Just as "Trump anti-immigrant" leaves out "ILLEGAL"... Absentee voting is conflated with Mail in voting... AND there is a distinction!

That is so stupid! Those people ARE breaking the law by being here on "temporary"!! Means there is a time limit dummy!

Ahem Dems have a whole different definition of 'temporary'. Like the many 'temporary' taxes they pass, while laughing at how gullible the people are.
Another 27,525 either didn't have a signature, or the signature didn't match the one on record for the voter.

Did exactly what they are supposed to do to prevent fraud.
Rejected ballots without proper signature
In Colorado they have mail-in voting and they don't have any record of your signature to compare with the one on your ballot.

How do they know if your signature is valid?
Democrats have been fixing elections since the beginning.
No one has more experience at voter fraud than democrats.
No wonder their mouths are watering at all mail-in votes.
trumpanzees obey their orange god to suppress voting.
yes, we support "suppressing" the vote of illegal aliens, dead people and cartoon characters.

You're and idiot.
Another 27,525 either didn't have a signature, or the signature didn't match the one on record for the voter.

Did exactly what they are supposed to do to prevent fraud.
Rejected ballots without proper signature
In Colorado they have mail-in voting and they don't have any record of your signature to compare with the one on your ballot.

How do they know if your signature is valid?

This is Democrats scheming to let illegals vote in our elections since they were unsuccessful in getting illegals amnesty and the right to vote.
Uninformed people consider Trump racist because they read/hear that Trump is "Anti-immigrant" when the FACT is Trump is anti-ILLEGAL immigrants" and this is proven by Google search: "Trump anti-immigrant" results:67,200 while "Trump anti-ILLEGAL immigrant" results 2,520.
Now Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant, his grandmother was a legal immigrant and 50+ million like me who have relatives or ARE "LEGAL" immigrants are NOT against
LEGAL Immigrants, i.e. are NOT ANTI-immigrants!
But now we see the same conflating of terms again with Trump.
Trump is against BULK mailing of ballots which have shown to be fraught with fraud.
The Chaos in New York Is a Warning
The first large-scale test of mail-in voting in the pandemic has left one in five New Yorkers with their votes tossed out.
More than a month after New York’s June 23 primary elections, state election officials are still counting votes.
In some legislative districts, they haven’t even started counting absentee votes.
In the best-case scenario, election officials hope to declare winners by the first Tuesday in August—six weeks after Election Day. It might take a lot longer than that. Election officials in New York City have already invalidated upwards of 100,000 absentee ballots—about one of every five that were mailed in from the five boroughs. And furious candidates are already filing lawsuits charging discrimination and disenfranchisement.

The above IS NOT ABSENTEE voting though.. these were ballots mailed out to registered voters that DIDN"T ask for an absentee ballot!
More than 100,000 California mail-in ballots were rejected because of mistakes
Another 27,525 either didn't have a signature, or the signature didn't match the one on record for the voter.
In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in June signed a law requiring county election officials to mail a ballot to all the state’s nearly 21 million registered voters for the November election.

He called mail-in voting safe and secure, pointing to a series of studies that found no evidence of significant fraud. States across the political spectrum rely solely on mail ballots, including Colorado, Utah and Washington.

Yes... The California Governor is an expert on governance.

All of the ways Trump has reduced MIGRATION:

1. Ending family unification programs, of the type which allowed Melania Trump's parent to become American Citizens, just since Trump's election. Trump called them "chain migration";

2. Ending the so-called "visa lotteries" in non-white nations. Trump implied that this would let "anyone" into the country. He failed to mention every person whose name went into that hat, had undergone the same rigorous vetting that everyone seeking entry to the USA has to undergo: criminal records clearances, obtaining references, and being pre-approved for entry into the USA. Only those who were already approved to enter the USA, participated in the lotteries.

