this happening.
I fully believe Trump didn't know who he was. Of course he didn't.
And therefore all of the liberal crocodile tears today are disingenuous and twisting what happened to form a narrative that, once again, Trump is racist and likes white supremacist.
The problem is again with Trump himself, as he tends not to listen to people around him and doesn't want to employ handlers as he prefers to handle stuff himself. And this is the price for not hiring people to protect you.

To me, I think it is obvious, for whatever reason, that Kanye did this on purpose. It was a set up. And because Trump isn't interested in protecting himself, he is once again his own worse enemy.
No....what we have here is just another example of wokish assholes making a big deal about something that really doesn't matter.

You see you folks seem to think you can have these very same types of people representing you in Washington.....and support the same exact types of people....but you don't feel any pangs of guilt when you show selective outrage screaming about it when that same type shows up uninvited to a dinner in Mara-lago. Sounds like opportunism to me.
Twitter will straighten them out. The narrative is crashing and burning as we speak.
No....what we have here is just another example of wokish assholes making a big deal about something that really doesn't matter.

You see you folks seem to think you can have these very same types of people representing you in Washington.....and support the same exact types of people....but you don't feel any pangs of guilt when you show selective outrage screaming about it when that same type shows up uninvited to a dinner in Mara-lago. Sounds like opportunism to me.
Not opportunism, he actually ate with Nazis and Holocaust deniers at his house. It's ALL on Trumpy.

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