Trump Had No Choice In Ending DACA

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Liberals can stomp their feet, jump up and down, rail at the moon, and it doesn't matter.

Nine States were going to file legal action to challenge DACA in Federal Court and everyone knows the executive order was going to get shot down. DOJ is not going to spend resources defending something unconstitutional.

Trump did the right thing. Congress needs to fix Obama's mess. DACA babies having anchor babies is not going to help this country. DACA babies and their parents have already consumed Billions from taxpayers. Illegal babies from illegal babies doesn't let us control our immigration policy.

So once again, libtardo overreach ended up screwing everyone. But that's a daily occurrence in libtardo land.
I could care less if they stay, BUT in don't want them getting one damn dime of taxpayer money for more free shit period. You want to work get a visa, if not adios
A proper analysis of DACA:

"Flooding America, primarily Red States, with illegal Democrats who also serve the interests of a Big Business Complex desperate to keep wages low and unions non-existent, there is nothing our corrupt media will not do to keep that illegal flood flooding."

14 Things the MSM Won't Tell You About DACA
My main stipulations with any legislated DACA policy would be that unless you can prove you came here by legal means, you will never become a citizen, and you will never vote in an American election at any level, and that protection from deportation does not apply to any family members who were adults when they arrived.
Reagan and Bush 1 BOTH had very similar executive deferred action programs for illegal immigrants as DACA, I doubt it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL....Trump could have ordered Sessions to defend the action or fire him as he fired Acting Attrny General Yates for not defending his alleged Muslim ban....No?
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interesting how the libturds don't understand campaign promises.
Liberals can stomp their feet, jump up and down, rail at the moon, and it doesn't matter.

Nine States were going to file legal action to challenge DACA in Federal Court and everyone knows the executive order was going to get shot down. DOJ is not going to spend resources defending something unconstitutional..

You said the same thing about Obamacare being unconstitutional. And that it would be shot down by the USSC.

And that the USSC would completely throw out the stay on Trumps travel ban (you only got a partial on that one)

So don't count your chickens just yet.
Reagan and Bush 1 BOTH had very similar executive deferred action programs for illegal immigrants as DACA, I doubt it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL....Trump could have ordered Sessions to defend the action or fire him as he fired Acting Attrny General Yates for not defending his Muslim ban....No?

There was never a Muslim ban... geeze.
interesting how the libturds don't understand campaign promises.
We do. And Trump made a shit load of them. Not that you care about all but two.

But it means Trump promised to do about 50 things in his first 100 days, including repeal and replace obamacare, deport 11 million illegals, build the wall, and so much more.

And what did he accomplish? Only about 5 of his promises, and you're O.K. with that.?
interesting how the libturds don't understand campaign promises.
We do. And Trump made a shit load of them. Not that you care about all but two.

But it means Trump promised to do about 50 things in his first 100 days, including repeal and replace obamacare, deport 11 million illegals, build the wall, and so much more.

And what did he accomplish? Only about 5 of his promises, and you're O.K. with that.?
One promise fulfilled was more than we got from Obama.
Liberals can stomp their feet, jump up and down, rail at the moon, and it doesn't matter.

Nine States were going to file legal action to challenge DACA in Federal Court and everyone knows the executive order was going to get shot down. DOJ is not going to spend resources defending something unconstitutional..

You said the same thing about Obamacare being unconstitutional. And that it would be shot down by the USSC.

And that the USSC would completely throw out the stay on Trumps travel ban (you only got a partial on that one)

So don't count your chickens just yet.

It was unconstitutional. No one predicted CJ Roberts would rule that obama care wasn't a tax to give them jurisdiction to hear the case, but was a tax to make it constitutional.

The federal government hasn't been given authority over american health care. Simple as that.
My main stipulations with any legislated DACA policy would be that unless you can prove you came here by legal means, you will never become a citizen,.

So you believe the children had a say in how they came to America? Or that they even knew they weren't born in the USA? And can you really hold someone criminally liable, when the act committed was done by their parents, and they had no "criminal intent" to commit it, plus they were a minor.
Ending DACA and DAPA was a campaign promise. Thank you Mr. President.

But amnesty is coming.
Maybe the illegals running to Canada can get amnesty from them.

You know, it's funny you say that. When my folks moved here my dad worked for a fish company called sea catch. This Canadian dude he worked with said that the wetbacks ARE making it to Canada and are becoming equally annoying to them.
Ending DACA and DAPA was a campaign promise. Thank you Mr. President.

But amnesty is coming.

Unquestionably ---- but we have to realize it is the only viable answer to a difficult situation, whether we like it or not.

The real question is what do we do to make sure it doesn't happen again?

Not really. Grayhound needs the business. Give them a belogna sandwich and a moon pie and send them back to Mexico.
Reagan and Bush 1 BOTH had very similar executive deferred action programs for illegal immigrants as DACA, I doubt it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL....Trump could have ordered Sessions to defend the action or fire him as he fired Acting Attrny General Yates for not defending his Muslim ban....No?

There was never a Muslim ban... geeze.
My mistake, you are right....I meant to add in, alleged Muslim ban.... I could not think of another name to call it....

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