3. Banning immigration from Muslim countries;

Trying to encourage rich white people to emigrate from Europe and Canada. All of my Canadian friends who were looking to move to the USA before Trump was elected, stopped looking for a home in the USA. One of my friends was actively shopping for a condo in Los Vegas in November of 2016. She's still living in Toronto.
Uninformed people consider Trump racist because they read/hear that Trump is "Anti-immigrant" when the FACT is Trump is anti-ILLEGAL immigrants" and this is proven by Google search: "Trump anti-immigrant" results:67,200 while "Trump anti-ILLEGAL immigrant" results 2,520.
Now Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant, his grandmother was a legal immigrant and 50+ million like me who have relatives or ARE "LEGAL" immigrants are NOT against
LEGAL Immigrants, i.e. are NOT ANTI-immigrants!
But now we see the same conflating of terms again with Trump.
Trump is against BULK mailing of ballots which have shown to be fraught with fraud.
The Chaos in New York Is a Warning
The first large-scale test of mail-in voting in the pandemic has left one in five New Yorkers with their votes tossed out.
More than a month after New York’s June 23 primary elections, state election officials are still counting votes.
In some legislative districts, they haven’t even started counting absentee votes.
In the best-case scenario, election officials hope to declare winners by the first Tuesday in August—six weeks after Election Day. It might take a lot longer than that. Election officials in New York City have already invalidated upwards of 100,000 absentee ballots—about one of every five that were mailed in from the five boroughs. And furious candidates are already filing lawsuits charging discrimination and disenfranchisement.

The above IS NOT ABSENTEE voting though.. these were ballots mailed out to registered voters that DIDN"T ask for an absentee ballot!
More than 100,000 California mail-in ballots were rejected because of mistakes
Another 27,525 either didn't have a signature, or the signature didn't match the one on record for the voter.
In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in June signed a law requiring county election officials to mail a ballot to all the state’s nearly 21 million registered voters for the November election.

He called mail-in voting safe and secure, pointing to a series of studies that found no evidence of significant fraud. States across the political spectrum rely solely on mail ballots, including Colorado, Utah and Washington.

Yes... The California Governor is an expert on governance.

All of the ways Trump has reduced MIGRATION:

1. Ending family unification programs, of the type which allowed Melania Trump's parent to become American Citizens, just since Trump's election. Trump called them "chain migration";

2. Ending the so-called "visa lotteries" in non-white nations. Trump implied that this would let "anyone" into the country. He failed to mention every person whose name went into that hat, had undergone the same rigorous vetting that everyone seeking entry to the USA has to undergo: criminal records clearances, obtaining references, and being pre-approved for entry into the USA. Only those who were already approved to enter the USA, participated in the lotteries.

3. Banning immigration from Muslim countries;

Trying to encourage rich white people to emigrate from Europe and Canada. All of my Canadian friends who were looking to move to the USA before Trump was elected, stopped looking for a home in the USA. One of my friends was actively shopping for a condo in Los Vegas in November of 2016. She's still living in Toronto.
So? I think we should end all immigration.
Democrats have been fixing elections since the beginning.
No one has more experience at voter fraud than democrats.
No wonder their mouths are watering at all mail-in votes.
trumpanzees obey their orange god to suppress voting.
yes, we support "suppressing" the vote of illegal aliens, dead people and cartoon characters.

You're and idiot.

You're not suppressing the votes of "illegal aliens, dead people and cartoon characters". You're suppressing the votes of the poor, the elderly, and minorities. You're even suppressing the votes of Native Americans, and they've been in the USA since before anybody else, including your forebearers. No polling stations in black neighbourhoods, or poor neighbourhoods, or if the name on your state records isn't an "exact match" to the name on your application. Tactics that the courts have routinely ruled are directly targeted to supress the votes of minorities and poor people.

Every time you say something really stupid, you end your post by calling the poster you're responding to "idiot", "moron", or "stupid". Says a lot more about YOU and your weaknesses than it does about us, Finger Boi.
Democrats have been fixing elections since the beginning.
No one has more experience at voter fraud than democrats.
No wonder their mouths are watering at all mail-in votes.
trumpanzees obey their orange god to suppress voting.
yes, we support "suppressing" the vote of illegal aliens, dead people and cartoon characters.

You're and idiot.

You're not suppressing the votes of "illegal aliens, dead people and cartoon characters". You're suppressing the votes of the poor, the elderly, and minorities. You're even suppressing the votes of Native Americans, and they've been in the USA since before anybody else, including your forebearers. No polling stations in black neighbourhoods, or poor neighbourhoods, or if the name on your state records isn't an "exact match" to the name on your application. Tactics that the courts have routinely ruled are directly targeted to supress the votes of minorities and poor people.

