McConnell suggests Trump is 'highly unlikely' to win presidential election due to Ye, Fuentes dinner

That is no different than Obama Pelosi or Schumer or Biden or Hillary etc etc etc.....
Yep, they had their loyalists sheep or following also. Well I mean they had the one's that weren't fabricated by media lies, otherwise making them appear as being huge in numbers by the left winged social medias or by the MSM when they truly are still in the populations minority.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested Tuesday that Donald Trump is "highly unlikely" to regain the presidency as a result of his recent dinner with the rapper now known as Ye and white supremacist Nick Fuentes.

Trump has been condemned for dining with both men, who have espoused anti-Semitic beliefs, at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, last week.

Can anyone here imagine Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer suggesting Diaper Joe would not win an election for any reason?


McConnell is the genius criticizing the GOP running for Congress saying they were not "quality" material, while basically ignoring democrat candidates they were running against like Fetterman who is a drooling vegetable and can't utter a complete thought, or Warnock who beats his wife and abuses his tenants at his slums he runs for the poor. ,etc.

McConnell may as well be a democrat.

In fact, does McConnell have anything to say about a sitting democrat Congress woman Omar that has said openly antisemitic things, at least according to her own party, verses Trump having lunch with someone who may have been? No. Why is that? Why is it that Maxine Waters can drape herself all over Farrakhan who says the most vile anti-Jewish things with the blessings of one Mitch McConnell?
Can anyone here imagine Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer suggesting Diaper Joe would not win an election for any reason?


McConnell is the genius criticizing the GOP running for Congress saying they were not "quality" material, while basically ignoring candidates like Fetterman who is a drooling vegetable and can't utter a complete thought, or Warnock who beats his wife and abuses his tenants at his slums he runs for the poor. ,etc.

McConnell may as well be a democrat.

Remember, Traitor Mitch was campaigning against Republicans all through the mid-terms. He's afraid they would interfere with embezzling all that sweet Ukraine Cash.

McConnell casts doubt on Trump getting elected after dinner with white nationalist

Days after the disgraced former president trump’s dinner conversation with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and antisemite rapper Ye, several GOP members of Congress are timidly criticizing trump’s decision to join in that meeting.

“Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday went further than McCarthy, condemning Trump's meeting with Fuentes, opening his weekly press conference by rejecting not only ‘antisemitism’ and ‘white supremacy’ but saying Trump's association with the ideologies could keep him from winning a second term in the White House.”

“‘There is no room in the Republican Party for antisemitism or white supremacy,’ McConnell said, flanked by Republican Senate leadership. ‘And anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgment, are highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States.’”

McConnell’s statement is surprising, given the decades he, himself, has relied on the bigoted political tactics of the Republicans’ long-employed Southern Strategy. The Southern Strategy was developed during the 1960s to capitalize on the ingrained ethnic resentment in white Americans. As the decades have passed, the GOP has continually adapted the Party’s message to cultivate and nurture the racial hatred of their white voter base.

To again exploit the Republicans’ decades of conditioning their base, the dinner meeting was organized between trump, the white supremacist Fuentes, and vocal antisemite rapper, who, until recently, was known as Kanye West. Bringing the two guests to Mar-a-Lago was an effort by trump to reinvigorate his cultists’ weakened support for their beloved leader. After losing the 2020 presidential election trump spent the last two years becoming a whiny, sniveling loser. To win in 2024, trump must, again, become the hate-spewing confidence man the white working class absolutely adored in 2016. The dinner meeting at Mar-a-Lago was an excellent first step.

The MAGA base hates McConnell because they are totally down with Fuentas and his neo-Nazi views.

If You Can't Denounce Nazis.jpg

McConnell casts doubt on Trump getting elected after dinner with white nationalist

Days after the disgraced former president trump’s dinner conversation with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and antisemite rapper Ye, several GOP members of Congress are timidly criticizing trump’s decision to join in that meeting.

“Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday went further than McCarthy, condemning Trump's meeting with Fuentes, opening his weekly press conference by rejecting not only ‘antisemitism’ and ‘white supremacy’ but saying Trump's association with the ideologies could keep him from winning a second term in the White House.”

“‘There is no room in the Republican Party for antisemitism or white supremacy,’ McConnell said, flanked by Republican Senate leadership. ‘And anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgment, are highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States.’”

McConnell’s statement is surprising, given the decades he, himself, has relied on the bigoted political tactics of the Republicans’ long-employed Southern Strategy. The Southern Strategy was developed during the 1960s to capitalize on the ingrained ethnic resentment in white Americans. As the decades have passed, the GOP has continually adapted the Party’s message to cultivate and nurture the racial hatred of their white voter base.

To again exploit the Republicans’ decades of conditioning their base, the dinner meeting was organized between trump, the white supremacist Fuentes, and vocal antisemite rapper, who, until recently, was known as Kanye West. Bringing the two guests to Mar-a-Lago was an effort by trump to reinvigorate his cultists’ weakened support for their beloved leader. After losing the 2020 presidential election trump spent the last two years becoming a whiny, sniveling loser. To win in 2024, trump must, again, become the hate-spewing confidence man the white working class absolutely adored in 2016. The dinner meeting at Mar-a-Lago was an excellent first step.


Fuck McConnell. He never recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moved the American embassy there, brokered normalization accords between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and, Morocco, or had an Israeli township named after him.
Can anyone here imagine Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer suggesting Diaper Joe would not win an election for any reason?


McConnell is the genius criticizing the GOP running for Congress saying they were not "quality" material, while basically ignoring democrat candidates they were running against like Fetterman who is a drooling vegetable and can't utter a complete thought, or Warnock who beats his wife and abuses his tenants at his slums he runs for the poor. ,etc.

McConnell may as well be a democrat.

In fact, does McConnell have anything to say about a sitting democrat Congress woman Omar that has said openly antisemitic things, at least according to her own party, verses Trump having lunch with someone who may have been? No. Why is that? Why is it that Maxine Waters can drape herself all over Farrakhan who says the most vile anti-Jewish things with the blessings of one Mitch McConnell?
Very well stated.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested Tuesday that Donald Trump is "highly unlikely" to regain the presidency as a result of his recent dinner with the rapper now known as Ye and white supremacist Nick Fuentes.

Trump has been condemned for dining with both men, who have espoused anti-Semitic beliefs, at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, last week.

So, the Orange Virus accepted breaking bread with a recently demonstrative anti-Semite rapper (Ye). Enough? Hellz no. Said rapper went there specifically to ask him to be his running mate in his '24 presidential bid. :auiqs.jpg: Holy shit! Apparently, the Orange Virus was furious.:auiqs.jpg:

Was that enough? Still nope. Ye brought current 24-year-old Nazi white supremacist incel darling of the moment for magaturds, Nick Fuentes as his +1. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, and Milo Yiannopoulos was there too for some reason as well. :113:
In two years few will remember and no one will care.
Liberals will remember and scream from the rooftops. Just like that January thing, no sensible person will care and dumb liberals will scream louder. All they have is rage and hate.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested Tuesday that Donald Trump is "highly unlikely" to regain the presidency as a result of his recent dinner with the rapper now known as Ye and white supremacist Nick Fuentes.

Trump has been condemned for dining with both men, who have espoused anti-Semitic beliefs, at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, last week.

No one cares what McConnell thinks.

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