McConnell suggests Trump is 'highly unlikely' to win presidential election due to Ye, Fuentes dinner

Most people do not know nor care who Trump has dinner with.....Biden met with Xi, who is 87X worse and did not take him to task for any of the ills the Chi-Coms are foisting upon the USA.

At best this will only give cover for the likes of Rubio and others to seek the nomination earlier.....Which they were going to do anyway by and by.

DC Kabuki theater.
Seriously? You're comparing a govt meeting with our President and a foreign power leader, with Trump and Fuentes/Kanye at Mara Lago?

How'd you feel about Trump's face to face with North Korean Kim Jung Un?
Seriously? You're comparing a govt meeting with our President and a foreign power leader, with Trump and Fuentes/Kanye at Mara Lago?

How'd you feel about Trump's face to face with North Korean Kim Jung Un?
Both stupid comparisons
But anyone who's serious about running for president has to be careful about the company he keeps. That's a no-brainer, makes one wonder just how smart trump is. We all know he's very devious, but most people that are intelligent have no need to be devious.
Trump was supposed to lose in 2016 because he openly advocated for sexually assaulting women.
THAT is a fecking LIE and you're either too corrupt or too stupid to understand the effect it has on your credibility.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested Tuesday that Donald Trump is "highly unlikely" to regain the presidency as a result of his recent dinner with the rapper now known as Ye and white supremacist Nick Fuentes.

Trump has been condemned for dining with both men, who have espoused anti-Semitic beliefs, at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, last week.

I hardly think that something like this, two years before an election, and considering all the things Trump has done that would have knocked other politicians, that this will have any impact at all.
THAT is a fecking LIE and you're either too corrupt or too stupid to understand the effect it has on your credibility.
I guess you don't remember trump saying, " You got to grab them by their titties ! "
I hardly think that something like this, two years before an election, and considering all the things Trump has done that would have knocked other politicians, that this will have any impact at all.
Time will tell, and don't forget trump is the gift that keeps giving and giving whether you want it or not.
The extreme far right followers of trump are different than most supporters of political personages. They are definitely a cult. When so many things about trump scream at you stop and think, and they don't, they just keep ignoring those warning signs. They are oblivious too all the red flags. All they see is an idealized version of the man with no faults and of course he has all the answers. That can only be called a cult.
Why is wanting America to be great and placed first over other nations a cult to you?... I know why.... because the rich greedy globalist elites in government and media that have brainwashed you into thinking your country is evil... they even have you standing against free speech... the first rule in our constitution... they have you accepting prison for your fellow citizens because they protested the government..... that my friend is what propaganda can do to a person... so you sir are the cult... not us patriots...
Why is wanting America to be great and placed first over other nations a cult to you?... I know why.... because the rich greedy globalist elites in government and media that have brainwashed you into thinking your country is evil... they even have you standing against free speech... the first rule in our constitution... they have you accepting prison for your fellow citizens because they protested the government..... that my friend is what propaganda can do to a person... so you sir are the cult... not us patriots...
Trump was supposed to lose in 2016 because he openly advocated for sexually assaulting women.

Trump didn't openly advocate for sexually assaulting women. He was secretly recorded in a conversation between himself and a reporter. They were just fucking around. You could tell he wasn't serious and it was a secret recording.

So stop lying and saying he OPENLY did this. Yea, it was so open he had to be secretly recorded in order to get it. Lying fuck. Fuck off.
Trump didn't openly advocate for sexually assaulting women. He was secretly recorded in a conversation between himself and a reporter. They were just fucking around. You could tell he wasn't serious and it was a secret recording.

So stop lying and saying he OPENLY did this. Yea, it was so open he had to be secretly recorded in order to get it. Lying fuck. Fuck off.
I have to disagree with you. There's definitely a pattern of abuse.

McConnell suggests Trump is 'highly unlikely' to win presidential election due to Ye, Fuentes dinner​

McTurtle is a big fat stupid useless hemorrhoid who should be worried about his own job.
I have to disagree with you. There's definitely a pattern of abuse.

By who? He's never been found guilty of a single charge of sexual abuse.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty that the left seems to love to quote when it's about accusations against lefties?
By who? He's never been found guilty of a single charge of sexual abuse.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty that the left seems to love to quote when it's about accusations against lefties?
How many women claimed abuse by him. He openly paid off several of them. If you don't realize by now this guy is not on the level and is very devious you are a total fool.

By who? He's never been found guilty of a single charge of sexual abuse.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty that the left seems to love to quote when it's about accusations against lefties?
How many women claimed abuse by him. He openly paid off several of them. If you don't realize by now this guy is not on the level and is very devious you are a total fool.
Conveniently spoken by a party member that his party tries to normalize every bad thing that there is on your parties side, but then lashes out at the thing's left behind on purpose, otherwise to do exactly what you've done right here. No one's fooled by the leftist anymore.. No one !!
How many women claimed abuse by him. He openly paid off several of them. If you don't realize by now this guy is not on the level and is very devious you are a total fool.

I don't care. A woman can "claim" anything. Unless charges are brought and the person is found guilty in court, or the person admits it or video or other evidence exists, innocent until proven guilty still applies.

In fact, tons of women make fake "claims" against rich men knowing the men are most likely willing to pay to settle out of court. So FREE MONEY. Liberals masturbate to that shit.
I don't care. A woman can "claim" anything. Unless charges are brought and the person is found guilty in court, or the person admits it or video or other evidence exists, innocent until proven guilty still applies.

In fact, tons of women make fake "claims" against rich men knowing the men are most likely willing to pay to settle out of court. So FREE MONEY. Liberals masturbate to that shit.
You are one sick bastard. I could see one woman making a complaint against a man possibly being dismissed. But when there are numerous women's making the same complaint, then they're probably telling the truth. The likelihood of it being some vast conspiracy exist only in some people's demented minds. I'm just glad the trump era is finally over. It was totally detrimental to the United States. Lies can never be the truth that we live by.
I don't care. A woman can "claim" anything. Unless charges are brought and the person is found guilty in court, or the person admits it or video or other evidence exists, innocent until proven guilty still applies.

In fact, tons of women make fake "claims" against rich men knowing the men are most likely willing to pay to settle out of court. So FREE MONEY. Liberals masturbate to that shit.
Yep, they're trying to get two for one.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested Tuesday that Donald Trump is "highly unlikely" to regain the presidency as a result of his recent dinner with the rapper now known as Ye and white supremacist Nick Fuentes.

Trump has been condemned for dining with both men, who have espoused anti-Semitic beliefs, at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, last week.

The turtle speaks!!
Conveniently spoken by a party member that his party tries to normalize every bad thing that there is on your parties side, but then lashes out at the thing's left behind on purpose, otherwise to do exactly what you've done right here. No one's fooled by the leftist anymore.. No one !!
That would apply to extremists only. It defines who you are.

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