Every time you say something really stupid, you end your post by calling the poster you're responding to "idiot", "moron", or "stupid". Says a lot more about YOU and your weaknesses than it does about us, Finger Boi.
Wrong, shit for brains. Who do you think you're fooling?
Uninformed people consider Trump racist because they read/hear that Trump is "Anti-immigrant" when the FACT is Trump is anti-ILLEGAL immigrants" and this is proven by Google search: "Trump anti-immigrant" results:67,200 while "Trump anti-ILLEGAL immigrant" results 2,520.
Now Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant, his grandmother was a legal immigrant and 50+ million like me who have relatives or ARE "LEGAL" immigrants are NOT against
LEGAL Immigrants, i.e. are NOT ANTI-immigrants!
But now we see the same conflating of terms again with Trump.
Trump is against BULK mailing of ballots which have shown to be fraught with fraud.
The Chaos in New York Is a Warning
The first large-scale test of mail-in voting in the pandemic has left one in five New Yorkers with their votes tossed out.
More than a month after New York’s June 23 primary elections, state election officials are still counting votes.
In some legislative districts, they haven’t even started counting absentee votes.
In the best-case scenario, election officials hope to declare winners by the first Tuesday in August—six weeks after Election Day. It might take a lot longer than that. Election officials in New York City have already invalidated upwards of 100,000 absentee ballots—about one of every five that were mailed in from the five boroughs. And furious candidates are already filing lawsuits charging discrimination and disenfranchisement.

The above IS NOT ABSENTEE voting though.. these were ballots mailed out to registered voters that DIDN"T ask for an absentee ballot!
More than 100,000 California mail-in ballots were rejected because of mistakes
Another 27,525 either didn't have a signature, or the signature didn't match the one on record for the voter.
In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in June signed a law requiring county election officials to mail a ballot to all the state’s nearly 21 million registered voters for the November election.

He called mail-in voting safe and secure, pointing to a series of studies that found no evidence of significant fraud. States across the political spectrum rely solely on mail ballots, including Colorado, Utah and Washington.

Yes... The California Governor is an expert on governance.

All of the ways Trump has reduced MIGRATION:

1. Ending family unification programs, of the type which allowed Melania Trump's parent to become American Citizens, just since Trump's election. Trump called them "chain migration";

2. Ending the so-called "visa lotteries" in non-white nations. Trump implied that this would let "anyone" into the country. He failed to mention every person whose name went into that hat, had undergone the same rigorous vetting that everyone seeking entry to the USA has to undergo: criminal records clearances, obtaining references, and being pre-approved for entry into the USA. Only those who were already approved to enter the USA, participated in the lotteries.

3. Banning immigration from Muslim countries;

Trying to encourage rich white people to emigrate from Europe and Canada. All of my Canadian friends who were looking to move to the USA before Trump was elected, stopped looking for a home in the USA. One of my friends was actively shopping for a condo in Los Vegas in November of 2016. She's still living in Toronto.
So? I think we should end all immigration.

Of course you do. Any stupid, brain dead position without a single thought for the future, you'll embrace wholeheartedly.

Since Americans aren't having enough children to replace themselves, that means that you'll have fewer and fewer young workers, paying taxes, and providing services to an increasingly older and less capable population, which needs more and more health care as they age.
the line between willfulness and independence is hard to draw. even harder to draw is the line between willfulness and leadership, the essential attribute of any president

Trump lacks all that, my friends!
the line between willfulness and independence is hard to draw. even harder to draw is the line between willfulness and leadership, the essential attribute of any president

Trump lacks all that, my friends!
And this was leadership????
You want a president that wants to lay off 450,000 people?
You want a president that WANTS YOU to spend more for utilities, gas, etc.?
You want a president that WANTS to destroy the ocean with 1 million barrel tankers vs 700 barrel pipeline on dry land?
How stupid all of the below points and policies coming out of a "leader", Obama? Frankly my "Leader" is that... someone that I don't
necessarily like personally, remember Patton? What an asshole but he got things done! Trump can be a dick, an asshole, what ever as long as he gets things done. This COVID bullshit is just that a manufactured crisis! Why was it not a crisis in 1957 when a higher percent of Americans died with Asian flu? I lived through that and there was NO closures, no face masks, no social distancing, and yet 1/2 the American population today in 1957 had 116,000 deaths. NO MSM beating the drums for crisis!
the line between willfulness and independence is hard to draw. even harder to draw is the line between willfulness and leadership, the essential attribute of any president

Trump lacks all that, my friends!
And this was leadership????
You want a president that wants to lay off 450,000 people?
You want a president that WANTS YOU to spend more for utilities, gas, etc.?
You want a president that WANTS to destroy the ocean with 1 million barrel tankers vs 700 barrel pipeline on dry land?
How stupid all of the below points and policies coming out of a "leader", Obama? Frankly my "Leader" is that... someone that I don't
necessarily like personally, remember Patton? What an asshole but he got things done! Trump can be a dick, an asshole, what ever as long as he gets things done. This COVID bullshit is just that a manufactured crisis! Why was it not a crisis in 1957 when a higher percent of Americans died with Asian flu? I lived through that and there was NO closures, no face masks, no social distancing, and yet 1/2 the American population today in 1957 had 116,000 deaths. NO MSM beating the drums for crisis!
View attachment 370728

Your article is an opinion piece from the Rupert Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal, It's hardly surprising that they objected to standing up for workers' rights (Boeing Battle)

Work on the Keystone Pipeline has been stopped because *gasp*, the fucking thing is leaking into the water table. How much time and money did Donald Trump cost this company by encouraging them to build the thing, and then them having to abandon it?

Trump's killing the EPA regulations had lead to the degradation of the water tables, and the air quality, which Trump's own scientists are saying is killing thousands of Americans. Not to mention, coal mine are STILL going bankrupt and the coal industry is still dying.

Last but not least - despite Obama doing all of these terrible things, even the blogger said the economy was doing a whole better than he thought it would. Imagine that - doing well by the people, ends up doing right by the economy.

Reality - what a concept!
Uninformed people consider Trump racist because they read/hear that Trump is "Anti-immigrant" when the FACT is Trump is anti-ILLEGAL immigrants" and this is proven by Google search: "Trump anti-immigrant" results:67,200 while "Trump anti-ILLEGAL immigrant" results 2,520.
Now Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant, his grandmother was a legal immigrant and 50+ million like me who have relatives or ARE "LEGAL" immigrants are NOT against
LEGAL Immigrants, i.e. are NOT ANTI-immigrants!
But now we see the same conflating of terms again with Trump.
Trump is against BULK mailing of ballots which have shown to be fraught with fraud.
The Chaos in New York Is a Warning
The first large-scale test of mail-in voting in the pandemic has left one in five New Yorkers with their votes tossed out.
More than a month after New York’s June 23 primary elections, state election officials are still counting votes.
In some legislative districts, they haven’t even started counting absentee votes.
In the best-case scenario, election officials hope to declare winners by the first Tuesday in August—six weeks after Election Day. It might take a lot longer than that. Election officials in New York City have already invalidated upwards of 100,000 absentee ballots—about one of every five that were mailed in from the five boroughs. And furious candidates are already filing lawsuits charging discrimination and disenfranchisement.

The above IS NOT ABSENTEE voting though.. these were ballots mailed out to registered voters that DIDN"T ask for an absentee ballot!
More than 100,000 California mail-in ballots were rejected because of mistakes
Another 27,525 either didn't have a signature, or the signature didn't match the one on record for the voter.
In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in June signed a law requiring county election officials to mail a ballot to all the state’s nearly 21 million registered voters for the November election.

He called mail-in voting safe and secure, pointing to a series of studies that found no evidence of significant fraud. States across the political spectrum rely solely on mail ballots, including Colorado, Utah and Washington.

Yes... The California Governor is an expert on governance.

Actually...it's fraudulent to say Trump is only anti-illegal immigrant. He is anti-immigrant. He has been going after immigrants here legally (such as those here on temporary protected status or seeking asylum) and he has tried to push draconian limitations on legal immigration.
Except for his in-laws.
That is so stupid! Those people ARE breaking the law by being here on "temporary"!! Means there is a time limit dummy!
You stay beyond the time limit...GUESS what DUMMY!!!! Breaking the law.
Now what does the dumb comment "Except for his in-laws" mean?
Explain and PROVE that dumb comment!

They haven't broken ANY law if their Visa has not expired, "dummy" - or if they are claiming asylum and awaiting their hearing or if they are here on temporary protected status.

You DO know that Melania's family immigrated here via chain immigration, right?
Another 27,525 either didn't have a signature, or the signature didn't match the one on record for the voter.

Did exactly what they are supposed to do to prevent fraud.
Rejected ballots without proper signature
In Colorado they have mail-in voting and they don't have any record of your signature to compare with the one on your ballot.

How do they know if your signature is valid?

You sure about that?

Uninformed people consider Trump racist because they read/hear that Trump is "Anti-immigrant" when the FACT is Trump is anti-ILLEGAL immigrants" and this is proven by Google search: "Trump anti-immigrant" results:67,200 while "Trump anti-ILLEGAL immigrant" results 2,520.
Now Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant, his grandmother was a legal immigrant and 50+ million like me who have relatives or ARE "LEGAL" immigrants are NOT against
LEGAL Immigrants, i.e. are NOT ANTI-immigrants!
But now we see the same conflating of terms again with Trump.
Trump is against BULK mailing of ballots which have shown to be fraught with fraud.
The Chaos in New York Is a Warning
The first large-scale test of mail-in voting in the pandemic has left one in five New Yorkers with their votes tossed out.
More than a month after New York’s June 23 primary elections, state election officials are still counting votes.
In some legislative districts, they haven’t even started counting absentee votes.
In the best-case scenario, election officials hope to declare winners by the first Tuesday in August—six weeks after Election Day. It might take a lot longer than that. Election officials in New York City have already invalidated upwards of 100,000 absentee ballots—about one of every five that were mailed in from the five boroughs. And furious candidates are already filing lawsuits charging discrimination and disenfranchisement.

The above IS NOT ABSENTEE voting though.. these were ballots mailed out to registered voters that DIDN"T ask for an absentee ballot!
More than 100,000 California mail-in ballots were rejected because of mistakes
Another 27,525 either didn't have a signature, or the signature didn't match the one on record for the voter.
In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in June signed a law requiring county election officials to mail a ballot to all the state’s nearly 21 million registered voters for the November election.

He called mail-in voting safe and secure, pointing to a series of studies that found no evidence of significant fraud. States across the political spectrum rely solely on mail ballots, including Colorado, Utah and Washington.

Yes... The California Governor is an expert on governance.

Actually...it's fraudulent to say Trump is only anti-illegal immigrant. He is anti-immigrant. He has been going after immigrants here legally (such as those here on temporary protected status or seeking asylum) and he has tried to push draconian limitations on legal immigration.
Except for his in-laws.
That is so stupid! Those people ARE breaking the law by being here on "temporary"!! Means there is a time limit dummy!
You stay beyond the time limit...GUESS what DUMMY!!!! Breaking the law.
Now what does the dumb comment "Except for his in-laws" mean?
Explain and PROVE that dumb comment!

They haven't broken ANY law if their Visa has not expired, "dummy" - or if they are claiming asylum and awaiting their hearing or if they are here on temporary protected status.

You DO know that Melania's family immigrated here via chain immigration, right?
Another 27,525 either didn't have a signature, or the signature didn't match the one on record for the voter.

Did exactly what they are supposed to do to prevent fraud.
Rejected ballots without proper signature
In Colorado they have mail-in voting and they don't have any record of your signature to compare with the one on your ballot.

How do they know if your signature is valid?

You sure about that?

Where does the 2nd signature come from? I grew up in Colorado, and my brother still lives there. He says you don't have to do anything to mail in your vote other than mail it in. Everyone gets a ballot in the mail. He could be wrong, but that's what he told me.
the line between willfulness and independence is hard to draw. even harder to draw is the line between willfulness and leadership, the essential attribute of any president

Trump lacks all that, my friends!
And this was leadership????
You want a president that wants to lay off 450,000 people?
You want a president that WANTS YOU to spend more for utilities, gas, etc.?
You want a president that WANTS to destroy the ocean with 1 million barrel tankers vs 700 barrel pipeline on dry land?
How stupid all of the below points and policies coming out of a "leader", Obama? Frankly my "Leader" is that... someone that I don't
necessarily like personally, remember Patton? What an asshole but he got things done! Trump can be a dick, an asshole, what ever as long as he gets things done. This COVID bullshit is just that a manufactured crisis! Why was it not a crisis in 1957 when a higher percent of Americans died with Asian flu? I lived through that and there was NO closures, no face masks, no social distancing, and yet 1/2 the American population today in 1957 had 116,000 deaths. NO MSM beating the drums for crisis!
View attachment 370728

Your article is an opinion piece from the Rupert Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal, It's hardly surprising that they objected to standing up for workers' rights (Boeing Battle)

Work on the Keystone Pipeline has been stopped because *gasp*, the fucking thing is leaking into the water table. How much time and money did Donald Trump cost this company by encouraging them to build the thing, and then them having to abandon it?

Trump's killing the EPA regulations had lead to the degradation of the water tables, and the air quality, which Trump's own scientists are saying is killing thousands of Americans. Not to mention, coal mine are STILL going bankrupt and the coal industry is still dying.

Last but not least - despite Obama doing all of these terrible things, even the blogger said the economy was doing a whole better than he thought it would. Imagine that - doing well by the people, ends up doing right by the economy.

Reality - what a concept!
That's pure horseshit, of course. Please post a link to news about it leaking into the water table. The rest of your post is even more ridiculous.
the line between willfulness and independence is hard to draw. even harder to draw is the line between willfulness and leadership, the essential attribute of any president

Trump lacks all that, my friends!
And this was leadership????
You want a president that wants to lay off 450,000 people?
You want a president that WANTS YOU to spend more for utilities, gas, etc.?
You want a president that WANTS to destroy the ocean with 1 million barrel tankers vs 700 barrel pipeline on dry land?
How stupid all of the below points and policies coming out of a "leader", Obama? Frankly my "Leader" is that... someone that I don't
necessarily like personally, remember Patton? What an asshole but he got things done! Trump can be a dick, an asshole, what ever as long as he gets things done. This COVID bullshit is just that a manufactured crisis! Why was it not a crisis in 1957 when a higher percent of Americans died with Asian flu? I lived through that and there was NO closures, no face masks, no social distancing, and yet 1/2 the American population today in 1957 had 116,000 deaths. NO MSM beating the drums for crisis!
View attachment 370728

Your article is an opinion piece from the Rupert Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal, It's hardly surprising that they objected to standing up for workers' rights (Boeing Battle)

Work on the Keystone Pipeline has been stopped because *gasp*, the fucking thing is leaking into the water table. How much time and money did Donald Trump cost this company by encouraging them to build the thing, and then them having to abandon it?

Trump's killing the EPA regulations had lead to the degradation of the water tables, and the air quality, which Trump's own scientists are saying is killing thousands of Americans. Not to mention, coal mine are STILL going bankrupt and the coal industry is still dying.

Last but not least - despite Obama doing all of these terrible things, even the blogger said the economy was doing a whole better than he thought it would. Imagine that - doing well by the people, ends up doing right by the economy.

Reality - what a concept!
YOU are so WRONG!
If you check you'll see the LINKS!
As far as Keystone has stopped... YOU are a f ..,king liar!
SCOTUS upheld a lower court... not a f...king leak dummy!

Tuesday’s leak occurred along a stretch of the existing Keystone pipeline system, not the 1,179-mile addition to that system known as the Keystone XL pipeline, he [Karl Rockeman, director of the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality’s division of water quality] said. Keystone XL has been the subject of environmental protests for years. President Barack Obama denied it a permit in 2015, but just days after taking office [in 2017], President Trump cleared a path for its operator, formerly known as TransCanada, to proceed.

This is the second major incident for the pipeline system in the last two years. In 2017, a spill coated a stretch of grassland in South Dakota with more than 407,000 gallons of leaked Canadian crude oil, which was nearly twice as much as originally estimated, according to the company. The pipeline also leaked about 16,000 gallons each in spills in 2011 in North Dakota and in 2016 in South Dakota. Was the Keystone Pipeline Shut Down After Leaking Oil?
A total of 455,000 gallons dummy is NOTHING.. but 10,833 BARRELS dumb ...SH..! In 9 years!
While in the 1970s there were 24.5 large (> 700 tonnes) oil spills per year,
in the 2010s the average number of large oil spills decreased to 1.7 oil spills per year.
one gallon of crude oil weighs approximately 7.18 pounds (3.26 kg) per gallon.
at 7.18 lbs per gallon, 2,204 lbs/tonne.. that would be 1,542,800 lbs of oil at 42 gallons per barrel that would be 36,733 barrels at
1.7 times per year or 62,446 BARRELS or nearly 6 times what the Keystone leaked in in six years!
FACTS NOT guesses.

But you don't deal with FACTS... hyperbole. SUBJECTIVE and personal observations mean nothing! GET the FACTS.
And Obama said all of the below AFTER he accepted the nomination and told the world he was a god!

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